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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Wrestler's Real Name: Cammy Forde
Wrestler's Gimmick Name:CardiffCam
Wrestlers Nickname: "The Arrogant Assasin"
Height: 6"3'
Weight: 190 Pounds
Hometown: Cardiff, Wales
Billed From: Cardiff, Wales
-----------Hair color/length: Long, naturally brown hair, a constantly swished fringe.
-----------Eye color: Blue
-----------Facial Hair: small stubble
-----------Ring Attire: Black, leathery get up, like something out of the matrix
-----------Backstage Attire: Casual clothes
-----------Physical Features: Quite muscular, tall and lean. Kind of a Kurt Angle-esque body shape, but taller.
-----------Tattoos: none
Alignment(Face or Heel NOT tweener...I repeat, do not put tweener down!): Heel
Gimmick: An arrogant and cocky wrestler, who describes his enemies as being on his hitlist, and takes them out like an assasin.
Strength/Weakness: Great technical wrestler, decent high flier, not very good in the power game.
Trained By: "The Welsh Wonder" Redragon

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: Was born in Wales, and was a very strong patriot, learning the language. Met Redragon, Wales' most famous wrestler who agreed to train him. Dragon organized for him to travel to the states to begin becoming a member of the WZCW roster.
Title History: None.
Entrance Music: "The Guillotine" By Escape The Fate
Entrance description: The sound of a loaded gun is heard, then with a shot of pyro the opening lyrics are heard- "So Lock and Load! Mercenaries!", and CardiffCam sprints down the aisle. He stops at the bottom, and mimicks a sniper aimed at the crowd. He gets up on the apron, and makes the sniper motion to a particular member of the crowd before climnbing in, and making the sniper taunt towards either his opponent or the entrance ramp, depending on when he entered.

Finishers: "The Final Shot" (Edgecution) - Main Finisher
"The Welsh Burial" (Sitdown Piledriver) - Secondary Finisher

15 Most used moves:
The No-Scope (STO)
"The Aerial Assault" (Frog Splash)
High Angle Spinebuster
Death Valley Driver
Inverted DDT
Camel Clutch
Sidewalk Slam
Sidewalk Slam Style Backbreaker
Inverted Atomic Drop
Diving Crossbody
Diving Elbow Drop

Sample RP:
Interviewer- Hello CardiffCam, and welcome to WZCW. You are one of many applicants we have here. Could you tell us what you bring to the table?

CardiffCam- What do I bring to the table... what do I bring to the table... *chuckles*. Well, I come to WZCW with one goal. I'm not aiming low. I'm not aiming for the tag belts, I'm not aiming for the midcard belts, I'm aiming right for the World Title. See I have a hitlist. This hitlist is going to lead me straight to that which I crave so dearly. I'll take out every chump and jabroni one by one, and when all the bodies are scattered on the floor, and I cross out the final name on my hitlist, and raise the title aloft, I will know my work will be done.

Interview- Everyone we interview aims high, but what can you bring in terms of skills in the ring?

CardiffCam- I scout out my opponents you see. I watch my television, I watch these feds, and every wrestler falls victim to the same old routine. Seriously, if Cena Gutwrench Powerbombs you, the Five Knuckle Shuffle is coming. Roll out of the way. I watch dvds of everyone on my hilist, I watch them on youtube, anything I can do to know their strengths, their weaknesses, what they tend to do and when, until I know them better than they know themselves. Then I'll research all the counters to their routines, how to get out of their holds. Then, once they've tried everything, and lie defeated, I'll snipe them out and cross antoher name off my hitlist.

Interviewer- Interesting stuff. And why would the fans be interested in seeing you sign on to the WZCW?

CardiffCam- Fans? I don't give two shits about the fans. Mercenaries don't crave the cheers. If you're concentratin more on someone chanting your name than you are on beating your opponent, you're the catalyst to your own destruction. I don't care about the fans, and the more they boo me, and the more they cheer my opponent, the more of a distraction it is for me to go in for the kill.

Interviewer- Thankyou for your time CardiffCam. Anything else you'd like to add?

CardiffCam- One thing, mr, interviewer. If you ever give me this sort of cheek again, you'll be placed right at the top of my hitlist. I'm the arrogant assasin, and I will snipe you in a heartbeat.
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