This is precisely TNA's problem nowadays. They would rather bring in a washed up has been[or in Buff's case, a never was]. I didn't mind Bagwell so much in the beginning of WCW or even during the NWO. He was mostly a background player, so it was fine. He helped round out the lower to mid card divisions. He was somewhat passable as a character and even decent in-ring. This is 2012 and the sooner that Hogan/Bischoff realize that, the sooner they can stop using has beens and start using the young talent and TNA originals they aren't using to current full potential. Storm, Roode, AJ, Daniels, Samoa Joe. Hell, even a breakout by Magnus would be unexpectedly different and interesting to watch unfold. Seeing Buff Bagwell again isn't exactly high on my list of expectations for TNA. I don't think many others would want to see that either. Buff is not the stuff. Just another waste of space and tv time.