Brock Lesnar's World title reign

Rate Brock Lesnar's title reign

  • Great. I like the fact that Brock is not defending the title on every ppv

  • Average, nothing special

  • Sucks because of Brock Lesnar not appearing for months

  • WWE has a World Hvt. title?

  • Brock Lesnar sucks

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I voted sucks because of Brock Lesnar not appearing for month.

I don't want to see the title defended every PPV, but not having the title holder appear atleast once in 4 weeks is just ridiculous, Lesnar should have appeared on the go-home show for the past 2 PPVs and talked about how all the ongoing drama is a result of the fact that there's no legitimate contender to his title, because they fear him. They could've brought in Ambrose or Ziggler stepping up to him in retaliation, only for their storyline rivals to attack them from behind, while Lesnar just stands and laughs at him.
Him not appearing has killed it and the WWE have handled it very badly by essentially just pretending he doesn't exist. They could have so easily made an angle out of this by having Brock say "I'll show up when I want" and making the fans hate him even more (common fucking sense) but no, do nothing instead. Horrible booking but typical of the WWE.

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