Casey Anthony mask sold for $1 million dollars on Ebay

Kenny Powers

Bulletproof Tiger
It seems that a Los Angeles Ebay user put 6 Casey Anthony masks up for sale on Ebay and the winning bid for one mask was $999,900. Here is the link:

The masks are causing a lot of controversy with people and the media saying the masks are tasteless and that its wrong for anyone to capitalize from the death of Caylee Anthony. What do you think? Do you think its wrong in America for someone to make money this way or is it totally justified?
Holy crap....That mask is scary!
I didnt expect that at all. I dont think its right at all.
A little girl was killed, no matter what, this person obviously doesnt care about anyone but himself.
I find the very thought of someone WANTING these masks to be incredibly controversial, although that might very well have been the intention of the masks' creator in the first place. What she did was awful and no one should want to be seen wearing a mask that looks like her unless there is something very wrong with that person. The controversial issue here is the very reason the masks sold so highly, because people know it will become worth a ton of money. Seriously, what is WRONG with our society sometimes!?
I don't see a problem with it from a sellers perspective. If a child has to die, someone might as well benefit from it. Its not like she'd still be alive if the mask wasn't sold.

however, I do agree that who ever wanted that mask (especially wanted it bad enough to pay a million fucking dollars for it) is fucked up in the head.
You can argue about morals and if it was even human to sell such a mask. A mask which portrays the emotionless face that all of America painted as a killer. Whether or not it was evil should not be a concern. The sale of the mask is legal. The man made a 1million dollars legally. So I have no problem with this.
You can argue about morals and if it was even human to sell such a mask. A mask which portrays the emotionless face that all of America painted as a killer. Whether or not it was evil should not be a concern. The sale of the mask is legal. The man made a 1million dollars legally. So I have no problem with this.

Exactly.. the person who bought the mask probably wants to sell the mask at a higher price or wants attention from buying it. Not a problem here even with morals included.

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