But what if one of the rookies get injuried during the season?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Did you ever stop to think that what would happen if in any NXT season that if one of the rookies got injuried while trying to win the competition? Now I don't mean to jinx any of those rookies on NXT. But what would WWE management do in order to cover things up?

I mean they might be able to replace a injuried rookie with another rookie from down in FCW, like how the WWE replaced the injuried Undertaker with Rey Mysterio in the Smackdown world title match by putting Rey in Takers slot. And what if even a pro gets injuried on any other show, who would replace the pro?
My guess would be that WWE would just eliminate the guy, give him time to heal up, and put him on another show or Superstars.
I agree with Repo-Man, it's the only obvious choice to do.

If WWE have big plans for this guy, he's gonna be eliminated and will ultimately return in some manner on one of the main rosters after healing, if it's someone who was gonna get eliminated later on, WWE is gonna throw him back to FCW or have his contract eliminated.

I don't think they will replace any of the rookies with someone else due to injury, because the rookie will have "less time to impress" or less time to actually get over with the WWE crowd and for WWE to actually get a insight on him, all depending on when the rookie will be injured.

Let's say someone gets injured in week 5, the rookie gets replaced for week 6, it's obvious then that the rookie that gets replaced will be eliminated first then because of the pro's poll.

So elimination will be the only logical point to make, even if it's an early injury, lack of competition or very short matches (depending on what is injured) would be the way WWE would most likely go.
The way I see it, the show will continue to roll on, regardless of whether a rookie is injured or not.

Let's say that Alex Riley is injured this week whilst wrestling. Would that mean that he necessarily needs to be off of TV? I don't think so. If he breaks his arm or tears a muscle or something, there ways around it to make sure that he can still be on the show. I think that they have him all set up to win the show and in that case, it would very much hurt the plans of the WWE to have him be injured. However, as I said, there is always ways around injuries and other situations.

I mean, look at what happened with the Undertaker, he was injured and now they have Kane getting over in a big way. From every twist and turn in the WWE, there will always be someone that is coming out of it favourably and sometimes that person is the person that the twist happens to. For example, look at what happened to Matt Hardy just before WrestleMania 25, I think? He broke his wrist and then that injury was written into his programme with Jeff. He used his cast as a weapon and got over a a heel because of it. NXT is a big deal to the WWE. They are establishing stars and getting some of their young talent over. An injury to one of them is not going to stop a freight train that is already in motion.

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