Can Someone Explain This To Me?

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
So, Hogan has been rightfully dismissed from WWE.

But every year, WWE is going to give an award named after Warrior?
Double standards run rampant in the WWE, so you shouldn't be surprised.

Warrior said what he said while he was away from the WWE. His homophobic rants were all done while he was in WWE exile. He made his peace with WWE and it made everyone happy, then he died shortly after and became marketable.

Both men said inexcusable things, its just that Hogan did it while being a WWE ambassador, whereas Warrior said his pieces while clinging to past fame.

Don't be surprised to see the Hogan redemption tour in a few years time. WWE will do anything to make a buck and get good publicity.
Do you remember that show American Idol? A while back contestants were getting dismissed when things were found out about their past. Meanwhile there were other contestants who were able to continue on the show despite committing similar and worse acts.

The difference? The latter group was upfront about their actions, the former group did not reveal that information when they were asked about any past transgressions. I imagine that is what is happening here. Hogan has had eight years to reveal this information and he fought it and hid it. Warrior was very out there (pun intended) with his transgressions. People tend to be more forgiving and understanding with those who are open with them. Those that hide don't have the same luxury. They're not just guilty of their crime they're guilty of lying about it too.
Along with what GSB said, Warrior made no attempts to hide what he was saying. Therefore anyone entering or having any sort of business with him had the choice of doing so with all their cards being shown. On the other hand Hogan had no reason to think these things were ever going to get out because it was supposed to be a private conversation, so he could really let his hair (strands) down. Meanwhile for the next 8 years who knows how many more conversations like these were held while he's "brother, brother, brothering" all over the place.

So with Warrior: time has passed, wounds are healed and people kiss and make up leading people to believe he has really changed (whether that's true or not will never be known). But with Hogan he was just caught with his pants down, at arguably the worst possible time.

Now if I had my own billion dollar company they would both have been cut off all the same. However knowing what type of company WWE is and more importantly who it's ran by, I understand why Warrior and Hogan are apples and oranges in the company's eyes...even though I don't personally agree.
Double standards run rampant in the WWE, so you shouldn't be surprised.

Warrior said what he said while he was away from the WWE. His homophobic rants were all done while he was in WWE exile. He made his peace with WWE and it made everyone happy, then he died shortly after and became marketable.

Both men said inexcusable things, its just that Hogan did it while being a WWE ambassador, whereas Warrior said his pieces while clinging to past fame.

Don't be surprised to see the Hogan redemption tour in a few years time. WWE will do anything to make a buck and get good publicity.

actually he didn't, Hogans comments just came to light while he was an ambassador for WWE.

I am not exactly sure of the time this conversation was recorded, but hogans racial rant was in a conversation with heather clem, the wife of Bubba the love sponge, this leads me to believe that this was during the time he was working for TNA, or at least not long before he went to work for TNA.
I can't buy the arguement that an hate spewing homophobe is somehow seen better than a disengenuous racist.
I'd like to see a tape surface with things Vince has said in private. Don't know if this would be better with him to witness or WWE posthumously erasing him from history.
WWE is just trying to protect their brand. They didn't need to do that with Warrior. This shit with Hogan is getting attention from everyone.
The award was supposed to be named after a backstage worker. And it was supposed to be for backstage workers. But fuck that shit.

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