Brutus Magnus: Gladiator or Luger Wannabe?

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[This Space for Rent]
So basically put this is the first (to my knowledge) thread that's being dedicated to the up-coming debut of the next "Lex Luger" type mold. With that being said, the first instant question is, will this gimmick ever work with anyone else?

Chuck Palumbo had a failed attempt at being a copycat. Chris Masters seemingly had the best luck with trying it out, but ultimately never even won a Championship. With T.N.A. trying this gimmick for what I believe to be the first time, will Brutus Magnus become a Champion within the company? Or will he fail to even make an impact?

I have to admit, when I first seen the promos, I thought it WAS Chris Masters, only going under a different name. I have to admit, I kinda hoped it was too, because as I said, I felt Masters had the best go of this type of gimmick. I don't know who Magnus is, and I haven't heard any rumors about him, good or bad, so I'll have to wait until his official debut w/ T.N.A. to get my first full impression, but I will say this much..

With the current major storyline in T.N.A. being Frontline against Main Event Mafia, I don't think debuting a new Wrestler is going to get noticed. Short of this individual picking a side and playing a major role in the difference.

What are everyone's thoughts of this new Wrestler headed to T.N.A.? Please explain yourself fully. Thank You.

Nick Aldis AKA Oblivion. I'm told he's an English gladiator. I dunno, I haven't seen it. He has his own column (or at least did) in Fighting Spirit Magazine where he basically talks about how he's the shit. Jake says he reckons he's awesome because he cuts 80's styles promos. I don't take this as good knows - I don't think he recognises how dead kayfabe is.

I'm not one of these people that automatically gives a shit because someone is English. I dislike people like that. Though I was a fan of Doug Williams after seeing him live; shame he just dropped off the face of the Earth. I'll reserve my judgement, though I don't think he's this "Lex Luger wannabe" you're painting him to be. He's not even that big. Maybe he'll be good, maybe he won't be. I think he'll be average and then write about how he's stealing he show.

And he's the token British guy on the TNA UK. Could not give a shit. I'm panicking at the thought that MCMG, LAX and Beer Money might not be coming over. I know Sting won't be, lazy cunt.
I made a point of looking him up last year after I heard his day job wasn't simply, GLADIATOR. Upon further research I came to the conclusion, or is it really a conclusion if I already knew it, that he was shit. Terrible wrestler, his promos are awful, but he's great on Earthquake. But I don't think TNA will utilize that gimmick match.

Apparently he got the job because the geek who runs FSM put a word in with Dixie Carter, she hired him as a favour. I'm pretty sure he's only part of the UK tour for now, but I might be wrong.

His promos are like that of The Ultimate Warrior, only not intresting because you can understand what he's saying. Actually he's more like Hogan, but shit.
Apparently he's been a wrestler since he was 16 as well as the new "bad Boy Wolf wannabe" on "Gladiators".

I've never seen him wrestle so i don't know what to expect.He might end up as Judas Mesias,i.e. promos for a while, "Shock" appearance, beat up a wrestler, disappear for a few months and then come back for 1 good match.

Or suicide who just vanished.

And he's the token British guy on the TNA UK. Could not give a shit. I'm panicking at the thought that MCMG, LAX and Beer Money might not be coming over. I know Sting won't be, lazy cunt.

i saw it two days ago in Dublin, shelley and beer money were there, Lax weren't.
I was at the TNA iMPACT London branch of their tour. His match last night against Sheik Abdul Bashir was actually decent, despite the LOUD "you can't wrestle/you're not wolf/we want wolf" chants he was getting. Then the crowd realised he was the face...

His physique is pretty impressive, he's very athletic for his size but his moveset is dull and finishing move (spinning samoan drop) is lame.
i saw his first match tonight,you can tell he was nervous he wasn't great but the promo was awesome i think.he needs alot of work
"My time for glory... is upon uuuuus!"

The fuck was that shit? Tell me that's not going to be a recurring catchphrase. Definite Ultimate Warrior inspiration, like Jake said, but he's way too coherent. And issuing challenges is so cliche. He'll also never get over with that accent, saying "bollocks" constantly.

Again, what the fuck happened to Doug?
He didn't really look that impressive to me. His finisher is nothing more than a Samoan Drop. His mic work is average at best but nothing more. Maybe in time he will get better but I doubt it.
eh I guess it was obvious they were gonna give him one of the lower latter people of TNA in his first match.. Shark boy.. really? A guy that hasn't been seen in the past few months.. The match was one sided the only thing shark boy did was his regular stone cold impersonation and was thrown around

Himself.. When he first did that goofy gladiator stance I couldn't stop laughing at how silly it looked.. I was really hoping for something impressing on how they were pushing "LOOK HOW FOR HIS MOVE!" and when he did it.. it was more like.. Wow thats it?

He did give an open challenge at the ppv this weekend I'd like to see him face someone that actually could give a good match.. Id love to see him face Matt Morgan.. But really quite a few matches at the ppv already who is left to really even challenge the guy? lolrhyno?
Brutus Magnus i watched him last night to be honest i wasnt impressed he taunted more than he wrestled in the match, i dont know so much about him being a luger wanna be he has a simalar character but so has many superstars, my prediction for this brutus magnus guy is hell become something mediocure cause of his lackluster ring abilities nd funny looking taunt j.p lol
The first big guy I've seen where his mic skills were better than his wrestling skills. Usually, it's the exact opposite.

He needs alot of work on his chemistry and movesets.
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