Can wwe ever repeat the success of the period 1999-2003

Well their was another company that pushed wwe to do that what was their name again? Oh yes WCW. See their is nobody that is kicking wwe's ass so wwe don't have to present a good product lke they did 10 years ago. And 96 and 97 was totally different. Vince cared more about the product then then he does now not to mention wwe was better then then now. Plus wwe didn't have the money at them times to better themselves they were struggling finacially.

Now they have all that and won't even better themselves. Its totally different from then then it is now because of that.
Well, I just see that as only one component. If the only reason to make changes to your company and help boost your confidence to do so depends upon another company's success, that just shows the weaknesses in the management and creative staffs of the WWE. Evidently, that has seemed to be the case with the WWE for the past 7 years. Ultimately, the primary company that pushed the WWE to finally change its product around in 1997 was the WWE.

Also, I could argue about the company's "lack of money" too. The economic decline of Vince's company is one of the main reasons why he knew he had to make changes. If you don't have the funds to bring in or keep some talent, then the presence to take high risks and make changes should be even greater. Take for example ECW. Although a relatively regional promotion, ECW broke pretty much every taboo associated with American Wrestling during the 1990s, and it was that type of product and business/creative philosophy that ultimately got them noticed nationally and pushed them to levels that no independent wrestling promotion had ever gone then or since.

Yes, WCW's initial success was enough to make Vince think about the status of his product back then, but he ultimately saw the financial decline in his company and he knew he had no choice but to take a chance and make changes in order to build popularity and revenue within his company and he did. Now, the company has their monopoly and they are seeing that it's not quite fun being on an island by yourself with a small coconut tree beside you known as TNA.
Don't worry TNA will be great in years to come. And thats Vince fault he the one who bought out WCW and ECW. He should have left them alone maybe they would still be here today and he would not be all alone on an island. Like i said Vince should still make wwe great even though they have no competition. They still have fans and the fans getting upset. Eventually they gonna stop watching and wwe will be back with finacially problems like they were in the 90s.

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