Brian Kendrick


Fuck Rep
I've noticed that there hasn't really been a discussion on this guy, if there already is then i submit my apologies.


So Kendrick who went from wrestling as a mascot, a joke for ratings, to being what i saw as a mixture between the young HBK and X-Pack. debuting his new(original) self in the WWE awhile after Paul London departed(London & Kendrick reunited for one night only to face Generation Me back in January)

But now he's receiving a push maybe as the new leader of EV2, I might say he's a better candidate than Tommy because Tommy gets a little to emotional in oppose to Kendrick who has more of a hardcore(psycho) persona going for him. Kendrick is great on the mic and excellent in the ring, dare i say MUCH better at both than Anderson and Hardy.(Well i dont know about MUCH better on the mic than Anderson but he is better)

So i hope to see Brian Kendrick skip the X-Division title and go straight to a TNA World Hvt. Title fued, win or lose he would make a great opponent for the new TNA champino.(Hopefully Kurt)

Am I the only one who thinks so?
Man you are going to get burned for saying that.

Anyways, I agree with you on Kendrick being damn good, but I don't like the idea of him being the leader of the ECW faction. That's just weird. Their are alot of other guys that make more sense. That being said, I'm sure it could work. Kendrick is a badass, and certainly good on the mic and in the ring. Saying he's better on the mic then Kennedy is a little unwarrented.....ok, very unwarrented. But opinions are opinions.
Man you are going to get burned for saying that.

Anyways, I agree with you on Kendrick being damn good, but I don't like the idea of him being the leader of the ECW faction. That's just weird. Their are alot of other guys that make more sense. That being said, I'm sure it could work. Kendrick is a badass, and certainly good on the mic and in the ring. Saying he's better on the mic then Kennedy is a little unwarrented.....ok, very unwarrented. But opinions are opinions.

Im prepared for the fire lol, but the thing about Kendrick's mic skills is that he adapts. He did the rapper thing, then the good guy thing, then the intellectual rocker heel, not the intellectual psycho. With Anderson, no matter if he's face heel or in between its always been the same(Literally)
According to his wiki page, he once went by "Leonardo Spanky" in the indys coz he looks so much like Leonardo Di Caprio. During his "vibrational frequencies" bit the other week (which i loved, btw) he mentioned controlling dreams. Inception was all about dreams and he sounded heaps like Di Caprio did in Inception, so i think this gimmick may be making a return.
I'm sorry to say this when I see Brian Kendrick on your signature, but I can't see it!! I always thought Paul London was the better of the two, and I don't know why.
I can't see him good at wrestling or cutting promos, I never found him convincingly threatening to Dough Williams as he was supposed to be.

Now he gets a push? There are alot of better candidates for this and if he is a legit threat to fortune, then TNA is a joke for the simple reason that he is getting booked as anything near Beer Money, Matt Morgan, or AJ. Christpher Daniels was and is much better, Homicide is better, Hernandez can come back from Mexico because he is better. Hell, amazing red beating matt morgan seem more legit for me than seeing Brian kendrick in there!!

If you really needed someone to step up, you couldve taken Jay lethal or even Kaz as a face as I don't get why Brian Kendrick i anything good for TNA!!
Well....his promo directed at Fourtune was the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. As for his in ring skills.....currently he hasn't impressed me in TNA. I don't know whether he's changed his in ring style or has just gotten worse, but I'd much rather Paul London in TNA getting a push then Kendrick. Him being involved with EV2.0 makes no sense either. Surely rather then spouting that crap about 'low vibration reptiles' he could have used the time to tell us WHY he joined up with EV2.0
Brian Kendrick is amazing, the fact that tna took this long to push this guy annoys me. Hes not only great in the ring but an awesome promo guy as well.

btw his match with london against gen me on pwg kurt russelmania was awesome
Huge fan of Kendrick's all around work lately. He is not better than Anderson in many ways but that does not mean he is not good. The way he is pulling off this character is quite impressive. It is unique, captivating and strangely believable. The psychology behind his actions, and his total commitment to the character, is what I like most about what he is doing.
I did not like him when he was in WWE nor when I saw him in TNA for the first time. However, I enjoyed his last few performances on Impact. I think that his current gimmick suits him well. I like his philosophical promos and his psycho persona. That said, I don't think he should be near TNA world title. It is too early.
I've been a fan of Kendricks for some time now, and this "third eye" version of him is plenty interesting if you take it for what it's worth, but to insinuate that he deserves a shot at the WHC at any point is ludicrous to me.

Watching the WWE make a mockery of their WHC by giving it to guys like Rey Mysterio was hard enough — the last thing TNA needs is all 5'6 of Brian Kendrick representing the biggest and baddest of their company. I'm sorry, but to the OP, Kendrick doesn't belong in the same sentence as guys like Anderson, Angle, AJ, Hardy, etc. Hell, even Hardy to me is a fringe WHC.
I have no problem with Brian Kendrick, what am hoping to see from him is that TNA use him the right way. I can probably see him as X-Division champion if he is use the right way and the proper storyline which i hope they do. I don't want to see TNA put him in a match where he beats a guy who's over 6 feet tall in 2 minutes that doesn't work that way..

As for being TNA world champion, as someone here mention earlier its too soon, but at the same time can we really see him being the world champion. if they put the belt on him, its going to look similar to what WWE did to Rey Mysterio which is hold the belt till next pay per view. But at the same time I don't see him being the world champion. he has to make the fans believe that he is capable of beating guys bigger than him, or capable of beating guys like AJ styles or Kurt, but for now am going to say I don't see that happening if done properly
It looks like TNA is giving him the crazy talking Mankind feel, I wonder what direction he is going to go, and while i understand he might deserve a push, but at Fortunes expense??? Matt Morgan faced nagle at BFG and now he is jobbing for Kendrick granted he beat his ass the whole time it still makes the inforcer for Fortune look bad
Surely rather then spouting that crap about 'low vibration reptiles' he could have used the time to tell us WHY he joined up with EV2.0

He explained this a few weeks ago--he greatly respects what they did back in ECW, and he wants to sort of carry on their legacy.

But this is another argument in favor of simpler storytelling--if you missed that episode, or that segment, Kendrick in EV2 makes no sense. It wouldn't be that hard for Kendrick to slip one line into his promo about him carrying on their legacy.

I also figured that Kendrick wouldn't be the only one. EV2 would be more credible with younger guys, and TNA has plenty of young guys that could benefit from the EV2 rub. Doug Williams face turn? Honoring the legacy of Jericho and Dean Malenko maybe?
Hehe. I'll post more later, but just wanted to say that Kendrick would fit in any other category, albeit maybe not WHC. I could see them rejuvenate the X-division with Lethal, Kazarian and Kendrick. Like I said before, I'm sure EV2.0 will dissipate shortly after BFG, leaving Kendrick feuding with Fourtune. And yeah, if Kazarian goes after Lethal, then I could see how this could turn into a three-way dance.

His character is great - half genius, half psycho. Ha!

I am really liking the character of Kendrick lately and find him very interesting. I think that he fit well into the X-Division or TV Title scene, with that said Kendrick should not be anywhere near the World Heavyweight he has great character but I don't think WHC material.
I like Kendrick but he is by no mean WHC material. He doesn't belong to be in the same match as guys like Hardy, Angle, Styles and Anderson let alone beating them to become champ. He should stick in the X-Division because he will make it better because he is a good wrestler, he should be in the same division as guys like Kaz, Red, Lethal, Williams etc because they're on his level. I am really liking his current gimmick though.
I'm sorry to say this when I see Brian Kendrick on your signature, but I can't see it!! I always thought Paul London was the better of the two, and I don't know why.
I can't see him good at wrestling or cutting promos, I never found him convincingly threatening to Dough Williams as he was supposed to be.

Absolutely cool with me, I just love the discussion. IMO, Kendrick cuts a wayyyyy better promo than the last champ RVD.


And in addition, he has no drug background, willing to work day in and out, and Kendrick's in ring skills are par to RVD's and watch this if you don't think so.

And in addition, he has no drug background, willing to work day in and out, and Kendrick's in ring skills are par to RVD's and watch this if you don't think so.

Brian Kendrick has no drug background? Do you? Kendrick got released from WWE because he wouldn't stop smoking pot! It's not something they'll suspend talent for, but they asked him to stop and he refused. Sounds a bit more like RVD than you thought, huh?

Now, he certainly cuts a better promo than RVD (who doesn't), but he hasnt' been booked like a champion in TNA yet. Perhaps one day he'll get there, but not yet.

I do want to counter IDR's comments too. Kendrick is 5'9", the same height as AJ Styles and Kurt Angle. Yes, Kurt Angle is 5'10" on a good day, so height shouldn't play into the argument. What should is that he has no momentum. He's talented, and a good guy, but give us something tangible for months before we start talking major titles with the guy. I wouldn't mind a TV feud with AJ though, could be fun.
I like Kendrick, I really do. In fact, I think he is being misused by TNA currently. However, I don't think he should skip over the X division and be shot right into the World title picture. He needs to be built up correctly, and quite frankly he isn't a monster like Goldberg or Lesnar. No one would buy him in the World title picture so quickly. Not to mention I think some of his most exciting matches can be done in the X division anyways. However, it would be nice to see him eventually make a run at the World title, that is of course if he can ever get any air time.
Brian Kendrick has no drug background? Do you? Kendrick got released from WWE because he wouldn't stop smoking pot! It's not something they'll suspend talent for, but they asked him to stop and he refused. Sounds a bit more like RVD than you thought, huh?

Now, he certainly cuts a better promo than RVD (who doesn't), but he hasnt' been booked like a champion in TNA yet. Perhaps one day he'll get there, but not yet.

I do want to counter IDR's comments too. Kendrick is 5'9", the same height as AJ Styles and Kurt Angle. Yes, Kurt Angle is 5'10" on a good day, so height shouldn't play into the argument. What should is that he has no momentum. He's talented, and a good guy, but give us something tangible for months before we start talking major titles with the guy. I wouldn't mind a TV feud with AJ though, could be fun.

Even if that's the case though, Kendrick is also incredibly small in comparison to muscle mass to both those men. That plays into things tremendously, IMO, just as it did with a guy like Jeff Hardy, who I had a tough time believing as World Heavyweight Champion in the WWE when he was thinner.

Call it what you like, call it being brainwashed by Vince to believe that "bigger is better", but in the case of a belt having a weight class as these reference to, IMO it absolutely matters.
Even if that's the case though, Kendrick is also incredibly small in comparison to muscle mass to both those men. That plays into things tremendously, IMO, just as it did with a guy like Jeff Hardy, who I had a tough time believing as World Heavyweight Champion in the WWE when he was thinner.

Call it what you like, call it being brainwashed by Vince to believe that "bigger is better", but in the case of a belt having a weight class as these reference to, IMO it absolutely matters.

I do agree in some sense, I was just calling attention to it. Girth does matter a little bit. Rey Mysterio being champ was always a joke, even if he roided up for the job. However, with champions today like Punk, Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles, etc., I think it is easier to make a believable, smaller champ. Kendrick is probably too small at this point, but the idea is that height should be no detriment. I agree that weight can and probably should be.
Brian Kendrick has no drug background? Do you? Kendrick got released from WWE because he wouldn't stop smoking pot! It's not something they'll suspend talent for, but they asked him to stop and he refused. Sounds a bit more like RVD than you thought, huh?

WOW!! You're completely right! Kendrick was released because attitude and failing the wellness policy. Until now I've never read that in any article(I just looked it up to make sure). My opinion that he is one of the greatest talents in TNA still stands but it's terrible for guy's like himself, RVD, Jeff, Carlito, and many MANY more to maintain drug usage when they've got the job of a lifetime! I love pot, but if I had the chance to be in the WWE, I'd never even look at weed again.
Kendricks cool, i dont think hes better than Mr Anderson on the mic, there arent many who are, but he is pretty good. Right now he looks like a regular joe in the ring, like a 15 year old kid. If he put on some muscle i could believe him, maybe, as a WHC contender.
I do agree in some sense, I was just calling attention to it. Girth does matter a little bit. Rey Mysterio being champ was always a joke, even if he roided up for the job. However, with champions today like Punk, Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles, etc., I think it is easier to make a believable, smaller champ. Kendrick is probably too small at this point, but the idea is that height should be no detriment. I agree that weight can and probably should be.

Yeah, there I most certainly agree, but I do think there are serious limits to the context, still — even if the requirements for "you must be this high to ride this ride..." have been drawn in a bit.

Kendrick really needs to lose the adult diaper, too, if ya ask me — that thing really hurts his credibility, because all I think about the entire time is Waltman crying after waking up with it on him. :lol:
I'm sorry man but somebody has to do it...

I've noticed that there hasn't really been a discussion on this guy.

For good reason.

Putting a design on it still doesn't make his Depends look cool.

So Kendrick who went from wrestling as a mascot,

I think he still is. EV2.0's mascot now... can't get much lower than that.

a joke for ratings,

I am absolutely certain the guy never brought in ratings.

to being what i saw as a mixture between the young HBK and X-Pack.

HBK? Not even close. Clearly he learned nothing from the man.
X-Pac? Definitely! He may be the second coming of the man.

debuting his new(original) self in the WWE awhile after Paul London departed(London & Kendrick reunited for one night only to face Generation Me back in January)

If only he still had London to make people give a shit about him.

But now he's receiving a push maybe as the new leader of EV2,

Not at all. Dreamer is the clear leader. TBK is the mascot.

I might say he's a better candidate than Tommy because Tommy gets a little to emotional in oppose to Kendrick who has more of a hardcore(psycho) persona going for him.

I agree with that. Everytime I see Dreamer crying his fat ass through a promo I change the channel.

Kendrick is great on the mic and excellent in the ring, dare i say MUCH better at both than Anderson and Hardy.(Well i dont know about MUCH better on the mic than Anderson but he is better)




You cannot be serious with this statement. I refuse to believe that you are serious with this statement. You're just fucking with all of us for some cheap laugh in your sick sick mind game. Great on the mic and excellent in the ring? Never have I ever heard these words used to describe TBK. He is absolutely shit on the mic. Did you not see his promo on Douglas when he was challenging for the X-Division title? Please go and watch it and come back and honestly tell me it wasn't the worst promo you have ever seen with the exception of anything RVD says of course. This little psycho psychiatrist/mentally ******ed mentalist gimmick is not a fit for someone with such a piss poor delivery. And he is just a spot monkey in the ring. Look what happens when he actually tries wrestling holds. I'm sure you recall the awfully applied rear naked choke he used to defeat Douglas in a random I Quit match on iMPACT! He couldn't get it right to save his life.

So i hope to see Brian Kendrick skip the X-Division title and go straight to a TNA World Hvt. Title fued, win or lose he would make a great opponent for the new TNA champino.(Hopefully Kurt)

Once again, you cannot be serious. The Brian Kendrick: World Heavyweight Champion! Never gonna happen. You want him to skip the X title, which he already couldn't win nor should he, and go for the top prize in all of TNA? The day this happens is the day TNA is done.

Am I the only one who thinks so?

Dear God I hope so.

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