Captain Insano's insane indie thread

Captain Morgan Freeman

Taught Elvis how to play karate
Im suprised there isn't an indie thread already so i deceided to make one. Indie is quite an open genre so all indie favourites are welcome here. Here's a few to start off with.




Great thread idea! Let's keep this thread going!

The Antlers are touring and coming to Houston in about two weeks. I am stoked! :D
I haven't listened to their latest release, but I'm sure it's just as good as Hospice.


Colour Revolt are from Mississippi and that's all I really know about them other than their music. I heart this song oh so much. They're coming to town too, but I don't know if I'll be able to go. =(


I totally love Blonde Redhead and I'm kicking myself for not attending their show last year (I think it was last year, I forget).


Thread needs more pop.
Weird that I never thought to make an Indie thread, but as long as it's around it should be great. Here's a couple random songs.

I should stop there; I'll need some more stuff to post later on. I hope this thread sticks around for a long time.
Whoa, this thread's slippin' a bit. Gotta make sure it sticks around, so I'll bump it with a few songs.
A local band that I've liked for a couple years now. This is one of their best songs.

These guys are from Georgia and have a really good kinda-heavy sound. They've been getting some mainstream attention lately which is great. Hope big success is in their future.

Unfortunately these guys have broken up (a couple years ago) but not before making one great album (and another okay one). This was always my favorite song from it.

I'll admit I don't know much about this band but the second I heard this song I know i loved them. I highly suggest getting the album it's on, Relayted (yes, it's spelled like that).
Found a few gems the last few days im going share with you guys

This song is so much like the smiths so much its scary.Wild nothing are in fact a one man band consisting of just Jack Tatum be sure to check some of his stuff out.

If you think the lead singer sounds familiiar its because it's Mark Hoppus from blink 182. +44 is a side project him and Travis did after Tom left blink and they aint half bad.

And for my Band of the week we have
Starsailor are from Manchester UK and are criminally underated in my opinion. I first heard them from the metal gear solid soundtrack and have been a fan of theirs since. Here's my favourite song "tie up my hands" but you also should check out "way to fall" and "in the crossfire" among others.
Heard this song for the first time in years. Director realeased "come with a friend" as the second single of their debut album "we thrive on big cities" which got rave reviews in Ireland and reached number 1 in the Irish charts and went platinum. It's a pretty catchy song i remember not being able to get it out of my head when i first heard it back in 2006.
Haven't been online in a while due to moving into a new college house so im working on getting internet set up there, anyways here's the best of what ive been listening to the last few days.

Artist - Powderfinger
Track - Waiting for the sun
Album - Odyssey number five

Artist - Brand New
Track - Sowing Season
Album - The Devil and God are raging inside me
Its a thursday night its arthur's day in Ireland and the majority of Ireland the Irish population are sinking pints of guinness in celebration and i'm stuck in bed with a flu so i'm going to pass the time and get over my sorrows by posting here.

Artist - Embrace
Track - Gravity
Album - Out of nothing
A slow song to start things off tonight from the English band embrace. With a song written by Coldplay's lead singer Chris Martin. Embrace certainly do this song justice with a real easy listening track. Coldplay dod their own version of this song so be sure to check it out.

Captain Insano's indie song of the week
Artist - Miike Snow
Track - Silvia
Album - Miike Snow
Miike Snow are a Swedish indie pop band from Sweden who formed in 2007 made up of producers Bloodshy and Andrew wyatt. It's a pretty unique sound mixing the piano with the electro sound and the vocals top it all off to make the finished article something special and my song of the week.
I didn't get posting any video's last week due to being overloaded with assignments for college so to make up for it im going to post 2 or 3 times in the thread this week.

Artist - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Track- Maps
Album - Fever to tell
Out of all the bands ive posted here the Yeah Yeah Yeahs have received the most critical acclaim receiving 5 Mtv VMA nominations. Ive been contemplating over the last few weeks weather i like this song or not and ive finally decided that it's worthy of a place in this thread. It's definately a song that grows on you as ive realised over the past few weeks so if you don't like it at first give it time like i did.

Artist - The Subways
Track - Oh Yeah
Album - Young for Eternity
After a slow song like "maps" ive decided to balance things out with a fast paced guitar heavy song from The Subways. The lyrics may be a bit shallow but it's a catchy song and the alteration between the two lead singers seems to work well. Despite not getting much mainstream success they enjoy a cult following at the Reading and Leeds festivals where they have become main stage regulars due to filling the tent's they used to perform in at the festivals every year.

Artist - Pete Droge
Track - If you don't love me
Album - Necktie Second
Heard this song the other day while watching Dumb and Dumber of all things. This is the sort of song i love. A major chill out song that you can relax to. His voice sounds strangely similar to Tom Petty but who's complaining. Catchy lyrics solid guitar riff and even a cowbell so whats not to like??
Listening to this song is 3 and a half minutes of time well spent.
I got one that I think you guys should give a listen to.

Star Anna and the Laughing Dogs - "Alone in this Together"

I'm having a bit of trouble with embedding the video like everyone above me did, any help with that?

there you go basically what you have to do is press the youtube button and press what comes after the V= in the link.

Anyway mine is by a semi popular game commenter who is trying to get his band back up [YOUTUBE]Xd5kNnQZB4w[/YOUTUBE] it starts at 2:12
This is another one of those songs that grabs my attention from first listen. The rest of the album it's from is alright, but this is definitely the standout.

This whole album is great, so I just grabbed one of the songs from it and put it on here. Very catchy and very good.

I don't know much about these guys. I've seen them on TV a few times, and their album is alright, but I love this song in particular.

Just a great song from a great band. The video's a little surreal, but it still seems to fit the song well. I know they're kinda well known, and I'm trying to promote little-known bands, but I had to include this one.

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