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Buzzsaw Kick or Orton's Punt of Doom?

Which is more effective, Buzzsaw kick or Punt of Doom?

  • Buzzsaw Kick

  • Punt of Doom

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Razor Blade Dream

The Thread Killah
I got to thinking about Orton's Punt of Doom (here on in known as P.O.D.) and while getting kicked in the side of the head is a nasty thing to endure, doesn't anyone remember how vicious Yoshihiro Tajiri's Buzzsaw kick was? The way he kicked a dude in the head and the *snap* noise he made (even though I'm sure it was slapping his pants or the kickpads) and the head would jerk to the side like it broke their freakin neck.

Honestly I think it was way more effective looking especially after seeing a 120 minute video of Orton P.O.D.ing the McMahon family and HHH on Raw. It really made it lose it's luster to be honest.

What is everyone else's thoughts? I think the P.O.D. is less effective as the Buzzsaw kick.
I liked the Buzzsaw Kick more due to it looking way more brutal & believable than the Punt Of Doom. With The Buzzsaw kick, it looked like it could really injure you unlike the punt which has lost it's luster.

I basically prefer The Buzzsaw Kick over The Punt anyday of the week.
I, too, am going to side with the Buzzsaw kick. Not only is the name harsher than "The Punt" but it was really sharp (no pun intended). Like you said, it always looked like it would severely injure you with the impact that it appeared to hit with. And on a side note, I used it as the finishing move of one of my created characters back on Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007. The move just looks like it could seriously screw you up, save the fact that when Orton punted Vince, that one looked rough with the way his neck bent.

Still, Buzzsaw Kick > Orton Punt.
Yeah the Buzzsaw Kick definitely looked really nasty, so that is definitely the more lethal-looking move. But then again, the Buzzsaw also has that martial arts feeling to it that the Punt, which looks like a regular brawling move, lacks... so I guess that might also be a reason why it looked better.

On a side note, I think the Punt should become Orton's corner-setup move actually. Just as HBK has a Sweet Chin Music variation with tuning up the band, and the way Edge and Goldberg used to set up the spear from the corner, Orton should keep the Punt after the McMahon-feud is over. He probably should drop it for a few months, so as the erase the memory of him "taking out" everyone with it, and then bring it back as a regular "trademark" move. Even though it is not necessarily a tremendously spectacular move, I think it kind of fits Orton and it's definitely a change from the ever-present speartackle that everyone seems to be doing these days anyways.

But considering Randy has been using it during matches as well, I imagine he might keep it...
On a side note, I think the Punt should become Orton's corner-setup move actually. Just as HBK has a Sweet Chin Music variation with tuning up the band, and the way Edge and Goldberg used to set up the spear from the corner, Orton should keep the Punt after the McMahon-feud is over. He probably should drop it for a few months, so as the erase the memory of him "taking out" everyone with it, and then bring it back as a regular "trademark" move. Even though it is not necessarily a tremendously spectacular move, I think it kind of fits Orton and it's definitely a change from the ever-present speartackle that everyone seems to be doing these days anyways.

But considering Randy has been using it during matches as well, I imagine he might keep it...

He seems to use the "corner set up" move with the RKO, how he does that kinda fruity looking "fist slam into cat stretch" thing he does. While not a "corner move set up" per say, but he does have his own little move prior to it. But I agree it should be a corner type of move. Maybe even have it that he tosses someone over the ropes and when they stick their heads between the ropes to get back in he kicks them and either they drop inside the ring or fall back out and get counted out.
I can't recall who it was, I think it was William Regal or Dynamite Kid that said when they wrestled shoot matches in England they were usually the smallest guys. So when a guy that they felt they couldn't take on one-on-one stuck his head through the ropes they would kick them in the head to knock them out.
The P.O.D is nowhere near as damaging or believable as the buzzsaw kick. The P.O.D is such a wimpy move. its BS that they keep hyping it up to be something epic. RGayO would have to be wearing a steel toe boot to keep someone out for months. And if anyone didnt notice, HHH did it to Orton at WM during the match and he wasnt even "injured". And i find it very hard to believe that a kick from Orton would keep you out for months while you couldnt even be pinned for a 3 count after the same kick from HHH
The P.O.D is nowhere near as damaging or believable as the buzzsaw kick. The P.O.D is such a wimpy move. its BS that they keep hyping it up to be something epic. RGayO would have to be wearing a steel toe boot to keep someone out for months. And if anyone didnt notice, HHH did it to Orton at WM during the match and he wasnt even "injured". And i find it very hard to believe that a kick from Orton would keep you out for months while you couldnt even be pinned for a 3 count after the same kick from HHH

I agree. If they hyped that Orton's boot was loaded, it would be more believable. I just can't see Orton having a harder kick than a guy like HHH. If anything the move needs to be for a guy like Big Show who would probably knock someone's fuckin head off their shoulders.
Randy having a l"oaded" boot would work really well since his dad had a "loaded" hand.

Still think its an awesome move but it should have been the finisher for mania if it needed to be done at all during said match.
I agree. If they hyped that Orton's boot was loaded, it would be more believable. I just can't see Orton having a harder kick than a guy like HHH. If anything the move needs to be for a guy like Big Show who would probably knock someone's fuckin head off their shoulders.

Why couldn't Orton have a kick harder than HHH? I'll take a punt kick from HHH or Orton rather than a soccer player or mma fighter that is half their size whose punt kick could probably kill you. Getting punt kicked to the head like that can do serious damage compared to the buzzsaw kick which might look cooler and more viscous, but is more of a knockout move. Contact to the back of the head in the UFC is banned for a reason.
Obviously with the way each has been built up and the selling, it has to be the Punt of Doom.

Realistically Buzzsaw Kick anyday if fully trained. I think the Punt is more effective from most people because of the lack of training required. Buzzsaw Kick requires a certain amount of athletic ability and if simply anyone tried it then maybe the results wouldn't be that amazing.

Though if you're comparing Tajiri's Buzzsaw Kick to Orton's Punt, in this case I have to side with the BK.
Why couldn't Orton have a kick harder than HHH? I'll take a punt kick from HHH or Orton rather than a soccer player or mma fighter that is half their size whose punt kick could probably kill you. Getting punt kicked to the head like that can do serious damage compared to the buzzsaw kick which might look cooler and more viscous, but is more of a knockout move. Contact to the back of the head in the UFC is banned for a reason.

I viewed videos of the buzzsaw and the P.O.D. and they both look to be about the same area of the head, the temple. So either one would do a good amount of damage but the way Orton's looks is just weak as hell. The only reason that damn move is still around is because of the way RVD sold it. Some would argue HBK sold it well but I think RVD gets the nod. When he got kicked he didn't have his eyes shut, he had that glazed over look right away. And the way he jerked his head made it look ten times worse than it is.
I agree that a soccer player would make any kick worse but we're not talking about those guys. I was saying wrestlers in general.
But look up the videos and Tajiri's are a hell of a lot more effective looking in my view. Orton's looks like he is kind of doing a lil skip. Yeah he has to protect the other guy getting kicked but at least make it look good or don't do it at all.
But look up the videos and Tajiri's are a hell of a lot more effective looking in my view. Orton's looks like he is kind of doing a lil skip. Yeah he has to protect the other guy getting kicked but at least make it look good or don't do it at all.

The only punt that sucked was the punt to HHH at Backlash. Since HHH was involved, there are 2 possibilities:

1.HHH was afraid of getting hurt so he turned away too fast and botched it
2. Orton was told to miss HHH

Every other punt has been pretty good, but the punt to HHH was horrible. You can clearly see that Orton's foot didn't even touch HHH's head at all, and I don't think it touched his hair either. I blame HHH..if Vince can take a punt and sell it perfectly, then HHH should be able to at least make some attempt at it, but he didn't even try.
I liked the buzzsaw, it looked way more brutal and was a (seemingly) legit martial arts move. The P.O.D looks like its an act of despiration rather than on purpose.
(its been said but) I gotta go with Randy ortons punt over the Buzzsaw Kick (Both moves are pretty awesome in my opinion) just for the simple fact that Orton's punt is billed as much more devastating than the Buzzsaw Kick.

Tajiri never sent people to the hospital (Kayfabe) like Orton's kick did and Orton put so many top guys on the shelf with that one move (RVD, Batista, Hardy, HHH, ect.).
i like orton and the punts badass but i gotta go with the buzzsaw. that kick was amazing. too bad it didnt belong to a bigger name like orton.

imagine a top heel that had that as a signature move....priceless
The buzzsaw kick if definitely the better move...in real life. If we are arguing what's more effective in the storyline world of the "WWE Universe" it HAS to be the punt and you can't argue that. Story wise the kick was just a move while the punt knocks people out of the picture for weeks and months at a time.

What bothers me about the punt is that it's shown to be the most devastating move in the world. Getting punted does more damage apparently than getting thrown off a ramp into a metal structure and electrocuted.

Now in real life, if Orton actually punted you in the head rather than the hope punt he does, it could literally kill you.
The Punt of doom looks more believable, when ortan does it you cant help but shudder, when tajiri performed the buxxsaw kick you knew that it was one of those moves that no normal person could actually perform so it looked less devastating.
The Buzzsaw Kick, I've been reading on here that people are saying the Punt of Doom for simply storyline purposes, but we all seem to be forgetting that it would have been extremely easy for the WWE to begin "hospitalizing" everyone that took a Buzzsaw Kick. The only reason that it wasn't a big deal is because of Tajiri and Vince doesn't push guys his size but rarely.

One made the comment that every time Orton does the punt you shudder, and that I agree with, but for a completely different reason than that person meant. I shudder because I envision Sid Viscous when he broke his leg, if Orton isn't careful; he's going to seriously injury himself pulling off that awkward looking kick, but that is my opinion on the matter.
One made the comment that every time Orton does the punt you shudder, and that I agree with, but for a completely different reason than that person meant. I shudder because I envision Sid Viscous when he broke his leg, if Orton isn't careful; he's going to seriously injury himself pulling off that awkward looking kick, but that is my opinion on the matter.

I can see him tearing a quad or doing some damage to his ankle or foot most definitely. Especially the awkward way he does it, it just doesn't flow right until after he does it then he does his lil spin thing.
Ive always love the Buzzsaw kick as it seemed deadly to Tajiri's opponent, while the P.O.D is just weak looking, ive never thought it could legitimately hurt some one.
The Buzzsaw kick looked and sounded more devasting to me, of course the only thing that makes Orton's punt look dangerous is the way it is booked. People sell the kick as if it just killed them wereas the Buzzsaw wasn't hyped nearly as much.
while the P.O.D is just weak looking, ive never thought it could legitimately hurt some one.

Let someone punt you in your temple and then see what you think.

The punt suffers because many people kick their opponents in the head and don't get anything but a two count.

Tajiris looked deadly but was never booked that way. Orton's is booked as deadly and that is the difference.

I think Vince is wanting wrestling to seem more realistic due to the competition from MMA hence the punt and the knockout punch being used now.

So yes, the buzzsaw looked better, but in kayfabe terms the punt is better. In fact it is being booked as one of the deadliest moves in history. It's victims are out longer than victims of double conchairto attacks.

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