
Max Headroom

The Master of Disaster
No this is not a help thread.

Does/did anybody take this course? It's apparently just pre-calc in highschool, as it is getting you ready for University, but damn man some of that crap is hard.

So if you did/do take it, how was it? I just had a test on it about an hour ago and it's safe to say the test raped me. I mean it's only derivatives but man-oh-man, you can sure as hell make it complicated. We once done an equation that took a full white board and a half.

So yeah, chat about it, or any other tangely math subjects you do.
I took pre-calc in my junior year of high school, but instead of taking calc my senior year, I took AP stats instead. Now I'm in college and I've fulfilled my math requirements by taking Math Thinking, which is a course based in logic, and Film Theory, which fulfills a second level math requirement for no apparent reason.
I destroyed calculus in high school. My classmates asked me for help more than the teacher. Took four calculus classes, discrete mathematics, foundations of mathematics, statistics, differential equations, linear algebra, and abstract algebra.
In my school you can only take pre-calc once you reach level 3 (grade 12). It is basically applied math for our University. That's good on your half though getting all your math done.

Once I gets into University I'm trying to get physics-related courses, as physics is probably my favorite thing going right now in school.

But damn man that calc can be BRUTAL if you mix alot of rules together in one equation.

EDIT: Damn LJL, it seems your school has a hell of a bigger selection than mine does in terms of courses.
I took Calculus my senior year of high school. It is seriously the most pointless class you will ever take. I can't tell you how to do one thing I learned in there, much less recall much of what it was. I've never once used this stuff outside of class, so I don't see the point in it.
I'm not particularly mathematically inclined, so the least math courses the better.

Apparently you're not grammatically inclined either.

I hate math. I also am not a big fan of science classes. I like science... I like it a lot actually, it helps me understand the world around me, but I do not like science classes. I took one in college to fulfill a requirement and it was a big ol' joke.
Taking pre-calculus next year (which is also part trigonometry) and calculus + accounting my senior year.

Not many selections worth of math (actually that's it), but it is my favorite subject.
I do not want to scare you but what you are doing now is the easy stuff. The good news is that it really isn't that bad if you just practice it enough.

What was your major LJL?
Calculus is pretty easy once you get the hang of it, the whole class repeats itself chapter after chapter with derivatives and integrals.

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