Carlito in TNA.

What should Carlito do?

  • Go to TNA.

  • Go to WWE.

  • Go to WWC (where he started/fathers promotion).

  • Carlito sucks, he's a drug addict and should never wrestle again.

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Goliath Uterus

Getting Noticed By Management
For a few years now, Carlito has been underutilized in the WWE, sure lots of you posters out there will say "he had his chances but blew him, he's a drug addict, he's sloppy, boring blah, blah blah," but i'll stay say he was underutilized. I know he had a thing w/Ric Flair, I know he had a thing w/John Cena but i never felt that they let him really make a name for himself and let himself shine. He has great mic skills, I personally think he's fantastic in the ring (sloppy?) and has a great gimmick as a heel (cocky carribean guy who spits in the face of "uncool" people. Now we all know Carlito got released from WWE, when i heard the news i was super excited cause there is a chance of him going to TNA, do you guys wanna see him in TNA? If so, how should they push him? And what should his gimmick be?
At this point, I think that Carlito would be better off just heading back to WWC. I've little doubt that he can make a good living there. I agree that Carlito has been underutilized and think he's a really good in-ring performer. It's not really so much the drugs that've hurt Carlito, but there have been times when the guy just doesn't give a shit and you can practically see it written on his face.

TNA already has an overly bloated roster with plenty of wrestlers that aren't used for television and ppvs. TNA also already gets a good deal of criticism for bringing in former WWE talent and pushing them rather than spending the effort in building homegrown or indy talent. Carlito would probably be well suited for the X-Division, but even most X-Division wrestlers aren't used. For the most part, the X-Division right now consists primarily of Doug Williams, Kazarian and Brian Kendrick. I just have a feeling that Carlito would be lost in the crowd if he went to TNA. Most of what we've seen out of Carlito in the WWE has been over on ECW or Superstars. TNA doesn't have a second show and there doesn't seem to be one starting up anytime soon, so I don't think Carlito would be all that much better off in TNA than he was in WWE. It's just a shame his drug problems got him fired in the WWE as he and his brother were on the verge of actually getting pushed to something meaningful.
he actually was a real good part of wwe until this past year. his storyline w\ cena was great and he has had a few good runs, especially with primo as the tag champs. he has a perfect gimmick, has got the look& comes from a wrestling family. carlito just needs to get back in shape & clean up. he might have a chance to come back but might be better off in tna. he has his dads promotion to fall back on but he could have a good few runs at the xdivision title & would be a great tag partner for most anyone on the midcard roster. just think... homicide, jay lethal, kaz... those could be some great matches. plus he always could cut a good promo so would fit in w\ the pope, kennedy, etc...

While I do think he's the type of wrestler that the X Division could use, at this point in time the TNA roster is too bloated with a lot of dead weight, which pushes him out of a spot. There's just no place for him... yet.

I'd bring in Shane Helms before I brought in Carlito who seems like a bit of a one-trick pony right now.

Great wrestling heritage, good ring skill and plenty of charisma, but there's simply no room right now.
TNA's roster is just to large right now and like many guys, Carlito would just get lost in the shuffle. As many have said before me, Carlito is a good in ring talent and has good charisma but he just doesn't give a shit. You can read it in his body language. TNA is better off not bringing another guy into the company, especially one who isn't very interested in what he is doing.

If Carlito continues to wrestle it makes most sense for him to just go back to the WWC. He was already a mega star their and can easily make a good living with that promotion seeing his and his families history with the company. I think he would be better used and could get away with his lack of passion better. WWC is the best fit for Carlito right now.

He fits in their. If he can get back on track and try to lay low on the pills, he can get back to the WWE and continue where he left off. He was about to be given a storyline with Primo against the Hart Dynasty. A STORYLINE. Hasen't happened to him in a while. He wouldn't fit into TNA because TNA doesn't need Carlito, they need homegrown wrestlers, not WWE rejects. Everytime Carlito stepped in the ring, he has put on a great performance. I don't know about you guys, but he should go back to the WWE.
TNA also already gets a good deal of criticism for bringing in former WWE talent and pushing them rather than spending the effort in building homegrown or indy talent.

I dont think they care, nor should they.

It's just a shame his drug problems got him fired in the WWE as he and his brother were on the verge of actually getting pushed to something meaningful.

I know, especially w/the Tag Team division making a resurgance i was excited to see The Colons/Hart Dynasty/Usos.

he always could cut a good promo so would fit in w\ the pope, kennedy, etc...

There is something i forgot to mention, his promos are fucking awesome. This is the sole reason that i think he is pretty much better suited for the Heavyweight division than the X Division.

Great wrestling heritage, good ring skill and plenty of charisma, but there's simply no room right now.

For a guy like Carlito, (even in the overcrowded black hole they call TNA) I think you make room. I dont think anyone else understands how big I think this guy can be, Im talking BIG, like one of the top heels in the organazation, I think he's just that talented.

Carlito is a good in ring talent and has good charisma but he just doesn't give a shit. You can read it in his body language. TNA is better off not bringing another guy into the company, especially one who isn't very interested in what he is doing.

I think that the reason he looked so uninterested is because the WWE wasnt giving him shit to do and he was tired with the way things work there, if put in a new enviornement with a nice push i think we'll see the Carlito that we saw when he first came to the WWE. Plus if he wrestles like that when he isnt into it just imagine how good he'll be when he is. So all in all i think TNA is the way to go, hopefully they'll see what i see in him and he'll become a top star, or maybe im just a wishful thinker.
Normally, as with most other recent WWE departures, I'd say that TNA has enough talent and they don't need anymore. But let's look at some facts from my point of view here.

When I was a kid I loved The Ultimate Warrior. When I was a teenager I loved Sting and Rob Van Dam. Who are my favorites now? In TNA it's AJ Styles. In WWE it was Carlito. Look at the rest of my examples. They're all top stars in the history of the business and I liked these guys at first glimpse. For Carlito to make it on my list the guy must have something.

The backstabber is the best heel finisher I've ever seen. Not wow factor wise but heel psychology wise. He's great on the mic and personally I think people mistake his "laziness". He's got a nonchalant, laid back, character. That type of character is supposed to look lazy to some extent. His character is too cool to care and obviously he's pretty good at it. Seriously though, stop and think about his character for a second. Wouldn't seeming lazy come in to play?

Ever since I read that one news report about Carlito being lazy that's all anyone ever has to say about him. Before that I never heard anything negative about Carlito. You are able to form your own opinion you know. Dirt sheets aren't gospel.

TNA has all of my old and new favorite wrestlers. I'm all for them adding my last favorite to the mix. How could I lose?
I voted go back to WWC. WWE is done with him for the foreseeable future, this we know. I am with a lot of you on the feeling that he was underused in WWE as well. I will will say however it is easy to overlook the degree of success he did have with that outlook. He did have numerous I.C. runs, tag team runs, the u.s. title, Carlito's Cabana which was pretty huge for a while, and consistently used him somewhere even if not in the major title picture.

I don't think TNA is the route for him to go either. A lot of you have said the same based on the size of their roster, that is not my concern. Given all his ability I don't think he is someone they really need. Sure he is a good wrestler, he has all this charisma on and on and on, but take a look at how many guys on the TNA roster already have all that, and take a look at how many of them are stuck as shit doing nothing. Nothing he has to offer is going to make TNA any better and it's not really going to enrich his career. TNA will be fine without him, let him go do his own thing.

WWC is the place where he can be useful, where he can be the character you all call for him to be, and where his own ambitions can be fulfilled. He doesn't like being a small fish in a big pond at WWE? Fine, go to Puerto Rico help your dad make some money and be the man there, whatever makes you happy or makes you give a shit.
I dont think they care, nor should they.

Maybe they should as most of the fans that make up TNA's audience are internet fans. A large portion of TNA's audience has stopped watching iMPACT! and I think it's fair to say that some have done so because of TNA putting over WCW and/or WWE talent rather than their own.

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