Can I Have You Attention Please....

Rookie of the Year, Best Non-Spam Poster, Best Wrestling Poster, Best Under the Radar Guy, and Grabbed the Brass Ring to this guy:

I am new to posting, in fact this is my first post, but I am going to go against the grain and play devil's advocate for the moment. First off, I have been a fan of CM Punk since his ECW days. I have never followed the Independent's, had heard CM Punk's name but never knew much about him until he came to WWE. His rise from 2007-2013 was awesome and he became on of my favorite wrestlers. However, I have some problems with what he says in his interview.

Firstly, he has stated numerous times, including in his interview, that Vince and HHH do not know what is best for business. However, we forget that Vince McMahon has taken WWE from a regional promotion to essentially a monopoly, earning more money in a single year than most promotions made during their entire lifetime. If there is one thing Vince knows, it is what is best for business and he has proven that repeatedly throughout the last 35 years or so. Every time somebody leaves the WWE they blame Vince for not using him appropriately and not knowing what is best.

The bottom line is CM Punk was worried about CM Punk, which is OK, as he says he is an independent contractor and needs to look out for his own interests. However, Vince McMahon, rightfully so, is going to worry about his business more than an individual "contractor." For every wrestler I have heard state that the company tried to make them work injured, I have heard 5 report that Vince immediately took them off the road due to injury. Remember Shawn Michaels "Losing his smile" because he told Vince he had a devastating knee injury? Vince does not MAKE anybody wrestle at anytime! Does he want his top moneymakers to wrestle as often as possible with as few breaks as possible? Of course! Why wouldn't he, they're making him money? At the same time, should the top moneymakers want to wrestle as often as they can with as few of breaks as possible? Absolutely, if they are not on TV they are no longer the top moneymaker. Just ask Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns! When you're not on TV, you're not making money. It's as simple as that.

Now to CM Punk reporting that HHH did not do what was best for business in 2011, I have a counter argument to that. HHH had just lost to Taker at WrestleMania 27 and the build was already in place for a rematch at WrestleMania 28. CM Punk was his first match and it had occurred several months after WrestleMania. Punk had just gone over Cena TWICE in the previous two pay-per-views, so he was hardly being buried. HHH needed some momentum so that, come WrestleMania season, he could be seen as a legitimate threat for the Undertaker. Look at the remainder of the year, HHH jobbed out to Miz/Truth in back-to-back months and got beat up by Kevin Nash multiple times before finally going over in the December Pay-per-view. Had HHH lost to Punk clean, how could he have been sold as a legitimate threat to Taker in March? When you watch the match, it certainly does not bury Punk, as Punk kicked out of the pedigree and only lost after multiple episodes of outside interference. I don't feel that it is fair to say that HHH "buried" Punk in that feud, he simply knew that his in-ring time was limited and he needed some momentum of his own in order to properly sell the build up to Wrestlemania 28. Does anyone remember the build for WrestleMania 30 and how people were originally not interested in Brock Vs. Taker because Brock had jobbed so many times over the previous 2 years they did not see him as a legitimate threat? CM Punk was a full-time, young wrestler who had plenty of time to build momentum. In fact, 2 short months after losing to HHH he began his WWE Championship reign.

The same argument can be made for CM Punk losing to Brock Lesnar. They were beginning to build for Taker Vs. Lesnar at WM 30. People were already complaining about Lesnar not being a legitimate threat because he had lost so many times. If you saw that match, it certainly did not bury CM Punk, it made him look stronger than perhaps even the WWE title reign did. He went toe-to-toe with the Beast and only lost due to outside interference. He's a full time wrestler and "the best in the world," he has a lot of time to regain momentum. In fact, he did not lose another pay-per-view match for the rest of the year and nearly won the Royal Rumble. He was eliminated due to, you guessed it, outside interference. I'm noticing a trend to whenever Punk lost over the previous 2 1/2 years prior to his leaving. In fact, the only clean "jobs" I can recall Punk doing were to Rock at Elimination Chamber 2013, Cena on Raw leading to WrestleMania 29, and Taker at WrestleMania. Remember that Shawn Michaels, my personal choice for best wrestler of all time, lost more matches than he won and was still always considered a legitimate threat when put in the main event spot because he knew how to stay over even when losing. CM Punk had that same talent, but became bitter at having to use it.

Moving on, CM Punk also felt it was bad for business for him to lose to the Rock. Well, hindsight being 20/20, business did not improve for WrestleMania 29 as well as I'm sure WWE hoped. However, think about this logically. You've got one of the top stars in Hollywood with a HUGE movie (Fast 6) getting ready to be released and he is making the rounds on talk shows and TV programs to promote the movie. Why not take the opportunity for free publicity by having him announced as WWE Champion and promoting his title defense at WrestleMania? Yes, the buy-rate dropped for WrestleMania 29 compared to 28, but it was still higher than most other Wrestlemanias. And remember, the main event was a rematch with an obvious ending so for the buy-rate to be as high as it was shows how much of a draw the Rock was. This is not to say that CM Punk was not the best at the time, but he simply was not as big of a draw as the Rock. Yes, I agree that for wrestling storyline and buildup, it would have been a much better build to have CM Punk Vs. Undertaker in "streak vs streak," and would've made it much more believable that Punk could win the match. However, I can certainly understand, and most of you should also, why the WWE chose to do things the way that they did.

Finally, Punk complained that he did not NEED to work with HHH at WrestleMania, even though he was going to go over. For somebody who complained about every time he needed to do a job to a part-timer, he sure ran quickly once he found out the part-timer was going to job to HIM. Realistically tell me that a match with HHH at WrestleMania would not have been good for CM Punk at that stage of his career. HHH made Daniel Bryan look like a star in their match, and Bryan went on to win the title later that night. If not for Bryan's injury I believe that would have been the "Daniel Bryan Era" beginning, much like the "Austin Era" began at WrestleMania 14. That could have been CM Punk in that spot, but he decided he did not want to work with HHH because his feelings were hurt that HHH made him lose in 2011!!! Dude! He's returning the favor at one of the biggest shows of the year, what the heck do you have to complain about?!?!

Sorry for the rant but am getting tired of reading about people burying WWE and praising CM Punk for essentially walking out on his job and giving every fan of his the finger in the process. I know CM Punk believes that he would be as good as he was without the fans and I believe that may be true, however he would not have been as successful without the fans. Bottom line is, no matter how good you are if the fans aren't interested, you're not going to be a star. Anyone remember Chris Candido? Excellent in-ring competitor and pretty decent talker also, but could not get the fans to give a crap about him and, thus, never amounted to anything more than a jobber. If the fans did not care about Punk, he never would have amounted to half of what he became, so to simply walk out and refuse to speak for several months is completely unacceptable.

What do you all think?
Bromance: Yaz & Killjoy, Spidey & Rated R, Spidey & WZ

Under The Radar: Dynamite, Slash L/N

Rookie of the Year: Bagpipes, Ollie

Thread Of The Year: WZ Big Brother Season 1, CM Punk finally breaks his silence, whatever stonecoldhell makes
How about a best all round poster award? Someone who posts in wrestling non spam, non wrestling non spam and the spam sections equally well.
Nabbed these from tdigs' alternative thread last year. (At least I think it was his. I'm totally lost as to who Bully Cena and Cena's Little Helper are)

The Remora Award For Biggest Coattailer

The Bradley Cooper Award for Obscure Veteran Turned A-List Poster

The Spencer Pratt/Brody Jenner Award for Best Forum Bromance (credit to Rated R Nightmare)

The Coco 2009 Rookie of the Year Award For Most Overlooked Poster

The Marty2Hotty Award For Most Delusional Mark

The Tom Hanks Award For Biggest Forum Draw

The Incredible Melting Man Award For Biggest Meltdown (Credit to Boom Goes The Dynamite)

1. Best Non-Spam Wrestling Poster

It's Damn Real!
Mustang Sally
Nature Boy Ric Flariat
The Brain

2. Funniest Poster

George Steele's Barber
New Name
The Butcher
Uncle Sam

3. Poster Who Should Be In Prison, But Isn't

Mr. Book. This Section
Scrotie McBoogerballs
Terry Silver

4. Most Delusional Mark

Joe's Gonna Kill You
The Dragon Saga

5. Best Section

World Wrestling Entertainment
Total Non-Stop Action
The Bar Room
The Wrestlezone Symposium
The Media Hub

6. Best Non-Spam Non-Wrestling Poster

Dagger Dias
Dirty Dutch Oven
The Shape
Mustang Sally

7. Rookie of the Year

Barack Lesnar
Torgo The White

8. Most Improved Poster

The Butcher

9. Best Thread

WZ Big Brother Thread
The Real Reason HBK Lost His Smile...
Intl. Region, Leeds Subregion, First Round: (4)Chris Benoit vs (29) Mark Henry
TNA Region, Nashville Subregion, First Round: (1) John Cena vs (32) Earthquake
CM Punk Finally Breaks His Silence
KB Answers Wrestling Questions
WBL versus Rusty

10. Best Staff Member

Everyone knows who is on staff, no need to list them here.

11. Worst Staff Member

See 10.

12. Best Spam Poster/ Best Barfly

The Butcher
Uncle Sam

13. Best Username

Mark Henry's Sandwich
Bray Wyatt's Hat

14. Brass Ring Award

Dagger Dias
Rainbow Yaz
The Shape

15. Biggest Troll


16. Best Thread Starter

George Steele's Barber
Uncle Sam

17. Worst Thread Starter


18. Best Sig Quote

19. Best Bromance

Jam/Rated R Enigma
Spidey/Rated R Enigma
Pancake/Rainbow Yaz
Rainbow Yaz/Killjoy
Pancake/Dagger Dias
Snazzy/Rainbow Yaz/Pancake

20. Best Tournament

WZ Tournament
Wrestling Tag Team Tournament
Forums Posters Tournament

21. Best Rivalry

Rusty versus WBL

22. Best Return


23. Get Your Arse Back Here!

Battlezone Tournament
The Crock
Lita's Revenge 79
Via Armbar
Serious Jones

24. Nicest Poster/Person You'd Most Like To Meet In Real life

Mustang Sally
The Rattlesnake

25. Flying Under The Radar

Mr. MojoRisen
Slash L/N
Triple Naitch
I'd also like to nominate "Bythedockofthebay" for rookie of the year. He earned at least the nomination. Also TWJC for Under the radar.
I feel like Best Forum Meltdown should be a category. WBL and Y2eh had pretty good ones this year, and I'm sure there are other contenders that are slipping my mind.
I nominate Dirk, Dagger, Theo and Jack-hammer for posters that should be in prison but aren't
I'd nominate Barbosa in the Person you'd like to meet category, PeeGee and Smark Madden in funniest poster and CM Yes! for flying under the radar.
I nominate Dirk, Dagger, Theo and Jack-hammer for posters that should be in prison but aren't

I would like to nominate Whap Me Jungles for this one. Let's give the kid what he has been dreaming of- bottom bunk in a corner cell.

I'd nominate Barbosa in the Person you'd like to meet category, PeeGee and Smark Madden in funniest poster and CM Yes! for flying under the radar.

:lmao: Oh, you. Now that statement just may get you nominated for the same award.

12. Best Spam Poster/ Best Barfly


15. Biggest Troll


21. Best Rivalry

lil bitch kid vs Raynemare & Spider

22. Best Return


24. Nicest Poster/Person You'd Most Like To Meet In Real life


We should have an award for most likely to contract various STD's.

-I would like to nominate JohnJohnson for his steamy escapades with the multi-cultural cleaning staff.

Also we should have one for best artist\graphic designer.

-I nominate Killjoy & Miko.

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