Bring Back The World Heavyweight Title


Getting Noticed By Management
Even though I felt at the time it was a good decision to unify the titles, in doing so I think WWE has really limited their options for Wrestlemania. Instead of the winner of the Rumble choosing which champion he'll face, we already know which title he'll go after and who he'll be facing which immediately narrows the field of possible winners to either Roman Reigns or Randy Orton.

So after Wrestlemania, I suggest bringing back the World Heavyweight title.

I believe the Authority will end up back in power somehow. No way Triple H is going to stay off tv forever. So since Seth Rollins is the MITB holder he's earned a guaranteed shot at the title whenever he chooses, but what if instead of fighting for the WWE title he instead opts for a title that's currently vacant. Seth opens up the briefcase and instead of a contract inside, Triple H takes out the big gold belt and simply hands it to Seth just as Flair handed it to Triple H back in 2002 after it was first resurrected. This way Brock could retain as champion at Mania, Reigns wouldn't have to be rushed to main event status, and Seth's MITB wouldn't go to waste.

Going forward the World title would be for the likes of Rollins, Ambrose, Ziggler, Reigns, Cesaro and other up and coming new main event talent while the WWE title remained the championship for part time mega stars working limited schedules such as Brock or Rock. The WWE chamionship would act almost like a legends title, whereas the World title would be the top prize for todays rising stars. Forget the IC and US titles, imo those are the titles that should have been unified.

I guess the main reason I thought of this idea is because there are just so few realistic opponents for Lesnar that it's made this years Rumble even more predictable than usual. If Rollins were currently the World champion, then Ziggler, Ambrose, and Bryan could be seen as legitimate potential winners, even Reigns could win the rumble and choose to face Rollins over Lesnar.

I would have liked to have seen Reigns/Ambrose co win the Rumble and go on to face World Champion Rollins in an all Shield Triple Threat Title match at Mania while Brock could face The Rock or someone of that stature.
That can't happen now, but maybe post Mania they should consider bringing back the World title if for no other reason than when the WWE Champion is a part timer, the ppv's are really lacking star power and importance without a major championship at stake.
I'd rather the IC and US titles be elevated than see the World Title return because I think too many titles dilute their significance.

I think after Mania the WWE World Heavyweight Championship will be back on television again. I think Lesnar is going to resign with UFC.

It doesn't both me that he's a part time champion. It makes the belt seem harder to obtain. Creative writing can get around its absence and make those belt-less pay per views seem more important. They just need to come up with a plot line the viewer feels they need to see the resolution to.
I think they made the right call retiring the World Heavyweight Championship. From a purely traditional standpoint, it just felt too strange for a promotion to have two active World Championships. It was made all the more awkward when it became perfectly obvious that one of those titles, namely the WHC, was ultimately treated like it was the IC title the last several years of its existence.

As of right now, it APPEARS as if WWE MIGHT be getting around to elevating the IC & US titles to more coveted levels now that there's time devoted to them rather than for the WHC which, as I alluded to, was treated as a World Championship in name only for the last several years it was around. Of course, I might have to eat my words regarding the IC & US titles because we all know that Vince McMahon's interest can be about as stable as the weather; he could change his mind at any moment. So I'm cautiously optimistic right now since the IC title with Ziggler, post feud with Miz, has been more relevant than it has in some time and Rusev as United States Champion is doing well, he's defended the title almost as much in 54 days as WWE had Ambrose defend it in 351 days.
I disagree with bringing back the WHC it's not needed. There should only ever have been one top title for people to compete for having 2 titles of ''equal'' value and importance is kind of stupid. It worked when the concept was first brought in due to the brand split which was actually in effect, meaning RAW stars only competed on RAW and SD stars only competed on SD. This made it so that 2 titles were needed 1 for each show. The idea was that the top guy on SD was equal to the top guy on RAW. However having two titles of the same value when there is only 1 brand is stupid, it would be like the UFC
having 2 heavyweight titles because they could have 2 titles fights then.

The IC title is finally getting back to where it should be being the 2nd most sought after belt (which is what the WHC had become.) The US title is also becoming more important and this is the way it should be I think
I think what Rusev is doing with the U.S. title is great. His fued with Sheamus was very good IMO, and I think his act with Lana is solid and makes for good television.

I'm a little worried about his program with Ryback though. Is Ryback being the one to finally pin Rusev the monster push Ryback needs to prepare him for a program with HHH? Signs point to yes IMO, but I'd rather see Rusev turn face and work with Lesnar.

Just my opinion.
No. They do not need to bring back the concept of two World Champions. They unified the belts and now we have one undisputed World Heavyweight Champion (assuming Lesnar actually defended the belt, but that's for a whole other topic). Unlike most of the years that the second World Championship was around, we do not have a brand extension. There's no need for bringing back the big gold belt or having two World Championships at all. They have two midcard belts. The wrestlers not chasing the World Heavyweight Championship should be in contendership for the Intercontinental or US Championships. Bringing in more belts won't do the WWE any good until they fix the issues surrounding the belts that are currently active. Make the World Heavyweight Champion defend his title monthly again. Make both of the midcard belts matter again. Until these two issues are fixed, there is no justification in the addition of a belt regardless of if it is in the World Championship tier, midcard, or any other tier.
Even though I felt at the time it was a good decision to unify the titles, in doing so I think WWE has really limited their options for Wrestlemania. Instead of the winner of the Rumble choosing which champion he'll face, we already know which title he'll go after and who he'll be facing which immediately narrows the field of possible winners to either Roman Reigns or Randy Orton.

I agree to a point, but let's face it no Rumble winner worth their salt would go after anything but the top title. It would be a waste of time to win the Rumble otherwise.

And considering it's a scripted sport, anyone could win the Rumble and beat Lesnar. What I think they've done though is to limit their options period by not having the title defended.

Can we really say that Lesnar has elevated the title? He's never there and has only defended it once since he won it. His next match is again with the same person he defended it against the last time. His run has been a total waste of time and effort. I believe that the WWE has suffered for a stupid decision they made, not to mention the morale of the wrestlers waiting in line to try and capture it.

Going forward the World title would be for the likes of Rollins, Ambrose, Ziggler, Reigns, Cesaro and other up and coming new main event talent while the WWE title remained the championship for part time mega stars working limited schedules such as Brock or Rock. The WWE chamionship would act almost like a legends title, whereas the World title would be the top prize for todays rising stars. Forget the IC and US titles, imo those are the titles that should have been unified.

You're right about who the title should be for, but the reasoning is flawed. We shouldn't have a title just for part timers, that's ridiculous, as I said above, an absentee champion does nothing for the WWE. What wrestlers like the Rock (is he even interested in another title run) and Lesnar should be doing it putting over the younger guys, not taking the title and going home with it.

And why forget about the IC and US titles. Not everyone can be main event material, and it's nice to have something for the mid carder's to attain. Plus they can be used as stepping stones for future main eventers. No keep them and let the rest of the roster fight over them.

I guess the main reason I thought of this idea is because there are just so few realistic opponents for Lesnar that it's made this years Rumble even more predictable than usual. If Rollins were currently the World champion, then Ziggler, Ambrose, and Bryan could be seen as legitimate potential winners, even Reigns could win the rumble and choose to face Rollins over Lesnar.

The Rumble is always predictable in a way. There is really only a handful of guys that should win it, the rest are just there to pad the numbers. And all of the wrestlers you mentioned are legitimate potential winners. Not a loser in that group at all.

I would have liked to have seen Reigns/Ambrose co win the Rumble and go on to face World Champion Rollins in an all Shield Triple Threat Title match at Mania while Brock could face The Rock or someone of that stature.
That can't happen now, but maybe post Mania they should consider bringing back the World title if for no other reason than when the WWE Champion is a part timer, the ppv's are really lacking star power and importance without a major championship at stake.

And your last sentence said it all, and is the prime reason why a part timer, should never have another chance at the strap.

I think we will eventually see the three former Shield members face off against each other. I'm expecting it to happen at Summerslam. I also expect to see them get back together in future for very special occasions. Can't wait for that to happen.
retiring whc belt is bad decision. Bcoz past 3 ppv wwe didnt have their prime belt. If they have whc belt then they promote whc belt as main event. They run most of the show with no champion. Even lots of upcomer didnt have oportunity to became a heavyweight champion. Bringing back whc title is a needed one. Just retire the us champion.
Got to be the only person to agree with you here. Yeah we all thought that the ic and us title would be elevated, but still they are uninteresting. Especially with Ziggler winning and losing the title, and Rusev actually doing nothing at all with it. I thought it was terrible for the title to be retired. Now what are the chances for up and coming stars to win the title? WWE is just gonna give the title to guys like Orton or Cena or Lesnar, and etc. Plus with Lesnar not defending it, we could use the World heavyweight championship. However though, I feel that it should only be brought back only if the brand split is back, which I hope it is after smackdown is moved to thursdays. That way, the title would matter. Wanted to add this as well, I hope Daniel Bryan never wins the title again, or actually even return to WWE T.V again.
Forget about bringing back the WHC, all that does is adds up to too many world title wins, its already screwed up the title history.

But I think its about time the IC or US title is given more main event spots on Raw and even on PPV. Heck why not maybe build up a IC title match between Ziggler and Bryan maybe, and if they can have that be the WM31 main event.
I rather the World Hevayweight Championship Title Belt stay retired and elevate the Intercontinental and United States Championship Titles. Why have 2 top Titles and 2 mid-card Titles when you can have 3 top Titles. If it don't make dollars, then it don't make sense.
Why would you want to bring back the WHC? It was reduced down to a glorified IC title for many years, and completely devalued the actual IC championship, which has been a part of WWE since Pat Patterson won it way back in 1979. The Intercontinental Championship is slowly beginning to regain its prestige and inserting the WHC back into the mix would just kill all that momentum, even if the WWE title is not on TV.

Honestly, I hope the WHC remains retired for a long, LONG time... having two World Championships made some sense when there was a brand split, but afterwards it was just sort of ridiculous.
The WH title should never come back. It never made sense to me that there was 2 world titles. I hated it during the brand split era.
I was always a fan of one World championship.

WH title was a glorified IC title for many years. Wasnt treated as a world championship.
I'd rather the IC and US titles be elevated than see the World Title return because I think too many titles dilute their significance.

I think after Mania the WWE World Heavyweight Championship will be back on television again. I think Lesnar is going to resign with UFC.

It doesn't both me that he's a part time champion. It makes the belt seem harder to obtain. Creative writing can get around its absence and make those belt-less pay per views seem more important. They just need to come up with a plot line the viewer feels they need to see the resolution to.

Yeah creative just need to make the IC and US titles important again. They're inconsistent. I like what they're doing with the US title, having Rusev feud with Ryback. Meanwhile, IC title, there should have been an immediate contender after Dolph finished with Harper.

Just like how the WWE WHC title picture was booked while Brock was out, there were matches to determine who would be the #1 contender for the championship. They need to have that for the US and IC title consistently, or atleast have more than one contender for the championship consistently.
No thanks to the WHC. Not without a full brand split again. It goes in circles, when we have a lot of belts people complain, now that a bunch are retired, there is constant discussion about bringing a lot of them back. WWE is one company. Only need one main champion. Yes, maybe more midcard belts would be helpful. Need a TV champion or something, rather than bringing back the big gold belt just to basically treat it like a second tier, lower card title anyway. All they every did with the WHC is give it to guys like Swagger, Ziggler, Kane, Big Show, guys they didn't really want being the main champion.

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