Can Cena Exist Without The Title?

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I really can't imagine John Cena either without the title or not chasing it. It's unfortunate because I think they put him in a box by being champ for so long.

I had an idea though, if he drops the title and turns heel. He can feud with Lashley, with Lashley saying that while Cena plays a marine on TV and film, he actually was in the military.

Seemingly though, even if he loses at Backlash, he'll feud with and win eventually against whomever is the new champ.
I think part of the reason you're having a hard time envisioning that scenario is because of what you said... he's simply been champ for just too long. I don't think it's an impossible task to drop him out of the hunt for a while if he loses the title however. I think if Cena loses the title he'll still be seen as part of the upper echelon (despite his actual wrestling skills) of superstars in the WWE. I think I might even actually be interested in watching Cena if he was involved in a feud that doesn't revolve around the WWE title. Simply put he's had his time in the sun for now... he's still pretty young and they can always bring the title back to him sometime down the road, but at this point in time a change needs to be made to benefit the WWE, John Cena, and other main event talent on the roster.
Cena outside of the Title picture is difficult to imagine, but Triple H was hard to imagine outside of the title picture for a few years. This will change when Cena is no longer the Champion, With the amount of time that Cena is wrestling during the year, I imagine that he may be accumulating some injuries. But Cena as a big draw is because of his look, the only reason that his merch is one of the highest stuff is because of the pulling of certain items from other Wrestlers like Edge, Orton and Mr. Kennedy__________Kennedy. this has been documented somewhere that they have don this in the past and probably will do this in the future.
I'm not going to lie...I'm kind of drunk when reading this so I skimmed it but!

I just watched Rise and Fall of ECW..RVD was the TV champ for 23 freakin months, why are you people bitching? You can say RVD puts on good matches, but quite frankly I can't stand the man. I don't "like" cena but I don't "hate" him either. He's had a few good matches and seems to be getting better.

That being said, I too have trouble picturing him as anything other then champ/title hunter. Then again I also don't see Taker as a Champ. He "deserves" it no doubt, but he doesn't cut promos or call people out or anything. He seems like he'll be a boring champion. AGAIN do NOT take this as a "I think Taker sucks" comment because it's not, it's simply stating he doesn't really do the "Champ" thing. Then again each champ is different..ah crap I'm rambling so to sum it up.

RVD was champ for 23 months straight, let me guess, all you IWC ate it up and *********ed to it because you love RVD, but now that a man you don't like has had the belt for about 20/24 months you're acting like it's never happened before.

If that information from RAFOECW was wrong and RVD wasn't tv champ for 23 months straight...well then my point is non existant isn't it?

I'm not going to lie...I'm kind of drunk when reading this so I skimmed it but!

So I will go through this and argue it anyway because I want to.

I just watched Rise and Fall of ECW..RVD was the TV champ for 23 freakin months, why are you people bitching? You can say RVD puts on good matches, but quite frankly I can't stand the man. I don't "like" cena but I don't "hate" him either. He's had a few good matches and seems to be getting better.

People didn't complain about RVD holding the Title because he had to put it up for grabs at every TV taping and at every PPV, I also don't like Cena but don't hate him either, but even I can spot no improvement in choice of moves, where as RVD has more ring vocabulary than Cena, even in a fraction of what RVD does now, you can see what he does is something that if he is getting the right treatment backstage then he will pull out all stops to put on a good match. Thats not a good thing there but, RVD worked a lot of those matches in a way that some of the ones with Jerry Lynn should be rated five Star matches.

That being said, I too have trouble picturing him as anything other then champ/title hunter. Then again I also don't see Taker as a Champ. He "deserves" it no doubt, but he doesn't cut promos or call people out or anything. He seems like he'll be a boring champion. AGAIN do NOT take this as a "I think Taker sucks" comment because it's not, it's simply stating he doesn't really do the "Champ" thing. Then again each champ is different..ah crap I'm rambling so to sum it up.

Taker is a different beast all together from Cena or RVD, he is a good champion, because he brings some prestige to the Belt, watch some of the feud with Randy Orton and you will see Taker calling out Orton, He called out Kurt Angle before No Mercy 2006.

RVD was champ for 23 months straight, let me guess, all you IWC ate it up and *********ed to it because you love RVD, but now that a man you don't like has had the belt for about 20/24 months you're acting like it's never happened before.

Ive said above RVD is different to Cena, but for another view. RVD held onto the second tier belt in ECW for 23 months, while this wasn't really the case, in theory he only held the second title and not the Top Title in ECW. Cena holding the belt is doing nothing to adding to the company, its like it is keeping the WWE from going up. RVD also brought people in to watching ECW making it grow, which in retrospect wasn't completely a good thing but anyway.

If that information from RAFOECW was wrong and RVD wasn't tv champ for 23 months straight...well then my point is non existant isn't it?


Your point is non-existant anyway because of the nature of those two title reigns being different. You don't see Cena defend the Title every week on screen, only at PPVs will you see any attempt by Cena to Wrestle. But that is just my opinion on the differences between the two title reigns.
Cena sucks with the Championship Belt Honestly Speaking WWE needs a new Champion not Cena not Lashley not Batista not Undertaker we need someone else.
I dont why but Money is the Reason Cena is Champion Vince Mcmahon is just intrested in those GreenBag's that Cena brings when he is the Champion!
I hate Champion's being dragged more than 3-4 months.We should have short Championship reigns lasting like 3-4 months not 7-8 months.

It gets real boring when you see someone like Cena be the Champion for over 8-9 months.I even get tired of Watching WWE it's so obvious then when you see a Raw WWE Championship match or PPV Championship Match.
You know Cena will Win because yes he brings in the Money and thats what Matters but Cena can and cena should leaVE the WWE Championship Belt.
We have other people who need to go for the Title People like Chris Masters people like Carlito and Kennedy.
more so than cena, i absolutely cannot envision batista in anything but a title rivalry...honestly, Batista has moved ahead of cena in the "worthless wast of space pile of crap" category for me...WHAT would they do with this talentless lug outside of a title feud???? would anyone be even remotely interested in it if it wasnt for the title??? least cena is semi entertaining at times....i could see him maybe in a rivalry with someone who "screwed" him out of the title, or something of that nature...
more so than cena, i absolutely cannot envision batista in anything but a title rivalry...honestly, Batista has moved ahead of cena in the "worthless wast of space pile of crap" category for me...WHAT would they do with this talentless lug outside of a title feud???? would anyone be even remotely interested in it if it wasnt for the title??? least cena is semi entertaining at times....i could see him maybe in a rivalry with someone who "screwed" him out of the title, or something of that nature...

Batista can Really go for the US Title and can do something else like form a Tag Team of some sort and being Vacant but what the Main Topic here is Cena and you say what would Cena do without a Title Reign and the MidCard
Wrestlers would get a Chance to show their talent and it would make fans love Cena more as he would be out of the Championship division for a year or so.

And for Cena being Semi-Entertaining no he is not! Atleast for now with the WWE Championship.

Same was the Case with Hulk Hogan he was dragged as champion for too long and so Fans started hating him.
Now it's 2007 and WWE is doing the same with a Talented Young guy WWE Champion John Cena.

I hope WWE Stops this and lets someone else be Champion and let Cena be without the Title for 2-3 Years.
urgh Cena/Lashley no way! It would be like Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior, Cena has the wrestling talent of the popcorn vendor, and Lashley has the charisma of a 80 year old in a coma. Its not a problem Cena having the title so long, especially when the Raw roster is littered with peple who could perform better in ring than him. If WWE continue there plans to move Benoit to RAw then that is possibly the only person who a Cena heel turn would work well enough on.
I hope the guy who was drunk lives overseas because it was 8AM when he posted that he was drunk over here... lol.

Anyway... on to the topic... can this board exist without a thread bashing Cena every day? Every day there's more and more bashing going on with Cena here, and frankly, it seems like it's the same 20 or 30 people doing it.

Shadowmancer said that the company can't go any higher with Cena as the champion... why is that? Cena, in his short time at the top of the company, has had a hit motion picture, now he's going to be on a show on a national freaking network... and ratings have been steady since he came to raw. How is the company going down? That's actually one of the sillier anti-cena things I've ever heard.
i can def see John Cena without the title..its inevitable that his reign will come to an end..that will be a good thing for the fact that he can be put into diff feuds other than ones including the wwe title...its also inevitable that they will turn him heel eventually...everything just needs time and in time we will see him without a title and without a face gimmick
I don't dislike him or want to bash him, I just think that he has been put in a box by being champ for so long. It's obvious, not just here, but by fan reactions, that he needs to change. Considering how they recognize his cheers and boos on television now, I am sure they will make a move. I am looking forward to him being a heel and not champ.
After his disgusting no sell at Mania he should be punished by having the title given to Michaels, who is a much greater wrestler anyway and deserves it more anyway. That damn spinner belt is the most ******ed thing I've ever seen. Cena only brings down the prestige of the WWE championship IMO. Big names like Hogan, Flair, Hart, HBK, Taker etc have held that title at one point or another and adding Cena to that list doesn't look good I think. Bottom line is we need a change. Oh and I'm one of the extremely anti-Cena people, but I don't make outrageous hate posts about him.
Well hit movie is all in the eye of the beholder. The movie was a box office bomb, and has done so-so at best on DVD. If you're comparing to "see no evil" then ya, its a success.

Ratings are average at best. For most of 06 the ratings were around 3.5, that's not that impressive. And the jury is still out on the ABC reality show that he might show up on. Reality for the most part = garbage, just ask Trish Stratus.

The reason they keep the strap on Cena is because he will float to oblivion without it. The guy can't wrestle, the guy can't sell, the guy can't entertain. HIm as champion is controversy, and keeps people tlaking. Without the belt he becomes another midcard jobber that no one cares about but the girls still think he is so "Hawt".

Honestly, watch an RVD match during his TV title reign, and you'll know why people loved the man. RVD busted his ass everynight performing great matchups. He's shattered his leg or ankle on multiply occasions. RVD > Cena.
I hope the guy who was drunk lives overseas because it was 8AM when he posted that he was drunk over here... lol.

Anyway... on to the topic... can this board exist without a thread bashing Cena every day? Every day there's more and more bashing going on with Cena here, and frankly, it seems like it's the same 20 or 30 people doing it.

I doubt people will stop bashing Cena, I know I post in them because there is no other discussion in them, if I come across as bashing Cena, it isn't meant to, I was trying to explain why people didn't complain about RVDs 23 month reign as ECW TV champion as opposed to people complaining about Cenas title reign.As for the drunk guy it was late here so it would be slightly normal.

Shadowmancer said that the company can't go any higher with Cena as the champion... why is that? Cena, in his short time at the top of the company, has had a hit motion picture, now he's going to be on a show on a national freaking network... and ratings have been steady since he came to raw. How is the company going down? That's actually one of the sillier anti-cena things I've ever heard.

I didn't say the company was going down I said that Cena being champ puts a cap on WWE going up any further in ratings, without involving K-Fed and Donald Trump. This is one of the problems with Cena as champ. As Shockmaster said Hit motion picture is in the eyes of the beholder. He can sell a products that aren't wrestling. but onto point RAW and the WWE can't go any higher, it doesn't mean they are going lower.
I don't know why people do not like John Cena? He is the champion of all champions in my opinion. Lets talk about Shawn Michaels he needs to retire again because he has been in the lime lite for so long. RVD thinks he is the best. I am so sick and tired of him always pointing to himself and that just makes me sick. There is nobody on the raw roster that deserves to be champion more than Randy Orton especially not Edge nor Shawn Michaels.
Shawn Michaels puts better performances out there than most of the RAW roster including the Champion. I don't hate Cena but I think it is tim for him to drop out of the title picture for a year. As for RVD that is his gimmick to think that he is the best. As for Randy Orton deserving the title I think it should wait for a few more months until the Steroid deal completely dies down, he hurt his image by not responding to the allegations.
The thing is that Cena’s who character is this underdog who survives each challenge and comes out on top. Meaning he should be around the championship. Remember last time he didn’t have the belt and he had a short feud with Sabu and then right back in the title picture.

Cena if he loses the belt needs that one good feud to keep his character intact and make him look good even though as much as most don’t like it. Cena will never ever be completely away from the title picture and we all need to come to grip with that and deal with it. You can see Cena feuding with Orton in a feud where the go back and forth and feuds like that won’t hurt one another.

In all Cena will always be in the title picture and he can survive without the belt but he needs feuds that will make him look creditable and keep up his gimmick.
Cena will be out of the title picture sometime in the near future. Vince and the Creative Team is bound to get bored of him once Kennedy makes it to the top, then they will make him the top priority(Kennedy is the man that will usher in a new generation of fans that will revolutionize the WWE, bank on it) and Cena only sells the most merchandise b/c he got the whole damn works of it(T-shirts, caps, necklaces, wristbands, arm bands, spinner belts, and more besides).

Cena has a dying gimmick, do anybody on here honestly see him being a marine gangsta in his 30's or 40's? I certainly don't, he will be nothing but a fad if the creative team doesn't do a drastic makeover on his character that can reflect him at an older age. He already has the majority of fans booing him which means he is a complete failure(if you are a face and most fans do not like you than you are failure IMO, and vice versa with being a heel), he should turn heel to save whatever is left of his crummy legacy, it will be the best move for Vince to make. And there should be no worries about merchandise sells b/c there are plenty of other superstars that can sell more merchandise than Cena if they have more than just T-shirts to sell.
The thing is that Cena’s who character is this underdog who survives each challenge and comes out on top. Meaning he should be around the championship. Remember last time he didn’t have the belt and he had a short feud with Sabu and then right back in the title picture.

That match they had always bothered me. A guy like Sabu who has been through tacks, barbed wire, tables, chair shots etc just doesn't tap out to anything. For god's sakes he taped up his own arm a finished the match. I understand having Cena win but couldn't they have just had him win with an FU through a table or something?
Cena has a dying gimmick, do anybody on here honestly see him being a marine gangsta in his 30's or 40's? I certainly don't, he will be nothing but a fad if the creative team doesn't do a drastic makeover on his character that can reflect him at an older age. He already has the majority of fans booing him which means he is a complete failure(if you are a face and most fans do not like you than you are failure IMO, and vice versa with being a heel), he should turn heel to save whatever is left of his crummy legacy, it will be the best move for Vince to make. And there should be no worries about merchandise sells b/c there are plenty of other superstars that can sell more merchandise than Cena if they have more than just T-shirts to sell.

Cena's gimmick was dying that why they changed him from a thug rapper to a marine type character. If you look at a gimmick and not knocking HBK at all but look at his gimmick the Heartbreak Kid as Shawn in in his 40's and hes not that sex symbol he one was to many fans. But somehow it still works for him. I see the same thing happening to Cena as when really was the last time he rapped its been a while. This marine gimmick can live up for Cena and help especially with the Iraq thing as its a cheap way to get pops for Cena. Knowing creative they probably already have a plan if this one starts to die, then again that might be giving creative too much credit to think that far ahead.

Cena can last only a short while with out the belt as ever since Wrestlemania 21 the man has been with the belt. Him with out is unreal now a days in wrestling. He need a feud that will carry him and do him well so he doesn't loose any momentum. When he does lose the belt i can see him with out it for about 4 months and 5 pushing it. People need to face as long as Cena make money for Vince he will be the man.
Cena's gimmick was dying that why they changed him from a thug rapper to a marine type character. If you look at a gimmick and not knocking HBK at all but look at his gimmick the Heartbreak Kid as Shawn in in his 40's and hes not that sex symbol he one was to many fans. But somehow it still works for him. I see the same thing happening to Cena as when really was the last time he rapped its been a while. This marine gimmick can live up for Cena and help especially with the Iraq thing as its a cheap way to get pops for Cena. Knowing creative they probably already have a plan if this one starts to die, then again that might be giving creative too much credit to think that far ahead.

Cena can last only a short while with out the belt as ever since Wrestlemania 21 the man has been with the belt. Him with out is unreal now a days in wrestling. He need a feud that will carry him and do him well so he doesn't loose any momentum. When he does lose the belt i can see him with out it for about 4 months and 5 pushing it. People need to face as long as Cena make money for Vince he will be the man.

I understand what you are saying about Shawn Michaels but that is different from Cena. Michaels called himself the Heart Break Kid for over a decade now and most fans still see him as HBK b/c thats the man they know and love so it does not feel right to change his nickname, even though it seems ridiculous for a 42 year old man to be called that. Cena may act like a Marine Gangsta but it is not getting him many pops so thats why i said it is a dying gimmick b/c a lot of fans are not buying it which means he will probably not be known as "The Marine" in 10 years, I just think they have not found the right gimmick/character for Cena yet.

And I agree that he will be in the title picture for a long time to come but what I meant to say was that he will be in non title feuds more often so others can have their chance in the spotlight(like I previously mentioned about Mr. Kennedy).
Cena would be fine without the Title, he was actually interesting last year when RVD had the title and the ECW guys were kicking his ass every week on RAw and he fought Sabu at Vengeance.

It's simple, have somebody screw him out of the title--which is probably how he'll lose it anyway. Then he can feud with that person, and ultimately that person will 'injure' him and then Cena can take some time off and let the fans hate somebody else for a couple of months.

Then he can come back and feud with somebody else, just keep doing that up until the Royal Rumble 08 then WWE can go from there. It can be done, think of Bret Hart in 1995-96. After Shawn beat him at Mania, Bret took a rack of months off, came back and feuded with Stone Cold, turned heel and started bashing America and eventually won back the title over a year later at Summerslam 97. They could do the exact same thing with Cena.
I Honestly think Cena Can't Live Without the Title I Mean The Guy Has Meager Wrestling Skills At Best Which He doesnt even Try to Improve On And He Doesnt Have To Because He Is McMahons Pet. I Say Give The Title To Somebod Who Deserves It Like The Great Kahli (ONLY KIDDING!!!!) I Mean Like Shawn Michaels Or Edge Or Hey How Bout Randy Orton I Think He Has A Lot Of wrestling Ability and A Lot Of Potential But the Really Need to give Him A Chance To Showcase That Talent and That Means Giving Him More Than A One Month Title Reign And Taking The Belt Off Cena.
Did you really just compare John Cena to Bret Hart?:twak:

Honestly I don't see John Cena lasting much longer in the world of professional wrestling. IMO wrestling fans are only becoming smarter these days with things like TNA on television and more exposure to independent wrestling by things like YouTube. People are already rejecting him now no matter how hard Vince tries to make him look like the good guy or the underdog. I think we'll see Cena drop out of wrestling all together in a few years to move on to the world of acting which he will inevitably fail at and then he possibly may return to be mired in the midcard for the rest of his career ala what happened to Viscera after his title run as King Mabel. Hell atleast Viscera was half entertaining to watch.

I don't know, perhaps this is just another fantasy of mine. But to people who compare this to RVD's TV title reign, well all you have to do there is just look at the quality of matches, thats it. RVD put on excellent matches during all of that time, having some 5 Star Classics in my opinion, while Cena has entertained me in possibly one match, his TLC match with Edge at Unforgiven 2006.

Maybe I just really want someone new to be champ.
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