Can They Be Saved #3: Drew McIntyre


Champion of Champions
#3 in the series...

Drew Mcintyre debuted in 2009, interrupting R-Truth's live ring performance and hitting him with his finisher, the Future Shock. Looking like a boss, the "Sinister Scot" stood tall and announced his arrival. He would attack others on the roster, such as Charlie Haas [we remember Charlie, right?] and dominate Smackdown. Later on, Mr. McMahon announced on Smackdown that Drew was destined to be WHC someday, thus the whole 'chosen one' thing. He would win his first title in December '09 defeating John Morrison for the IC title. After losing it 5 months later, Drew went to WrestleMania to participate in a Money in the Bank match, where he almost grabbed the briefcase before being stopped by Matt Hardy. His Career went south from there, although he did win the tag team belts with Cody Rhodes. We saw less and less of him, and what we did see were jobber matches. Currently he is in the monstrosity known as 3MB. Now I ask you the people: Can he be saved?

note: by saved I mean brought back from jobber, or have their careers been too damaged.
As much of a fan of Drew as I am, it would seem he is destined to be future endeavored. He was jobbing through 2011, being a punching bag for brodus clay and even hornswoggle. He did one match as face against Jinder Mahal on superstars...then was in 3mb the next day. I say it's a matter of time before he, heath and jinder are all gone, especially with the great talent in NXT coming up.
It's amazing how some of the weirdest things can cause the downfall of someone's career in the WWE. With Drew McIntyre his downward spiral "coincidentally" coincided with his significant other Tiffany (Taryn Terrell) beating him up and her getting arrested for it. It almost reminds me of the stories about JoMo not getting pushed because of Melina sleeping with Batista and if he let her or not. It's as if VKM sees one of his performers, to put it lightly, getting his man card taken away as the ultimate disrespect. "I can't push someone who doesn't act manly outside of the ring."

Anyways, I don't think McIntyre is completely a waste at this point. He's got a good look. He can go in the ring. He's ok enough on the mic. 3MB isn't going to last forever (they have to future endeavor Mahal at some point). I'm not saying McIntyre is going to make it to WWE Champion some day, but he has enough potential to get back into the midcard title scene. People get jobbed out for years and still get the right push and come back from it. Look at Mark Henry. He's been one of the best heels for the past 2 years (now a face obviously). But he's very over. Drew McIntyre is not so worthless that he can't come back. He just needs the right push, and no matter what kind of push that is, it starts with the disbanding of 3MB.
I would certainly hope that he can be. I am and have been a fan since his debut. If he were to turn on 3MB I see a chance of redemption for his character. A simple dissolving of the group, I'm afraid, just won't cut it. By turning on this illustrious 3 man crew it could give us the opportunity to once again take him seriously as well as making his character a face which would be new and refreshing for Drew. I think that he really does have what it takes in the business but has been held back by creative misuse.
I think he can be saved. The "chosen one" gimmick was something that worked very well in my opinion and proved his worth as a heel. His feud with Teddy Long was very good. He can put on good matches and is good at getting people to boo him. He can be solid mid-carder for the WWE and I still think that he will get the chance.
He can most certainly be saved. McIntyre has a good look, good intensity, and can go in the ring. Stick him in a Triple Threat Match with Dean Ambrose and a babyface, have McIntyre win the United States Championship, and he's back on track.
I don't think most people could come back from what's happened to him but he can, the guy has all the tools and plenty of fans who support him. He just needs the push back to credibility and his aggression will do the rest.
He's young and can develop. But as much as it pains me to say, I've never seen anything eve remotely special about him. At best, I see him rising to the level of the tag belts. Maybe stick him with Tyson Kidd.
THE thing is, he has been making some slow progress. Three years ago, he was flat left off the European tour, which must have been embarrassing as hell when the troupe played Scotland and he was sitting thousands of miles away.

Since then, he's had that awful program with Teddy Long on Smackdown in which he was fighting (and losing) every week in an effort to keep his job. After that, it was 3MB. While the last two gigs weren't star-making programs, at least they amounted to in-ring exposure, which is what any performer needs to get back in the good graces of management.

He has a great look, he can really work in the ring, and he's been paying his dues for a long time now. I still say the "Chosen One" gunk did more harm than good, because he wasn't really ready for the push.....and face it, after you've begun your WWE life as a chosen one, where do you go from there? The only direction is down.

Sure, he can be saved. He's already splitting off from 3MB, although the TV effort was an awful squash to Mark Henry on Main Event. Still, they must have something in mind for him, no?

If Joe Hennig can come back from oblivion, so can Drew. Give him a good program. Give him a mouthpiece like Paul Heyman. Give him a damn chance already.

Personally? Look at my signature and tell me what I'm looking for.:)
Yes he can be saved because he's still one talented bastard. Will he be saved? I'm inclined to say heck no because if the WWE hasn't ran with him by now, at this point the writers and whatever creative team they think they have probably already sees him as nothing more than a lower card guy. For him to be saved it'd take someone really getting behind him and pushing him for the long haul. Until then I expect him to flounder.
Picture this....

3MB is in the back before a big match. They acting like clowns. Vince McMahon walks by, scoffs, and finds humor in the fact that he once proclaimed Drew McIntyre to be the future World champion. Drew is obviously pissed while Slater & Mahal go back to playing the air guitar.

They go out against "Face team X". Slater & Mahal have little to no offense. Drew gets tagged in and then goes ape shit crazy on Face team X. Future Shock DDT and a win for 3MB.

Slater & Mahal look at Drew in awe. Then celebrate like they just won the Super Bowl. While Drew still appears to be pissed. Next week Drew walks away from 3MB. Drew moves up and 3MB recruits Hawkins as their newest member.
I think the best way to save Drew is to put 3MB into a program with Wade Barrett. Have Barrett beat Slater and Mahal convincingly, bullhammer and all. The following show Barrett vs. McIntyre and Slater & Mahal cost Drew the match by DQ. 3MB has some sort of 6-man tag match where Drew is about to win and Slater cause him to get pinned by accident. Next McIntyre re-match against Wade Barrett, Mahal provides distraction and Future shocks Barrett for the win. Barrett and Drew Mac become a tagteam and feud with 2MB before moving onto better things. It may save both of their careers.
With Drew McIntyre his downward spiral "coincidentally" coincided with his significant other Tiffany (Taryn Terrell) beating him up and her getting arrested for it. It almost reminds me of the stories about JoMo not getting pushed because of Melina sleeping with Batista and if he let her or not. It's as if VKM sees one of his performers, to put it lightly, getting his man card taken away as the ultimate disrespect. "I can't push someone who doesn't act manly outside of the ring."

What was the poor guy supposed to? Beat the shit outta her and end up in jail? I absolutely think (and hope) that he can come back from the black hole that is 3MB. Does anyone remember the Elimantion Chamber match he was in a few years back? He came outta that pod like a house on fire, and really got that croud into him. He just needs a good fued that he can come out of looking good. Maybe with Sheamus? Either way the dude deserves a desent chance.
It has to involve Vince in some way, as others have stated, either have a master plan from Vince that fooled everyone or have Mcintyre feud with Vince becoming a babyface or a monster heel?

I think Mcintyre can progress from 3MB as he's gained a lot of experience in the last few years, and am sure a singles push will come sooner rather than later! :D
Drew will never live down his ill-advised marriage to the cooze queen with the oddly shaped vagina named Tiffany. She was doing porn before she came to TNA. Anyway, she's a crazy skank and beat Drew up in a hotel. Vince will never push a guy who gets his ass handed to him by a woman. Period.
Honestly, he sucks. I've never understood the IWC's obsession with him. They should just future endeavor him and let him go win the TNA belt.
Drew McIntyre CAN be saved. It will take some work and a bit of time, but it can be done. The first thing he needs to do is distance himself from 3MB. That silly stable may be giving him something to do, but it's not going to be good for his long-term status as a threat to a champion. This group is far too silly to be considered as a threat to anyone at the moment, otherwise they would have won the giant pennies under the freebird rule by now.

Have 3MB defeat a random group of 3 guys and they are in the ring celebrating. Suddenly, Drew snaps and attacks Jinder. Slater asks him what he's doing, Drew then attacks him too. He goes crazy on them both and when they are unable to move anymore (kayfabe) he grabs a mic and screams "Party's over!". The next show would then see Drew doing a promo where he declares himself The Chosen One again and how his 3MB peers were holding him back, he doesn't need them because he is truly The Chosen One. I would have him continue to attack people and dominate in matches just like he was doing. Slowly build him back up.

An Intercontinental or US Championship reign should come first, way before any world title win. Then have him be as dominant as a midcard champion as he was when he attacked people before winning the belt. WWE should keep moving forward though, as long as the push doesn't randomly end and he keeps being made to look dominant while talking about how he is The Chosen One, he'll slowly but surely gain back his credibility. A victory in a match for one of the Money In the Bank briefcases a year from now would then be his ticket to a WWE or World Heavyweight Championship run. An entire year of total dominance in the ring and good promos on the mic will easily turn his career around. I doubt it will happen, but if WWE puts forth the effort it certainly can.
As strange as it may sound I think his current jobbing run and 3MB role will have put him in good standing with management. Is it a sucky gimmick? Yes, is he losing all the time? Yes. However he's thrown himself fully into the gimmick and IMO there isn't a better jobber on the roster, he makes every babyface look great when they squash him, this level of dedication wont have gone unnoticed.

Drew has a good look, he's good in the ring and you have to remember that he's only 28 years old. there's plenty of reason to believe he can turn things around and plenty of time to do it in.

I don't think it would take anything drastic either, just have Paul Heyman confront him backstage about maximizing potential by becoming a Heyman guy, or have Vince recruit him for a new Corporation and give him a speech about needing to rediscover his ruthless aggression.

Either of those scenarios flip a switch in Drew's character and give him the platform to rebuild from.

Sure, he can be saved. He's already splitting off from 3MB, although the TV effort was an awful squash to Mark Henry on Main Event. Still, they must have something in mind for him, no?

Actually the only reason he was without Slater and Mahal for that match is that they were on the South Africa/Australia Tour and he wasn't because of something to do with his work visa. However it was another example of him making a face look good which I truly think will be winning him points with management.

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