Britains legal system is shit

No. His crime (for this imprisonment) was armed robbery. He was a getaway driver in several robberies of banks and post offices. Just to clear that up.

But a point I was trying to put across (sorry I had a few beverages last night and don't think I expressed myself completely) is that if we put someone behind bars for life without question, it completely disposes of the whole point in having a prison. Then it is there for fear (something I don't think should be cultivated at all) and punishment (a nice way to pointlessly waste taxpayers money with no due outcome).

It costs a huge amount to keep a prisoner in jail. I think that is a key element. I just looked it up, and the figures are between £17000-£37,500 per year. If someone kills someone at the age of 20, rehabilitation is reached by the age of 30, you still want to keep him in prison until he is 70 costing possibly 1.5 million (without inflation) with no reason other than punishment? This is completely pointless and mad to me. Makes no sense whatsoever. I think that aspect really needs to be looked into aswell, especially in an age where we have a 50% tax bracket.

I think rehabilitaion (not remorse) is the way forward. More psychological assesments, and possibly gated community's taking on some form of work before full release back into society. In this day and age we need to be more in touch with our sociology, and really look at these people who have slipped through the net.

I can understand what your saying in this matter but what about those who actually do commit horrendous crimes and should not be released back into society, No offence to anyone but i would not want a pedophile or a convicted seriel killer being released back into the public because its expensive.

The point of prison is that its supposed to be a place where people are removed from society and are kept so they are not a danger to anyone else, I Understand your point about your cousin but the thing that annoys me is why would he continue to re offend?, the cost shouldnt be an issue but making sure people pay for there crimes should be, and the worst part like most government services our legal system is down the toilet due to the fact that our government is to PC, people are being released too early and are re offending, no one is scared of the legal system, they just go back commit the crimes say there sorry and back out again its utterly atrocious.
I can understand what your saying in this matter but what about those who actually do commit horrendous crimes and should not be released back into society, No offence to anyone but i would not want a pedophile or a convicted seriel killer being released back into the public because its expensive.

The point of prison is that its supposed to be a place where people are removed from society and are kept so they are not a danger to anyone else, I Understand your point about your cousin but the thing that annoys me is why would he continue to re offend?, the cost shouldnt be an issue but making sure people pay for there crimes should be, and the worst part like most government services our legal system is down the toilet due to the fact that our government is to PC, people are being released too early and are re offending, no one is scared of the legal system, they just go back commit the crimes say there sorry and back out again its utterly atrocious.

I don't know, are you scared of the judicial system? I guess I am, but I think it should be respected more than feared. That obviously isn't the case if there are so many of us debating it, lol.

The ting is, the cost is an issue though. If you were earning say £100,000 a year, you'd be walking away having only £60,000 and paid for one or two prisoners for that year. Thats the thing that does get me.

I'm loving the fact that I've just been refered to as too PC for the first time in my life! lol. I'm just looking at the logistics of this. It is not economically viable to keep someone locked up for a possible 50 odd years or more. It just doesn't work, especially when there is still poverty around. This is something that needs to be addressed.

Re-offending is a tough one. My cousin, from what I've gathered, was young stupid, played up to his mates, didn't do well in school (been diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia since his latest incarceration) but was a good driver. Then he got jailed for stealing a car and got caught in a cycle, and got hooked on something. Had a kid, needed to support him the only way he knew how. He was fucking stupid. Now he wants to make amends and re-integrate for the first time, and I really do respect that. He's thirty odd now, so he was still a young man when he done all this. But he was stupid, deserves the punishment he's had, and I hope he will be let out soon so he can continue with his life.

But then someone else I know had a spell in jail when he was young (think he done about 12 months for fighting and resisting arrest), came out, been clean and solid ever since. He has a trade, started his own company, doing really well for himself. Then his ex-wifes boyfriend got beaten up. He hadn't spoken to the ex for a good 3 months, no problems with it, and he got picked up by the police, a night in the cells for no reason. It shows that its not easy for someone to come out of prison and just live a normal life.

I would also like to point out that everybody commits crimes. Whether its downloading films and music, lighting a spliff, drinking underage, getting into a fight in a nightclub, going over the speed limit, whatever. Its all a crime. Just chances of being caught if you have prior's are much higher, and chances of just being let off with a caution are decreased.
I don't know, are you scared of the judicial system? I guess I am, but I think it should be respected more than feared. That obviously isn't the case if there are so many of us debating it, lol.

The ting is, the cost is an issue though. If you were earning say £100,000 a year, you'd be walking away having only £60,000 and paid for one or two prisoners for that year. Thats the thing that does get me.

I'm loving the fact that I've just been refered to as too PC for the first time in my life! lol. I'm just looking at the logistics of this. It is not economically viable to keep someone locked up for a possible 50 odd years or more. It just doesn't work, especially when there is still poverty around. This is something that needs to be addressed.

Re-offending is a tough one. My cousin, from what I've gathered, was young stupid, played up to his mates, didn't do well in school (been diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia since his latest incarceration) but was a good driver. Then he got jailed for stealing a car and got caught in a cycle, and got hooked on something. Had a kid, needed to support him the only way he knew how. He was fucking stupid. Now he wants to make amends and re-integrate for the first time, and I really do respect that. He's thirty odd now, so he was still a young man when he done all this. But he was stupid, deserves the punishment he's had, and I hope he will be let out soon so he can continue with his life.

But then someone else I know had a spell in jail when he was young (think he done about 12 months for fighting and resisting arrest), came out, been clean and solid ever since. He has a trade, started his own company, doing really well for himself. Then his ex-wifes boyfriend got beaten up. He hadn't spoken to the ex for a good 3 months, no problems with it, and he got picked up by the police, a night in the cells for no reason. It shows that its not easy for someone to come out of prison and just live a normal life.

I would also like to point out that everybody commits crimes. Whether its downloading films and music, lighting a spliff, drinking underage, getting into a fight in a nightclub, going over the speed limit, whatever. Its all a crime. Just chances of being caught if you have prior's are much higher, and chances of just being let off with a caution are decreased.

The fact is Prison may change a few people but alot who come out reoffend and may end up doing something more serious, Im not just talking about your cousin but alot of serious crimes in general, yes he was a getaway driver but what about the people that where hurt due to his friends stupid behavior, now hes paying the price for it.

The fact is not all people who go in can be remorseful, I truthfully dont think pedophiles who show remorse should be accepted, as i stated before children are innocent, rapists who say they shouldn't have done it and are sorry should never be accepted back into society also, the fact is they've taken someones life someones innocence, so why should they be given a second chance?
The fact is Prison may change a few people but alot who come out reoffend and may end up doing something more serious, Im not just talking about your cousin but alot of serious crimes in general, yes he was a getaway driver but what about the people that where hurt due to his friends stupid behavior, now hes paying the price for it.

Isn't the whole "prison" thing the price that someone pays for a crime? Once they've paid their debt to society, that should be the end of it.

The fact is not all people who go in can be remorseful, I truthfully dont think pedophiles who show remorse should be accepted, as i stated before children are innocent, rapists who say they shouldn't have done it and are sorry should never be accepted back into society also, the fact is they've taken someones life someones innocence, so why should they be given a second chance?

And what exactly does ruining more lives accomplish? Is that going to un-rape someone? No. Once you've paid your debt to society, that should be the end of it. Who the fuck are you to decide who is and isn't capable of remorse? No one has the right to decide such a thing, no one.

I'd like to hear a LOGICAL argument for why people who have paid their debt to society should continue to suffer outside of prison. Because all of the arguments I've heard thus far can be summed up as "Because it would placate someone else's feelings".
The fact is Prison may change a few people but alot who come out reoffend and may end up doing something more serious, Im not just talking about your cousin but alot of serious crimes in general, yes he was a getaway driver but what about the people that where hurt due to his friends stupid behavior, now hes paying the price for it.

The fact is not all people who go in can be remorseful, I truthfully dont think pedophiles who show remorse should be accepted, as i stated before children are innocent, rapists who say they shouldn't have done it and are sorry should never be accepted back into society also, the fact is they've taken someones life someones innocence, so why should they be given a second chance?

Oh my cousin was a fool. He deserved to go to jail. No two ways about it. But he's come a long way, and hopefully will come out and make a proper go of things.

Your 2nd paragraph there though...pure generalisation. Each case is completely individual, and again, I'll question how many criminals you know. There are no set rules, and each one is completely different, and as I said, remorse is one thing, rehabilitated and ready to re-enter society is something completely different.
Isn't the whole "prison" thing the price that someone pays for a crime? Once they've paid their debt to society, that should be the end of it.

And that poor victim should be left to suffer scared and alone why the rapist, pedo or even murdere is allowed to walk free into society?...errrm no

And what exactly does ruining more lives accomplish? Is that going to un-rape someone? No. Once you've paid your debt to society, that should be the end of it. Who the fuck are you to decide who is and isn't capable of remorse? No one has the right to decide such a thing, no one.

So that person is released re-offends?, then what?, the fact is they shouldn't of done it in the first place, its sick, its wrong and their legal rights should be stripped away IMO

I'd like to hear a LOGICAL argument for why people who have paid their debt to society should continue to suffer outside of prison. Because all of the arguments I've heard thus far can be summed up as "Because it would placate someone else's feelings".

Depends on the offence, As ive stated before, if a person comes out, reoffends and is a rapist, pedo or even murder then no I believe more lives will be ruined, ive worked in three different government sectors and the case is always clear, 9 times out 10 these sickos come out and go right back in again.
No, no, no, no, no, no. No. No. There's nothing wrong with the legal system in this country, and here's why.

This is a list of countries who can afford to have enough prisons to keep the vast majority of people in:


Here's a list of countries who have enough prisons and treat prisoners with basic humanitarian decency:

The USA.

Now, I'm not going to talk about the pros and cons of the US legal system because it's irrelevant, but the point is is that you can't put murderers in prison for ther rest of their lives because there isn't the room to. You can't kill them, because of the obvious moral issues with that, but also because it costs more in appeals, court hearings and actually paying somebody to kill them that it is cheaper to keep them in prison.

But the predominant issue is that people are told, thanks to the papers mostly, that people who kill people do so in cold blood, when this is rarely the case. the point of prison isn't punishment it's rehabilitation. Repeat offenders do exist, but they're still people and they still deserve to be able to start again. Their punishment is gaol and not to be tainted for the rest of their life.

That's all for now, but there's plenty more.
And that poor victim should be left to suffer scared and alone why the rapist, pedo or even murdere is allowed to walk free into society?...errrm no

So that person is released re-offends?, then what?, the fact is they shouldn't of done it in the first place, its sick, its wrong and their legal rights should be stripped away IMO

Depends on the offence, As ive stated before, if a person comes out, reoffends and is a rapist, pedo or even murder then no I believe more lives will be ruined, ive worked in three different government sectors and the case is always clear, 9 times out 10 these sickos come out and go right back in again.

The reoffending rate in the UK is 39%, this is for all crime, mostly petty theft etc. The rate for violent crime is far far lower, so your 90% is completely and utterly wrong. 9% would be an exaggeration.
And that poor victim should be left to suffer scared and alone why the rapist, pedo or even murdere is allowed to walk free into society?...errrm no

Are you kidding me? Give me ONE valid, LOGICAL reason why they shouldn't be allowed to. One. Because again, the only reason I've heard from you and others is "They shouldn't be allowed to be free because it would hurt someone's feelings". That's basically the gist of what you're saying, isn't it?

So that person is released re-offends?, then what?, the fact is they shouldn't of done it in the first place, its sick, its wrong and their legal rights should be stripped away IMO

This is the biggest issue with the train of though you and other people in this thread are using: you see the world in black and white. Things either are wrong, or they are right. People are either good, or bad. Sorry to break the news, but that is NOT how the world works. Our world is entirely made up of grey areas. Instead of trying to address the real cause of violent crime (the issues a person has in the first place) you just want to beat these people with the baton of the law and keep them in a dark hole, so they don't have to ruin your day with their silly issues. You just want to condemn every person to ever commit a crime, you want to just take everyone who does something wrong to be put neatly into the "Bad People" box, wipe your hands of it and be done, right? Because that's the easy thing to do isn't it? Well guess what; life isn't easy. It's hard. It's hard to rehabilitate someone; it's hard to try and actually address the real human problems that cause these crimes to be committed; it's hard to try and save people who have done horrible things and want to do horrible things. It's 100% worth the effort though.

You believe in strict punishment as the only way to solve the problem though, completely ignoring the fact that prisons utilizing more and more complex rehabilitation programs have seen massive drops in the recidivism rates. Instead of doing that though, you just want to keep them locked away to prevent criminal relapse? If you're so concerned with criminal relapse, than you should be on my side of the fence arguing for more rehabilitation programs as well! It's a known fact that more focus on rehabilitation than strict punishment has produced drops in criminal recidivism, the one thing you claim to be against in the first place. So, why aren't you on my side of this argument again?

Depends on the offence, As ive stated before, if a person comes out, reoffends and is a rapist, pedo or even murder then no I believe more lives will be ruined, ive worked in three different government sectors and the case is always clear, 9 times out 10 these sickos come out and go right back in again.

You've just proven my point! The current system (one that focuses on punishment, and not rehabilitation) isn't working, you've just said so yourself. And yet you're opposed to the one change in prison policy that will actually have the effect you're fighting for in the first place? That doesn't make a lick of sense mate.

Basically, you've not only just proven my point, but you actually unknowingly already agree with my stance on this issue. You want less recidivism; the only way to accomplish that is through rehabilitation and not punishment.
Are you kidding me? Give me ONE valid, LOGICAL reason why they shouldn't be allowed to. One. Because again, the only reason I've heard from you and others is "They shouldn't be allowed to be free because it would hurt someone's feelings". That's basically the gist of what you're saying, isn't it?

The Gist of what im saying is I would agree with your statement as long as you understand that im not talking small and petty crimes, Im Talking Murderes, Pedos and rapists people who have taken peoples lives, do they deserve to be rehabilitated...No thats my legal reason when you have a daughter or son and fear for their lives every single day because your afraid that some sick pervert will pry on them (by their own choice mind you) should they be given the benefit of the doubt?...No

This is the biggest issue with the train of though you and other people in this thread are using: you see the world in black and white. Things either are wrong, or they are right. People are either good, or bad. Sorry to break the news, but that is NOT how the world works. Our world is entirely made up of grey areas. Instead of trying to address the real cause of violent crime (the issues a person has in the first place) you just want to beat these people with the baton of the law and keep them in a dark hole, so they don't have to ruin your day with their silly issues. You just want to condemn every person to ever commit a crime, you want to just take everyone who does something wrong to be put neatly into the "Bad People" box, wipe your hands of it and be done, right? Because that's the easy thing to do isn't it? Well guess what; life isn't easy. It's hard. It's hard to rehabilitate someone; it's hard to try and actually address the real human problems that cause these crimes to be committed; it's hard to try and save people who have done horrible things and want to do horrible things. It's 100% worth the effort though.

Im not stating that some people are mentally ill, but the fact is i cannot condone child molesting, killing or even Rape, why make the excuse for these sick individuals.

You believe in strict punishment as the only way to solve the problem though, completely ignoring the fact that prisons utilizing more and more complex rehabilitation programs have seen massive drops in the recidivism rates. Instead of doing that though, you just want to keep them locked away to prevent criminal relapse? If you're so concerned with criminal relapse, than you should be on my side of the fence arguing for more rehabilitation programs as well! It's a known fact that more focus on rehabilitation than strict punishment has produced drops in criminal recidivism, the one thing you claim to be against in the first place. So, why aren't you on my side of this argument again?

No i believe the punishment should fit the crime, what about baby P?, What about Jaime Buldger and any other child that had its life taken away because someone decided that they wanted to get off?, you can keep stating human rights all you want but in the end as far as im concerned you have to understand the other side of the argument as well otherwise you attempting to convince me to forgive inhuman acts that truthfully are not human to begin with.

You've just proven my point! The current system (one that focuses on punishment, and not rehabilitation) isn't working, you've just said so yourself. And yet you're opposed to the one change in prison policy that will actually have the effect you're fighting for in the first place? That doesn't make a lick of sense mate.

Im fighting to protect my children, what are you fighting for?, and no the current system doesn't focus on punishment because our society itself has become more aceeptable to rapists, killers and pedos, they would rather reward these sickos with books and movies then actually keep them inside away from decent people.

Basically, you've not only just proven my point, but you actually unknowingly already agree with my stance on this issue. You want less recidivism; the only way to accomplish that is through rehabilitation and not punishment.

Your the one whose protecting child abusers, My personal stance is that you cannot rehabilitate someone who doesnt want to be rehabilitated, Im not talking petty crimes here, Im talking major stuff which you seem to be ignoring.
The only place that the purpose of prison is rehabilitation is the ideological left. I'm sorry, but people are sentenced to incarceration, not rehab. The idea that prison is for rehab is a new idea, and not a practice at all. There are attempts to rehab prisoners, but that is not the sole purpose. Many prisoners go into jail, get jobs in jail, and prepare themselves for reintegration. That's great. I still don't think that they should be held on equal footing in the job hunt with someone with a complete record.

This thread has veered off course a little bit. I stated that Britain's practice of giving convicted felons new identities with clean criminal records so that they can get a job more easily. I don't think that is fair to business owners and managers, nor do I think it is fair for law abiding citizens who are trying to get a job in this tough economic climate, nor do I think it is right that child molesters are not marked by signs in front of their homes. Furthermore, here in America, there are programs to help reassimilate criminals into society that include job programs. Shit, Michale Vick was forced to work construction upon his release. If someone chooses not to take part in this program because they feel that they are above it, then why should we provide them further benefits.

And if we're talking about feeling, should we really give criminals new identities because the stigma that the committed a FELONY, make people look at them differently and hurts their feelings. Sorry, when in conflict, I care more about the feelings of the victim and his family than the rapist.

TDigle and Jonny both stated that they felt that not letting business owners know that they might be hiring a rapist is acceptable. This, to me, is lunacy.
X said:

I'd like to hear a LOGICAL argument for why people who have paid their debt to society should continue to suffer outside of prison.

If you want just one....

Most states in the US have enacted a version of Jessica's Law, named for Jessica Lundford, a Florida child who was raped and murdered then buried in her neighbors front lawn. Her neighbor was a convicted child molester who had "paid his debt" to society. Trips to psychologists and a prison sentence were not enough to fix him. So he molested again, and this time, he thought that if the victim was dead, no one could testify against him.

There was no sign in his year to inform the parents in the community that he was a child molester. There was no ankle bracelet to monitor his movements. This little girl couldn't be warned about this guy's house because no one knew.

Because of this, and the myriad cases like it, sex offenders now have to have signs in their yards, observe curfews on Halloween, wear electronic monitoring ankle bracelets, and submit to random visits from probation officers.

I would argue that none of this is overboard, and it is all legal being that it is within sentencing guidelines, and the Supreme Court could have blocked this if they wanted to.
The Gist of what im saying is I would agree with your statement as long as you understand that im not talking small and petty crimes, Im Talking Murderes, Pedos and rapists people who have taken peoples lives, do they deserve to be rehabilitated...No

And who are you to make that decision again? Do you have some grand insight into the human condition that you aren't sharing with the rest of us? Plenty of murderers, rapists and pedophiles have been rehabilitated and have given back to society. What is keeping them locked away in a cage going to solve? Nothing. Again, you don't want pedos/murderers roaming your streets? Rehabilitation programs is the best way to reduce the amount of them, and this has been proven by countless studies and the drops in recidivism.

You're talking directly out of your ass. You want your kids to be safe? Than address the real cause of these problems, and don't just try to put a bandaid on a bullet wound.

thats my legal reason when you have a daughter or son and fear for their lives every single day because your afraid that some sick pervert will pry on them (by their own choice mind you) should they be given the benefit of the doubt?...No

"Your legal reason"? What does that even mean? Thanks though for proving yet again that your only argument is that someone's feelings will be hurt. You want him locked up so you can feel safe at night? Sorry, your peace of mind isn't enough to justify taking someones life away from them, and if you think it does that's a rather arrogant and uneducated way to go about life.

Im not stating that some people are mentally ill, but the fact is i cannot condone child molesting, killing or even Rape, why make the excuse for these sick individuals.

Who said anything about condoning rape and murder? I certainly didn't, I don't think anyone has. How is a prison facility focused on rehabilitation as opposed to strict punishment considered condoning rape? They're still in prison.

And the fact that you think the root cause of violent crime is just "an excuse" is pretty disheartening. Despite what some people seem to think, people are not "born bad". They turn to things like violent crime because of specific issues, usually from their childhood. This isn't an excuse, it's an explanation. Now if we work on healing those wounds and solving those problems, wouldn't there benefit humanity more than just kicking them into a dark hole or screaming "Off with their heads!" In case you've forgotten, these are people we are talking about, not livestock.

No i believe the punishment should fit the crime, what about baby P?, What about Jaime Buldger and any other child that had its life taken away because someone decided that they wanted to get off?, you can keep stating human rights all you want but in the end as far as im concerned you have to understand the other side of the argument as well otherwise you attempting to convince me to forgive inhuman acts that truthfully are not human to begin with.

The punishment should fit the crime? What a hypocritical view. So you want to punish someone for doing something wrong by doing the same thing to them? That's sadistic, and solves NOTHING. And once again, guess what this argument relies on? Yep, not wanting to hurt people's feelings. Fuck feelings, these are LIVES we are talking about, they trump your peace of mind card.

Im fighting to protect my children, what are you fighting for?,

The same thing. Except I'm addressing the actual problem, and not just putting people in holes and forgetting they exist.

Let me put it to you like this: if you had acne, would you attempt to fix the problem by attacking the pimples and zits on your face? No, you'd go to the root of the problem and clean your face properly, wouldn't you? The same logic applies here. You're interested in protecting your children today, I'm interested in preventing future murderers/rapists from popping up in the first place. I'm looking at the big picture here, maybe you should too.

and no the current system doesn't focus on punishment because our society itself has become more aceeptable to rapists, killers and pedos, they would rather reward these sickos with books and movies then actually keep them inside away from decent people.

So wait, now the prisoners have added READING to their agenda? Our children are doomed!

As is the case with people in support of the death penalty, you're interested in revenge and not fixing the actual problem.

Your the one whose protecting child abusers, My personal stance is that you cannot rehabilitate someone who doesnt want to be rehabilitated, Im not talking petty crimes here, Im talking major stuff which you seem to be ignoring.

What major crimes have I been ignoring? I've brought up murder, rape, and pedophilia several times, the same three you keep shouting. I'm protecting "child-abusers"? How? By wanting to prevent their existence?

Obviously you can't rehabilitate someone who doesn't want to. Does that mean we shouldn't even try? Sorry, but the effort is entirely worth it if even one man can rehabilitate himself and contribute to society.
The only place that the purpose of prison is rehabilitation is the ideological left.

So than what is the point of probation FTS? If prison isn't in part about rehabilitation, why does it exist? If it's all about punishment, than the sentence they receive should be concrete shouldn't it?

I'm sorry, but people are sentenced to incarceration, not rehab.

Being held against your will in a prison is the definition of incarceration, is it not? No one is saying stick these guys in an outpatient therapy center, I certainly am not. The only thing I am suggesting is the inclusion of things like GED programs and substance abuse treatment specifically in order to help actually attempt to prevent these people from feeling the need to relapse in their criminal behavior. These things have been shown to help reduce recidivism rates. Again FTS, why don't you guys agree with this? Don't you want to prevent rape/murder in the first place?

Remember mate, I'm not talking about making prison a fun and happy experience for a person. I'm talking about teaching them the means to provide for themselves and contribute to society again upon their release. Isn't a contribution to society better than just another wasted life?

The idea that prison is for rehab is a new idea, and not a practice at all. There are attempts to rehab prisoners, but that is not the sole purpose.

Of course it's not the sole purpose, I don't think anyone was arguing that (correct me if I'm wrong though, I haven't read every post in this thread).

Many prisoners go into jail, get jobs in jail, and prepare themselves for reintegration. That's great. I still don't think that they should be held on equal footing in the job hunt with someone with a complete record.

And they aren't. That's why every job application/interview asks you about your criminal past.

I apologize FTS if I've steered this thread a bit off-topic. I was mainly just responding to the things that RDJ said and the philosophy he/she was using.
Again, you don't want pedos/murderers roaming your streets? Rehabilitation programs it the best way to reduce the amount of them, and this has been proven by countless studies and the drops in recidivism.

Let me put it to you like this: if you had acne, would you attempt to fix the problem by attacking the pimples and zits on your face? No, you'd go to the root of the problem and clean your face properly, wouldn't you? The same logic applies here. You're interested in protecting your children today, I'm interested in preventing future murderers/rapists from popping up in the first place. I'm looking at the big picture here, maybe you should too.

Im agreeing with a lot of what your saying here X but rehabilitation of criminals in prison is not going to prevent future rapists and murderers, its just going to prevent criminals from reoffending. There are still going to be twisted people out there who get their kicks raping children but to rehabilitate them in prison they will have had to have committed a crime in order to be in there in the first place. To rehab someone they need to show themselves to require rehab.

Dont get me wrong im all for rehab in the right situations but its not going to lower overall crime rate, just recidivism rates, rehab in prisons not the total solution.

If it's all about punishment, than the sentence they receive should be concrete shouldn't it?

Thats the whole point of the thread, In Britain its not... Criminals are usually released after only half their sentence

Again FTS, why don't you guys agree with this? Don't you want to prevent rape/murder in the first place?

Yes, but rehab in prison requires someone to commit a crime in the first place... its not going to prevent someone from going out and commiting the crime in the first place. Stricter punishment would be more of a detterent
Im agreeing with a lot of what your saying here X but rehabilitation of criminals in prison is not going to prevent future rapists and murderers,

You're right, not new ones, but it will help reduce future rapes and murders themselves that someone who is released might commit.

its just going to prevent criminals from reoffending.

Right. It's going to prevent rape and murder.

There are still going to be twisted people out there who get their kicks raping children but to rehabilitate them in prison they will have had to have committed a crime in order to be in there in the first place. To rehab someone they need to show themselves to require rehab.

If murder/rape isn't a sign that someone needs therapy/rehab, I'm not sure what is.

Dont get me wrong im all for rehab in the right situations but its not going to lower overall crime rate, just recidivism rates, rehab in prisons not the total solution.

Uh, what? Recidivism's definition is a released convict committing another crime. So you're saying that lowering the amount of crimes being committed isn't going to help the crime rate? Want to look over that one again?

Thats the whole point of the thread, In Britain its not... Criminals are usually released after only half their sentence

Exactly. FTS said that prison was all about punishment, and I told him it wasn't. What does that have to do with your argument though?
So than what is the point of probation FTS? If prison isn't in part about rehabilitation, why does it exist? If it's all about punishment, than the sentence they receive should be concrete shouldn't it?

I think rehab while in prison is great. I just don't understand the push to make it the sole purpose. It's a subtle difference. More guards, less psychologists. More work, less TV.

Being held against your will in a prison is the definition of incarceration, is it not? No one is saying stick these guys in an outpatient therapy center, I certainly am not. The only thing I am suggesting is the inclusion of things like GED programs and substance abuse treatment specifically in order to help actually attempt to prevent these people from feeling the need to relapse in their criminal behavior. These things have been shown to help reduce recidivism rates. Again FTS, why don't you guys agree with this? Don't you want to prevent rape/murder in the first place?

Agreed. But the things is, some people don't want to learn a trade. A lot of prisoners are just waiting to get out to go slang more rocks. I just think that if jail was a little bit harder, that might do just as much good in reducing recidivism.
Remember mate, I'm not talking about making prison a fun and happy experience for a person. I'm talking about teaching them the means to provide for themselves and contribute to society again upon their release. Isn't a contribution to society better than just another wasted life?


Of course it's not the sole purpose, I don't think anyone was arguing that (correct me if I'm wrong though, I haven't read every post in this thread).

Nah, but once I take a side...

And they aren't. That's why every job application/interview asks you about your criminal past.

Ahh, and here is the crux. Apparently, in Britain, released felons gets new identities which fon't mention that they are convicted felons. This is what I have a problem with. I think felons should be taught a trade, given the opportunity to hone that trade while in prison, and then go out into society with a skill that keeps them from stealing and slanging meth to NASCAR drivers. I do not, however, think that prisoners should be allowed to hide their pasts when applying for jobs.

I apologize FTS if I've steered this thread a bit off-topic. I was mainly just responding to the things that RDJ said and the philosophy he/she was using.[/QUOTE]

Check your PM...:lmao: I think I took it off topic first. From the first post to this one, we have gone over so many important ideas. This is becoming one of my favorite threads. There has been some good debate in here.
I think rehab while in prison is great. I just don't understand the push to make it the sole purpose. It's a subtle difference. More guards, less psychologists. More work, less TV.

I agree much less TV. TV isn't rehab, not in my book. I'm talking about things like therapy. I know whenever us bastards on the left bring out the "T" word you laugh at us and call us whiny, nasal *****es but therapy is one of the most useful tools that humanity has learned to utilize for themselves over the last few centuries.

Agreed. But the things is, some people don't want to learn a trade. A lot of prisoners are just waiting to get out to go slang more rocks. I just think that if jail was a little bit harder, that might do just as much good in reducing recidivism.

Which is why things like substance abuse treatment should be a part of every prison facility. Trust me, I know it can do wonders for people and have seen it do just that to people at the bottom of the barrel. I think people forget that these murderers are people too, and are made of the same flesh and blood as you or I. They aren't machines that have a "Kill; Rape; Steal" switch set on in their head.

Ahh, and here is the crux. Apparently, in Britain, released felons gets new identities which fon't mention that they are convicted felons. This is what I have a problem with. I think felons should be taught a trade, given the opportunity to hone that trade while in prison, and then go out into society with a skill that keeps them from stealing and slanging meth to NASCAR drivers. I do not, however, think that prisoners should be allowed to hide their pasts when applying for jobs.

And I completely agree with you on that one FTS, they should have to let their prison history be known. I don't want to coddle these criminals and rock them gently in my arms while singing lullabies into their ears or something, I just want to give them the help they may need to try and ensure that they don't relapse into criminal behaviors again.

Check your PM...:lmao: I think I took it off topic first. From the first post to this one, we have gone over so many important ideas. This is becoming one of my favorite threads. There has been some good debate in here.

Yeah to be honest, I didn't actually read the first post in this thread. I simply saw what RDJ wrote and responded to that. I may have gotten caught up in my argument and forgotten we're talking about the UK and not the US, that slipped my mind completely. Good philosophical debate though.
Ahh, and here is the crux. Apparently, in Britain, released felons gets new identities which fon't mention that they are convicted felons. This is what I have a problem with. I think felons should be taught a trade, given the opportunity to hone that trade while in prison, and then go out into society with a skill that keeps them from stealing and slanging meth to NASCAR drivers. I do not, however, think that prisoners should be allowed to hide their pasts when applying for jobs.

This doesn't happen with all criminals. The Jamie Bulger Murderers (check wiki for it) have, but to be fair (although I in no way condone or can comprehend what they done. It was just plain sick, no two ways about it) they were kids when they done it. They have been given new identities as youth offenders, possibly the most hated children in all of history, to give them a fresh start and see if they can integrate into society.

I'm currently job hunting and there is a part on any application form that asks if you have ever had a criminal conviction, and its mandatory that you declare it. I know soneone who spent time in a youth offenders for possesion of marijuana who lost his job 6 years after the crime was commited (he didn't get the job until 5 years after he was caught) because he didn't declare it.

[/QUOTE]Check your PM...:lmao: I think I took it off topic first. From the first post to this one, we have gone over so many important ideas. This is becoming one of my favorite threads. There has been some good debate in here.[/QUOTE]

Here, I'm completely with you. This is a great thread, and a great argument. Very little personal cursing, great interaction between Americans and Brits, good comparisons, and its good to know people over here still actually give a shit about what goes on. Good times!
You're right, not new ones, but it will help reduce future rapes and murders themselves that someone who is released might commit.

Agreed, Further crimes

Right. It's going to prevent rape and murder.

Its going to prevent re offending, its not going to prevent the original crime...

If murder/rape isn't a sign that someone needs therapy/rehab, I'm not sure what is.

But that still needs someone to commit murder or rape though (or at least attempt), can you spot a rapist from a crowd of people on the street? You'll still have people commiting the crimes in the first place, rehab in prisons not going to reduce that.

Uh, what? Recidivism's definition is a released convict committing another crime. So you're saying that lowering the amount of crimes being committed isn't going to help the crime rate? Want to look over that one again?

So by that argument your saying everyone who is released from prison is automatically going to re offend? You'll lower the amount of people re offending but rehab after the crime is commited isnt going to reduce the number of people comitting crimes for the first time, just prevent re -offending.

Technically i suppose your right but like i keep saying, rehab in prison is rehab after a crime has been committed

Exactly. FTS said that prison was all about punishment, and I told him it wasn't. What does that have to do with your argument though?

I guess this was kind of a side note, trying to get the thread back on track. The idea of the thread is that in Britain the judicial system is failing by letting criminals out after only half of their sentence, and other issuses like the criminals are being treated better than the victims, rehab doesn't even come into it sometimes.
So what about the child that pedophile just raped?, why should we allow that person back into society because he is sorry?, IMO your giving killers, rapists and pedos a chance to migrate back into society because they are sorry?, theyve ruined the life of a child, ruined their innocence and you think they should be justified? that my friend is absolute bollocks if you ask me, if its a minor offence i would see your point maybe justifiable but for serious offences no.

Your putting words in my mouth there, I think I used the term rehabilitated rather than sorry. The former implies that they would not commit such crime again, sorry implies that they know what they did was wrong but still have a chance to repeat offend. The state sets out a punishment for someone and that punishment is usually a determined amount of time in prison the amount of time for the crime can be debated until everyone is blue in the face, however that is the persons punishment if the person serves said punishment and comes out from that punishment rehabilitated and has no chance to repeat offend they should be treated the same as everyone else... period.

Who is everyone? do you mean the monsters that raped children and abused and killed others?.....erm no, the fact is these people don't even deserve to be in society, I have kids and believe they should remain innocent, not have to be exposed to things they should never be involved in because some guy has a sexual preference for children.

The people that repeatedly commit these crimes should not be allowed back into society I agree, but see the first part of my post for the argument against the others.

Glad you agree on something.

Me too.

Its not enough, because they still could re-offend, i would be worried some guy was living near me who was a convicted pedophile and would attempt to get him moved, I would fear for my children s safety and have a damn right to be afraid.

You are using the most extreme of cases, which I am forced to agree with. But again I'll refer you to the Rehabilitation point.

Depends on the crime IMO


Depends on the offence which the government is looking into, the less serious the offence the person may get it stricken from their record.

So someone murders another person, they come out of prison having served their sentence realise what they did was wrong and will never do it again.... why should they not get an equal chance?

does it justify that person raping a child?

Thats completely besides the point. Being a vigilante and persecuting people because you don't think they justice system does a good enough job makes you no better than the person that committed the crime in the first place.

so a rapist can be rehabilitated? a pedophile really? now thats just ignorant, these people were aware of what they did, so if you where aware why should you be fed into the system and come out saying your rehabilitated ready to reoffend?

Your obviously not aware of the implications socialisation can have on someone, and what psychological help can do for someone. If a paedophile comes out of prison knowing what he did was wrong and knowing it is wrong to do it again and therefore not doing it again.

Wrong!, people turn to crime because its easy not because they are persecuted, the fact is the huge group that are being persecuted such as killers, rapists and pedos have right to be, they destroyed lives and should be paying for that, not giving a chance to back and fuck up again IMO

There are many, many reasons why people turn to crime, you really think someone rapes someone else because it's easy? If so your a fucking idiot. There is usually deep seeded psychological reasons for these types of crimes, sometimes people can be rehabilitated, sometimes they cant for those that can they should be given a second chance, for those that cant they should spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Moving on...

fromthesouth said:
No, but would you not agree that starting at the bottom and having to work your way up is not a bad idea. Look, if someone works at one job, and comes up for a promotion after doing a bang up job can get past the stigma of committing a crime in his past. I don't think that hiding someone's past does a service to the potential employer and sets them up for disaster. I think we should protect the law abiding citizen over the criminal.

In a perfect world not hiding someone past would be the best option, but not hiding it does lead to persecution which in some cases is incorrect. People make snap judgements based on what they have done in the past rather than looking at their skills. I really believe that criminal or not everyone should be judged on their individual merit. Although I would agree that there are some situations where the criminal conviction will and should take priority over that persons rights, for example a child abuser wanting to work at a school.... thats just stupid.

fromthesouth said:
And when you violate the social contract, then the opportunities presented to you are narrowed.

Narrowed maybe, but shut altogether? The price for breaking the law is prison, not a lifetime of persecution.

fromthesouth said:
So, then there should be no sex offender database that parents can look at when choosing a neighborhood and school to keep their children safe?

I already said the sex offenders database makes sense.

fromthesouth said:
Pedophiles that have completed a sentence should be allowed to work at ball parks, amusement parks, and schools?

Again I already said (even in my previous post) that this would not make sense.

fromthesouth said:
Rapists should have their identity sealed by the court so they can go work at 24 hour gym, where women come in alone at 3 in the morning.

It really depends on the situation, but I would agree thats not the best situation.

fromthesouth said:
Predators are predators, and if one of them is given a job because of a changed identity that allows them to prey on INNOCENT people, then the program is a failure, and there is no one to blame beyond the state for allowing that act to happen, and if my government was allowing rape to happen just to be nice to a criminal, then I would gladly go to China. At least they don't sugarcoat their atrocious record on human rights.

I think you are missing my point. I'll outline it so no-one else can get confused.

Rehabilitated Prisoners deserve equal opportunities. People who are likely to offend again do not, and deserve to stay in prison.

If hiding an identity leads one recidivist act that would not have happened if the person was labeled a criminal, then one case is all I need.

So then violating the human rights of literally thousands of people on the off chance they might repeat offend is ok?

I don't see how massive of a generalization it is to assume that criminals commit crimes, but OK.

To imply that all criminals have no chance of rehbilitation is a massive generalisation, you've obviously been reading hte tabloids too much.

But not at the expense of someone who hasn't broken the law.

I think I've already argued on this point.

So, according to you, everyone gets one free murder?

Typical Wrestlezone debating, twisting my words. Refer to my Rehabilitation good, repeat offenders bad part.

Right, but giving them a new identity, which is what this is about, would be uselss if they put them in the registry. Yard signs should be in the front yard of every pedophile for his entire life. The pedo on the block who has been convicted of touching kids should be the first suspect every time a child is missing, and he does not deserve the benefit of the doubt. He also does not deserve state protection to act again.

If the evidence points to that person yes, but just arresting them because they did it before is ridiculous.

How do criminals not get second chances when they are released without being given a clean, new identity? They just have to work harder to advance. For me, that doesn't seem like it's too much to ask of them. Great, you're out of prison. Now that we know you can act right with armed guards watching you, let's take some time to see if you can act right without them. Does that not make sense to you?

Like I have already said there are cases where giving them a new identity is a good thing, and cases where it's a bad thing. Thats not really what you said originally though was it? Your backtracking just a tad there, you said everyone else should get in font of them, that they don't deserve to earn a living... not that they should be given some kind of probation period. They are two completely different things.

Not at McDonalds, yes at the bank.

Why does the job make a difference? So a convicted rapist is more likely to rob a bank than you or me? Makes perfect sense to me.

No. The fact that someone committed a FELONY justifies their being persecuted.

Why dont we just nail them all to a cross and throw rocks at them? Your not far off suggesting something like that.

No, you're thinking that someone isn't smart enough to learn that selling crack, stealing, killing, and raping is wrong is bollocks. If your parents never told you it was wrong to rape someone, would you not be able to figure that out on your own? Give me a fucking break.

Again you lack a fundamental understanding of how socialising someone at a young age about the importance of right and wrong can seriously affect how you behave later in life. In the first few years you learn the most and that learning defines what kind of person you will turn out to be, it can take years of therapy to undo damage that is done in the early years. That being true if someone for the first few years of their lives grows up around people who tell them and show them that this is okay then there is a very high chance they will end up doing these things, through no fault of their own. But before you say it, yes there are cases where people are just idiots and do it regardless... those people are the people that should stay in prison.

So, I'm an idiot? That was so nice of you. And I never said that they shouldn't get a second chance.

Yes you did, the terms "MURDERER" tattooed on their head springs to mind. Because you know someone who walks into a job interview with that on their head is going to get that job no doubt. You openly encouraged and implied that criminals should never no matter the circumstances be given a second chance, I argue that there are occasions where people should be given a second chance but your narrow mindedness prevents you from seeing this point.
Your putting words in my mouth there, I think I used the term rehabilitated rather than sorry. The former implies that they would not commit such crime again, sorry implies that they know what they did was wrong but still have a chance to repeat offend. The state sets out a punishment for someone and that punishment is usually a determined amount of time in prison the amount of time for the crime can be debated until everyone is blue in the face, however that is the persons punishment if the person serves said punishment and comes out from that punishment rehabilitated and has no chance to repeat offend they should be treated the same as everyone else... period.

The Problem is as with any government system there are those who are ready to abuse the system and thats the problem, you cannot say its a proven system because it isn't same with the prison system itself, Ive actually seen it at work and know someone who currently is incarcerated but thats the issue there are alot of people who do not want help, they just want to get back into society to cause more havoc.

The people that repeatedly commit these crimes should not be allowed back into society I agree, but see the first part of my post for the argument against the others.

I have no issue with those who made mistakes and actually want to repay for there sins, but there are still those who do not, the issue i have is how to actually weed out the good from the bad and the problem is there is no way of judging this.

You are using the most extreme of cases, which I am forced to agree with. But again I'll refer you to the Rehabilitation point.

Thats the issue though, if we lived in the world where such extreme cases dont exist I would be happy so would most, the problem is that its not all black and white, there are different shades of grey out there and no matter how much you can put forth in regards to everyone has a reason sometimes its more the fact that people dont want to be helped they just want to fulfill there dark fantasies.

So someone murders another person, they come out of prison having served their sentence realise what they did was wrong and will never do it again.... why should they not get an equal chance?

Tell that the Family of the person they killed, if they knew that they where wrong why would they do it in the first place?, everyone has a brain, everyone makes a choice, you cannot say that everyone is basically having a moment of madness or feels remorse because of what they did, what about the remorse they should of felt before doing it in the first place...

Thats completely besides the point. Being a vigilante and persecuting people because you don't think they justice system does a good enough job makes you no better than the person that committed the crime in the first place.

Again i have no problem with criminals getting reintegrated into society but at the end of the day society has become such a morbid place because of our own mistakes and the mistakes of those we putch in charge, the PC society that tells parents that smacking their children is wrong and watching over our shoulders all the time, if more and more parents did their job maybe we would see more children being braught up right but thats the problem too many excuses cover up liabilities of others and not enough people questioning what is happening with our society we just accept it and move along.

Your obviously not aware of the implications socialisation can have on someone, and what psychological help can do for someone. If a paedophile comes out of prison knowing what he did was wrong and knowing it is wrong to do it again and therefore not doing it again.

I am aware, I was beaten to a pulp, bullied and had teachers ignoring my troubles as a child, I didn't go stealing because someone told me to, I didn't kill someone due to constant bullying, I had my own mind, made my own judgements, made my own choices and am still living my life and making sure that I defend my rights as a person and a parent and the rights of my family.

There are many, many reasons why people turn to crime, you really think someone rapes someone else because it's easy? If so your a fucking idiot. There is usually deep seeded psychological reasons for these types of crimes, sometimes people can be rehabilitated, sometimes they cant for those that can they should be given a second chance, for those that cant they should spend the rest of their lives in prison.

In The UK alone people are given opportunities to make something of themselves, no one goes hungry, we have a benefits system in place for those of us who are temporarily unable to sort our own lives out and have regular income and a roof over our heads, you cant say that people resort to stealing and butchering one another because of their situations, TBH i would say more and more do things like this because they are either bored or have to due to peer pressure, you cant justify the actions they take, I see people day in day out do stupid things and make choices, the moment you make a choice to go down a bad road is the moment you segment yourself from society.

In a perfect world not hiding someone past would be the best option, but not hiding it does lead to persecution which in some cases is incorrect. People make snap judgements based on what they have done in the past rather than looking at their skills. I really believe that criminal or not everyone should be judged on their individual merit. Although I would agree that there are some situations where the criminal conviction will and should take priority over that persons rights, for example a child abuser wanting to work at a school.... thats just stupid.

But the problem is it has happened remember Ian Huntly?, if you dont heres a little excerpt from

Huntley was accepted for the post of caretaker at Soham Village College and began work on 26 November 2001.

On the day of the murders, at around 18:15, Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman had attended a barbecue at Holly's family home and shortly after they went out to buy some sweets. On their way back, they walked past Huntley's rented house in College Close. Huntley asked them to come into the house. He said that Carr, his girlfriend, was in the house as well, although in fact she had gone to visit family back in Grimsby. Shortly after Holly and Jessica entered 5 College Close, Huntley murdered them.

Or James Buldger

One was the killing on February 12, 1993 of the almost three-year-old boy James Bulger by two ten-year-old boys in Liverpool, England, UK. He was beaten and stoned before his unconscious body was left on train tracks to make it look like a train hit him.

Thesed children are now living new lives in australia, due to the fact that the government feels they have been punished enough even though they where aware of what they did/

Narrowed maybe, but shut altogether? The price for breaking the law is prison, not a lifetime of persecution.

What was the price for the victim?

Rehabilitated Prisoners deserve equal opportunities. People who are likely to offend again do not, and deserve to stay in prison.

Agreed but again they need to put a system in place to who gets rehabilitated and not make it a free for all.

So then violating the human rights of literally thousands of people on the off chance they might repeat offend is ok?

Didn't they violate their own rights when they decided to commit the crime in the first place?

Again you lack a fundamental understanding of how socialising someone at a young age about the importance of right and wrong can seriously affect how you behave later in life. In the first few years you learn the most and that learning defines what kind of person you will turn out to be, it can take years of therapy to undo damage that is done in the early years. That being true if someone for the first few years of their lives grows up around people who tell them and show them that this is okay then there is a very high chance they will end up doing these things, through no fault of their own. But before you say it, yes there are cases where people are just idiots and do it regardless... those people are the people that should stay in prison.

Ive already explained here its by choice not ignorance, your making a point that general ignorance is an excuse and it isn't.

Yes you did, the terms "MURDERER" tattooed on their head springs to mind. Because you know someone who walks into a job interview with that on their head is going to get that job no doubt. You openly encouraged and implied that criminals should never no matter the circumstances be given a second chance, I argue that there are occasions where people should be given a second chance but your narrow mindedness prevents you from seeing this point.

Disclosure helps the employer figure out if they need that kind of stigma on them, the issue is society looks at people differently and there is no way we can change that, hell i was treated like shit after 7/7 due to the color of my skin but i realised that people where scared and just did whatever i could to prove otherwise, in the end you want society to accept you then prove that your no danger to them instead of screaming human rights, everyone has a right to feel that they need to be protected, if you keep screaming rights for those who commited crimes that where unthinkable then maybe you should understand the rights of the victim who had to endure the situation and will replay that moment over and over again.
Moving on...

You and Deej can have your debate.

In a perfect world not hiding someone past would be the best option, but not hiding it does lead to persecution which in some cases is incorrect.

I don't understand how that persecution is incorrect. In America, criminal records are public. I can request a background check on anyone who applies for a job with me. I can do so for several reasons. There is the safety of my other employees, the protection of my assets, the reputation of my business, and my peace of mind. There is a very high likelihood, in this case, that what I don't know could hurt me. Public safety is more important than someone's feelings when that person has already infringed upon public safety.

People make snap judgements based on what they have done in the past rather than looking at their skills.

In a free country, I have the right to make that snap judgment. If the government feels that all these criminals need to be hired, then they can do that. But I, as a business owner, have the right to exclude someone from employment based on anything other than gender, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, or, well I think that's all of them. With all the calls for transparency in government, I am surprised that there are some out there who feel that that the government should be helping felons perpetuate a lie.

I really believe that criminal or not everyone should be judged on their individual merit.

And you don't find it odd that you also feel that one's criminal past does not hold weight in an assessment of their merit? I would think that character and integrity are part of a meritorious person. I would also think that character and integrity are something missing in a felon.
Although I would agree that there are some situations where the criminal conviction will and should take priority over that persons rights, for example a child abuser wanting to work at a school.... thats just stupid.

Right you are. And I would think that people who perpetuated massive fraud should be excluded from working with sensitive data. I would think that murderers shouldn't work at a gun shop. I would think that a rapist shouldn't work at a lingerie store. And you know what, to keep these people from working at jobs that there crime should disqualify them from, you need to keep their crime public information. That means that changing one's identity, which is what this debate is about, is a bad idea.

Narrowed maybe, but shut altogether? The price for breaking the law is prison, not a lifetime of persecution.

Just because you've paid your debt to society doesn't mean you should be free and clear of your past. If I am late on every credit card payment, or if my account goes into default, that information stays on my credit report, even after I pay off the account. It is this way so that other credit issuers know that I am a credit risk. If it is so for credit, why should it not be so for public safety?

I already said the sex offenders database makes sense.

Again I already said (even in my previous post) that this would not make sense.

It really depends on the situation, but I would agree thats not the best situation.

Cool, but a case by case basis leaves room for mistakes and corruption.

I think you are missing my point. I'll outline it so no-one else can get confused.

Rehabilitated Prisoners deserve equal opportunities.

Rights are provided by the government. They can go to the park, drive a car, and get protected by the police. Their rights are protected. Privileges however, like employment should not be legislated. And you are not giving them equal rights rights, as it is. You are giving them enhanced rights, in that the government is keeping what should be public information from potential employers, and violating their right to life (peace of mind in the social contract).
People who are likely to offend again do not, and deserve to stay in prison.

No sir. We do not imprison people based on thoughts. Plus, how are we to know if they are likely to repeat the offense? This isn't Minority Report. Some prisoners will come out better, some will fake being better, some will not improve at all, but once they have paid their debt, they get out of prison. What happens to them when they get out is what we are debating about. And I argue that once they get out, there is no reason to coddle them to the detriment of potential employers. I'm sorry, but if one criminal commits a crime against an uninformed employer, that would make the entire program a failure, and I would call the government criminally negligent and liable for all damages.

So then violating the human rights of literally thousands of people on the off chance they might repeat offend is ok?

I don't see how this is a violation of their human rights. It is merely making public information public. Changing a criminals identity is a violation of everyone else's human rights. I have the right to persecute any criminal I want to. I am not an agent of the government, and if I want to avoid a murderer for my own safety, I should be able to. And when in conflict, the rights of one who doesn't violate the social order should go before one who does.

To imply that all criminals have no chance of rehbilitation is a massive generalisation, you've obviously been reading hte tabloids too much.

Fine, granted. Of course to assume that they all do is naive.

I think I've already argued on this point.

Typical Wrestlezone debating, twisting my words. Refer to my Rehabilitation good, repeat offenders bad part.

Really? I thought the typical Wrestlezone debating was taking the least pragmatic side, most anti-business side that you could.

If the evidence points to that person yes, but just arresting them because they did it before is ridiculous.

I agree. But then again, not being forced to be put into a situation with increased danger just to make someone feel a little better about the rape they committed seems ridiculous.

Like I have already said there are cases where giving them a new identity is a good thing, and cases where it's a bad thing.

And because the government is so reliable at setting boundaries. You are asking a body which says that someone who makes $15,000 a year is financially solvent an ineligible for welfare to decide which criminal is fit for a new identity and which isn't. You don't see this situation becoming political? You don't see a magistrate with ambition being scared to deny a minority this status to avoid the fear of charges of racism in a political campaign? In a situation where the danger is possible, I think we side with public safety over second chances for rapists. As I have said, we are debating the merits of hiding a FELONY from an employer. How does this not sound ludicrous to you?

Thats not really what you said originally though was it? Your backtracking just a tad there, you said everyone else should get in font of them, that they don't deserve to earn a living... not that they should be given some kind of probation period. They are two completely different things.

I'm not talking about a government probation. I never said they shouldn't be employed either. Talk about twisting words. I said the wirld needs ditch diggers too. I said that if a brokerage house doesn't want to hire the smartest identity thief in the world that is up to them, and changing identities takes way that choice? Is this freedom or is this more Obamican politics that involve more control for the government and less freedom for the people. Why don't we just make the government a national human resources department and allow them to decide who gets what job? Sounds a little Soviet to me, but it's the next step. The government takes freedom from law abiding citizens, hides the identity of criminals and you call this freedom? You call this capitalism? And you don't see that the risks far outweigh the benefits and that the restrictions on freedom harm the law abiding in favor of FELONS? I don't understand how you think this is all right.
Why does the job make a difference? So a convicted rapist is more likely to rob a bank than you or me? Makes perfect sense to me.

In a word, yes.

Why dont we just nail them all to a cross and throw rocks at them? Your not far off suggesting something like that.

Who's putting words in who's mouth now? If an employer wants to hire a rapist who kidnapped, drugged, and beat a woman, then he can. I never said he couldn't. I just think that the employer should be armed with all the pertinent information about the applicant, and being that criminal record is usually indicative of character and integrity, I would call that pertinent information.
Again you lack a fundamental understanding of how socialising someone at a young age about the importance of right and wrong can seriously affect how you behave later in life.

No, I really don't. I understand it just fine. But you lack a fundamental understanding of common sense. I don't understand how you think that anyone thinks rape is an acceptable form of social interaction. I don't need to be told how children develop. I have a college education. I am also smart enough to understand that people can still learn after age six. I also think that no one needs to be taught that rape is wrong.
In the first few years you learn the most and that learning defines what kind of person you will turn out to be, it can take years of therapy to undo damage that is done in the early years. That being true if someone for the first few years of their lives grows up around people who tell them and show them that this is okay then there is a very high chance they will end up doing these things, through no fault of their own.

There is absolutely zero instance where a rapist rapes someone through no fault of himself. Making excuses for criminals is another standard argument of the soft on crime left.
But before you say it, yes there are cases where people are just idiots and do it regardless... those people are the people that should stay in prison.

For their prescribed sentence, and not a day longer, because that is the law. Now, I ask you, if you think these people should stay in prison, or if they should be arrested based on their intentions to do more harm, as you said earlier, but they have to leave prison because their sentence is up, why should we hide their identity? Is this one of those cases where a magistrate should decide? That's good, because there's never been a conman or parolee who has convinced someone he is fit to be reintegrated into society only to commit a crime. Ask Michale Dukakis and Mike Huckabee how this worked during their governorships.

Yes you did, the terms "MURDERER" tattooed on their head springs to mind.

So that was a little harsh.
Because you know someone who walks into a job interview with that on their head is going to get that job no doubt.

Come on, debate the topic, not one little statement.

You openly encouraged and implied that criminals should never no matter the circumstances be given a second chance,

Nope. I argued that the rights of the law abiding citizens should be held in higher esteem than those of FELONS. I also argued that hiding this information is an infringement upon freedom. You never denied this.

I argue that there are occasions where people should be given a second chance

I did too. I also argued that if a convicted felon has to work harder to succeed maybe he should have thought about that before he raped someone.

but your narrow mindedness prevents you from seeing this point.

First you call me an idiot, and now narrow minded. It's cool, I resort to personal attacks when I think I'm overmatched too. But it's OK. But please, keep calling me names. It shows how bad your argument is. And then accuse me of twisting words, and then twist my words, what was it, three times that I counted? And then, call me a typical WZ debater and then go ahead and completely ignore the post and throw in what amounts to soundbites where you make yourself look like the moral superior and talk down to me. You only do it because you know that giving criminals fake identities for employment purposes is in fact a violation of public safety, a violation of freedom, and anti-everything that the western world stands for. I never argued that convicted felons should have to be homeless and unemployed. I argued that employers should have access to all pertinent information about applicants, and you cannot deny that a criminal past is not pertinent to hiring. Do you think the integrity, honesty, and character are not important in hiring? If you do, then you have never had a management or human resources position, and have no idea what you're talking about. Do you not think that a criminal past is indicative of someone who lacks in integrity, honesty, and character? If not, then I don't know what you're on about, because I would think that that is the definition of lacking character.

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