Bringing Back Some Blood - Yes or No?

I was just thinking about this and figured i'd post a thread on it to see what somebody else might think.

As we know WWE has toned down on the hardcore wrestling and no longer have any wrestlers bleed during a match (unless they get busted open the hard way). So i have two simple questions:

Do you think the WWE will ever allow wrestlers to bleed ( or blade whatever term you wanna use) in matches again? And are you for it or against it?

I'm not saying i miss the aspect so much that I wish they would bring it back' but there are some times where i think in certain situations that a little blood would help the impact of the moment or help the story.

I will be honest though and say that there were times when it happened to much and was a little over the top. It seems to lose the effect if guys are getting busted open all the time. But, if used every once and a while i think it can make a beat down seem more vicious, a hardcore match seem more intense, or a rivalry seem more heated or personal.

That's just my opinion though. Whats yours?

I don't create threads very often so if this has been done to death or considered to be in the wrong place then my bad go ahead and move it, take it down or whatever.
While I agree that there used to be a time when blood was overused and didn't add much to the product, I think that WWE has done the PG thing long enough to establish that when it DOES happen, it's a pretty big deal. Daniel Bryan busted his lip last week on Smackdown in his title match with Big Show, and it created a pretty awesome visual once Bryan locked on the LaBell Lock.

I remember a few months ago when Randy Orton hit Cody Rhodes with the ring bell and legit busted him open so bad they had to throw a towel over Cody's head. I was a little miffed that they went to such great lengths to conceal it, but at the same time it sold the injury that much more by doing so. It was memorable.
Blood should definitely be brought back for certain situations..Very personal feuds with "shoot" segments involved deserve to have some blood involved..Steel cage, elimination chamber and hell in the cell should all have blood..I mean honestly, when is the last time you saw someone bleed in a steel cage match? The last time I can recall anyone bleeding during a steel cage match in the WWE was when Flair went against HHH for the IC Title at Taboo Tuesday 2005..
It must have been a few months since I last saw a blood thread on here. However, my opinion will always remain the same, so much so that I can't be bothered to write a whole new rant on the subject, I'll just copy and paste an old reply that I wrote in a previous blood thread.

"I've been making this point ever since I first started posting on WZ, so I'm glad to see that so many other people are realising the dangers of blood in wrestling.

There are just a few other things I would like to mention. Firstly, if you really need to see blood to think of a match as being impactful, then you really need to grow up. Seriously.

Secondly, to those who say blood in matches doen't matter because WWE doesn't sign people who test positive for Hep C etc. Hepatitis C, just like HIV can be contracted in a number of ways, such as unprotected sex (or anything that causes any exchange of bodily fluids), or from using unclean syringes (used for anything from injecting illegal drugs like herion or steroids, or legal, prescribed painkillers, even testing blood sugar levels in people who suffer from diabetes).

Thirdly, how often can you expect wrestlers to be tested? As I have pointed out, you can catch these blood-borne diseases at any time, however, Hep C will not show as positive in a blood test until it has been in your system for a month, HIV doesn't show up in blood test results until it has been in your system for THREE MONTHS! This shows that you can carry the disease, and possibly infect any number of people before you even find out that you've got it.

Fourth, you try going to a hospital and telling a doctor that you've just deliberatly cut yourself with a razorblade to impress your friends. They will immediatly send you to see a psychotherapist to check your mental health. It's a form of SELF HARM, something usually linked to depression, poor self esteem, possible suicidal thoughts etc, not something to boast about or show off.

And finally, we accept that people will occasionally get injured (broken bones/muscle injuries etc). These things happen, often by accident. However, we all know wrestling is fake, so why should the performers have to suffer deliberate and very REAL injuries as a result of blading?

Makes me wonder why TNA still allow blood......"

Now, can we please stop with the 'I want blood back in wrestling' threads please??
blood is fine when used properl;y, not like Flair blading over the breakfast table. Blood doesnt really add anything, its when legitimate blood happens that the viewer gets deeply enthralled in the match. Blading in itself serves a purpose, but dopes nothing to enhance anything these days.
Well in a respect they already have. I'm sure you may remember that say 12 months ago when somebody bled in a match, it actually had to be stopped to clean the cut before letting the match continue. Now, as evidenced by Bryan and Show only last week on Smackdown, when someone bleeds, it's just an accident and they let it run. I kinda like this system if I'm honest, they don't encourage or even pre-arrange bleeding, but if it happens they will just let it happen, feels more authentic.

I think we can all agree that if blood was introduced it should only be used on certain rare occasions where it'll actually enhance what's going on in the ring. If it's anything approaching gratuitousness, it's overused and it underplays blood in the ring. If they brought back intention use, it's to be under close scrutiny as to when exactly are the right times to use it. But me myself, I don't mind how it is right now.
Maybe 4-5 times a year. You guys can probably count on one hand the number of blade jobs before Austin's at WM 13, it's part of what made the match so spectacular and memorable. It wasn't seen every PPV and every few Raws like it ended up getting to.
I can only see the time for a blade job is in a match like Hell in a Cell or the Elimination Chamber. It does add that excitement and like SmarySmark84 said, it seems like a big deal now since it doesn't happen so often.
Hopefully they don't go back to stopping a match for an accidental cut.
i think its good to have blood in a big drama feud like someone done something really bad to the guy and all he wants to do is beat the shit out of him well blood creates more drama. so having blood in a tense moment is a great way to create drama plus it makes the feud bigger in a little way.

also hell in a cell and EC matches are good for blade job as i said before makes more drama but this time to the match
I wonder how long it will be before everyone is completely re-sensitized by the PG era and they will look back at the old classic cage matches with blood and think how "sick" it was and how disgusting the fans were for watching it? I mean 10 years ago if someone bitched about blood 90% of the people would have stood up and said that it was important to the telling of a match, especially a cage match which was either a turning point in a feud or an ending point. They would have pointed out how stupid it would be to even HAVE a damn "brutal" cage match without blood. But now as you see, plenty of people are popping up to dismiss the concept.
Personally, I hope not.

As I see it, the target audience for blood is male teenagers, something I'm not a part of, so it really adds nothing to me.

It would, indeed, decrease the appeal of the product for me. I like it as a more family-friendly show. Also, blood just feels so much unhygienic.

And the realism argument sounds a bit silly for me. I don't want wrestling to be realist, not to that point at least. The thing is, nowadays the average fan knows that wrestling is "fake" (as in, scripted and all that). Trying too hard to make the product look realistic just makes it seem silly and out of touch with the actual reality.
Nope, keep blood well away from the product unless it's an accidental cut.

As a long time fan I enjoyed the fruits of the attitude era, last men standing, first blood matches etc etc, but blood being used is too dangerous, we've heard lately about wrestlers contacting hep, one whom had hiv.

So no keep blood away for the safty of the guys/gals, I believe WWE do screenings but it's better safe than possibly sorry.
Well the "safety" thing isn't really as big of an issue as one might think. There are plenty of sports where blood comes into play like mma and boxing. As long as you take precautions the risk is low. Most of the stars of the 90s who participated in bloody matches are still alive and kicking and healthy.
well I agree with most people that Blood should only be used now and then for example back in 2009 I think the John Cena/Randy Orton feud could of used abit of blood in their I Quit match and Hell in the Cell match becuase it would of made it feel more heated and added to the drama of their matches. but other then that I dont think theirs been another feud in the last few years which has needed it.

and when you think about it Blood as always helped people get over it helped Austin at WM13, John Cena in 2005 in his match with JBL it made Cena look Bad Ass, and it helped get Orton over in his Street Fight with Catus Jack in 2004.

but overall with the current stars on the WWE roster I think adding blood wouldnt Look right because if The Miz was bleeding in a Match I doubt it would do anything for his match
I don't think blood will return anytime soon but I damn sure wish it did. Like some people said already, blood does wonders in terms of putting over the intensity and brutality of big match. Blood signifies going that extra mile, and if used properly (and not overused like it has been in the past) it would be a significant event each time someone cause bloodshed of their opponent. I think it's a necessary part of wrestling and it's something I miss, for example the main event of WM25 (Orton vs. HHH) seemed dull due to the intense build and then lucklaster wrestling match. Just imagine how much better it would've been if Orton started bleeding, it would've helped the match gain the intensity that the hype suggested we would get. IMO, blood is good but should be used rarely, but I don't think it's coming back anytime soon
Yes, blood should be used rarely to get over how significant and intense a certain rivalry is. It shouldn't be overused like it was at times in the Attitude Era, nor banned completely like it has been for parts of the PG Era. Like other posters have said, seeing Steve Austin's "crimson mask" of a face when he was stuck in Bret Hart's Sharpshooter at WM13 was an iconic image that helped him become a SUPERSTAR. That was a perfect use of blood.
I don't mind the lack of blood during normal circumstances, but when you're in a TLC match, cage match, hell in a cell, elimination chamber, etc... There needs to be blood. It's not believable without it and takes any part of it being "real" away from the equation.

In normal matches you don't need it, being hit with a random chair, not needed, but when you're hit with a sledge hammer, having your face scraped across something, hitting the metal of the ring post, etc.. yeah, a little blood should be expected.
I don't think blading needs to be brought back. It's bad for the wrestlers long term, just look at how easily Flair bleeds now adays, and it doesn't add enough to the matches in my opinion.

However if someone is bursted open the hard way they need to stop trying to hide it. It doesn't go against PG the amount of kids programs with blood is through the roof so that's not an excuse. It also looks ridiculous when you have people being thrown through table and being hit with sledgehammers for you then to stop the match if they get a small cut.

So yea no blading but if someone goes the hard way just leave them be.
There is no real need for blood. These guys really do put their bodies on the line night in and night out. That is enough for me. If it happens the hard way, as others put it, then fine. Just glad they quit stopping matches because of it. I remember a match netween Shelton Benjamin and Christian where Shelton got busted open mid match. They stopped everything so EMT's could seal him up. Totally ruined the match.
I dont believe that blood should be on TV every week, but, bringing it back on rare PPV matches like Hell in a Cell, Elimination chamber, or even the rare steel cage match wouldn't hurt the product too much. I believe it makes some of those matches seem more real but beyond that its pointless.
i understand that most people on this will argue that blood doesnt add to matches, but in some cases it does, especially in a real personal feud and especially in matches like a HIAC and elimination chamber. but to add realism to the matches if someone is getting punched and kicked for 30 minutes in a main event match they should bleed. i know that wrestling is fake and in reality nobody could physically endure that much punishment but if they could i think they should show a little more wear and tear. i also understand the whole safety aspect of using blades for blood but could wrestlers not even use blood capsules instead. its safer and surely in todays world they can create a blood capsule that looks realistic enough to be used
to be honest when I watched the smackdown match from last week between Daniel Bryan and Big Show and Bryan had a little bit of blood on his teeth.. I thought they were going to stop the match. I don't think they need the blood back, I don't miss looking how Hogan, Flair or Michaels make a cut in their heads to start losing blood.
What needs to be done is to stop this crappy PG movemente. WWE can be PG without being stupid.. Zack Ryder and John Cena 's characters lately suck.. guys like Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan have huge potential and they could tear the house down if given the right choices... also they could stop de Superhero status for some superstars.. John Cena and Randy Orton losing clean to someone for example. At least Orton jobs from time to time. When was the last match that Cena lost clean??... yeah, I don't remember either. And the Cena vs Punk match at MITB had an interference so that doesn't count too
yes they should bring back blood just dont over use it theres certain matches that i think need blood to make them seem more real like steel cage (not all the time but its needed sometimes) hell in a cell and elimination chamber (this match NEEDS blood i mean come on its all glass and steel in there!) but sadly i think alot of the young guys today would be afriad to blade because there all "pretty boys" like cody rhodes (when he got busted open on smackdown he didnt blade),dolph ziggler,jack swagger,zack ryder,the miz etc. i mean look at a guy like triple h or undertaker or mick foley's forehead its got alot of scars from blading and im not saying everybody needs that but the young guys today seem like too much of pretty boys to do it :shrug:
I dont think that blood should be on TV every week, but, bringing it back on some PPV matches like Hell in a Cell, Elimination chamber, or even the steel cage match wouldn't hurt the product too much. I believe it makes some of those matches seem more real and it would attract some of the old fans. To be honest wwe need to bring blood back for HIAC and elimantion chamber, The current PG rating is polluting the quality of the matches, allowing for no Blood. Wwe should bring back blood.
Blood can enhance matches. IMO no blood really hurts the HITC matches. Take the blood out of Lesnar vs Taker HITC it changes the feel of the match.

Same thing with Austin vs Bret at WM. The ending wouldn't have been so great if Austin wasn't bleeding.

But they were at a point were guys were cutting themselves so often that is wasn't a big deal.

Personally I would only allow it on rare occasions. It would have to be a real personal type of feud... Like Cena/Orton or HHH/Orton.

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