Can someone explain why Undertaker and Shawn are already building up for Mania?

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The Mark of Zur-En-Arrh

Tell me what's on ur so called mind
I'm finding myself getting irritated by something.

Why the fuck is Shawn Michaels throwing down challenges to the Undertaker for a Wrestlemania rematch so early on in the build up to WM? Undertaker is the World Heavyweight Champion for SD, and in order for HBK to get a match with him, he'd have to win the Royal Rumble, right?

So what's the point of bringing it up in EVERY promo HBK does lately, when he doesn't even know if the two of them would be able to have a match, regardless of whether Taker accepts?

Next week on Raw HBK wants the Undertaker to appear and answer his challenge. Also according to reports, their rematch will definitely happen (barring any deabilitating injury of course). But what's he going to say?

"Sorry Shawn, can't answer that just yet, I'm waiting to see how long my title reign lasts, and to see if the Rumble winner picks me as his opponent or not. Can i get back to you? Obviously it'll be a month before i know anything, but hopefully between now and then you'll be able to REST..... IN...... PEACE......"

By doing this, WWE are making it blatantly obvious that one of two things is going to happen leading into WM26. Either HBK is going to win the Royal Rumble this year, or the Undertaker is going to lose the WHC either to Batista or Mysterio (regardless of the outcome of tonight's cage match, i think they'll still end up having a triple threat), or in the EC match in February.

I can forsee HBK screwing Taker out of the title come the Royal Rumble, thereby turning him heel. He'll then turn on HHH during a tag title match, costing them the belts, ending DX, and further cementing his heel status, and then it's on for WM. HHH can take on Sheamus, HBK can take on the Undertaker, someone else is the World Heavyweight Champion and will probably face whoever wins the Rumble, and we have two random teams with the tag belts (assuming we have a tag match at Mania this year).

What do you guys think? Are they hyping this Taker/HBK rematch far too early or do you think now is the right time to begin building a match that we know full well people will pay to see anyway?

Personally, i think the only people who'd want to see this match again so soon, are the people who STILL haven't seen their WM25 match, and I think it makes their other plans between now and WM somewhat predictable (although hey, i could be wayyyyyy off with my predictions, although Taker losing the title is a safe bet), and in regards the current situation, i honestly don't think it makes sense for Michaels to be challenging Taker while Taker is still the champion for the other brand.

But what do you guys think? Are you excited about the rematch? Are you excited more about the build up now that i've made a few suggestions about how it could go? Do you think they're hyping it too soon?
I'm not looking forward to a rematch and I don't think there should be one. I have no idea why HBK wants to challenge Undertaker even before the Royal Rumble which makes me think it is not going to happen. Out of your scenarios, I see Undertaker losing to Mysterio or Batista the likeliest at the RR if not the Elimination Chamber. I wasn't too particularly fond of the match myself but the buildup to it was decent.

This could be the perfect opportunity for a young superstar to face HBK at Wrestlemania and here's how. The Undertaker comes out and tells HBK that he can face him at Wrestlemania if he goes through a gauntlet of three wrestlers. HBK defeats the first two and loses the last one in an unclean way. Then HBK can gripe about how that superstar cost him a chance to break the Undertaker's streak and a feud can start from there.
I'm with you Little JR I am not looking forward to this too much either. Sure it was a great match but I think it shouldn't be done like this. It is abusing a great match that should be a one off and should be left alone. If the match does happen undertaker will not be WHC and will indeed drop it to Rey (I'd rather him) or batista
This is my first post, so bear with me.
As the other posters on here said, I too do not think this match should happen. I only hope this is a prelude to something else. They had a one of kind match last year, they really should leave it alone. Only time will tell. Btw, I don't think you can plant the seeds for a fued too early, as long as it is the right seeds.
Have you ever heard of a swerve? Because thats what's going on here. There's no way they would have a rematch this soon. They can't re-create the feeling of last year. All reports I've read of the Wrestlemania card didn't include that match. They are just doing this to screw with the fans, just like Vince said last week that Bret was banned and would never, ever appear on WWE TV again.
I'm not sure if this is only the case, I am not pretending I know what they are going to be upto, but if Michaels does indeed get his shot at 'Taker at Wrestlemania, 1, it doesn't need to be for the belt, and 2, it very well could be for the belt

If it were to be for the belt, Smackdown just needs to win the rumble and there are 2 viable superstars that can win it

Chris Jericho, This works PERFECTLY for his whinging I want to be on RAW angle, what better way to get onto RAW then to challenge the champion and be forced to go onto RAW to defend it, OR he could take the title to Smackdown for Michaels to take it from Undertaker (which I do not think Undertaker will lose, just a possibility for the general public not to think it's a foregone conclusion)

and number 2, The Rated R superstar, Edge, Edge becomes Face, Entering late at the Rumble, Al la John Cena, surprises everyone, everyone screams, and takes on the heel champion for his first Rumble Win, In recent years he's been very effective and long lasting at the rumble, 2010 could be his year. There has also been talk of Edge joining Raw.

That's 2 viable storylines from 2 superstars who are well established, mean alot to the fans (even if it's just heel heat) and both have not yet won the rumble
I recently saw a report that the Michaels/Taker rematch was going to happen. Whether or not it is true or not, I guess time will tell. But I for one, do NOT want to see the rematch for a couple reasons and think that this early hype is not a good idea either for one reason.
I do not want to see the match because if it happens, I cant see WWE having Michaels lose twice in a row to Taker. Therefore I would see that Michaels would win ending Taker's WM streak which is something I think should remain unbroken. The bigger reason I would rather this match not happen is that last year's match, would be too hard to top. It was def a classic match and I think that if a rematch would be done, it would be disappointing to say the least.
I say the early buildup is bad, but I say that in response for this match. Early buildup isn't bad, as long as it is done properly. But for this specific match, I think that it is showing that Taker's WM is not going to be focused around the WHC (obviously I could be wrong). It is making it a little obvious that Taker will drop the belt at RR or EC and I would like to see the WWE move into a more unpredictable state.
I really don't see everyone's problem for the Taker/HBK rematch. They had a great match last year and there's nothing in the world to prevent them from doing the same thing again. It's a shame really that all this has come about because even if these two manage to put on an even better match than last year, people are just gonna dog the shit out of it and I really don't understand why.

Anyhow, as to the build up of the match this early, I like the fact that they're building it up over a long period of time. One of the many constant complaints I've heard over this past year about the WWE is that there doesn't seem to be enough time in between ppvs to really build up a lot of feuds to their upmost potential. Here's what I think is gonna happen: Taker is gonna come onto Raw this past Monday, probably after HBK calls him out and I expect that he's gonna refuse the challenge. His reasons for doing so would be because he's got nothing to prove to HBK and he already beat him at WM last year. Also, I expect Taker to possibly say something regarding his status as the World Heavyweight Champion and say that he may have to face whoever is the winner of the Royal Rumble match itself as the winner gets a championship shot at WM. I wouldn't be surprised to see the two start brawling in the ring, I hope that happens. Anyhow, at the Rumble, I'm expecting HBK to cause the Undertaker to lose the strap, thereby making the feud much more personal than last year's. HBK will play the usual "I'm the showstopper, the main event" schtick and say he refuses to be pushed aside and since Taker isn't the champ anymore, he's got nothing else on his plate for WrestleMania. A longer, more intense build up could really put the feud over the top for a lot of people.

Since they're going forward with this match no matter the feelings of the IWC, I'd personally like to see it come down to an Iron Man Match between the two.
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I don't have a problem with Shawn continually challenging the UT despite WrestleMania being so far away. To me, it promotes WrestleMania being the biggest stage in professional wrestling. It's like a football team saying their goal is to play in - and win - the Super Bowl. To Shawn, beating the Undertaker at WrestleMania is like winning the Super Bowl.
To Shawn, beating the Undertaker at WrestleMania is like winning the Super Bowl.

Yes, fine, but Taker shouldn't even have to take HBK's challenge seriously until well after the Rumble, and yet they're doing it next week. Don't you think that's a pretty messed up way to hype this rematch? Starting a storyline before they can technically work with it?

"We can't do any proper build up with these 2 for a whole month, but we'll start talking about it now."

Doesn't that seem stupid to you? WWE are going to hype WM as if it's the only thing worth watching all year, anyway. Does HBK banging on about a possible match now, actually help promote the show any better?
I think that most likely this match is locked for WM, but I think that because the build up is so far away alot of stipulations and possibly another superstar will come into this feud. Depending on the status and use of cena by wrestlemania, I could see him being added to this match and bringing a real threat to the undertakers streak. Especially if cena wins the rumble, because most people would think he would choose sheamus but he could surprise and pick taker. I think the long build up is good because there has been tension between them all of 2009 after wrestlemania 25 and I don't think that the fued really ever ended between the two. I think that the match it self while may not be as good as last year will still be great and I think everybody knows that
So after the confrontation last night, i wantd to expand the topic by asking, what do you think the likelyhood is of this being the ME for this year's WM?

Everyone siad that it should've been the ME last year. This is also about the only fued apart from Vince v Bret, we have leading into WM26. Now of course, everyone said last night that they'd win the Rumble, but the only person to say it in regards an actual storyline, was HBK TO the Undertaker.

Apart from Edge, nobody is injured, so they won't have someone do a shock return and win a la Cena in '08.
In 2004 Benoit was made entrant #1 and they talked about him never winning the big one for ages before he actually won the Rumble.
In 2006 Rey Mysterio dedicated his victory to Eddie Guerrero and was drawn #2 (to make us think he'd never win) and he still won.
Last year Orton won because he was the only entrant involved in any kind of title related angle, after he started beating up the McMahon's.

Last night everyone said 'i'm going to win' as the do every year, whereas HBK said it as part of an angle he's involved in along with The Undertaker, who's the World Heavyweight Champion.

Based on this information and typical WWE patterns, i'm going to predict right now, that HBK will win this year's RR, and face the Undertaker for the strap in the ME for WM26, assuming that neither of them get injured before then i.e. Taker getting injured in the EC for example.

What do you guys think? Am i clutching at straws, or are you more receptive to the idea now after watching Raw last night?
Bringing back the original title of the thread " Why undertaker and Shawn are already building up for Mania?".

Like you said, yesterday, everyone said that they are going to win, but you also added one more tension between HHH and HBK.
What if this supposed build-up between HBK and Undertaker was in fact a way to build a feud between HHH and HBK.

When you think about it (and as sidious stated it, I'm sure you're doing it while reading my post), when was the last time we saw a 3 month build-up in the E?

I know that every rumors, plans and all, are saying "HBK vs Taker round 2" and "HHH vs Sheamus". But come one, after that many years in the business, don't tell me Vince doesn't know how rumors work and how you can control them.
If I'm not mistaken, the "reports" of the plans for Wrestlemania were his own words, or a retranscription of his thoughts. Don't tell me he can't spread false rumors in order to cloud the issues.
The Undertaker is the WHC since HITC (4th of october, or so ?). In order to defend it at the ME of Wrestlemania, he'll have keep his title till March 28th, that'll give him a 170-ish days as champion. Due to his light schedule and so, I really doubt that HBK winning the RR in order to defy one more time the Phenom at Wrestlemania is going to happen.
Like you said, yesterday, everyone said that they are going to win, but you also added one more tension between HHH and HBK.
What if this supposed build-up between HBK and Undertaker was in fact a way to build a feud between HHH and HBK.

I don't personally think we ever need to see that fued again, unless HBK is going to be the heel this time.

When you think about it (and as sidious stated it, I'm sure you're doing it while reading my post), when was the last time we saw a 3 month build-up in the E?

Actually no that thought hadn't crossed me mind, so don't assume. But allow me to consider it now...................2008, when they were building up the Jericho/HBK fued, and immediately before that, was Flair's retirement angle, each having had a 3 month build up. Technically you could say Taker v HBK last year had a 3 month build up as well. HBK was being JBL's lackey in January, Taker comes to HBK at the RR and tells him it's hell trying to get to heaven, HBK resists JBL and claims his career back for himself in February, and then tries to sweeten that scenario by going to WM and defeating the man who encouraged him to get his act together in the first place, the undefeated Undertaker. So in answer to your question, last year was the last time we had a 3 month build up, for the two guys we're talking about, but this time one of them is a Wolrd champion and the other is actually going to be in the Rumble this year, so it's a totally different scenario from last year, and i personally didn't see the point of hyping it now from a kayfabe perspective, when there's no guarantee that HBK would be allowed to face Taker by the time WM comes around. Now that Taker has refused the rematch, and HBK has stated that he'll ensure that it does happen, says to me, the fan who's watched these angles play out repeatedly for the last decade, that HBK will win the RR and HBK/Taker II will be for the title.

(I'd also have said that they sewed the seeds for Edge v Jericho months ago and that has still yet to happen due to Edge's injury, however since there's no guarantee he'll return at all i didn't bring it up. Should he return, that'd be a fued that started building 6 months ago, and by the time we get to WM, that'll be a 9 month build.)

I know that every rumors, plans and all, are saying "HBK vs Taker round 2" and "HHH vs Sheamus". But come one, after that many years in the business, don't tell me Vince doesn't know how rumors work and how you can control them.

Well obviously not, considering that 2008 and 2009 saw many occassions where WWE's plans have been spoiled by rumours leaking out on the internet i.e. Jericho's return, Edge replacing Jeff in the Survivor Series Triple Threat, Jeff leaving after losing the title to Punk, Christian's return to WWE etc, so no Vince can't control the rumours as well as you're suggesting. Vince tells Creative team member 1 WM Plan A, CTM1 repeats WM Plan A
to CTM2, but is also overheard by the coffee boy or the make-up lady who then go and tell their friends and then suddenly the internet knows. CTM2 goes home, tells his wife WM Plan A and she tells her friends and BAM, the internet knows. CTM1 tells Wrestler 1 WM Plan A, W1 goes home, tells wife, tells closest friends, BAM, suddenly it's on the internet. Vince reads dirtsheets, discovers that WM Plan A became common knowledge 2 weeks ago, has to scrap entire thing and we the audience end up getting a 'surprise' that it far shitter than the surprise we actually knew about.

If I'm not mistaken, the "reports" of the plans for Wrestlemania were his own words, or a retranscription of his thoughts. Don't tell me he can't spread false rumors in order to cloud the issues.

Considering that HBK/Taker is a guaranteed draw, i wouldn't think it wise for them to tease us with that rematch, only to go with HHH/HBK again and Taker v someone else. They only JUST added Hornswoggle to DX. Do you really think they'll split them up now? HBK v Taker was THE match of 2009. People are talking about a rematch this year JUST as much as they were last year, so the interest is JUST as high. Why go and split up DX, one of the largest merchandise draws for the younger audience leading in to WM, instead of continuing to milk that for all it's worth, AND drawing more fans to watch WM with another Taker/HBK match that everyone assumes will be just as classic as last year?

The Undertaker is the WHC since HITC (4th of october, or so ?). In order to defend it at the ME of Wrestlemania, he'll have keep his title till March 28th, that'll give him a 170-ish days as champion.

So? All that means is that it'd be his longest title reign to date. What's that got to do with who his WM opponent is going to be?

Due to his light schedule and so, I really doubt that HBK winning the RR in order to defy one more time the Phenom at Wrestlemania is going to happen.

Sorry, what? You don't think HBK will win the RR because neither he or Taker work house shows? What's that got to do with WM plans exactly? Taker spends 1/3 of every year off of TV due to injury etc, and has done every year for the past 3 years, so technically, since 2007, Taker's only worked 2 years out of 3. He's also been in and won, 2 world title matches at WM and been half of the most anticipated and talked about match of 2009. On top of that HBK is ackowledged as having had MOTY every year for god knows how long, and always at WM, so why would Shawn Michaels not wrestling at house shows make any difference on whether he wins the Royal Rumble or not?
I don't personally think we ever need to see that fued again, unless HBK is going to be the heel this time.
And I don't personnaly think we have to see the HBK/Taker feud again, and again AT WM. It's all about personnal preferences.

Actually no that thought hadn't crossed me mind, so don't assume.
That was an implicit joke about this link

But allow me to consider it now...................2008, when they were building up the Jericho/HBK fued, and immediately before that, was Flair's retirement angle, each having had a 3 month build up. Technically you could say Taker v HBK last year had a 3 month build up as well. HBK was being JBL's lackey in January, Taker comes to HBK at the RR and tells him it's hell trying to get to heaven, HBK resists JBL and claims his career back for himself in February, and then tries to sweeten that scenario by going to WM and defeating the man who encouraged him to get his act together in the first place, the undefeated Undertaker. So in answer to your question, last year was the last time we had a 3 month build up [...]

Actually there was a first feud, that was used to build another one in the two examples you just gave.
The first feud between HBK and Flair was something like a month long? Then HBK had a mini-feud with Batista, then he started his feud with Jericho which was 3 month long (or maybe a lil bit more).

Last year, he annonced that he wanted to challenge the undertaker at WM the 16th of February, that was like 6 weeks before WM? So the Michaels/Taker feud didn't last 3 months. The original feud between HBK and JBL was a way to create that feud, that's why I think they're doing the same thing. Using the HBK/Taker feud to build-up another one.

[...] This time one of them is a Wolrd champion and the other is actually going to be in the Rumble this year, so it's a totally different scenario from last year, and i personally didn't see the point of hyping it now from a kayfabe perspective, when there's no guarantee that HBK would be allowed to face Taker by the time WM comes around. Now that Taker has refused the rematch, and HBK has stated that he'll ensure that it does happen, says to me, the fan who's watched these angles play out repeatedly for the last decade, that HBK will win the RR and HBK/Taker II will be for the title.

Like you said, this is a total different scenario, but the goal is the same : A match at Wrestlemania. Come on, the Streak is much bigger than any title. The Undertaker has not to be in any title match at Wrestlemania, he is way beyond that. So if the scenario is different, only the streak is relevant. the title is nowhere near interesting at this point. So if right now, this is totally different, if that match happens, at Wrestlemania, it will be just like last year.

(I'd also have said that they sewed the seeds for Edge v Jericho months ago and that has still yet to happen due to Edge's injury, however since there's no guarantee he'll return at all i didn't bring it up. Should he return, that'd be a fued that started building 6 months ago, and by the time we get to WM, that'll be a 9 month build.)

That's kinda a low-blow. Edge's injury makes that a 9 month build.If edge would have needed a 1 month recovery, that feud would be more than over at this time (Not sur about my grammar on that sentence, sorry, english's not my native language).

Well obviously not, considering that 2008 and 2009 saw many occassions where WWE's plans have been spoiled by rumours leaking out on the internet i.e. Jericho's return, Edge replacing Jeff in the Survivor Series Triple Threat, Jeff leaving after losing the title to Punk, Christian's return to WWE etc, so no Vince can't control the rumours as well as you're suggesting. Vince tells Creative team member 1 WM Plan A, CTM1 repeats WM Plan A
to CTM2, but is also overheard by the coffee boy or the make-up lady who then go and tell their friends and then suddenly the internet knows. CTM2 goes home, tells his wife WM Plan A and she tells her friends and BAM, the internet knows. CTM1 tells Wrestler 1 WM Plan A, W1 goes home, tells wife, tells closest friends, BAM, suddenly it's on the internet. Vince reads dirtsheets, discovers that WM Plan A became common knowledge 2 weeks ago, has to scrap entire thing and we the audience end up getting a 'surprise' that it far shitter than the surprise we actually knew about.

Kinda agree and cant argue here. I just think, sometimes, vince could be clever, and that he could have been here .

Considering that HBK/Taker is a guaranteed draw, i wouldn't think it wise for them to tease us with that rematch, only to go with HHH/HBK again and Taker v someone else. They only JUST added Hornswoggle to DX. Do you really think they'll split them up now?

Sorry but... Cena/Taker and HBK/HHH would be a guaranteed draw as well. And don't bring any Hornswoggle here. That's not because his feud with chavo lasted 2 month that they cant break up DX now.

HBK v Taker was THE match of 2009. People are talking about a rematch this year JUST as much as they were last year, so the interest is JUST as high. Why go and split up DX, one of the largest merchandise draws for the younger audience leading in to WM, instead of continuing to milk that for all it's worth, AND drawing more fans to watch WM with another Taker/HBK match that everyone assumes will be just as classic as last year?

Yeah exactly, that was THE match of 2009. Let the past in the past. People are always saying they want to see something new. Not everyone wants to see that rematch The mark.
Just check this link or this topic (but too many pages sorry). Yes, people are talking about that match, but not really in a good way. The interest is not as high as last year. At least, I'm not interested in this match.
Cena vs Taker would sell way more merchandises if you wanna talk about the money. I'm not sure if DX sells more than Cena, but you can be true on that, I really don't know.
And if these two put the same match as last year, the last match won't be a classic anymore, neither will be this one. That's kinda the definition of "classic". And one more time, if you think that will be as "classic" as list year, don't think that everyone agrees.

So? All that means is that it'd be his longest title reign to date. What's that got to do with who his WM opponent is going to be?

Sorry, what? You don't think HBK will win the RR because neither he or Taker work house shows? What's that got to do with WM plans exactly? Taker spends 1/3 of every year off of TV due to injury etc, and has done every year for the past 3 years, so technically, since 2007, Taker's only worked 2 years out of 3. He's also been in and won, 2 world title matches at WM and been half of the most anticipated and talked about match of 2009. On top of that HBK is ackowledged as having had MOTY every year for god knows how long, and always at WM, so why would Shawn Michaels not wrestling at house shows make any difference on whether he wins the Royal Rumble or not?

Because well, if they want to put a GREAT match at Wrestlemania, you do know that House shows are the places to try things and test the crowd. Plus, It could be great to see the Undertaker defends his title sometimes, that's why I'm saying that'd be a too long reign, with that many title defense would be a bad thing. And the UT going to Wrestlemania with the WHC would be really weird. plus there's still the Elimination Chamber between the Rumble and Mania. He has defended his title like what 3 times? Well 4 but one ended in a no contest I think.

Your question was "Why are they already building this feud", my answer is "They're using this feud to build other ones", and I stand by what I said. HBK having the MOTY every year at WM is not really a big deal. he could have his MOTY with HHH or even with Hornswoggle, but he won't have his rematch with the UT for the WHC, and if he does have a match, that won't be a classic, and that surely won't be the MOTY.
And I don't personnaly think we have to see the HBK/Taker feud again, and again AT WM. It's all about personnal preferences.

See, i agree, i wouldn't have a rematch between them ever personally. Then again if it were up to me, we'd never see HHH wrestle ever again, lol.

Actually there was a first feud, that was used to build another one in the two examples you just gave.
The first feud between HBK and Flair was something like a month long? Then HBK had a mini-feud with Batista, then he started his feud with Jericho which was 3 month long (or maybe a lil bit more).

Well it's all down to interpretation really. Jericho was there getting involved throughout the Batista/HBK angle, so technically you could say that it was actually the beginning of the Jericho/HBK fued. Flair's interaction with HBK may have only lasted a month, but his retirement angle was going well before Xmas, so technically, they were the same angle.

Last year, he annonced that he wanted to challenge the undertaker at WM the 16th of February, that was like 6 weeks before WM? So the Michaels/Taker feud didn't last 3 months. The original feud between HBK and JBL was a way to create that feud, that's why I think they're doing the same thing. Using the HBK/Taker feud to build-up another one.

I hope they are, but based on my experience as a fan, they probably aren't. Vince likes to recycle stuff, especially at Wrestlemania. We've had Taker v Kane at WM twice. We had Austin v Rock at WM 3 times. Pete Rose got beaten up by Kane at WM 3 years in a row, and now they seem to have a need to have squash matches take place at WM, based on the previous 2 i.e. Rey v JBL squash, and Kane v Chavo squash. On top of that, how many of Hulk Hogan's WWF title victories were AT WM? Like, 80% of them? Once Vince discovers something draws he likes to bleed it for every cent he can get, ESPECIALLY at Mania, so i think he'll very well go with Taker/HBK II. I'd rather see something different too, but that's not how i think it'll go.

Like you said, this is a total different scenario, but the goal is the same : A match at Wrestlemania.

It's the subtle differences that spark my enthusiasm and makes me think this'll be the ME.
HBK isn't free from restraint and wanting to add more accolades to his resume like last year. Now he's trying to prove he can beat the Undertaker. That's all he wants to do, beat him 1,2,3. By doing it at WM, HBK knows that Taker's 'power' is strongest on WM night, and if you beat Taker then and there at WM, no one will doubt that win (unless there's a run in). Even if he won by count out, he still beat Taker badly enough that he couldn't get back in the ring before the 10 count and therefore lost the match.

The issue for HBK is, he bragged for ages and ages before WM last year, that Taker had never beaten him 1-on-1. Fact is, HBK never beat Taker either, at least not on his own. First PPV match was a no contest. 2nd PPV match, HIAC, Kane interferes, tombstones Taker, HBK pins him. 3rd PPV match, Casket match, Kane comes out, chokeslams Taker in the casket, HBK wins the match.

Then HBK is gone 4 years with a back injury, caused by Taker during their casket match (i know HBK doesn't actually blame Taker, but now instead of saying 'HBK once broke his back', they now say 'HBK broke his back in a casket match with Taker'). First time they face each other since is the RR'07, where Taker won. HBK can live with that, Taker did enter the match last, and got a lucky counter in to win the match, so that's ok. WM25, Taker just straight up beats him. Not only that, HBK made a risky decision in that match that bit him in the ass waaaaaaaayyyyyyy before he even executed the move, and that was it. Dreams of ending the streak were crushed, much like most of HBK's vertebrae some 3 seconds earlier.

I'm referring of course, to HBK deciding to go for a moonsault at the end of the match, Taker catching him and hitting the 2nd tombstone for the win. Just before HBK jumped, Taker was motioning with his hands for Shawn to give it to him, so in a kayfabe way, Taker knew he had the match won as soon as Shawn set foot on the top rope and was facing away from Taker.

So that's been eating away at HBK for the better part of 2009. Isn't that why he went and 'worked' in other jobs because he was humiliated by losing to Taker?

Add into the mix, that instead of pinning some Russian guy, HBK's got a MUCh bigger mountain to climb in order to get this rematch, suggests that he'll actually manage it. Kind of like when guys are made to be the 1st entrant in the RR on TV, you know they're going to win it.

Taker defending the title at WM is also something that has never happened before. He's had lots of up and comers get in his face, and he's even toppled champions throughout the streak, but never has he had to defend both the streak and a title at the same time. So why not do that this year? Why not have that as the ME?

Take a ME match like you had last year, but upgrade it with a World title on the line and a gruelling path for the challenger, instead of one match and a month of talk before the WM match, and they might just reach the same level of acclaim with this rematch as they did originally.

Otherwise, what else is it going to be? HHH V Sheamus? Yeah that'll draw. Batista v Rey match #12764? Yawn! HHH v HBK for like the millionth time, but now they can't use any new stipulations due to WWE being PG, so not only will the regurgitate the fued, they'll regurgitate the stipulations all over again as well? No, thankyou. Cena vs ??? Actually, i'm sure he'll win the EC or something. Anyway, point is, I think that this match will bomb unless they hype the factors that i highlighted just now. People will watch anyway, but the only way to avoid waves and waves of criticism and people saying why it wasn't as good as last year, is to hype it in a completely different way than last year, so that we don't just view this as a half arsed job by the creative team to think of something to do at WM.

Come on, the Streak is much bigger than any title.

I agree, but that's not the way it SHOULD be, and modern day booking is to blame. The title should always be considered the top prize, and nothing else. Problem is, world titles as passed around like candy these days. Taker's streak is the modern day equivalent of someone holding the WWE title for 4 years straight, because it's the only thing WWE has, that has lasted a long time and is still interesting. THAT's why it's bigger than the titles, but it shouldn't be.

A new guy wins a title and fans think 'great, we get to liten to you talk for the next month'. Some one beats Taker at Mania, people are going to shit a brick and talk about it for the next week solid at least, even if they're one of these fans who think the Streak is the worst thing to happen in wrestling.

The Undertaker has not to be in any title match at Wrestlemania, he is way beyond that.

Again i agree, but no one else could really step up, apart from all the other guys who've already been and done it, and got nowhere near the reaction that Taker v HBK got. When was the last time, on WWE programming, that you heard a cpacity crowd chant 'this is awesome' for a standard 1-on-1 match?

So if the scenario is different, only the streak is relevant. the title is nowhere near interesting at this point. So if right now, this is totally different, if that match happens, at Wrestlemania, it will be just like last year.

Again, i agree, which is why i said they should hype every other aspect of this fued, OTHER than the streak. Ideally, the streak shouldn't even be mentioned again until the video package right before the match.

That's kinda a low-blow. Edge's injury makes that a 9 month build.If edge would have needed a 1 month recovery, that feud would be more than over at this time

Possibly, but it's just as possible that that fued could STILL be happening right now. With 2 of the company's best stick men in a fued together, i think they'd drag that out a long time as well. Look how long JeriShow were on both shows as tag champs, when one of them was the Big Show (don't get me wrong, i've personally always liked Show, but his mic skills pale in comparison to Edge or Jericho's...... Hell, even Santino's.)

(Not sur about my grammar on that sentence, sorry, english's not my native language).

By admitting that you've gained more respect from me than about 95% of the new guys on this forum. Have you noticed since you joined, how many fools spout jibberish at the mods and most respected posters, and expect to be taken seriously afterward? Thankfully, you're not like that, so kudos to you.

Sorry but... Cena/Taker and HBK/HHH would be a guaranteed draw as well.

I think Cena/Taker would get as much hype as HBK/Taker but the match wouldn't be anywhere near as good. HBK/HHH has been done to death and i don't think splitting DX would be wise either.

And don't bring any Hornswoggle here. That's not because his feud with chavo lasted 2 month that they cant break up DX now.

Yeah but why add a new guy to a stable and then break them up so soon? Especially after 2 months of Hornswoggle trying to get them to like him.

Yeah exactly, that was THE match of 2009. Let the past in the past. People are always saying they want to see something new. Not everyone wants to see that rematch The mark.

Ok, now you've missed the point. People will watch WM anyway. Nobody tunes in to WM to watch 1 match out of 10. Plus, i am one of those people who DON'T want a rematch. This thread was started to highlight how i thought they were going the wrong way with the angle up until now (yeah yeah, what do i know right? But then ask yourself, what do you know?) and i have now expanded upon that by asking how likely based on the direction that they're going in, will this match be the ME this time around. Never said i want to see the match, never said everyone wants it, just moaned about WWE Creative and made a prediction.

Just check this link or this topic (but too many pages sorry). Yes, people are talking about that match, but not really in a good way. The interest is not as high as last year. At least, I'm not interested in this match.

Yeah but the IWC makes up what percentage of wrestling fans? And 90% of this portion of the IWC come out with amazing pearls of wisdom as 'Shelton Benjamin has such amazing athleticism that he should be World champion' or 'who's the next WHC, MVP or MIZ?' So, what we think at WZ isn't even 1% of the IWC, and what the entire IWC thinks only makes up 30% of wrestling fans across the world, so sorry, i'm not going to take a few random opinions from WZ as evidence, despite how many pages there are. They'll watch every minute of 'Mania, or they won't have anything to talk about the next day.

Cena vs Taker would sell way more merchandises if you wanna talk about the money. I'm not sure if DX sells more than Cena, but you can be true on that, I really don't know.

They aren't going to make a Cena/Taker t-shirt dude. Cena's merch would outsell everyone if he wasn't even on the card.

And if these two put the same match as last year, the last match won't be a classic anymore, neither will be this one. That's kinda the definition of "classic". And one more time, if you think that will be as "classic" as list year, don't think that everyone agrees.

Can you quote where i said it will be a classic? Because i'm sure that i've only asked why they hyped this so soon, and then said why i think this'll be the ME. I didn't say the match would be as good as last years, i said it'll garner a little less interest, but people will still watch, so i don't know why you've said this. The only time i used the word 'classic' was when i said and i quote:

The Mark of Zur-En-Arrh said:
AND drawing more fans to watch WM with another Taker/HBK match that everyone assumes will be just as classic as last year?

Not that it definitely will, but that people assume. I accept that by saying 'everyone assumes' that i myself was assuming that to be fact, so yeah, i'm stupid.

Oh, and i'm not looking for agreement, i'm looking to debate, so if they want to shit all over my theories, i'll happily respond.

Because well, if they want to put a GREAT match at Wrestlemania, you do know that House shows are the places to try things and test the crowd.

Yeah but these are 20+ year veterans, do they really need to do loads of rehearsing to put on a decent match? What's to stop them from doing a few practice runs between Feb and WM?

Plus, It could be great to see the Undertaker defends his title sometimes, that's why I'm saying that'd be a too long reign, with that many title defense would be a bad thing.

Sorry, what PPV did Taker NOT defend the title. There's been 1 WWE title match on Raw since Sheamus won. How often does Cena defend the title on TV? Rarely. So it's not Taker's fault that there's only been 4 PPVs since October is it?

And the UT going to Wrestlemania with the WHC would be really weird. plus there's still the Elimination Chamber between the Rumble and Mania. He has defended his title like what 3 times? Well 4 but one ended in a no contest I think.

What's that got to do with WM?

Your question was "Why are they already building this feud", my answer is "They're using this feud to build other ones", and I stand by what I said.

And i stand by my prediction that it'll be the ME.

HBK having the MOTY every year at WM is not really a big deal. he could have his MOTY with HHH or even with Hornswoggle, but he won't have his rematch with the UT for the WHC, and if he does have a match, that won't be a classic, and that surely won't be the MOTY.

Well HBK v Vince at WM22, didn't deserve anything but the 'longest PPV squash match' award, but still won MOTY.
Do you remember how excited we all got when they Shawn/Undertaker match was FINALLY confirmed for Wrestlemania last year? That's why. While I understand some of the concerns about not wanting a rematch, if that's the way they're looking to go, starting now gives them a large amount of time to book this properly, an get us excited. After originally thinking I wouldn't want a rematch after last years epic-ness, I've soon changed my mind. I'd be very excited to see them face off again. The promos leading up to Wrestlemania were outstanding.

Also, it amuses me that there's complaints about the WWE actually thinking things through and giving time to build a proper storyline. Usually there's complaints that things aren't built up enough - what's the correct amount of time a storyline should be built up for the biggest show of the year?
Do you remember how excited we all got when they Shawn/Undertaker match was FINALLY confirmed for Wrestlemania last year? That's why. While I understand some of the concerns about not wanting a rematch, if that's the way they're looking to go, starting now gives them a large amount of time to book this properly, an get us excited. After originally thinking I wouldn't want a rematch after last years epic-ness, I've soon changed my mind. I'd be very excited to see them face off again. The promos leading up to Wrestlemania were outstanding.

I agree with you Becca, although i still don't want a rematch personally, and i understand how hyping the match early is something they should do more often.

Hell Austin walked out on WWE 3 separate times, twice because he didn't think they should do big name matches on TV with no hype, and i agree that hype is essential, especially when you're hyping the rematch of the decade.

(On a side note, i watched last year's HOF where Austin apologised for 'taking his ball home' after not wrestling Flair in 2003, and it made me think.......... where's our apology for 2002 and 2005?)

Also, it amuses me that there's complaints about the WWE actually thinking things through and giving time to build a proper storyline. Usually there's complaints that things aren't built up enough - what's the correct amount of time a storyline should be built up for the biggest show of the year?

I hope this isn't how everyone's construing this thread. I'm not complaining about the fact that they're hyping this match, i WAS complaining about how up until this week's Raw the build was completely void of logic. The fact that they didn't think it through or thought we were stupid enough not to notice was why this thread was born.

Personally, i view the Royal Rumble itself to be the starting point of the hype for WM. It is dubbed the 'Road to Wrestlemania' after all, and hey, they could hype Mania all year if they liked, and i wouldn't be fussed.

See, it's not so much the build for Mania that i'm irked by, but just this particular angle. Up until this week when Shawn said 'Guess i'll have to win the Rumble then,' it made no sense (at least to me, apparently everyone else didn't consider it worth mentioning) from a kayfabe standpoint for HBK to be throwing down challenges for WM to a World Champion.

Someone wins the Rumble, picks which title they want to wrestle for, and then the other 2 champs begin their angles, instead this year, we've got a WM fued between a World Champion and a talent from the other brand building, when from a kayfabe perspective, there's no guarantee that HBK would be allowed a match with Taker, regardless of Taker's response.

Of course they could pull the whole 'sign someone else's contract' bullshit like they did in '04, but i hope they don't. That was difficult enough to swallow last time.

"I Chris Benoit, winner of the 2004 Royal Rumble, hereby declare that i will challenge HHH for the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 20,

signed: Shawn Michaels."

My point is, that by doing it that way, they've more or less said 'HBK will win the Rumble' or 'Taker will lose the title'.

Fuck, we all know Taker will lose the title, his title reigns are just never spectacular, but everyone seemed to think that this'll be the last time he gets it, so therefore it should be the longest reign. By starting the angle like that, Vince McMahon has basically put up a banner to every Taker fan that wants a 10 month title reign, that reads 'NOT GOING TO HAPPEN'.

Judging by the way things are going he won't be the champ at Mania. He's got to retain at RR, and before anyone says anything, no i don't think he'd drop the belt to Rey, but that's not going to be the match at RR, so yeah, he's got to retain at RR, and then survive the EC, while not shattering his hip or anything else that's hurting, all before he faces HBK again.

Personally, i believe HBK will win the Royal Rumble...... and then turn heel (i eagerly anticipate your response to that suggestion Becca, lol, and i have a good reason for suggesting it, not just 'he's been a face forever, it'd be a fresh character etc etc'.)
Well it's all down to interpretation really. Jericho was there getting involved throughout the Batista/HBK angle, so technically you could say that it was actually the beginning of the Jericho/HBK fued. Flair's interaction with HBK may have only lasted a month, but his retirement angle was going well before Xmas, so technically, they were the same angle.
It's actually too much down to interpretation? Different points of view here, not much more to debate.

I hope they are, but based on my experience as a fan, they probably aren't. Vince likes to recycle stuff, especially at Wrestlemania. We've had Taker v Kane at WM twice. We had Austin v Rock at WM 3 times. Pete Rose got beaten up by Kane at WM 3 years in a row, and now they seem to have a need to have squash matches take place at WM, based on the previous 2 i.e. Rey v JBL squash, and Kane v Chavo squash. On top of that, how many of Hulk Hogan's WWF title victories were AT WM? Like, 80% of them? Once Vince discovers something draws he likes to bleed it for every cent he can get, ESPECIALLY at Mania, so i think he'll very well go with Taker/HBK II. I'd rather see something different too, but that's not how i think it'll go.

Well, I have to admit I'm biased here too.
I'm not an hardcore wrestling fan since my childhood. I watched it sometimes when I was a little boy, but became a real fan like... 1 year ago? I have catched up my knowledge by looking a lot of online videos, but I might be too "fresh" (read "noob") to be that pessimistic (in the end, a pessimist is just an optimist with more experience).
I have to agree that Vince tends to do that, well cant blame, we have an idiom here which's like " you don't change the members of your team when you're on a winning streak".

It's the subtle differences that spark my enthusiasm and makes me think this'll be the ME.
HBK isn't free from restraint and wanting to add more accolades to his resume like last year. Now he's trying to prove he can beat the Undertaker. That's all he wants to do, beat him 1,2,3. By doing it at WM, HBK knows that Taker's 'power' is strongest on WM night, and if you beat Taker then and there at WM, no one will doubt that win (unless there's a run in). Even if he won by count out, he still beat Taker badly enough that he couldn't get back in the ring before the 10 count and therefore lost the match.
[Lots of facts, totally meaningfull but too much lines here]

I'm referring of course, to HBK deciding to go for a moonsault at the end of the match, Taker catching him and hitting the 2nd tombstone for the win. Just before HBK jumped, Taker was motioning with his hands for Shawn to give it to him, so in a kayfabe way, Taker knew he had the match won as soon as Shawn set foot on the top rope and was facing away from Taker.

So that's been eating away at HBK for the better part of 2009. Isn't that why he went and 'worked' in other jobs because he was humiliated by losing to Taker?

I think you read really too much in all of these things. Or maybe I'm just not imaginative enough. Ok, so Michal's point of view is "I know I can beat him. I lost last year, but this year, I can do it". So, in that point of view, this feud is, for now, wonderfully build-up. You think you can do it, you have to earn it, win the RR".
Except that Michaels should have accepted his match at Raw: "I can beat you now, I'll beat you AGAIN at WM".
Saying things like "No, if I'd defeat you, that'll be at Wrestlemania" makes him look like a punk.

Add into the mix, that instead of pinning some Russian guy, HBK's got a MUCh bigger mountain to climb in order to get this rematch, suggests that he'll actually manage it. Kind of like when guys are made to be the 1st entrant in the RR on TV, you know they're going to win it.

Taker defending the title at WM is also something that has never happened before. He's had lots of up and comers get in his face, and he's even toppled champions throughout the streak, but never has he had to defend both the streak and a title at the same time. So why not do that this year? Why not have that as the ME?

Take a ME match like you had last year, but upgrade it with a World title on the line and a gruelling path for the challenger, instead of one match and a month of talk before the WM match, and they might just reach the same level of acclaim with this rematch as they did originally.

Like I said, the title will be nothing there. Like it or not, No one will CARE about HBK becoming champion, but people will care and talk about him stopping the streak. The streak is so much more bigger than the title, that won't make any difference. This match could definitely be the ME, it does not required to be a title match to be the ME. This World Heavyweight Championship does not add anything to the value of the match.

Plus if they do actually make this rematch, and that actually is THE match, what was the point of the last year?
If HBK wins, no one will ever talk again about the match of 2009. If Taker wins, either if the match is better than last year, the one of 2009 will fade in your memories, or everyone will thinks that the last match was better and they shouldn't have redone it this year.

It's kinda a loose-loose situation here. If they do it again to get the same acclaim as they did last time, that's bad. Go big, or go home ! (We're fan dammit!)

Otherwise, what else is it going to be? HHH V Sheamus? Yeah that'll draw. Batista v Rey match #12764? Yawn! HHH v HBK for like the millionth time, but now they can't use any new stipulations due to WWE being PG, so not only will the regurgitate the fued, they'll regurgitate the stipulations all over again as well? No, thankyou. Cena vs ??? Actually, i'm sure he'll win the EC or something. Anyway, point is, I think that this match will bomb unless they hype the factors that i highlighted just now. People will watch anyway, but the only way to avoid waves and waves of criticism and people saying why it wasn't as good as last year, is to hype it in a completely different way than last year, so that we don't just view this as a half arsed job by the creative team to think of something to do at WM.
What you said. It's WRESTLEMANIA. That should be the best feud of the year here. And honnestly "I know I can beat you, I failed last time, but I'm sure I'm capable!" - "No You Can't! You will Rest In Peace" is not a feud I can call great.
You're right about a thing though, people will watch anyway, but as a part of the IWC, you should be more demanding.
What would I like as the ME? Champion vs Champion. The rest of the card could be filled with great personnal feuds. I'd say that Cena vs Batista could be great, but I think I'm gonna get squashed soon.

I agree, but that's not the way it SHOULD be, and modern day booking is to blame. The title should always be considered the top prize, and nothing else. Problem is, world titles as passed around like candy these days. Taker's streak is the modern day equivalent of someone holding the WWE title for 4 years straight, because it's the only thing WWE has, that has lasted a long time and is still interesting. THAT's why it's bigger than the titles, but it shouldn't be.

I think you missed the point I was trying to make. The streak is so much bigger than the title, that the belt become irrelevant. That does not even add something. I agree with you, when you say that this shouldn't be, but I do not agree with the 4 years reign. But that's another topic, I suggest you to debate of this here.

Again i agree, but no one else could really step up, apart from all the other guys who've already been and done it, and got nowhere near the reaction that Taker v HBK got. When was the last time, on WWE programming, that you heard a cpacity crowd chant 'this is awesome' for a standard 1-on-1 match?
Well We did it when then came in Paris, but I have to admit, like they don't come really often, we were easily entertained.
Like I cant watch Ram or Smackdown often here, I can really answer your question here, sorry.

By admitting that you've gained more respect from me than about 95% of the new guys on this forum. Have you noticed since you joined, how many fools spout jibberish at the mods and most respected posters, and expect to be taken seriously afterward? Thankfully, you're not like that, so kudos to you.

:blush: No I'm not really like that (But I had to google "jiberrish" to understand what you said). If you see some BIG mistakes on my posts, please do PM me. I'm also here to improve my english, and what a better way to talk about something I like, with people who like it at least as much as me.

Yeah but these are 20+ year veterans, do they really need to do loads of rehearsing to put on a decent match? What's to stop them from doing a few practice runs between Feb and WM?
Quite right about that, but like I said earlier, be MORE demanding dammit. If you want this match to be the ME, you can ask for a "Decend match". You want a MOTY and candidate for a MOTD, that's what you want. Well at least, that's what I would want, and I think that everyones should want.

Sorry, what PPV did Taker NOT defend the title. There's been 1 WWE title match on Raw since Sheamus won. How often does Cena defend the title on TV? Rarely. So it's not Taker's fault that there's only been 4 PPVs since October is it?
Modern booking is in your head right? Now champions only have to defend their title on PPV, not on casual Raw/Smackdown?
I'd like to see more title defense, and yes, for both titles. But again, that's just me.
And i stand by my prediction that it'll be the ME.
Only time will tell us, See you the 1st of february?

Do you remember how excited we all got when they Shawn/Undertaker match was FINALLY confirmed for Wrestlemania last year? That's why. While I understand some of the concerns about not wanting a rematch, if that's the way they're looking to go, starting now gives them a large amount of time to book this properly, an get us excited. After originally thinking I wouldn't want a rematch after last years epic-ness, I've soon changed my mind. I'd be very excited to see them face off again. The promos leading up to Wrestlemania were outstanding.
Yeah, but Becca (I can call you becca, cant I?), if HBK wins the Rumble next Sunday, the match will be confirmed like.. the day after? That wont get us entertain for 2 month, that wont even get me entertain for more than 5 days (Raw->smackdown).
You said that you changed your mind, cause the promos were outstanding, the question is, can they do as good as they did last year, but in a different way? Cause the same promos won't work, and I highely doubt they can do as good in another kind of feud. But again, that's just me, and if they do, I'll be the first to admit that I was wrong.

I hope this isn't how everyone's construing this thread. I'm not complaining about the fact that they're hyping this match, i WAS complaining about how up until this week's Raw the build was completely void of logic. The fact that they didn't think it through or thought we were stupid enough not to notice was why this thread was born.

Personally, i view the Royal Rumble itself to be the starting point of the hype for WM. It is dubbed the 'Road to Wrestlemania' after all, and hey, they could hype Mania all year if they liked, and i wouldn't be fussed.

See, it's not so much the build for Mania that i'm irked by, but just this particular angle. Up until this week when Shawn said 'Guess i'll have to win the Rumble then,' it made no sense (at least to me, apparently everyone else didn't consider it worth mentioning) from a kayfabe standpoint for HBK to be throwing down challenges for WM to a World Champion.

According to you that the challenge/answer is particullary a good timing for the Rumble. One more time for me, it just plants seeds for another feud, for you it was jus the occasion for michaels to declare "I have to win the Rumble to get my match, and I will beat you". It's that much unusual in the E, I cant even think you're right :p It was even less logic that he actually challenged the champion of the other brand. :wtf: you actually put more and more arguments on my side dude.
i do not believe this will happen.
For one it is already happening now, that shaun will fight taker at wm.
But.. i do not see him winning the rumble, im assuming something will happen, dx will split. feb ppv. i am thinking hbk will be at mania but i believe would fight bret and not vince fighting bret.
Personally I dont want to HBK/Taker 2 at WM. A huge part of what made last years match a classic was the buildup. Those promos that HBK did in the grave yard where some of his best work since the first go around with DX and that match equaled the hype. What can they do this time around to top that? Sure maybe HBK can do something like cause Taker the title or even pull an Edge at EC and beat taker for the title. However in my honest opinion the only way to even begin to think they can top last year's match is if it was HELL in a Cell 2 especially since they don't do those matches at WM.

I don't want to see HBK break the streak cuz i think that achievement should help further someone else career, kind of like when Hogan slammed Andre. Up to this point HBK has pretty much accomplished everything you can in this business. Having this would only pad his resume, not establish him as a star since he already is. If the streak is going to end, in my opinion there are only 2 people who should be considered to break it....
1) Randy Orton- The original Orton/Taker feud was good but it had the potential to be so much better. If planned right, they could really put on a terrific show and further cement Orton's legacy as the "Legend Killer"

2) Ted Dibiase(pretty sure I misspelled that)- How appropriate would it be for the Million Dollar Man's son end the streak? Remember MDM was the one who brought taker into the WWE(storyline anyways). Plus what a huge stepping stone it would be for Ted in his single career especially since I believe he has all the potential to be the next big heel. In fact he is my #1 choice to do it. They could do so much with this angle such as (this is how i would do it)... Million Dollar Man is brought back to manage his son since he knows the Undertaker's secrets. Through the course of the build up to the match MDM hires the services of Brother Love and Paul Bearer, the only two managers the Undertaker ever had and most importantly they will have control over the all powerful urn. Completly flip the switch on the Undertaker and make him the victim of the mind games. Hell they could also hire the services of Kane as well. Or even bring back everybody Taker has beaten during the streak to seek their revenge. I would also have them hire the services of Jake the Snake Roberts (if he was sober) for one more run as a sadistic bastard to get into the Takers head even more. Granted none of this will happen but that's the way i would end the Takers streak.
My personal thoughts on this matter are firstly, I don't want to see the rematch. I was there in Houston last year for the match and despite having not watched the Wrestlemania 25 DVD yet, that match, IMO is the greatest match I have seen this decade. Maybe even ever.

There would be so much pressure on both performers to outdo last year, and really, I don't think they can. Whilst HBK may be the Showstopper, Mr Wrestlemania etc... as every year goes by, his knee and back injuries are going to take their toll and restrict what he can do it the ring.

Anyways, I personally think HBK calling out The Undertaker early on, only goes on to further the importance of the Rumble itself. It makes sense for 'Taker to refuse HBK a rematch at this point, because he is still the champion and it would undermine the importance of the Rumble. Furthermore, the actions of HHH, Cena, Big Show, HBK, Batista, Kane and even Swagger to an extent, have solidified the importance of winning the Rumble this year.

Beating Taker at 'Mania for the WHC is probably the ultimate goal for any superstar and having HBK call out Taker only goes further to hype up Taker's match at 'Mania, whoever the opponent ends up being and I strongly believe Taker's match at Mania will be at the top of the card.
I don't believe the match should happen, though it may be that I don't want it to. Both men have apparently been talking about retirement, but I can't bear the thought of losing them both at the same time. Imagine if Taker lost. Remember finding out that Santa wasn't real? This would be far worse, IMO. Their match at Mania was possibly my favourite of all time. I know! Why don't we have it every year? That'll be fresh, won't it?
First of all, am on the fence about a rematch. Last year was the greatest Mania match ever, and i don't think it's toppable, really. Don't want to see them try and fail. If 'Taker wins, he keeps the streak alive. If Shawn wins, he cements his legacy forever. But we may be reading too much and too deep into all of this. It could all be so much simpler. When I heard Shawns speech at the Slammy's when he dropped the challenge, you know what the first thought that came into my head was. " Mania tickets must be going slow" That simple. Sorry to be the dose of reality here folks, but maybe the reason they';re hyping Mania so much, is cause nobody's buying tickets. When was the last time there was tickets still available 2 months before the show. Jus my theory.
My own feelings are this: HBK and Taker will not wrestle at WM26. They did that so that HBK has to win the Rumble, which generated the heat between him and HHH. It was designed to cause a rift between Shawn and Hunter. I suspect at the Rumble HBK and HHH will be two of the last three wrestlers, HHH eliminates HBK, and then gets eliminated by the winner (possibly the return of Edge???). Then, they spend a month teasing the tension between them, before HBK finally snaps. We are going to get HBK/HHH at Wrestlemania.
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