British National Party


Shawn Michaels ❤
Am I the only one who doesn't hate them? I'm not saying all their policies are amazing, but a lot of them have common sense. There is too much immigration, we do give criminals too many rights, Capital punishment should be an option, we should care for people who live in Britain before giving aid to other countries, and people are too PC. I'm surprised they got 2 seats in *Insert whatever election we just had* but meh, I'm not complaining.
it was in the European parliament, but we need some right wing extremists to cancel out the commies that the likes of Romania elected.

But on track, at the last general election sky news did a research where they asked 100 people which of four manifestos they would vote for. They did this to two different groups of people in the same city. One they told you the party name, the other they didn't...when they said what the party name was only 20% chose BNP...when they didn's say the name of the party 80% chose that would show they do have some decent policies, but some are way to stupid and cancels it all out
If you're anti-immigration or Eurosceptic, there are plenty of parties to vote for. UKIP are a fine example of this. Considering how they're damn near a single issue party, it's understandable how they could get such a great result.

The BNP, however, are scum. They've done a great job of cleaning up their image and sweeping up their members' racist exploits, but any sort of reasonable observation of them beyond their pamphlet reveals them to be the racist ***** they are. For example, black people are not allowed to be members of the party. That's a fact. They have a youth movement and educate them on white supremacy. That's a fact.

You don't cancel out PC by being *****. They won't be able to hide it much longer. Everyone's getting ready to tear into them, including the right wing media.
I wish.

It's not an especially good inside look, I think Dispatches and Panorama did better, but it's worth a look before you consider plastering the new Nazi party with any level of legitimacy.





I, as an elitist, Hollywood, communist liberal, do not like the BNP very much. Their policies are fascist, and there is a reason why almost nobody who has the slightest idea what they are talking about supports them.

People who support the BNP don't understand the immigration debate, they just think that there are too many immigrants because either a) their right wing newspaper tells them that there are, or b) they suffer from xenophobia. I might sound like I'm generalising, but I'm really, really not. Nick Gryphon by and large puts himself across pretty well, but on the rare occasions he's been invited to talk at universities or similar bastions of intelligence, he's always been proved not to know what he's on about.

The migration issue is a phenominially complex question that involved worker dynamics, regional employments fluctuations, currency transfer and ten dozen other issues. Anybody who simply boils it down to 'foreigners taking my job' is a clown, and that's putting it nicely. Personally I favour immigration on the grounds of fairness (why should somebody live in poverty because of where they're born) but I'd never be so ignorant as to present my opinion as an absolute. Professionals have spend an age arguing the question of immigration, and since they can't agree, I doubt that I am up to stating with convection what the national stance should be.

As for the rest of the BNP's little list, well, I'm against all of it apart from taking care of old people and the environment, but a very quick read of the BNP's manifesto should confirm to anybody that they are not a serious political party. Their policy on most areas amounts to a couple of lines with no extrapolation or explanation. In other words, it's a collection of intentions with nothing about how they would achieve them or deal with the consequences. I'm no expert, but I don't think you can revert to protectionism improve the national defence,, slash taxation and improve every aspect of public service, and then pay for it by chucking out the Polish. I like the Polish. They contribute far more to the country than the fascist right wing.

So yes, I pretty much hate the BNP. I'm open to the idea that the very top echelon of the party might not by totally racist and might just be some well meaning ignorant people, but I doubt it.
The BNP said Amir Khan should be deported out of the country. Why? He's as British as most. Not technically, but listen to him speak. Look at his lifestyle, it's British. I don't understand why anyone would try to force people out of the country. Sure, curb the amount of people coming in. But to get rid of existing people? Meh. Also, most people in England are immigrants. One BNP leader was shown to actually originate from Germany years and years ago through family. Maybe he should go too?
Fact is that the bad cancels out the good. Look at Labour, deep down there are a lot of laws they've made that are good, and just as many decisions that leave you scratching your head and going 'Why?'. And then there's the fact that you can't please everyone.

No person of immigrant origin is every going to vote for a party which has policies which promote White British supremacy. Simply because to do that would be a shot in the foot to themselves. I'm moving to England in the summer, and Leeds and Bradford, while a small area of England, simply would never have any support for the BNP to gain majority, because it's too multicultural.

Go find me a person who is of Asian/Black/European/Middle Eastern origin, ask them just why they won't vote BNP and you'll get proof
Am I the only one who doesn't hate them? I'm not saying all their policies are amazing, but a lot of them have common sense. There is too much immigration, we do give criminals too many rights, Capital punishment should be an option, we should care for people who live in Britain before giving aid to other countries, and people are too PC. I'm surprised they got 2 seats in *Insert whatever election we just had* but meh, I'm not complaining.

I'm sorry Whisper but I copmpletely disagree with you. I study politics and have done for the last few years with great interest. What you are saying is what you feel and that is the great strength of politics after all, it can divide people and opinion. However, I must disagree with you. I mean sure, people have said that there is too much immigration but what harm are immigrants doing you? I do agree that criminals have too many rights but we must try and uphold there rights as well. I don't think that Capitol Punishment should be an option, that is a long story though and for another time. I strongly disagree with you that we should care for people in Britain before other countries. What would you like done for you? You already have everything you could ever need to live a happy life. Your rights are upheld and you are privileged. As a world power, it is our duty to the world to give to people less fortunate than ourselves and I am all for foreign aid. I do agree with you that if there are some that are not having there civil liberties fulfilled then by all means help them first. I personally could not care less if I could not call someone a derogitory name without being arrested because quite frankly there is no need to call them that name in the first place. Just the way I feel though.
I dont hate the BNP, I dont fully understand what they're about, people say they are a bunch of blazing racists that need to be stopped, whenever I hear them talk all they do is talk about putting English people first. There's probably more to it than that but you only even mention that there is too much immigration or you lost your job to a foriegner in this country and a certain demographic will call you racist. People lash back, hence the BNP's recent success.

Personally, I wouldnt be sorry to see all of the Polish people on work visa's go home, nice enough people dont get me wrong, I am friendly with a lot of them, I've worked with a lot of them and in different circumstances I'd be over there working taking advantage of the situation. The thing about them working harder is a bit of a myth though, good at making it look like they're working, better at what they do? Not a chance. Fact is a lot of good workers I know are now jobless while they continue to work, sure they are cheaper, when there is 8 of you living in a flat you can afford to be. I dont know the politics behind it, I do know what I see with my own eyes, not what the right wing newspapers tell me, not what the left wing newspapers tell me.

Anyway enough of that, I am never going to vote a party in based solely on one policy that may benefit me but hurt alot of others in the long run. If say for example what Sam said is true then they arent worth your time, unfortunately they may just be capitalising on the over defenciveness of the PC brigade and the stigma people are getting of immigrants coming in and working while they are not, are they lazy, sure some of em' are, others have been working their whole lives only to be pushed out, who they gonna blame?

Also there is the fact that the current government is a joke, but there are better choices, there must be.
My own personal thoughts on the Bnp are not overly bad. I think that they have some good policies and at this particular time, it might make sense for the BNP to get more votes but that is not healthy for our country. I'm not saying that they would immediately run the country into the ground but I'm sure they would give it a good try at the very least. The only policy I agree with is the immigrant policy and even at that I don't agree with it fully. They want to stop foreign workers entering the UK in order to get more British workers into British jobs. However, there is many flaws with this arguement. Firstly, British people are lazy. I'm lazy, you might be too. A lot of British people do not even want to work in the first place so what would the point be in trying to get them a job? Secondly, Polish people are doing jobs that are essential to our country's growth. I don't like it but a lot of these people are on less than minimum wage. A lot of companies are struggling at the minute and it just makes sense for them to employ people who are going to do the same job for less money? I say that I don't fully agree with the poilicy for one more reason. A lot of people who come into the country are refugees and as such deserve a little compassion, not our government rying to throw them back out. Put yourself in there shoes and truely think about it.

Let's not forget that the BNP are anti-homosexuality. I might not like to see it but they have no right to say how, or how not to live your life. Let us also not forget that they are a fascist party. The last facist party thet Europe saw come to power tried to rule the world. They were called the Nazis. Of course, I'm not saying thst it would be the same but I'm not willing to take the risk. Bottom line is that you are perfectly entitled to vote for whoever you like. But, if you think that the BNP will make the country better as a whole the you are very much mistaken and are an idiot.
Also there is the fact that the current government is a joke, but there are better choices, there must be.

The current government isn't as much as a joke as people would like to think. Frankly, I'm baffled by how successful the Conservatives are at this point. They've sat there and criticised, but they hardly ever actually put forward any policy suggestions. When they do, it regularly turns out that they would have fucked up. Their parliamentary reform suggestions (actually, that should be suggestion) are utter pig shite and they're more incriminated by the expenses scandal than anyone else.

The difference maker is that Chubby Dave is Teflon Tony's heir as far as media images go, whereas Gordon Brown's picture appears in the dictionary if you look up "scapegoat".

The real alternative here are the Liberal Democrats, who have come up with some very extensive, thorough parliamentary reforms (plural!). In the event of a hung parliament, a Lab Dem coalition is a decent possibility.

Sorry to get sidetracked, but you already have my thoughts on the Racist Cunt Party. The fact that anybody would consider them a proper alternative is a sad reflection of British people, not British politics.
The Fact is that the BNP's arguements are flawed and the only reason they are getting votes is because of the fact that people are scared, and are looking for a quick fix, and the truth is there is none.

The BNP want to keep Britain white, and if they got there way the majority of the non white british would be gone and will only leave a few thousand and im being polite due to the fact that Britain is more multicultural then ever, our economy was built on immigration to be put bluntly, the fact that now the economy is dwindling whats the first thing people do, point the finger, the reason why people point the finger is because we are all looking for a person or situation to blame all our problems on and thats the BNP's stepping stone, they keep promoting they are the new labour party and are for the working class, but the fact is they are neither for the working class, the jobless, or even the rich, they are for themselves, out for their own scumbag approaches and look into filling their own pockets and abuse the countries economy so that their warped view of britain comes into realisation.

The best thing to do is stop being scared and think about things intelligently, stop looking for a quick fix and look at the best option in the long run, then maybe scumbags like the BNP wont attempt to sliver their way into power and hopefully will disappear alltogether because if they get into power were all done for.
Firstly, British people are lazy. I'm lazy, you might be too. A lot of British people do not even want to work in the first place so what would the point be in trying to get them a job?

I think thats a bit cruel and generalising a little, a lot of British people are lazy, a lot aren't. Many have the opinion that they are better than menial jobs drummed into them, fact is no one is. I still think you are taking a lot away from the geniunely hard working British people when you say that. They do exist you know.

Secondly, Polish people are doing jobs that are essential to our country's growth.

These arent jobs that English people cant do, these arent jobs that English people couldnt do better. It's all our own fault though, for a while the skills and willingness to do these jobs were gone, we all convinced ourselves that we were better than that.

I don't like it but a lot of these people are on less than minimum wage. A lot of companies are struggling at the minute and it just makes sense for them to employ people who are going to do the same job for less money?

So illegally employing people to work is now justifiable? Dont get me wrong, I dont blame the Poles for doing it, not one bit, they are making their lives better. I just think that *using a BNP slogan* maybe we should look after our own, I mean, the colleges are full of kids learning to do the jobs that foriegn labour dominate. How do I know they dominate? A chinese worker was once visibly shocked when I told him I was English "English dont do this job" apparently. . .

Well, I dont claim to be an expert and would be willing to accept that I am wrong.

I say that I don't fully agree with the poilicy for one more reason. A lot of people who come into the country are refugees and as such deserve a little compassion, not our government rying to throw them back out. Put yourself in there shoes and truely think about it.

Thats where I agree, not even I am racist enough to send war refugees home, apparently the government is though, all while letting more workers in. I guess refugees dont benefit the country.

Was joking about being racist by the way, course I'd send em' back. *Insert smiley here to show that I was joking*

Let's not forget that the BNP are anti-homosexuality. I might not like to see it but they have no right to say how, or how not to live your life. Let us also not forget that they are a fascist party. The last facist party thet Europe saw come to power tried to rule the world. They were called the Nazis. Of course, I'm not saying thst it would be the same but I'm not willing to take the risk. Bottom line is that you are perfectly entitled to vote for whoever you like. But, if you think that the BNP will make the country better as a whole the you are very much mistaken and are an idiot.

Yeah, agreed.

The current government isn't as much as a joke as people would like to think. Frankly, I'm baffled by how successful the Conservatives are at this point. They've sat there and criticised, but they hardly ever actually put forward any policy suggestions. When they do, it regularly turns out that they would have fucked up. Their parliamentary reform suggestions (actually, that should be suggestion) are utter pig shite and they're more incriminated by the expenses scandal than anyone else.

Thought someone might call me out on that one, it's cool, it's not a point I am going to defend as I was only claiming it to be one of the reasons for the BNP's recent success. Labour are percieved as a joke, that is all that matters in the long run.

The difference maker is that Chubby Dave is Teflon Tony's heir as far as media images go, whereas Gordon Brown's picture appears in the dictionary if you look up "scapegoat".

I hate David Cameron, so do a lot of the public, sadly Brown being a scapegoat is whats propelling him forward.

The real alternative here are the Liberal Democrats, who have come up with some very extensive, thorough parliamentary reforms (plural!). In the event of a hung parliament, a Lab Dem coalition is a decent possibility.

Still have the reputation of guys like Charles Kennedy, might agree with you I dont know, sadly their public image ain't great.

Sorry to get sidetracked, but you already have my thoughts on the Racist Cunt Party. The fact that anybody would consider them a proper alternative is a sad reflection of British people, not British politics.

Gullible enough to think that kicking all immigrants out is the answer to all our troubles? Not even I am that stupid, and when it comes to politics I am pretty fucking stupid, and gullible. It's why I refuse to vote, for the betterment of our country you see.
Just to clarrify. I did not mean to imply that all British people were lazy. Infact Miko described my point better than I did. British people don't want to do the work and others saw an opportunity.

I really would be worried about this result if I thought for one second that the British people would ever elect them into government. It would be the biggest mistake in the history of British politics and I never, ever see it happening.

Also, on the subject of the Lib Dems. I would not be adverse to voting for them but I probably wont. My votes right now are with the SNP. They have done a fabulous job of running Scotland since they were elected.
Just to clarrify. I did not mean to imply that all British people were lazy. Infact Miko described my point better than I did. British people don't want to do the work and others saw an opportunity.

I really would be worried about this result if I thought for one second that the British people would ever elect them into government. It would be the biggest mistake in the history of British politics and I never, ever see it happening.

Also, on the subject of the Lib Dems. I would not be adverse to voting for them but I probably wont. My votes right now are with the SNP. They have done a fabulous job of running Scotland since they were elected.

the liberal democrats are the ones pointing the finger, they apparently want to make tough choices, the choices i dont think either you or me think are sane, they say stop tax credits so single mums are pretty much screwed and it means that the lib dems have no idea what they are doing, they say scrap student loans (basically alienating students like myself and becker), the cheek of the student claim was they said that no student actually uses their degree to get real work (most employers are employing on degree merits such as the home office), then they say tax the wealthy which means driving every wealthy businessmen out of the uk and leading our country to near bankruptcy, yeah they seem intelligent (rolls eyes).

The fact is the lib dems have no idea how to run the country thats why they will never get anywhere, this race at this point is between labour and the conservative party, both parties need to step up and take on peoples concerns instead of pointing the finger otherwise they will end up being a victim of their own weaknesses which at this point the BNP are exploiting which is scary, the fact that the European election they have been given two seats is astonishing, no sane person should or would vote for them so they attempt to make a play at the scared people who believe their bs policies which IMO they will not bank on, they just want to attempt to make us believe that they are what labour is missing, which is so untrue its unbelievable, as i stated before we need to stop thinking about quick fixes and start urging our government to stop taking us for idiots, in this next election hopefully they will listen and will do whats best for our country weather it will be labour or conservative I hope they will start to understand that our votes do count, not just for election time but for the whole time they are in power, give the common person a say in a PC society in hopes that we can crush Broken britain and rivive our country into something beutiful....Heres hoping :(
I'm sorry Whisper but I copmpletely disagree with you.

Yay :). I wanted someone to argue policies with, hence why I'm replying to you :)

I study politics and have done for the last few years with great interest. What you are saying is what you feel and that is the great strength of politics after all, it can divide people and opinion.

Well, I haven't, but this thread is simply your opinion n them, so I think we should be okay. If not, bare with me.

However, I must disagree with you. I mean sure, people have said that there is too much immigration but what harm are immigrants doing you?

Some of them, none. There are some immigrants who come over here, settle down, learn English, get a job, and become valued members of society. However, some come over here, act like peadophiles looking at 12 year olds, and apparently that's okay because it's allowed in their home country, don't learn English, don't get a job, and simply get everything given to them by taxpayers. So, I'm not totally for immigration. People generally get that mixed up with racist, but meh.

I do agree that criminals have too many rights but we must try and uphold there rights as well.

To a certain extent. We must give them food to survive. But the fact murderers can sue people for breaching 'their' human rights is silly. They didn't care about human rights when they were killing someone, why should we care about theirs now? And PAY for this at the same time? While they're in jail, it's becoming more and more nomal for them to have access to games consoles. When they get released, they get thousands spent on giving them a new identity. I'm not suggesting taking all their rights, but this is going too far.

I don't think that Capitol Punishment should be an option, that is a long story though and for another time.

I'm bored, so I'll argue. Feel free not to reply. The judge should have the option of Capital punishment when the person has been proven guilty beyond doubt, with either DNA evidence, or being caught red handed.

I strongly disagree with you that we should care for people in Britain before other countries. What would you like done for you? You already have everything you could ever need to live a happy life. Your rights are upheld and you are privileged. As a world power, it is our duty to the world to give to people less fortunate than ourselves and I am all for foreign aid.

We have everything? Have you seen the amount of homeless people? Poverty stricken children? Children who need care but we don't have enough money to fund them properly? Then there's less serious things, but still ones we should sort in our own country. I was in hospital a month ago, not only did I have to wait 7 hours to see a doctor when I had suspected appendicitis, I got carted around the hospital, once at 3 in the morning, because they didn't have the proper beds. While we don't have enough staff, beds or funding for the NHS, we should cool off the foreign aid. Maybe not stop it completely, but we should care for the people who live here,seeings as most of them are paying the taxes which fund this money.
Right, before we even begin, anyone, literally anyone, who votes BNP is either a racist, or uncapable of looking past their rose tinted rhetoric. The British National Party doesn't let black people enter it's party. Bear in mind that the vast majority of black people in this country are at least third generation, then you have straight up racism and not patriotism.

The question of immigration is completely fueled by the Sun and the Mail. Here's a bit of advice for you, newspapers. If you spend 15 years slagging off immigrants every day, then you will end up fuelling the support of somone you yourself have called, wittily, Bloody Nasty People. You can't have it both ways.

To say the problem of immigration in this country is exaggerated would be a massive understatement. There are hardly any immigrants on benefits because they are not entitled to them. The hoards of Poles here are here because they do jobs Britih people aren't prepared to do. I challenge anyone to work with a Pole and work harder than them, you'll struggle. The only ones who get any financial help are asylum seekers, and I tell you what, I'd give an asylum seeker a house before I sent them back to a dictator that would kill them, but I must be a namby pamby loser or something.

If we didn't have immigration, the NHS would fall apart in about two weeks. The doctors and nurses we get from abroad completely prop up the system.

Seriously, even if you have a problem with immigration, vote for UKIP, not these because these people have blanket racist ideals and not policies.

That being said, the left wing media needs to stop crying everytime they win something. That does nothing but give them free publicity for something that doesn't even matter. The fact of the matter is, they have been voted in, and they are entitled to sit in European Parliament now with neo nazi Austrian parties and Front National.

In a way, I'd like them to win a council somewhere, and for people to see how completely inept they are because they are just thugs in suits.
Now Im kind of split on whether i like them or not. Im not a racist, but I will admit I have had prejudiced thoughts, and I dont feel I should be shouted at for that as, I believe all people have at some point, whether it was against Black, White, Chinese, Muslim, Jewish (or any religion. But there are some things about the BNP that cannot be acceptible.

Yes, I belive caring for the Old and the Environment is improtant. Caring for the Old is important, considering some of the time, not enough is done, The Old Deserve our RESPECT. I admit that, just because their old and may have served in a war or lived through it, they also have to earn a measure of respect, as does everyone.

Caring for the Environment is vitally important. The threat to the environment is Highly improtant as well. I would have thought you may be more likely to Survive an Atomic Blast (depending how far away from the Centre of the blast you are), than say, a Massive Meteorite or Tidal Wave. Anyway the point I am making is, that The Environment needs to be protected for the future generation (of which I am part of, and also further generations), because if there is no environment, or the seas/ocenas keep filling and so on, then there is going to be no fit place to live.

I know that Some of the BNP policies may seem racist, and a lot of the members are, and yes also facist, but there are some great policies even though some of them have no real substance.

The main thing I dont like about them is ofcourse their Facist and Racist. I have seen some of the Facist side of them. There was an article a few weeks ago, about the BNP in fact, and there was this man about to enter a building and these men around him that were doing the Nazi Salute (Right Arm Out) and I know this is Unnacceptable in Modern Society, also this salute being illegal in Germany therefore, would probably be a particularly unpopular party in the EU and Germany especially and I bet, Jewish people wouldnt like it as well.

I cant see me, making my first Vote next year, for the BNP, or even Labour, Conservatives either, not that Labour or the Conservatives are Facist.
Now Im kind of split on whether i like them or not. Im not a racist, but I will admit I have had prejudiced thoughts, and I dont feel I should be shouted at for that as, I believe all people have at some point, whether it was against Black, White, Chinese, Muslim, Jewish (or any religion. But there are some things about the BNP that cannot be acceptible.

Hey, I've said racist things. I've expressed prejudiced views and been angry at other races in general. I'll be the first to admit that I was wrong, and that anybody else who expressed those views would also be wrong. Unquestionably wrong.

Caring for the Environment is vitally important. The threat to the environment is Highly improtant as well. I would have thought you may be more likely to Survive an Atomic Blast (depending how far away from the Centre of the blast you are), than say, a Massive Meteorite or Tidal Wave. Anyway the point I am making is, that The Environment needs to be protected for the future generation (of which I am part of, and also further generations), because if there is no environment, or the seas/ocenas keep filling and so on, then there is going to be no fit place to live.

So... the message here is that if you care about the environment and actually want something done about it, you should vote Liberal Democrat? Or if you're looking for a protest vote, you should vote for the Green Party?

I know that Some of the BNP policies may seem racist, and a lot of the members are, and yes also facist, but there are some great policies even though some of them have no real substance.

There are few substantial policies, and the policies of every single other party outdoes them overall. Even if a party has no clear policies. I'm looking in your direction, Mr. Cameron.

I cant see me, making my first Vote next year, for the BNP, or even Labour, Conservatives either, not that Labour or the Conservatives are Facist.

If Alan Johnson becomes Labour leader, you should vote for him. I'm not a particularly big fan of the guy, but I like several of the policies that he's said he'd implement - not least the change to the voting system.

For me, the next election hangs on Parliamentary and electoral reform. The public will be too stupid to spot this, and there'll be a surge of Conservative votes for the simple reason that they just aren't Labour.

David Cameron's suggested parliamentary reforms included fixed term parliaments - as in, the time between elections would be fixed and no longer be decided by the Prime Minister. His other reforms include, wait, no, that's it. Hmm. Explosive.

Labour have recently come out and said that, should they win the next general election, they will finally reform the House of Lords. The House will then be 80% elected or 100% elected. I've always wanted the Lords completely binned, but this is the best alternative if I can't get that. Alan Johnson - Labour's likely next Prime Minister - is also in favour of implementing the Alternative Vote Plus system that was suggested to the government some years ago. Would he come through? Who knows, but it's still better than Cameron's shitty proposals.

The Liberal Democrats, unsurprisingly, have suggested the most monumental reforms of all. Mr. Clegg promised a fairer voting system, scrapping the Lords and capping the amount people can donate to parties. I'd also imagine they'd implement the minor reforms that they've backed for years. At this point, they all but have my vote. "We need a revolution". Indeed, Mr. Clegg. Indeed.

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