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Bring Back Curry Man!


Paint by numbers.
I was reading the LOLTNA thread, and there were a few guys over there talking on the last page about Shark Boy and Curry Man. The Sign Guy actually posted his entrance video and it made me realize... I really liked Curry Man. I mean sure, it's complete comedy wrestling and everything, but the guy was over. Sure, it's the iMPACT Zone, and who isn't over in the iMPACT Zone, but I'll get to my point. Christopher Daniels returned to TNA a few tapings back under the guise of Suicide, so obviously RoH doesn't mind Daniels working for TNA as long as it's not AS Christopher Daniels. Personally, I'd love to see Christopher Daniels bring back the Curry Man charecter in TNA, atleast I'd definitely prefer that way more than Suicide. The show is so chaotic right now, it could bring some fun back to the 2-hour freak-show that is Thursday night iMPACT. Ha, I know I'm going to get some major heat for this thread, but I want to see who'd be behind a Curry Man return! C'mon guys, he tastes great!
Curry man, Daniels, both his ring attires are not that great, looks like hes wearing an oversized diaper. He's talanted but ring attire needs more effort.

Eric young Super eric same diffence, Good talent WITH TERRIBLE GIMMICK, Why did they give him the TNA title to play with, he gave that belt, the Biggest thing the oppiste of the word "Rub"
All the good matches they put into makeing the title legit, faded by giving it to eric young.
I mean, would I rather see Curry Man over most of the washed-up, recycled talent hogging the spotlight in TNA today? Yes, but then I would also a million dollars and X-ray vision. I wish that that TNA would bother to put on a decent wrestling-centric product, something they used to strive, but you know how the saying goes: you can wish in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up faster.
Best thread title i've read in a while. Bring back Curry Man! I never laughed so hard watching TNA than when Shark Boy and Curry Man were tearing it up four years ago.
I would prefer some comedy in my wrestling and the Curry Man skits were hilarious.
He could work an angle with Hogan or Bischoff, he could be in a storyline as being
involved with Karen Angle, etc. Curry Man and Shark Boy could be used like Rock and
Stone Cold are being used in WWE now and even feud with each other. Perhaps Curry Man could take over control of TNA from Hogan and Bischoff or perhaps he could join Immortal and turn on Dixie. Possibilities are endless. It might sound like i'm being sarcastic, but seriously there are so many ways you could bring Curry Man back into
Curry Man back on TNA? Sure why not? At least he's a TNA original. Not only that, but he was entertaining even as a total joke.

Given that TNA is going in a direction that largely mimics the WWE (you need only look at the state of their Knockouts division to tell this) then they could use a bit of straight up comedy in their lineup. Curry Man would fit the bill perfectly, becoming almost the Santino of TNA. If Daniels would be willing to play the clown of the TNA circus, it just might work out.

Yes, I know, TNA is (or at least used to be) a different animal, far more attitude era than PG. Still, let's face it. Since Hogan and Bischoff arrived, the beast has been tamed. Its teeth have been largely removed and its attitude has been commercialized to the point of becoming largely WWE on a lower budget. So, that being said, the groundwork is perfect for both Curry Man and Sharkboy (and perhaps even Super Eric) to return.

That is only if TNA would actually use them long term. What with the swelling of ex-WWE talent, there might not be screen time left for them.

I loathe these Chikara-like characters. Shark Boy, Suicide, Curry Man, etc.

IMO they're all useless comedy characters who bring very little to the show, especially when the roster/programming already suffers from housing too many names and too little time to give them all adequate air-time.

No thanks.

I loathe these Chikara-like characters. Shark Boy, Suicide, Curry Man, etc.

Huh? Curry Man is the only one remotely "Chikara-like", and even that's arguable because CHIKARA sure as shit didn't invent comedy wrestling. Shark Boy had been doing his gimmick for years before CHIKARA even existed and used the gimmick way back in WCW, while Suicide is absolutely nothing like anyone in CHIKARA at all and is just a generic masked gimmick they came up with solely to promote a video game. If I remember correctly Curry Man is actually a gimmick Daniels worked in Japan, so if anything the gimmick is straight out of modern Japanese comedy wrestling, not the lucha-libre comic book influenced world of CHIKARA.

I hate when you take little potshots like this at hard-working indy companies like CHIKARA. TNA could learn a shitload from Quack and the gang over there, especially in the comedy department where the best TNA can give us is Eric Young and Orlando Jordan. Atleast gimmicks like Curry Man are actually amusing, unlike the Young/Jordan tandem.

As for the thread topic itself, shit yeah, I'd love to see Curry Man again simply because Daniels can't perform as himself in TNA, so his options are basically Suicide or Curry Man, and Curry Man definitely trumps Suicide. He sure as fuck would be a better roster spot used in the X-Division than wastes of space like Robbie E.
Huh? Curry Man is the only one remotely "Chikara-like", and even that's arguable because CHIKARA sure as shit didn't invent comedy wrestling. Shark Boy had been doing his gimmick for years before CHIKARA even existed and used the gimmick way back in WCW, while Suicide is absolutely nothing like anyone in CHIKARA at all and is just a generic masked gimmick they came up with solely to promote a video game. If I remember correctly Curry Man is actually a gimmick Daniels worked in Japan, so if anything the gimmick is straight out of modern Japanese comedy wrestling, not the lucha-libre comic book influenced world of CHIKARA.

I hate when you take little potshots like this at hard-working indy companies like CHIKARA. TNA could learn a shitload from Quack and the gang over there, especially in the comedy department where the best TNA can give us is Eric Young and Orlando Jordan. Atleast gimmicks like Curry Man are actually amusing, unlike the Young/Jordan tandem.

As for the thread topic itself, shit yeah, I'd love to see Curry Man again simply because Daniels can't perform as himself in TNA, so his options are basically Suicide or Curry Man, and Curry Man definitely trumps Suicide. He sure as fuck would be a better roster spot used in the X-Division than wastes of space like Robbie E.

1. Curry man is Chikara-like because he wears a mask that his entire character is based around. Chikara's company foundation is based on this very principle. The exact derivative or definition of how the masks are used and/or employed is irrelevant.

2. It's not a pot shot as Chikara is known for using masked characters. I simply make note of it because they are known for it, not to make fun of it. If I wanted to make fun of it I could simply make note of the fact that their production quality makes TNA's Victory Road main event look like WrestleMania. See? That's a pot shot.

3. For a guy who loves to piss on anything TNA at any moments notice, you sure do look pretty stupid when you get mad at people who do the same fuckin' thing to a company you happen to enjoy. That, my friend, is the definition of hypocrisy.
1. Curry man is Chikara-like because he wears a mask that his entire character is based around. Chikara's company foundation is based on this very principle. The exact derivative or definition of how the masks are used and/or employed is irrelevant.

Do you realize how ignorant that statement was? CHIKARA did not invent or innovate the art of masked wrestlers. As I just said, they take their cues from lucha libre. CHIKARA didn't invent masked wrestlers and actually that's NOT what their entire company is about if you actually ever saw their product, the majority of the BDK (the biggest stable in the company) don't wear masks, neither do many of it's top competitors. If having masked wrestlers now is some kind of insult, then shit, you must have HATED the X-Division because that's what it was founded on alongside guys like AJ and Jerry Lynn.

2. It's not a pot shot as Chikara is known for using masked characters. I simply make note of it because they are known for it, not to make fun of it. If I wanted to make fun of it I could simply make note of the fact that their production quality makes TNA's Victory Road main event look like WrestleMania. See? That's a pot shot.

Sounded like a potshot to me, but okay, whatever. And their production quality really is actually quite good, especially for a company their size. Shit I've seen CHIKARA shows that look far better than the shows taped in the Impact Zone, not to mention shows that have flat-out outdrawn TNA shows. I just think it's funny how you like to pretend indies like CHIKARA are worlds apart from TNA when their attendance numbers are much, MUCH closer than you seem to think they are. CHIKARA shows regularly draw just as much, sometimes more than your usual Impact Zone crowd.

3. For a guy who loves to piss on anything TNA at any moments notice, you sure do look pretty stupid when you get mad at people who do the same fuckin' thing to a company you happen to enjoy. That, my friend, is the definition of hypocrisy.

I got ticked off because you like to piss on indy companies while you're a huge mark for a company that was literally in the exact same boat companies like CHIKARA are in not even 5 years ago man. CHIKARA isn't even one of my favorite indy promotions, I don't pay nearly as much attention to them as I do companies like PWG and Dragon Gate USA. But to act like their shit is bush league in comparison to TNA, ESPECIALLY after last nights abomination of a PPV, it just rubs me the wrong way. The only thing separating CHIKARA from TNA's level of success is the bank accounts of Panda Energy & the Carters. Not to mention how many of TNA's top "homegrown" stars got some of their first big breaks in CHIKARA.

It just irks me how you act like these indy companies are less than scum in comparison to the almighty TNA in your eyes. Atleast that's how it seems, by all means correct me if I'm wrong man, I don't mean any offense to you.

Also, the hypocrite remark, is lol-worthy. So if I defend a wrestling company after having bashed another, that makes me a hypocrite? On what planet does that statement even slightly make sense?
Do you realize how ignorant that statement was? CHIKARA did not invent or innovate the art of masked wrestlers. As I just said, they take their cues from lucha libre. CHIKARA didn't invent masked wrestlers and actually that's NOT what their entire company is about if you actually ever saw their product, the majority of the BDK (the biggest stable in the company) don't wear masks, neither do many of it's top competitors. If having masked wrestlers now is some kind of insult, then shit, you must have HATED the X-Division because that's what it was founded on alongside guys like AJ and Jerry Lynn.

They didn't have to invent it for me to draw a comparison to them considering they're the only company I know of today who put emphasis on masked wrestlers. Again, the exact derivative or definition of how the masks are used and/or employed is irrelevant.

As for the old X-Division and the idea of masked wrestlers, I simply do not care for masked wrestlers, and none of the major players in TNA's X Division wore them. The guys leading charge at the time were Joe, AJ, Lynn, Kash, etc. etc. none of whom wore masks so your point is moot.

Sounded like a potshot to me, but okay, whatever. And their production quality really is actually quite good, especially for a company their size. Shit I've seen CHIKARA shows that look far better than the shows taped in the Impact Zone, not to mention shows that have flat-out outdrawn TNA shows. I just think it's funny how you like to pretend indies like CHIKARA are worlds apart from TNA when their attendance numbers are much, MUCH closer than you seem to think they are. CHIKARA shows regularly draw just as much, sometimes more than your usual Impact Zone crowd.

Well, it wasn't, I promise you.

As for the comparison, you're comparing a show like Chikara, who I presume tour moderately and hold shows in arenas that allow for more seating than the iMPACT! Zone, so there's really no foundation there. It's apples and oranges. Just because they're both fruit doesn't mean they're the same. TNA drew thousands when they held shows in North Carolina recently and drew thousands in Brooklyn earlier in 2010. Admittedly I know little of Chikara's numbers, so do they regularly do the same?

I got ticked off because you like to piss on indy companies while you're a huge mark for a company that was literally in the exact same boat companies like CHIKARA are in not even 5 years ago man. CHIKARA isn't even one of my favorite indy promotions, I don't pay nearly as much attention to them as I do companies like PWG and Dragon Gate USA. But to act like their shit is bush league in comparison to TNA, ESPECIALLY after last nights abomination of a PPV, it just rubs me the wrong way. The only thing separating CHIKARA from TNA's level of success is the bank accounts of Panda Energy & the Carters. Not to mention how many of TNA's top "homegrown" stars got some of their first big breaks in CHIKARA.

It just irks me how you act like these indy companies are less than scum in comparison to the almighty TNA in your eyes. Atleast that's how it seems, by all means correct me if I'm wrong man, I don't mean any offense to you.

Also, the hypocrite remark, is lol-worthy. So if I defend a wrestling company after having bashed another, that makes me a hypocrite? On what planet does that statement even slightly make sense?

And in those 5 years they've changed drastically. I also don't consider a company who houses the likes of Raven, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Jeff Jarrett, Jeff Hardy, etc. to be "indy" the way I do a company who's champion couldn't be pointed out of a line-up by your average fan. Again, you're comparing apples to oranges.

As for the hypocrite remark, it makes perfect sense. You get upset when people repeatedly (and unjustly) shit on a program you enjoy, only to turn around and do the very same to them in return at even greater intervals. If Chikara had an LD, for example, you'd rarely see someone like me come in just to post every 30 seconds about how X, Y or Z is pathetic, stupid and awful — yet you do the very thing in every TNA LD week-after-week Yeah, I know, you are "reviewing" — whatever. I just find it hypocritical is all.

Just to note, as well, TNA is not "almighty", though that's comical that you'd resort to that kind of negativity to get your point across. TNA makes a number of mistakes, many of which are incredibly egregious like the VR main event, and if you read my posts you'd realize I don't discount that or even defend it. It just so happens to be the only wrestling program left I still enjoy watching (for the most part), so it's the only one I obviously continue to watch. Just FYI.
I am a huge TNA fan, i hate the shape of the company atm, the same ppl that ruined wcw are ruining tna, i wish itd go back to how it was make aj your main guy, bulk up the x division again (they have the guys to do it, but they are kind of wasting them atm, look at amazing red) and curry man is funny, so sure why not santino gets time on raw, why not give curry man like 5 minutes every week for a match? It makes sense to me, i love this thread

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