Brock Lesnar....Will He Crack The Shield?

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I've thought about this more and more recently and honestly feel that a Team featuring Brock Lesnar will crack the shield. Now wait, Lesnar is a heel, Shield are heels how will this ever work? The key to this success is Paul Heyman. We have all seen the Shield take out the Top Stars in the WWE. Anyone who could have come against them has been beaten and there are currently few people who have star quality that haven't faced them. With all that being said there are two key names that I feel can be paired together to give the Shield their first lost.

CM Punk and Brock Lesnar at Summerslam vs the Shield would force people to watch the show. HOWEVER, let's add something volatile to the equation. Make the match Triple H, Brock Lesnar, and CM Punk vs The Shield.

Now how do we get there? Triple H versus Lesnar somehow has an ending where both guys come out as equals. Triple H needs to be "injured" Lesnar needs to fade away for a bit. The Shield goes on beating everyone and looking dominant in thier matches. Triple H assumes the COO job on TV more following this injury and people start complaining about the Shield running rampant. Triple H decides that it may be time to take matters in his own hands. Now where this all comes together is when Paul Heyman comes out the first week building to Summerslam unannounced and somehow gets attacked by the Shield. Cue next week Brock Lesnar and CM Punk challenging the Shield and during the promo the Shield actually gets the upperhand of them until.... "Time to Play the game" hits and Triple H evens the odds. Trips recruits Brock Lesnar and Punk in order to taked down the Shield. The WWE creative could then build that Team Heyman don't trust Triple H showing animosity all the way, however in the end the new Unholy Alliance shall we call it wins. Brock could end up shaking Triple H's hand due to "respect" and Triple H leaves the ring. Punk goes to shake Lesnar's hand but instead hits GTS announcing himself best in the world.

And then there you go, you got your fall feud plus the set up for a potential Triple H vs Punk match that never happened.
You might have a winner here. But no teams. Have Lesnar come out and week by week, take out members. When The Shield has run its course, their demise should come at the hands of someone who has proved how fucking tough he is. They've taken out Ryback, Show and now the only way you can end this, is by having a 'If Shield loses, they disband' match. I don't think that should happen this summer, but I see Brock as the only, proper fit for it.

Losing to Brock, won't hamper your credibility much, and also, it would be a good match.

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