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Cena begging for his job on Twitter

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Pre-Show Stalwart
So Cena's been begging for his job on Twitter and he even apologized to The Rock, do you think this is going to affect the current storyline? If Vince decided to go back on his word because because he begged on Twitter I will be pissed off, they've had such a great run with this story and one of the best matches in WWE history...and Vince decides not to fire Cena because the 'CeNation' took to Twitter. I was hyped for RAW, but now, not so much...

What are your thoughts on this.
I highly doubt this will affect his current storyline. The WWE has managed to ignore just about everything else any WWE star has posted on Twitter of Facebook, so I very much doubt they'll bring this up.

I'm also not so sure how much we can chalk this up to being Cena's own doing. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that he posted all this at the request of the WWE creative team, and I'd be only slightly surprised to learn that his Twitter was hacked by a very creative trouble maker.

It's certainly interesting, especially the apology to Rock, but I doubt this will amount to anything in the realm of kayfabe.
it would be lamer than last time he was fired. They need to either keep him fired for awhile or come up with a damn good reason to hire him back right away.

I just read the tweets. Im not sure who comes up with the things for wrestlers to tweet, but if their intention is to make Cena look like a whiny phony child they are doing a good job.
I strongly doubt that this will vary any outcome that Vince had planned as a LOT of WWE fans don't have Twitter, and obviously the WWE doesn't expect fans to tune in to Twitter to keep up with storylines.

It's most likely just Cena selling the storyline even more by making it look like he's actually getting fired. I think he's the only WWE Superstar that doesn't break Kayfabe, and personally I find it annoying. Evening if he is trying to help his storyline.

I hope Vince doesnt fire him. Because Vince already crying about Ratings so if he fire Cena noone will watch because the best Superstars will be gone, we lost Punk and Now if John Cena get Fired we loss Cena. Who agrees with me?
I hope Vince doesnt fire him. Because Vince already crying about Ratings so if he fire Cena noone will watch because the best Superstars will be gone, we lost Punk and Now if John Cena get Fired we loss Cena. Who agrees with me?

I sure as hell hope you are trolling or joking. Cena is not fired, its called a wrestling storyline.

The tweets make him look terrible, they need to keep it serious or this whole thing will fall apart. Apologizing to everyone makes him look like a baby who is now mad that his boss followed through on his threats.

They could stand to lose him for a while, he is stale stale stale. Come back after a vacay and it will be somewhat fresh again.

Cena will be back, don't you even doubt that. When, is the only question. I've read somewhere, don't know if it's true or not, that Cena wants a little time off. But I definitely expect him back by Survivor Series at the latest, probably by Summerslam. In my opinion keeping up with this for a while is good thing, contrary to popular belief on here WWE is not gonna sink without Cena around. And if they rely on him that much, then that is the problem. Maybe it will give other guys the opportunities to become stars in the meantime, and allow his feud with the Rock to heat up when he gets back.

Absolutely agree, they need to follow through on this angle, and the best way to do that is to keep both Punk and Cena off TV for quite some time. Imagine the explosion when both of them unexpectedly return. Also, its not a bad thing to let some of the younger and newer guys step up in their absence.
They Are NOT Gonna Fire Cena They Have been hyping up Cena vs The Rock At Next Years Wrestlemania So I Really Doubt They Will Fire Him
nwo/the.band..What the hell are you on about "Cena Hater"? The dude said one thing about whats happening tonight and he is automatically a hater? And so what if he is? Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

This is obviously Cena selling his situation to the world via Twitter. Definatly Kayfabe.

Although his messages to Dwayne sound a little like he is sucking up to him, I think that was a bad move on his part. What will become of the rivalry now Cena has appologised?
I think Cena has too much value to WWE that he wouldn't be fired. If anything, this is a momentary leave for Cena for some reason.
So Cena's been begging for his job on Twitter and he even apologized to The Rock, do you think this is going to affect the current storyline? If Vince decided to go back on his word because because he begged on Twitter I will be pissed off, they've had such a great run with this story and one of the best matches in WWE history...and Vince decides not to fire Cena because the 'CeNation' took to Twitter. I was hyped for RAW, but now, not so much...

What are your thoughts on this.

Cena will be back, don't you even doubt that. When, is the only question. I've read somewhere, don't know if it's true or not, that Cena wants a little time off. But I definitely expect him back by Survivor Series at the latest, probably by Summerslam. In my opinion keeping up with this for a while is good thing, contrary to popular belief on here WWE is not gonna sink without Cena around. And if they rely on him that much, then that is the problem. Maybe it will give other guys the opportunities to become stars in the meantime, and allow his feud with the Rock to heat up when he gets back.
I really dont understand where you see him begging? For me I think hes doing the best he can do to help the story line. This is trying to make more realism to the story line so i think they are doing a good job at it. Him not showing up to raw and having punk show up at raw would be both beneficial for the story line as of right now.
The begging is kayfabe. Cena has needed some time off and they want him healthy for WM against Rock. He's begging for character purposes.
So I'm sitting around reading every post about how cena is going to get his job back and what not, and that's obviously true, but I don't think it will be soon, my thought is that Vince has used this chance to get cena off tv so he won't be injured come mania time, given cena won't be gone until mania but it's a thought, my question is if cena gets "fired" how long will he be gone and who will fill the raw main event gap
You guys are amazing. No WWE wrestler takes a piss without Vince saying yes. It is all a work, even CM Punk supposed "Shoot". Vince rules and that is the bottom line in WWE
Cena being written off TV is a great thing for the WWE. The guy needs a rest period to heal up. He's been going straight at it for too long, give the guy a rest.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a surprise return or roster jump. Maybe get someone from SmackDown! (not sure who could really fill that void though). Maybe Trips can return for a while? Who knows really. It's kind've up in the air. Guess we have to wait and see.
I'm writting this right before Vince announces what happens to Cena so lets see if I'm right...

Cena wont be out for more than two weeks, in fact I see Vince announcing some stupid stipulation for Cena to get his job back. Everyones talking about money and viewership in regards to Cena being gone, and thats not the case. RAW is very stale without him, wether you like him or you hate him you can testify to that. Theres nobody else around to carry the brand in his absence, (although I see Rey taking the title tonight). Vince will say how he cant afford to miss out on that MW28 main event and will reinstate Cena but on some special condititions.
Does anyone know what's going on with Dave Batista, Chris Jericho & Brock Lesnar? I know there's been rumors going around that all 3 might return. Might we see one of them fill the void?

I agree, Cena deserves a break, but he needs to come back in some capacity soonish to continue hyping Rock vs Cena. Rock sounds like he might be on tonight. His facebook page uploaded an awesome promo he cut against Cena, and was talking about making a return to face Cena man to man "in the place where it all began", which I believe WAS Chicago, an earlier promo from this year had Rock talking about how it was the place it all began for him, so I think that's what he means... /shrug what do I know though.
Every things still the same cena isn't fired punk has resigned wwe keep plugging twitter 2nyt and cena & punk have been updating there status all day.
RAW is very stale without him, wether you like him or you hate him you can testify to that.

I wouldn't agree with that personally.

When he's on Raw, the show's stale and we have to put up with his incredibly lame and scripted promos, his usual dominance (writers at fault there admittedly) and his "same old, same old" matches (blame WWE limiting wrestlers in the ring as well as the man himself for not being able to put on a compelling match unless he has an opponent who knows how to do it right like last night).

While I only started watching WWE again after the initial CM Punk promo weeks back, I found myself only enjoying the Punk moments. When it was the July 4th episode revolving around Vince and Cena and the comments from a week earlier, the show sucked quite frankly.

Now I'm watching tonight and without Cena......I wouldn't say it's better and I wouldn't say it's worse without him. It's just....there.

The state WWE has been in for as long as I remember, with or without Cena it's all the same bland, boring, stale product.

Who could step up and fill his place?

I was hoping it would be one guy but without giving spoilers away, coming up next we have the main event with the two guys I predicted to be in the WWE champion position after the guy I wanted to win was beaten. One is a washed up guy who's suffered too many knee injuries to be as exciting to watch as he was in his younger days before he came to WWE and the other is a guy who I still don't think deserved to win the Tag, US, WWE titles or MITB and who I personally believe to be an overrated and glorified midcarder at best given the main event push because they're desperate to make new stars out of the bland, cookie cutter "talent" that development has made since the greats of OVW (Orton, Batista, Lesnar to name a few) had already been established on the main rosters.

Nothing happens when Cena's on the show, nothing happens when Cena's sitting at home. That's basically the only way I can describe WWE's product.
I doubt Cena will be off TV for very long. CM Punk leaving and Big Show taking time off, the RAW roster has gaps to be filled. Taking Cena off TV won't help.

Looking at the Roster in the Tournament tonight may point out the obivious lack of star power on the show. Cena off TV could give a guy like Kofi or Mysterio a chance as top face on RAW for awhile but Cena draws ratings, crowd reaction and money. I don't think he'll be gone for long.
The next PPV is Summerfest...err SummerSlam. Which is the 2nd biggest event next to WM every year. I highly doubt John Cena will be left out of the main event let alone off the card completely.
It wil give The Rock new ammo but in terms of Cena actually begging for his job, like I said before it's probably all storyline, What happened on tonight's RAW and before is all storyline.
Fuck WWE. Cena didn't/hasn't been fired, next week he will be in action with the winner of the tournament and beat him with his five moves and his 'super cena' ways.

I'm finished watching this garbage week after week, PPV after PPV. CM Punk was the best thing to happen to the whole industry and made WWE interesting these past few months I have been watching

Fuck you Cena, fuck you ...
Fuck WWE. Cena didn't/hasn't been fired, next week he will be in action with the winner of the tournament and beat him with his five moves and his 'super cena' ways.

I'm finished watching this garbage week after week, PPV after PPV. CM Punk was the best thing to happen to the whole industry and made WWE interesting these past few months I have been watching

Fuck you Cena, fuck you ...
lol what a mark.
let's play a game, no, a drinking game called "IWC slogans".
1)Fuck WWE
2)five moves
3)super Cena
4)I finished watching this *insert derrogatory term*
5)*insert net darling* was the best thing on the show

For those of you playing at home, take 5 shots of your favorite drink.

Seriously dude....seriously? After Cena cuts awesome promos, intelligent promos if you pull your head out of your ass, on Rock, on Punk, on Vince tonight, after he works his ass off and has a great match with Punk. You STILL pull this?

If Cena sucks so bad in the ring, explain his great matches, and variety of matches against JBL and Umaga (hardcore) against Batista (clash of the superstar babyfaces) against Jericho and HBK (straight up wrestling) against RVD and CM Punk (battle of ideologies with a hostile crowd).

the guy really IS one of the best workers in the world and I guarantee if he cussed and was a good guy but with a bad streak, or a bad guy with an honorable side, you'd be nutting all over your keyboard for him. however, because he's a cheesey all american babyface and it's NOT cool to like that (actually the trend is that people finally realize he's good, you're behind) that you don't like him. First off, the whole "Cena is teh sux" trend started dying off in late 2009, you're behind. Second, stop being an IWC tool and think for yourself for once.

If you're going to bitch about PG, look at WWE's 2010 annual report. http://ir.corporate.wwe.com/FinancialDocs.aspx?iid=4121687
In their annual report they give numbers and reasons why they went PG and good reasons why they feel PG is the right way to go. Read through it, it makes sense. Pretty fun too. Be an intelligent fan if you're going to post your opinion. Figure out why things aren't booked exactly how YOU want them to be.
Didn't they mention on the show how many E-mails WWE got in response to Cena? I just wonder what percent of them asked Vince to go ahead with the firing. (I also wonder if this served a purpose other than for WWE to get a list of E-mail addresses (honestly, what mark is smart enough to use a fake "From" address?) to add to its spamming list.)

Does anyone know what's going on with Dave Batista, Chris Jericho & Brock Lesnar? I know there's been rumors going around that all 3 might return. Might we see one of them fill the void?
Something tells me Vince and Jericho are not exactly buddy-buddy after Undisputed and far one too many references to "matches that are buried and technically don't exist" (i.e. matches with REDACTED).
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