Casket Match: Undertaker vs. Big Show


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Warning, the following thread contains spoilers for a match not yet released, but will be announced on the upcoming Smackdown!


As hinted to with a match on Halloween night, the Undertaker will face off against the Big Show in a Casket Match. For me, I don't like these two facing off with each other. They have faced off multiple times, and have failed to produce any great moments. Scratch that, the chokeslam from hell threw the ring was bad ass.

Anyways, that was ten eyars ago, and about ten feuds between these two ago as well. Hopefully this match will end this feud. I seriously believe that Edge is going to make his presence known, but I'm not sure how. I think that Edge is returning face, but you never know.
I have high hopes for Edge interference here. He pulled the same move at last year's Survivor Series in the HIAC match, so why not? The only problem is interfering in this match means either a face turn or continuation of the 'Taker feud. I'm fairly sure the 'Taker-Edge feud is supposed to be gone for now, so if Edge comes in, I think it would have to mean a face turn.

Then again, he might wind up interfering in the Triple H match (whomever it may be against, I haven't read the spoilers outside of this match), and if he screws over HHH then that sets up an inevitable WM match as a heel.

Anyway, as for the match, well, it won't be anything stellar. I was a big fan of the LMS match at Cyber Sunday and I think that's going to be the climax for these two. Casket Match is a good way to write off the feud and move 'Taker into a new program, hopefully putting over a young heel. I assume 'Taker will win here, if it is the end of the feud. If Show wins I suppose this continues on till Armageddon, perhaps 'till the Rumble by one eliminating the other.

Hopefully this ends now so Undertaker can get on to something new and Show whatever Show does. This program is not exactly stellar, and the whole program is just for turning Show face. Good LMS match at Cyber Sunday, nothing much more should come out of the Casket Match here.
As stated above, this would be a killer spot for Edge to return. He could just jump out of the casket and say he's back from hell or something. I don't know, but it sounds cool.

However, if the match is to end clean, I think it is definately the end of this feud for the time being. For it to end, it needs to be Taker winning, or else there would be another return match in the future. Besides, this is Taker's match, and he has beaten plenty of big guys in casket matches in the past. It is unfortunate, but I see Big Show getting buried here.

I don't think that it will be a show stealing match, nor am I that excited to see it. I tuned out on the casket match on smackdown, and now another one in the same month seems a bit much. Not to mention this would be another meeting of Show/Taker, and I'm getting bored with their stale matches. The Last Man Standing match was passable, but barely, and the knockout finish the month before left much to be desired.

Taker needs some time to recouperate, and if him losing this match does that, I'm all for it. However, it should be in screwjob fashion, as to prevent a revenge match later. Besides, aren't screwjobs what Survivor Series is all about?
Snore fest. I really don't find the feud to be entertaining one bit and the thought of another match makes me sleepy to tell you the truth. Hopefully with this match there is a few cool spots involving weapons or something to make it entertaining. This would be a good time to have Edge return(didn't he return at Survivor Series last year)but if he does return I hope his feud with the Undertaker doesn't countinue since it is over and stale. Maybe Edge will return as a tweener and will take them both out. Who know's but this match to me doesn't get me excited and if Edge doesn't interfer I see taker taking this one.
It will be an OK match, but nothing special. Anyone remember the casket match Taker had with Heidenreich at RR 05? And how Kane waited in the casket and came out and helped Taker? I see Edge hiding in the casket and then when he jumps out, he somehow costs Big Show the match. Or they could do a spot where he sears Taker through the casket, but i'm not sure where they could go from there. There will be a lot of weapons involved, and I see Taker suicide diving over the top rope and casket, like the casket match vs Mark Henry. This will either be a no contest due to Edge interfering, or Taker will win it. But I don't see Big Show winning here, it wouldn't make any sense.
This will be a snooze fest. I can go ahead and predict that Undertaker will win by gogoplata. The only reason they're continuing this feud is because niether Bigshow or Taker has anything better to do. It should be a pretty boring match just like their Cyber sunday match. I'm not looking forward to this at all.
Two huge guys wrestling each other. Sounds pretty kick ass to me. It's always a money maker too. Add in the fact that it is a stipulation match, with that stipulation being a Casket Match then it should give them enough room to work with and have fun. It will be a good hard hitting affair, nothing too great but Im sure it will be a brawl. Which is good enough for me. The only thing that leaves me shaking my head is the fact that it does nothing to further either Big Show or Taker. But it should be fun to watch at least.
The feud so far has been surprisingly entertaining. I didn't think they'd work well together, who would I, they've not before. But so far they have. But I think this match might be the end of the quality bouts. I just don't see it working. Casket Match in general are slow, so with Big Show involved it'll be even worse.

That being said, I'm spreading the word. Jeff Hardy is turining heel, so this should have a very intresting outcome.
It will be an OK match, but nothing special. Anyone remember the casket match Taker had with Heidenreich at RR 05? And how Kane waited in the casket and came out and helped Taker? I see Edge hiding in the casket and then when he jumps out, he somehow costs Big Show the match. Or they could do a spot where he sears Taker through the casket, but i'm not sure where they could go from there. There will be a lot of weapons involved, and I see Taker suicide diving over the top rope and casket, like the casket match vs Mark Henry. This will either be a no contest due to Edge interfering, or Taker will win it. But I don't see Big Show winning here, it wouldn't make any sense.

The only problem with this is that Edge and Undertaker have already had a big feud, and I can't see the WWE continuing it. Anyway, how can a Casket Match end in a No Contest?

This will be a snooze fest. I can go ahead and predict that Undertaker will win by gogoplata. The only reason they're continuing this feud is because niether Bigshow or Taker has anything better to do. It should be a pretty boring match just like their Cyber sunday match. I'm not looking forward to this at all.

Only way to win a Casket match is to lock your opponent in the casket, no pinfall or submission. At least that is the case according to the WWE website (

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Only way to win a Casket match is to lock your opponent in the casket, no pinfall or submission. At least that is the case according to the WWE website (

usually the undertaker hits either a tombstone or a choke slam into the casket, or hits his finisher and rolls the guy into the casket. since i'm pretty sure UT won't be picking up big show anytime soon he will put him in the gotogplate big show will pass out and UT will roll him in. to win. I really think big show needs to win here a loss never really hurts the UT but no one will buy big show challenging hhh without defeating the undertaker.
I thinkt his will be a decent match, so far the feud has been great in my opinion and they have worked well together. its surprising how well the fued has gone considering the size of the two men involved, They are both huge men and are very atheltic for their respective sizes. The matches they have had before this have been very good with Show winning one then predictably The Undertaker winning the other. any match with Taker in is good. This match i can't see Show winning, although it would be a shock i still can't see him winning. This is Taker's "specialty" match if you like and if he loses here then it will be very suprising.

I hope we see Tables spots and more weapons used even though it is just a casket match. Things like this make the match more exciting
This has "CRAP" written all over it. These guys suck together. They suck apart. These guys suck.

Their matches have been boring and bland. The feud has been boring. Everything about them is just.. Well, boring. I'm not looking forward to this match at all. I'll probably take a potty break during it. Lame. Taker wins, like always, further burying Show.
I will make my prediction of the return of Edge right here. Show, Chavo, and familia are destorying Taker, they go to open the casket, out pops Edge. Fantastically fantastic. anyways...

Well looks like this thing is coming to a head. good. Althought these two have far, FAR exceeded expectations, I cant think this is gonna KEEP being good, and thus, a end to the program is needed. Id say this has successfully pushed big show to being a ME heel, and could segway nicely into the return of Edge, the two things I figured this feud was done to accomplish. Canty say exactly which way I think this will go, but it will most likely be VERY slow, as casket matches tend to be anyway, without Taker having to work with someone of the sloth-like speed of Big Show.
I'm still a fan of Casket Matches and I can see Undertaker winning this match. Edge could return during this match, but without turning face that would continue the Taker and Edge fued. But I think the match will be good and there will be some interference, but from who I do not know yet. Should be good though.
Everyone keeps saying Edge should return and turn face. The main problem I see with that is Edge would have to help the Undertaker to accomplish that and that would make absolutely no sense at all. I do think he should return at SS but maybe after the WWE title match. He could spear the winner. Or they could wait until Armageddon and him and Christian could come out together and then challenge the Colons for the Tag titles and win. I'd mark out personally. Now as far as the casket match I think taker will win and end this feud so they can go onto other things. Taker will feud with a returning Umaga and Show will feud with Hardy/HHH.
I've never been a fan of casket matches personally. Most, if not all of them include the Undertaker, and they are usually slow and unentertaining matches. The ending always ends by something simple such as "rolling" them into the casket after a tombstone. Simple endings like that make the casket match gimmick lose credibility. Anyway it should be a decent 10 minute match, but I doubt it will be as good as their previous bouts due to the poor gimmick. This feud has actually suprised me as being pretty good. Vickie hasn't been the main focus of the feud which is why I think it has been so successful.

My concern is how the Big Show is going to fit in the casket if he were to lose the match. But for some reason I just get the feeling that if the Undertaker wins, the feud will have to come to an end, but I'd rather this not end here at Survivor Series. Anyway, I think the Big Show will win this match. I'm not a fan of feuds ending in Casket matches though. Anyway my prediction is that the Big Show will win and will attempt to set the casket on fire, but the door opens and outcomes Edge to get revenge on Vickie and to commence his feud with the Big Show. Edge gets a shot at the Big Show at Armegeddon while Taker does nothing for 3 weeks.

Since the WWE has said they want Edge away from the Undertaker, and since Jeff Hardy has basically turned into a heel/tweener, I think Edge should return as a face and feud with the Big Show. Edge has been a heel for a long time now, so I think it's time for the guy to turn face. If Edge doesn't return here, then this match will be boring and uninteresting with the Undertaker losing to truly put over Show as a heel main eventer on Smackdown.
i too belive this will lead to an Edge return. Even though this is supposed to be Cena's night, as well as the PPV return of Randy Orton (lol, and William Regal for that matter, who i don't think has wrestled on PPV since December 2006!), i think they could throw in a shocker with an unexpected Edge return. Hell, that's exactly what happened last year wasn't it?

I personally see Show winning this one. Sure it's Taker's match but he often loses Casket matches, just like he often loses Buried Alive matches which are also his specialities.

If Edge DOES come back, it should be to screw Taker, but not suddenly be all pally with Big Show either. He should still stand alone wanting to get vengeance on Vickie and nothing else, playing the part of the insane tweener like Jeff Hardy is currently trying (and failing) to do.
I'm not expecting much from this. None of the matches in the Bigshow vs Undertaker series have been good. I can almost gurantee a Undertaker win and Bigshow disappearing for a while. One thing that could be interesting is if Edge interferes and costs Bigshow the match. Then we'd have to suffer seeing Edge turn face and feud with La Familia fo months!!!!!! I see this bieng a bore fest. But i hope that i get suprised and it's the greatest casket match ever.

Undertaker wins after gogoplating Bigshow into sleepy land and rolling him into the casket

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