Can someone please explain to me the appeal of posting drunk?


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Seriously, it's not all that humorous, your post look like shit making you look more ******ed than a chimp with down syndrome, honastly I have no problem if you want to go out and get fucking shit faced, I couldn't care less, but the whole "Wooo!! im dunkz, amdn gunas mke SHititing postz lkkez deeze fiiled wit bad atempts asat humoir, cuz it coolz" is just fucking annoying, and the dumbshits that endorse by coming online and getting all excited when they see some idiot is running around the forums posting like shit cause they're drunk doesn't exactly help matters
I feel the same way towards jackasses who think it'll be fun to drunken dial me from the bar, it's fucking annoying and unless you're calling me cause you're too shit faced to drive and need a ride home, chances are I'm just gonna hang up on your ass
speaking of which, I have no clue why drunk people think it so hilarious to call you, and then have 10 different people get on the phone, screaming, ating like idiots, and saying "hello?? hello?!?! hello?" and things of a generally homosexual nature if its another dude.

fuckin a. wasnt aware they allowed 7th graders to drink these days.
Seriously, it's not all that humorous,

Just like posts that are nothing but negative. Complaining all the time and flaming people aren't humorous acts either.

your post look like shit making you look more ******ed than a chimp with down syndrome,

If this was Will or NoFate talking, I would understand. Instead it's a guy who uses "prolly" instead of probably.

honastly I have no problem if you want to go out and get fucking shit faced, I couldn't care less, but the whole "Wooo!! im dunkz, amdn gunas mke SHititing postz lkkez deeze fiiled wit bad atempts asat humoir, cuz it coolz"

You clearly DO have a problem. Otherwise you wouldn't have made this thread.

is just fucking annoying,

Just like people complaining constantly.

and the dumbshits that endorse by coming online and getting all excited when they see some idiot is running around the forums posting like shit cause they're drunk doesn't exactly help matters

Yes, who the fuck would get excited about seeing a negative post from the same poster all the fucking time!

With that being said, I agree with you :lmao:
M_F drunk PMed me once. Twas very odd. I've always found it odd that people are drunk and come onto WZ. That's just comical to me.
Seriously, it's not all that humorous, your post look like shit making you look more ******ed than a chimp with down syndrome, honastly I have no problem if you want to go out and get fucking shit faced, I couldn't care less, but the whole "Wooo!! im dunkz, amdn gunas mke SHititing postz lkkez deeze fiiled wit bad atempts asat humoir, cuz it coolz" is just fucking annoying, and the dumbshits that endorse by coming online and getting all excited when they see some idiot is running around the forums posting like shit cause they're drunk doesn't exactly help matters

Oh my god would you please shut up? Who cares if you don't see the appeal of it. Some people are entertained by it, and I know it's fun for me to come home a bit tipsy and decompress by messing around with the people here. I certainly don't do it for you benefit. Eat one.
Oh, and sorry the video didn't work (I wasn't aware that it couldn't be embedded). I had some Tapas tonight, and they were good (especially the ham and potato tortilla). Do you like Tapas?

Just thought I would try my hand at thread derailment.
Dude you can't handle alcohol then. You went on for like an hour and a half.

Me? Umm I don't think I said anything bad or anything. And I don't drink that often so when I go all out, I go all out! And I live in res, what do you expect it's one big ongoing party. :)
Oh my god would you please shut up? Who cares if you don't see the appeal of it. Some people are entertained by it, and I know it's fun for me to come home a bit tipsy and decompress by messing around with the people here. I certainly don't do it for you benefit. Eat one.

I'm with IC here.

And, WrestleMania just so happens to land on my brithday this year, so I'll be drinking, and will most likely be on here discussing the show. You can all follow along with the deterioration of my brain cells. :D
I'm with IC here.

And, WrestleMania just so happens to land on my brithday this year, so I'll be drinking, and will most likely be on here discussing the show. You can all follow along with the deterioration of my brain cells. :D

Well then you have fun my friend, godspeed!

Honestly, I think Justin is bitching (as usual, it's all he's been capable of for, oh, just more than a year now...) out of jealousy. I show up drunk posting because I am having fun, and I like to share that fun with the people here. Justin, on the other hand, goes on hating life from his podunk little town, wishing he was having as much fun as I am.

And I am fine with that. Couldn't care much less. I work my ass off all week, I will have a wife soon, a family eventualy - I go out and drink on occassion (maybe once every two weeks or so) and have fun doing it. I don't hate on people who don't drink - totally fine by me, god bless - but my choice is just that, and I am sure not gonna lose sleep over the opinion of a miserable, self-righteous kid.

That having been said, it is bed time. IC25 out.

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