Can anyone become the new youngest ever World Champion?


Shawn Michaels ❤
As far as I'm aware (feel free to correct) Randy Orton is the youngest ever World Heavyweight Champion. Brock Lesnar is the youngest WWE champion ever. I believe their ages were around 24-25, you can check if you like.

Orton often brags about being the youngest guy to win the title, but who do you think can take the honour away from him? The WWE has plenty of fresh young talent and it's feasible that one of them could overtake him or Lesnar - but who?

Personally though, I'd say no one will do it, not for a long while. Ortons first run was hardly successful, would the WWE risk a youngest having the belt, especially when their main event is so strong, and all are in their late 20s at least.
The person that does it would have to be a professional wrestling prodigy in the mold of Brock Lesnar to do it. He wouldn't have to have the same physical capabilities or look as Brock per se, but the individual would need to completely captivate the professional wrestling world the way Brock did for the WWE to want to push someone who is younger and less experienced then the majority of the main event roster to the moon. I don't see anyone on the horizon that is showing the promise needed to pull this off.

On a side not, in regards to Orton being the youngest champion, I cannot say for sure, but the whole affair didn't sit right with me. I did not see Orton as being ready for a World Championship at the time. Granted, he had come off of one of the more impressive IC Championship reigns in recent memory but it just seemed like Vince threw a bit of a tantrum when Brock left and didn't want him to have the satisfaction of being able to say that he was indeed the youngest champion in WWE history. Again, that is just conjecture on my part.
Hmm I agree with you. I don't think WWE will let anyone in the roster under 24 win the World Heavy Weight Title. Besides who do you have to pick? The only person I could think of is Cody Rhodes. And he turned 24 a couple of days ago. I don't see him going to Smackdown right now. Besides he's barely in the main event lol no offense to any Cody Rhodes fans.
Randy Orton is the youngest world champion, but that's because Vicne threw the title on him simply out of spite as hinted to earlier. There is no coincidence that Orton got that spot because Lesnar had left the company 5 months earlier. Randy Orton's title reign was a complete and utter failure, which has taken him nearly 5 years to dig out of.

The simply answer to the question, no, it won't happen. The youngest champion before Lesnar was the Rock, at 26, before that, I can't recall a guy winning the world title for the first time under the age of 32. The world title is meant for the best guy in the business, and that usually takes a long time to get to that.

It makes what Lesnar did even more remarkable, being the youngest champion ever, and winning the Undisputed Title at that. Not one of the younger guys has 1/8th of the Raw ability that Lesnar does, hell, I'd venture to say most of the main eventers don't either.
WWE will in no way let any superstar younger than 24 or 25 years old to being World Champion again. It was a risk then and it would be a risk now. If WWE was really confident with having Randy Orton as the World Champion at 24, then we would have held the title a lot longer. Plus, it wouldn't have been that long until he won the title again (at age 27). I somehow feel that Vince just slapped the title on Orton, just to bring Triple H's number of title reigns from eight to nine. And Orton's 2nd reign was to put HHH's title reign number from ten to eleven and later eleven to twelve. Even at that, the WWE isn't filled with many people younger than 24, so if there were to be someone younger to win the World Championship... it won't be for a very long time.
Orton Is the youngest Champ but if i had to guess and i dont know how old he is but i would have to say now if they put the title on him soon Ted Jr he is gunna be 27 but thats still young not young as Orton or but this is a long shot Primo
Unless WWE has one of the developmental FCW wrestlers be WWE champ, I think that ship has sailed. Cody Rhodes just turned 24 but I agree with everyone that he isn't going to be a main eventer anytime soon. I believe Randy Orton will hold that record for a long time.
I think Shocky hit the nail on the head with this one. Randy Orton may be able to lay claim to being the youngest champion ever, but that was done solely so Brock Lesnar could no longer be regarded as such.

Regarding the topic at hand, there is no one on the current roster younger than Orton was (age 24) who is even remotely close to being World Championship material. As someone already stated, Cody Rhodes, who is now currently 24 years old, is the only guy in that age bracket who is in the main event scene. And in all honesty, Rhodes is only involved in a main event storyline due to his association with Randy Orton.

The chance of the WWE ever crowning another champion at such a young age is pretty slim. All the stars would havve to align for some young upstart who comes along and revolutionizes the business. Right now, there is no one that fits that bill on the current WWE roster.
How old is Jack Swagger? if not him, I think someone with a similar look/gimmick could become the youngest champion ever.

I think Orton will keep the youngest champion ever title for a while though they cant get to much younger haha.

For those that dont know it went The Rock-Brock Lesner-Randy Orton
I think this could turn into an interesting storyline down the line. In maybe five years have a new superstar come out, challenge Orton for the title, and say he will become the youngest champion in history. Have sort of a countdown to the date Orton became champ and have a match as close to the date as possible (without going past it). But unless the new superstar is a bonafide stud, have Orton retain the title. This is would be a nice way to push a new and young wrestler.
How old is Jack Swagger?

Yeah I thought Swagger but apparently he's already 26. Whoever does it isn't currently on the roster. I would have said Dykstra as the guy had a lot of potential and was still only 21 when he was released I believe.
i dont see it happening with any of the current superstars. maybe some one could have a really good debut some time before wrestlemania, get put in the MITB, win it and cash it in later on. but i dont see any1 debuting and going straight to the main event
Kenny Dykstra? I never understood why Vince got rid of him anyway! I think he would be a much better "Dolph Ziggler" then the other guy!! (Nick? I beleive?)

Other then him...If there is someone...nobody knows about him yet, apparently!!

If HHH and Steph had had a boy and not 2 girls, I would say him! Does Shane have sons? Thats the only other way, if you ask me!
Bourne is 26 as well, so no dice for him. I agree with the majority that there isn't anyone right now who can claim the record of youngest champion, it just won't happen. Maybe a few years down the road, so really young wrestler will come along and have the "IT" factor and won't need the seasoning, training and experience for a few years and will break it, but that's still a longshot, no I think Orton will hold this record for a looooong time.
Yes, HHH & Stephanie's future son will be the first 10 year old world champion if not his current daughter.
it will be another second generation star. someone with the look and who is proffessional enough to handle it. most 2nd gen stars are between the ages of 19 to 24. it could be reid flair if he keeps himself out of trouble
Yes, HHH & Stephanie's future son will be the first 10 year old world champion if not his current daughter.

you don't even know there going to have a son,they could have all girls,haha,poor triple h,trapped in princess barbie land,haha

anyway,I don't see anyone claiming this legendary status for youngest world champion,I think it will stick with orton for a long time or maybe even forever.Like many people have said,the only reason orton even got the title was because vince was pissed off that Brock left him high and drying,so vince just wanted to get that youngest champion status off of brock and put it on any person below 25 and there you go,thats how orton became youngest champion
Will anyone become the new youngest world champion i'm going to have to agree with everyone else and say not for a while. Is there someone out there who is good enough to become a world champion and under 24 definitely but they probably aren't signed to a wwe contract. Just to throw someone out there i'm going with Tyler Black, hes 22 has all the potential in the world and the best skill set i know of in the independents.
As most people have mentioned it is unlikely that the WWE will put the big strap on someone so young for a while yet. Randy Orton was rushed into that spot and I think he actually struggled to recover a while after it and so WWE will now be wise to this.

As for who could do it, I don't think anyone on the current roster has the ability to...the only one I could think of is Cody Rhodes as he is just 24 but I don't think he is ready for that task just yet and the WWE have done a poor job of booking him as of late (see cage matches with HHH and Batista for examples) so it would be unlikely he would break Orton's record.

Overall, no, I don't think there are any candidates likely to become the new youngest world champion ever....WWE should learn from the failed Orton experiment that a talent should only be pushed into the spotlight when they are truly ready for it, it's almost unfair to burden a youngster with the challenge of carrying the main belt when they are simply not ready...
The truth is that Lou Thesz is the youngest World Heavyweight Champion ever (National Wrestling Association) - he was only 20 years old. (I must also note that Mr. Thesz is the last TRUE Universally recognized Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion).

2nd place belongs to "Wild Fire" Tommy Rich who was 21 when he won the World Heavyweight Title (National Wrestling Alliance).
Just throwing it out there, Hornswoggle is only 23. He's the youngest Cruiserweight champion ever. I know its dumb but besides Rhoades, he's the next youngest on the roster. Who wouldn't want to see him do the tadpole splash on HHH or Orton for the 3 count?
Just throwing it out there, Hornswoggle is only 23. He's the youngest Cruiserweight champion ever. I know its dumb but besides Rhoades, he's the next youngest on the roster. Who wouldn't want to see him do the tadpole splash on HHH or Orton for the 3 count?

WOW I thought he was 30. I think that the younfest world champ will be a legacy but not coming for a few years. I think HBK has a son aged 9 if im correct born in 2000. This kid will no doubt get pushed to the moon if he ever wrestles and I could see him being a champ imediately at 18. Vince will push him on namesake alone. Also Undertaker has a son that was born in 1993 I think that if he ever did wrestle he would immediately be a main eventer, win the title, and be put with his father replacing him when he soon leaves. He is 16 right now so he can be ready in 2 years per say.
right now with the character that david hart smith, i believe he has great potential to become world heavyweight champion now that he is a part of the smackdown brand

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