Brian Kendrick Return?

The Major Broski

Broski of the century
S9 wrestlezone is reporting that Brian Kendrick could be coming back to the WWE after leaving TNA and he has also stated he has kicked his marajuna habbit so what do you think about this news?
I hope this is true and hopefully London also returns to help the tag divison and they were an exellent tag team but if London doesn't return and Kendrick is there for the crusierweights aa reported then he has to be THE Brian Kendrick

So what are your thoughts and how would you book his return?
I really liked The Brian Kendrick in his first run in WWE, I would bring him in as the same character after mania and start a fued between him and Gabrielon SD. This could actually elevate them both and get Gabriel over as well as Kendrick through both being innovative high-flyers, Kendrick is actually decent on the mic too so he could carry most of the promo-work. I'd have him eventually overcome Gabriel and then move onto face Rhodes for the IC title. I wouldn't have him win the belt but I think he and Cody could put together a pretty interesting fued.
he could be an added benefit if used the right way! Hell Big Zech isn't doing much right now but being beat by Otunga on raw so he start tagging with Kendrick if they couldn't get London back? dont know that i like that idea much as i see him being better as a single star on the crusierweights show!
I would love to see Kendrick come back. I was a fan of his push w/ Big Zeke. He's got some charisma, great in-ring ability. And I love the Beasty Boys thing he had going on. Hell, if they're really want to revamp the tag division, I can thing of few guys better to bring in. Kendrick's got the tools, the history, and he's a proven tag team specialist. I hope he comes back, and I hope he's made relevant.
I'm ecstatic at the news. Sure, it's not confirmed yet, but I'm a huge Brian Kendrick mark. His run as The Brian Kendrick got me interested in wrestling again, he was that good. With the right gimmick, he can be extremely charismatic on the mic and can go with the best of them. Saying that though, I was always surprised at how the WWE pushed him in the first place. He seemed like a future endeavoured star just like London. They took a risk with him, though and it paid off. I can see why they would do the same the second time round, especially if Kendrick has got clean, drug-wise.

Saying that, though, with the rumoured cruiserweight show on the WWE network being planned, they could (and should) center the division around him. He has the experience in an unexperienced world. What more could you need? Kendrick as a heel feuding with likes of Tyson Kidd, Trent Baretta and Curt Hawkins would be an IWC's dream. That said, the ICW would have to only include me.

Speaking of Kidd, Baretta and Hawkins, he could form a tag team with one of them. A 2012 version of Londrick would do wonders for the tag division. Imagine Baretta and Kendrick versus The Usos and Primico. They'd be extremely fun matches to watch and get the crowd invested in.
I would have him return after Extreme Rules on an episode of SD and challenge Daniel Bryan since they were both trained by Shawn Michaels and in the same graduating class along with Paul London and Matt Bentley. Then form a tag team with Bryan since I'm pretty sure Sheamus is taking the title at WM and gonna hold it for awhile.
I'd want to see it, but only if Brian has truly cleaned up his act. He obviously must've seen what this type of crap has done to Evan Bourne, so hopefully, he'll make some better choices this time.

That being said I loved "THE Brian Kendrick" so damn much, I'd give anything to see him back.
HUGE FAN of Brian Kendrick. Question is what can he contribute to the world of WWE? I always have had high hopes for him but obviously if a performer is not willing to improve themselves in order to get ahead then what would be the point?

Way I look at it, if WWE can find something to do with him then great. If Brian Kendrick himself can make a go of it back in the big leagues with WWE then also great. I'm just concerned if he comes back that WWE will have nothing for him again as well as himself not really giving a toot.

As to how I would book him? That's hard to say with the way WWE programming is presently. Would possibly fit in on the RAW brand, but the roster right now is very over crowded..they can't even find anything to do with Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel as it is right now.
i think he has to bulk up a tiny bit if he comes back. And I am not the type of guy that says that about wrestlers, but i think he can win more championships if that happens. He is a great wrestler and is charismatic but he looks to small, and looks to have no muscles. Just look at daniel bryan. He was fine before, but then he bulked up a tiny bit and now looks more legit.
Though Id love to see him come back with London and kick up the tag division Im pretty sure he is gonna be apart of the CW show that is gonna be on WWE Network. Im all for this if he returns with the The Brian Kendrick gimmick which was awesome. He should be the center of the CW show. He should be the #1 heel and maybe after he establishes that bring in London to feud with him. Theres a ton of guys they could pick up for this show and I hope guys like Barreta, Kidd, Hunico, Sin Cara & Bourne can all work this show as well.
I wouldn't necessarily mind it. Today's WWE product is alot more focused on personality rather than the size and look of a superstar and Kendrick seems to have tons of it. There are plenty of reasons I can see Kendrick being a bit more successful during this run than his last mainly because the average superstar is weighing in around 220lbs.. Kendrick never really did anything for me so if he's hired, it's fine but if not, I can move on. It's not like the WWE actually needs any new talent when they have plenty of their own they have yet to push. If true, I don't expect too much from Brian Kendrick at all especially with the stacked potential both the current WWE and FCW rosters possess.
id LOVE to see brian kendrick back in WWE IF hes gonna be The Brian Kendrick again i loved that gimmick and i thought he was great with it but should have been the top mid carder not a main event jobber. hell he could even come back with this gimmick and have big zeke as a body guard again? :shrug:
I would LOVE it if he came back to the WWE.

THE Brian Kendrick was my Absolute Fave Wrestler at that time. I Marked like Hell when he Won the Title in that Scramble Match. He could Easily be where Daniel Bryan is Right Now.....Just maybe with a US title or something though.
Kendrick coming back to the WWE would be great for the tag team division or the cruiserwieght division if it ever comes back as far as a title is concerned. The Brian Kendrick was a nice gimmick and could do wonders over on SmackDown!
I love the "The Brian Kendrick" character too bad it was buried before it really had a chance to shine. It would be nice to see him back, though I have not seen his work in TNA but I was wondering if he is still in top form.

One worry I have bringing the "The Brian Kendrick" character is with his size and character would it be over shadowed by Daniel Bryan? I mean they have the same size and bring an arrogant personality.
I think it would be great to see Kendrick return to WWE. I liked his tag team with London and was disappointed that his run as THE Brian Kendrick did not go better than it did. Had it not been for a few bad mistakes he made during that time he would likely have won a title or two. His TNA run could have been better, a few more matches against Aries for the X Division Championship would have been awesome. I'd much rather see him return to WWE though anyhow. Hopefully this run would be better than his last if he does come back.

I'd begin as I often do with these fantasy bookings, by hyping up his re-debut with promotional videos. After these have aired for a few weeks, I would have Striker or one of the other backstage guys interview Zeke asking him what he thinks of Kendrick coming back. Zeke would be Kendrick's first victim when he returns, defeating his former security guard in his first feud back in WWE. After that I'd want to see him in the IC title scene. He could be a good candidate as a face to take the title from Rhodes, so Cody can move on to better things. The title could be used to elevate him like it has for Cody, and then finally moving on to the World Heavyweight Championship. Kendrick could have a great second run if booked properly and I would like to see it happen.
I hope this is true. With or without Paul London, I've always been a big fan of Brian Kendrick I feel WWE should have done more with him when he was in the Championship Scramble storyline. But with the state of WWE's tag team division I am praying for a return of London and Kendrick because they're awesome together
I would honestly only care for a Brian Kendrick return if he returns with London. I was a fan of Kendrick while he was there, but as a singles competitor I feel he won't fit in and there wil be no room for him. I would be ecstatic if Londrick returned though.
If WWE ARE going to have an all-Cruiserweight show on their Network, then Brian Kendrick is definitely someone that should be considered for the show.

He has the ring style, experience and name value to be a big asset in the Cruiserweight division, and it is definitely good news that he has kicked his weed habit, as that is something that WWE are cracking down on right now- read: Evan Bourne.

Kendrick was really entertaining as "THE Brian Kendrick", so I would hope he would resume that gimmick if he was to return, he really surprised me with how good he was on the mic as a heel. Bring him back and make him a main player in the Cruiserweight division on the new show.
I just listened to Kendrick's AOW podcast and that dude is weird and messed up. I don't know if I want him back in WWE ha ha. He was fun to watch, though.
Unless they bring him back with Paul London, I have ZERO interest in seeing him back full-time. The WWE has a hard enough time keeping the mid-card talents they DO have relevant and interesting, even when they're in feuds. The last thing I want is time taken away from somebody like Cody Rhodes or Kofi Kingston, because they feel the need to give it to a glorified jobber's return.

I loved "Londrick", but I had/have no interest in Kendrick as a singles star. None. Ever. Even in TNA's X-Division I found him boring, and that's what he's GOOD AT! The best thing they could do with him is re-form Kendrick & London and put them into a feud with Epico & Primo. Add to that the Usos, Air Boom (or Air Truth) and that's the start of a really solid tag team roster. And IF they ever decide to use the Kings of Wrestling together, that could complete and revitalize a dead art in wrestling.

Outside of that, I'd rather not see Kendrick back in the WWE.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3769090 said:
Unless they bring him back with Paul London, I have ZERO interest in seeing him back full-time. The WWE has a hard enough time keeping the mid-card talents they DO have relevant and interesting, even when they're in feuds. The last thing I want is time taken away from somebody like Cody Rhodes or Kofi Kingston, because they feel the need to give it to a glorified jobber's return.

I loved "Londrick", but I had/have no interest in Kendrick as a singles star. None. Ever. Even in TNA's X-Division I found him boring, and that's what he's GOOD AT! The best thing they could do with him is re-form Kendrick & London and put them into a feud with Epico & Primo. Add to that the Usos, Air Boom (or Air Truth) and that's the start of a really solid tag team roster. And IF they ever decide to use the Kings of Wrestling together, that could complete and revitalize a dead art in wrestling.

Outside of that, I'd rather not see Kendrick back in the WWE.

I was going to reply with all of the reasons why I don't wanna see Kendrick return. I think you pretty much summed it up for me. Nice.

If WWE wanted to restart their tag division, maybe he could return in that capacity. If not, keep him away from television. I hated his run in WWE before and hated his TNA stuff as well.
Why did they resign this piece of crap? This guy sucked. THere are a million guys they could have signed instead of this turd. I hate this guy. He is awful. I hate his stupid ass face and hop he gets fired in 3 weeks. What a dumb move. I do not want that scumbag on my tv. He should go away for good. I would book his return by having him come out and then have Vince fire him instantly because he sucks so bad. This guy is the worst.

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