Dark Match Winner
So I understand how the WWE is in full force with their youth movement. But if your gonna push people why bury young and very skilled talent. So it comes to my question now Why is Mcintyre getting the bigger push then
Jack Swagger. Swagger seems to have it all except for mic skills but he can really wrestle and McIntyre just seems a bit bland to me. What is the WWE doing with Swagger? Why can't they give him a solid mouthpiece like Vickie for example Ziggler seems to do so well on the Mic so why does Vickie gotta be in his corner. If your gonna give someone a mouthpiece why not give it to Jack Swagger? That's the only thing he needs. So my question is do you think Swagger can benefit more to having Vickie then Dolph Ziggler? Your thoughts
Jack Swagger. Swagger seems to have it all except for mic skills but he can really wrestle and McIntyre just seems a bit bland to me. What is the WWE doing with Swagger? Why can't they give him a solid mouthpiece like Vickie for example Ziggler seems to do so well on the Mic so why does Vickie gotta be in his corner. If your gonna give someone a mouthpiece why not give it to Jack Swagger? That's the only thing he needs. So my question is do you think Swagger can benefit more to having Vickie then Dolph Ziggler? Your thoughts