Bryan marks are becoming unbearable


Getting Noticed By Management
Daniel Bryan is clearly the most over guy in the WWE, the fans are well and truly behind him whether the suits of the WWE want to admit it or not.


A small percentage of Bryan fans are becoming annoying with the way they carry on about him being "buried"

If Bryan wins you can bet your bottom dollar that their will be multiple fans complaining and crying over Bryan being booked to lose.

So tonight when Bryan overcomes interference and pins THE CHAMPION you'd think the fans would relent on the constant sooking. But no I look at the discussion on the results and sure enough there are bryan marks complaining that Bryan was apparently "belittled". He went through a (kayfabe) injury, interference and still went over.

So am I the only one that is sick of some Bryan fans?
I definitely agree. As long as he is on TV, it doesn't really matter. He has been the main focus on WWE programming for a while now.
I believe the title is coming, and that the WWE not instantly giving the fans what they kick in scream for leaves room to build a story arc around Bryan that is far more gratifying, than the WWE just caving to pressure and making Bryan champion, but we wrestling marks are an impatient bunch.

At the end of the day, the more the creative team delays that feel-good moment, the better it will be, and the "now what?" feeling of Bryan being champion will be less immediate. The constant irrational complaining means that people still care, which is good, but the bottom line is there are lots of other things happening on WWE programming that are equally worthy of attention, praise, and in some cases scrutiny.
BRYAN really sucks..He is not HALF as good as CM PUNK..His lame finishing move..Bad physique..And really bad mic skills..I mean what do you love about him..Is it only his YES chant's...
BRYAN really sucks..He is not HALF as good as CM PUNK..His lame finishing move..Bad physique..And really bad mic skills..I mean what do you love about him..Is it only his YES chant's...

His wrestling skills.. his in-ring ability is what people like about him. He can put on a great match with anyone, nobody cares about his mic skills or his physique. Most of us are guys, why the fuck would we care how his body looks?
BRYAN really sucks..He is not HALF as good as CM PUNK..His lame finishing move..Bad physique..And really bad mic skills..I mean what do you love about him..Is it only his YES chant's...

Bryan is way better than punk. Bryan never walked out on the fans.

Bad physique? He doesn't have a bad physique and his arms are ripped unlike cm punk who is a skinny fat @$$.

What do we love about him? His talent. Daniel Bryan is an extremely talented wrestler, and the thing is there are / were many great wrestlers in the past but Bryan has a moveset that get a lot of reaction from the crowd which is great
BRYAN really sucks..He is not HALF as good as CM PUNK..His lame finishing move..Bad physique..And really bad mic skills..I mean what do you love about him..Is it only his YES chant's...

Time out! You are criticizing Bryan's body? Have you seen CM Punk? He is skinny fat. He doesn't look like an athlete in the least.

But Bryan's fans becoming more frenzied after his set backs will lead to a bigger reaction when he finally gets the strap. Lets all enjoy the ride.
BRYAN really sucks..He is not HALF as good as CM PUNK..His lame finishing move..Bad physique..And really bad mic skills..I mean what do you love about him..Is it only his YES chant's...
Well going by Physique punk doesn't match the E ideal either. On the Mic he is good enough tho no Punk. But when it comes to in ring skill he is on the same level as punk at his best. Punk however for awhile now as been lazy and sloppy to the point he isnt in the same league as Bryan. I dont know if its he has lost his passion,unhappy with the E or Banged up. Probably a combination of the three tho.

I dont know where people get the idea "he doesn't have the look" Yeah sure in the eyes of Vince he doesn't since he isnt roided up to hell and back or look like a oiled up model. As long as he doesn't look like doink the clown and can tell a story in the ring like he does then who cares about his look.
I've never liked Daniel Bryan. I've always found him to be bland and boring as a wrestler. Now before everyone attacks me saying that "I clearly don't know the first thing about wrestling", let me state that me saying Daniel Bryan sucks is my opinion. Am I saying it's a fact? Well it is in my point of view although I know 99.99% of the internet would disagree. But on the subject of this thread his fans are getting absolutely annoying, they've actually been annoying for a while now. They don't get what they want so they all stop behaving like mature people and start acting like spoiled children who aren't getting their way. I honestly don't think id resent DB so much if his fans weren't so in everyone's face about how big of fans of his they are and how they're such "experts" on professional wrestling.
I love how wwe is making the fans wait for db to finally win the title, and a way for wwe to gain even more heat and make the wait even better is have Brock leaner take out db before the ec matches so Bryan again misses out on a major match then have db use that as an excuse to go to wrestlemania and contend for the title
Daniel Bryan is clearly the most over guy in the WWE, the fans are well and truly behind him whether the suits of the WWE want to admit it or not.


A small percentage of Bryan fans are becoming annoying with the way they carry on about him being "buried"

If Bryan wins you can bet your bottom dollar that their will be multiple fans complaining and crying over Bryan being booked to lose.

So tonight when Bryan overcomes interference and pins THE CHAMPION you'd think the fans would relent on the constant sooking. But no I look at the discussion on the results and sure enough there are bryan marks complaining that Bryan was apparently "belittled". He went through a (kayfabe) injury, interference and still went over.

So am I the only one that is sick of some Bryan fans?

No but saying that, you need to understand that they're FANS. When you're dealing with fanatics that happens. Does it make any sense that for fans of teams in the NBA of NFL to bury their cars or riot on a street corner? No but it happens. some people are going to bitch no matter what happens whether it's punk or bryan or Cena, fans will annoy you.
So now its not enough to criticize fans for hijacking other parts of the show with their Daniel Bryan/YES chants, we're going to criticize them for being Bryan fans, period.

Get over yourself. Trying to tell other people who they should support and who they shouldn't.

I wonder what kind of man says, "I can't root for this Bryan guy, look at his terrible physique!". Well actually, I do know what kind of man would say that.
Anybody who declares Daniel Bryan buried should be banned from posting on forums. They don't understand what buried means. They never will understand what buried means.

Other than that, Bryan fans are a little overzealous, and don't understand why he's not the top guy. Maybe one day they will, but I'm not holding out hope.
I couldn't agree more!

I love Bryan & I'd really like to see him main event Wrestlemania. But the constant crying & bellyaching from certain fans is turning me off of the whole situation. I'm sick of hearing about riots & boycotts that never seem to happen.

And the funny thing is as soon as WWE gives Bryan the championship and he stops being booked as the underdog, you'll see half of those crying fans turn on him and move on to the next guy.

Six months to a year from now we will see hundreds of the "Push Ziggler or I'm boycotting WWE" threads. :headscratch:
What sort of debauchery is this that we go from seeing main event wrestlers having great phyisques, or great gimmicks to talking about CM Punk and Bryan who have neither.
I couldn't agree more!

I love Bryan & I'd really like to see him main event Wrestlemania. But the constant crying & bellyaching from certain fans is turning me off of the whole situation. I'm sick of hearing about riots & boycotts that never seem to happen.

And the funny thing is as soon as WWE gives Bryan the championship and he stops being booked as the underdog, you'll see half of those crying fans turn on him and move on to the next guy.

Six months to a year from now we will see hundreds of the "Push Ziggler or I'm boycotting WWE" threads. :headscratch:

The Ziggler threads already happened. Folks around here got over that a year ago.

We're a few months out from this board cooling on Daniel Bryan.

In a year, it's going to be "Push Rollins or we riot!!!!!!!".

A year from that, it's going tobe "Push Xavier Woods or we riot!!!!!!!!"

Point is, the fanbase has an extreme case of ADHD. This is why the WWE doesn't/can't cater to them on a regular basis.
I look at it this way - there was a report a while ago that The Undertaker wanted DB at Wrestlemania. I trust his judgement on talent 100% more than internet fans..

He is not the "typical" WWE guy but neither was HBK or even Jericho for that matter.. Vince helps make stars but it's the fans who decide who will survive in the business and who won't. Lance Storm was one of the best "wrestlers" but couldn't get over w/ the fans
I was ready to come in here Fingers a blazing. But You're Right. Daniel Bryan Is Usually the Main Event on Raw. He's Started and ended the last 3 or 4 raw's. I mean HHH was doing the Yes Chant to start the show Last night. That's Huge. From a Kayfabe Stance. That is Freaking Huge. So any Bryan Marks (Which I am proud to say I am ONE.) saying he is being buried. Need to learn a new word. To Quote Indigo Montoya. "You Keep Using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
Let's dissect the Bryan story arc going back to WrestleMania 28 when the Yes Chants began...

At first, these chants were a legitimate response to an attempted burial of Daniel Bryan. Having Sheamus go over at 'Mania in 18 seconds was not very well received by the snarky WrestleMania crowd, and they responded by chanting for much of the night before carrying it over into Monday Night Raw. I've always seen these chants in the manner for which I remember them starting - as a rebellion against Vince McMahon's long-running theme of pushing big guys down the fans' throats. In that manner, Daniel Bryan has become a symbol for fans that are dissatisfied with the current product.

This is why I believe the chants got louder as the WWE tried to embarrass Bryan with "anger management classes" in the summer of 2012. It's why I think they became deafening when the WWE used Bryan's support for no other reason than to draw heat to Randy Orton. And it's why I think the shit finally hit the fan at the Royal Rumble when the fans realized that the WWE wasn't going to rethink their dated formula in favor of giving Bryan a shot at WrestleMania.

Now, some people are mistakenly calling this a burial, when what they likely mean is that Daniel Bryan has hit the imaginary glass ceiling with the company. Instead of letting him break through it, as most think they should, they're constantly holding him down to prevent that ceiling from shattering. They screw him out of the title, have him walk into trap after trap, leave him laying in the middle of the ring and basically put him in a story where he needs to overcome the odds ... but then never once let him overcome those odds. Guys don't typically become bigger when they're constantly booked to look like fools - but Daniel Bryan isn't typical. As I said earlier, I believe he's a symbol to some fans for all that they see wrong in the WWE. So by booking him to look stupid, the fans frustrations grows; and so do the chants.

In my eyes, the WWE has done a piss-poor of capitalizing on these chants, and that's a big reason they've lost complete control of them. At the start of the Orton/Bryan angle, there was no doubt in my mind that Triple H was the real heel in the situation. Triple H was pulling all the strings to keep Bryan from the title; Orton was merely a pawn, a beneficiary of those strings being pulled. Sure, we wanted to see Orton go down; but Triple H was the real target.

Well, about half-way through the Orton/Bryan program, Triple H - excuse me, Paul Levesque - decided that heels no longer existed. So one week, the fans want Triple H's head on a stick for screwing Bryan out of the title at NOC... and the next week, he's booking Bryan and 10 other guys in an 11-on-3 match against The Shield because he doesn't want to get booed anymore. Well, here's the problem - if Triple H has been the heel in this angle, and he suddenly decides not to be a heel anymore for reasons that aren't explained within the confines of the angle, then the angle loses its steam big time.

But here's where the really interesting part comes in. In lieu of having an on-screen heel, the WWE audience has created its own heel. And that heel is the real-life WWE Machine. So instead of controlling this angle by making The Authority the villains, they've effectively turned their entire company into villains in the eyes of their audience.

As for last night, sure, Bryan beat Orton last night in the middle of the ring. But make no mistake, this story is about Orton's loss, not Bryan's win. The story being played out is that Orton is giving reason for Triple H to rethink his commitment to the champ. With Batista back in the fold, Orton is paranoid that Triple H will put his faith in him instead. This program will come to a head at WrestleMania when the two square off for the title. Having Bryan go over Orton last night wasn't a nod to Bryan so much as it was a furthering of the Orton/Batista story.
This thread is pointless.

"I'm sick of SOME Bryan fans." "A SMALL PERCENTAGE of Bryan fans are annoying." "...multiple fans complaining and crying..."

All you've said here is describe what the world already knows. The product isn't going to be perfect and not everybody that likes wrestling is going to love every single thing that's done. They're also not going to love every single thing you love. Let them do what they want to do. They pay their money just like you. So who cares?
Firstly, every wrestler with a major fanbase has annoying fans. Cena, Punk, Edge, Jericho. All of them have a lot of fans and all of them have fans that are unbearable.

But it is very true that some fans are throwing around the word buried because they're angry that Bryan isn't WWE champion. It's fine if they're unhappy that Bryan isn't WWE champion, or if Bryan wasn't in the Royal Rumble, they're perfectly entitled to be, it's their opinion. I was unhappy that Bryan wasn't in the Royal Rumble, because I wanted to see him. That's one of the many things you wish for with some you like; seeing it.

But being unhappy doesn't give you the right to throw around words which you either a) don't know the meaning of, which is bad or b) purposely twisting the meaning of for your own reasons, which is worse.

If you want to find out if someone was buried, you look at where they were last year. At last year's Royal Rumble, Bryan was a tag team champion. He went into the Rumble for a few minutes, eliminated Kane, then got eliminated himself, after he ended up being literally carried by Kane, who then dropped his tag team partner.

2014 Daniel Bryan just pinned WWE champion Randy Orton clean in the middle of the ring in the main event of Raw. And that's after Kane tried to help Orton.

Burying isn't when people have a 50/50 win/loss record. Burying isn't when WWE don't care about a wrestler. Burying isn't when someone you like isn't get pushed. And please note that there's a difference between being buried and a wresler going down the card due to a push not working. See: Ryback, Miz, Ziggler.

Triple H in 1996 was buried. Chavo Guerrero was buried when he lost to Hornswoggle. Jack Swagger was buried in 2012 by losing to everyone.

Burying is when bookers intentionally make a guy look bad, whether it's through losing to a jobber, having a losing streak, or being given a terrible gimmick. Sometimes it's as punishment (Triple H), sometimes it's breaking a guy down so they can repackage him (Swagger), sometimes it's simply because the wrestler sucks, and bookers like to make him the butt of the joke (Chavo).

But yeah, losing the occasional match or not being WWE champion doesn't mean you're buried. And Daniel Bryan hasn't been buried at any point during his WWE career.
A month from now, when CM Punk still has yet to return, there will be a post about how Punk marks are so annoying.

No one is forcing you to read what Daniel Bryan fans are saying.
Except that is hijacks actual conversation. Bryan smarks have been effing up threads on here for a while now, talking about him being buried, and he should be the champion, and the final straw for them was the Royal Rumble where he didn't win a match that the WWE specifically said he wasn't going to be in, didn't book him for, and he never was going to be in.
Like someone pointed out rightly so that every wrestler has a fan base and at the same time they have fanatics. Same is the case with Daniel Bryan. No doubt the guy is hugely talented but he ain't the Rock or Stone Cold type guy. So Bryan marks which are being referred here will soon become Roman Reigns fans and ask for his push when Reigns turns face.

Most of the WWE fans like wrestlers who are top "FACE". Take example of CM Punk, he was one of the best "HEEL" characters. Fans who disliked him then when he was facing Rock and Undertaker are liking him now just because he has turned FACE. The same will happen with Roman Reigns by next year's Royal Rumble when he turns face.

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