Carlito Disses Impact... Why?

Thanks for seeing my point. And yeah, Undertaker is way over. Wonder why? Rhetorical Q. I think gimmicks in wrestling are great. But okay, I can definitely respect that Abyss is not for everyone. But I'd be hard pressed to bash the guy and/or angle. I mean, how many big men with a 'dark' gimmick can cut a promo? Certainly, those are few and far between. Boss Man was great, Bam Bam, Undertaker, Vader (so-so) hmm... I'm sure there are others. Just too sick to think of them at the moment. And while those are not 'dark' characters, they are big men who can cut a decent promo. Abyss deserves credit for that. He's pretty good on the mic.

But yeah, torture scenes are not for everyone... anyway, I just wanted to put my piece in here before everyone jumps on the Carlito bandwagon ;)

I can't wait for 10-10-10... and I so want a cult stable in TNA :worship:

EDIT: About Lacey, come on guys. She's really grown into her airhead gimmick (?). And while not the greatest in-ring performer, let's not forget that she's super green and she's still around, trying hard not to come off as pathetic as she did in the first few months. Do I prefer ODB, KONG and Flash? F-YES! But they are gone. I've gotten over it. And Lacey... well, Lacey is Lacey for bettter or worse lol

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