Bret Hart should fuck off.

So you wanted Hogan to show up, sit backstage and do nothing? Somehow expecting his aura radiating out to boost the product mystically? Perfectly reasonable ... :confused: Not to mention Hulk Hogan sitting on a toilet can outdraw bret hart.

I don't wanna jump on the 'Trash Shattered Dreams bandwagon' , but dude NO!

Hogan and Hart are equally relevant at the moment. Even if Hogan is now thrust in the spotlight again, him and Hart are on equal footing on draws at the moment. 20 years ago, ye then you have a case.

And to this thread, I have absolutely no problem seeing Hart on my TV screen. Nostalgia sells to a certain level, I mean WWE isn't centering their show around him or anything, he has done what he was asked to do. He is the reason Natalya is over, so there. Backstage advice maybe whimsical to us, but I think it plays a bigger role in channeling a superstar's road to success than we know.
How about keep him on the payroll because he has made the company millions.
Or because he has a lot of knowledge he could give to the younger generation. Or how about keep him because he gets a huge pop every time he comes out. Or keep him on the payroll because he has dvd's out by wwe and him being on raw might get the younger crowd to purchase them.

Jesus Christ man.
I will end with keep him on the payroll because he can't wrestle anymore because of him giving his body to the business.

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