
The Rob

Telling me I'm invincible..
Damn, that movie is a complete mind-fuck! Watched it yesterday for the first time and I can't remember a film that made me feel as uncomfortable and down-right bummed out when the credits rolled. Honestly, just a BRUTAL film which had me completely on edge. Incredibly well acted by Ryan Reynolds, considering the fact he was the only person you see for the entire film, he kept me captivated right through to the films conclusion.

Anyone seen this film? Your thoughts?
does that movie suck? I heard it blows cock. Just saying. Do you suggest this film for me to watch?
Very good film, I came in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised for the most part. The lighting, editing and cinematography in particular were outstanding and the whole directing job has me keeping my eye on Rodrigo Cortés (the filmmaker). There was definitely room for improvement, but I enjoyed it. 3.5/5 I believe I gave it.
I didn't like it and I was very surprised at that because I usually love tense and cagey efforts like Buried was. I was very disappointed but I might give it another go. That being said, I have to give credit to the cinematography and lighting, very exceptional stuff.
I loved it.
Apparently the film completely fucked Ryan Reynolds up. He couldn't sleep for a long time considering he couldn't sleep in an open space after all that time in the coffin.
It wasn't amazing, don't get me wrong. But sometimes I like watching films that fuck around the audiences' minds as much as the characters' minds on the screen. And I could feel his pain and it made me think how I would re-act in that kind of situation. For that sense of helplessness and desperation, it's very similar to 127 Hours.
I loved it.
Apparently the film completely fucked Ryan Reynolds up. He couldn't sleep for a long time considering he couldn't sleep in an open space after all that time in the coffin.

He should have asked Ben Affleck for his Daredevil bed. After all, Reynolds is about to join Ben in an elite club of doing a horrible job of playing Marvel superheroes.

In all fairness, Reynolds didn't do too bad a job of playing Deadpool... except for the fact that he cut a bullet in half and was serious for ever half a second. If there are two things you learn about Deadpool through reading one of his comics it's that A) He's not really that great a fighter and B) He's never ever serious, EVER.

That was horribly off topic. I've heard good things about Buried in general, so I might just give it a watch.
I literally got in from Netflix today, I plan on watching it a little bit later, if I don't get around to it tonight, then for sure tomorrow night

and JGlass, I think Reynolds is going to join the Affleck in the club of sub-par comic book movies, but not from playing Deadpool, I think it's going to be his portrayal of the Green Lantern that lands him in that club with Affleck, Nick Cage, Josh Brolin, Eric Bana, & Jennifer Garner
Just finished it, good movie, the ending is just...what's the best way to describe it...fucking intense?, a complete mindfuck? either way a much better movie than I had expected, well worth checking out for anyone who hasn't seen it yet
very uncomfortable situation indeed. for what he had to work with, reynolds channelled his fear quite well. i didnt have high expectations but it turned out to be not half bad. definately nt the best flick ive seen , but given the unique story- it was enjoyable. feeling completely helpless & having to deal with the end like he did.... damn. the ending was a fucked up situation all around. fuck- that part with his company was heartless & the final scene was intense.
It was a good suspense thriller. The movie keeps you at the edge of your seat even though there is only one actor shown in one setting for 90 minutes.

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