Bret Hart or Ric Flair?

In their prime who was the better wrestler, Bret Hart or Ric Flair?

  • Bret Hart

  • Ric Flair

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I don't think there's any wrong answer here. It all depends on what wrestling era you've watched/seen. It also depends on what wrestling promotions you've followed through out your life time. Ric Flair was a wrestler in the 70s, 80s, 90's, and 00's and Bret Hart was a wrestler during the mid 80's and 90's, so everyone is going to have their different opinions on both of them.

I'd have to go with Ric Flair, because you have to look at what both of these guys brought to the table when it comes to wrestling as a whole. I'm not denying Bret Hart of anything, because hes one of the best wrestlers to ever live, but its takes more than just "in ring ability" to be best at what you do. Like Bad Ass and peopleschamp said Ric Flair could do all this selling, working the crowd, pacing, ring presence, showmanship, ring psychology, and much more which makes him one of the best or if not the best wrestler that ever lived. Ric Flair even changed his style of wrestling after he was in that plane crash and still became the best at what he did. Ric Flair is probably the most respected wrestler backstage, because of his influence on professional wrestling and what he did for professional wrestling. He may not of been the most popular wrestler like Hulk Hogan, but he is the best when comes to overall professional wrestling. Everyone should know the man is well respected in professional wrestling. In many promotions you hear wrestling fans shout "wooooo" when another wrestler chops another wrestler. That signifies one of the reasons why Ric Flair is the best to ever be in wrestling.

I personally think that Flair's feud with Ricky Steamboat in my opinion is the best feud/matches he was ever in, but I could be wrong. I even enjoyed alot of the matches he's been in since WWE acquired WCW. I thought his match with Undertaker at Wrestlemania 18 and his feud with Mick Foley, were probably the best matches, since his return to the WWE.
If you want to see just how great Bret Hart was, just watch King Of The Ring 1993. He wrestled 3 completely different matches against 3 different opponents; Razor Ramon, Mr. Perfect and Bam Bam Bigelow; all of which were great matches.

This is a great example of how versatile Bret Hart was. He could modify his style in order to have a great match with anyone, which is something that Ric Flair was not as good at doing. Flair's matches were always too similar, and when he did change his style slightly to have different match to his normal ones, it was mainly because the match had a gimmick (e.g. his I Quit matches against Funk and Foley).
all around i'd say flair. flair was almost as good as bret in ring skills, but found time to play to the crowd aswell. also, flair put on hour matches almost every night, so i woudnt make such a big deal about the iron man. i just watched that match and there were so many holds. it got boring in the second and third quarter. and when it came to mic skills, flair won easily.
flair was very entertaining true... he had better mic work then bret and a longer carreer entitling him to a bigger legacy. But Bret is constantly referred to as the greatest in ring storyteller of all time, which, in itself is the most important aspect of being a wrestler. Then u go to technical ability and bret has the edge there too. Basically when it comes down to it, Flair had the longevity and the mic skills to get him over with the crowd, not to mention he was an awesome storyteller also.
But when it comes down to it, a guy with no mic skills, unless he has a manager with a great gimmick, never rly goes over well... but brets skills in the ring, both storytelling and technical ability were so superior that he ended up being one of the best ever, even tho ppl say his mic skills werent that great.
But in my opinion, brets mic skills were awesome, maybe not at first, but by the time WM 12 came around, he was insane guys, his speeches on getting screwed, his heel turn, every promo he cut after 1995 was entertaining as hell, that combined with his overall technical and storytelling prowess makes him the best.... .
the people that voted for bret hart r either crazy or jus dont know nething about wrestling. ric flair is the best wrestler EVER! Period. End of discussion. Bret was good on the mic but never great. Flair, Hogan, Rock, Stone Cold were the best at working the crowd and Bret Hart is no where near their level. As far as in ring ability goes Flair was never the greatest athlete but the figure four might be the best submission move ever.
debisib said:
flair was very entertaining true... he had better mic work then bret and a longer carreer entitling him to a bigger legacy. But Bret is constantly referred to as the greatest in ring storyteller of all time, which, in itself is the most important aspect of being a wrestler. Then u go to technical ability and bret has the edge there too. Basically when it comes down to it, Flair had the longevity and the mic skills to get him over with the crowd, not to mention he was an awesome storyteller also.
But when it comes down to it, a guy with no mic skills, unless he has a manager with a great gimmick, never rly goes over well... but brets skills in the ring, both storytelling and technical ability were so superior that he ended up being one of the best ever, even tho ppl say his mic skills werent that great.
But in my opinion, brets mic skills were awesome, maybe not at first, but by the time WM 12 came around, he was insane guys, his speeches on getting screwed, his heel turn, every promo he cut after 1995 was entertaining as hell, that combined with his overall technical and storytelling prowess makes him the best.... .

I agree with absolutely everything here. Bret's mic skills are very underrated, he was much better on the mic than people give him credit for.

Storytelling is probably the most important aspect of a wrestling match, and Bret was the best at it. Even Vince McMahon himself has called Bret the greatest storyteller of all time.
Well, the poll speaks for itself, over 70% of votes to the Hitman so far! Keep it up!
After my previous post, Ric Flair has suddenly gone up 25 votes, something weird is going on, someone must be messing around with the poll.
brownf32 said:
no, people that know something about wrestling are voting for the greatest of all time

No. Bret was winning 31-12, then all of a sudden he's losing 31-38!!! It's obvious that someone is rigging this poll.
brownf32 said:
no, people that know something about wrestling are voting for the greatest of all time

Because someone thinks Bret Hart is better doesnt mean they dont know wrestling... And I dont understand how is Flair the greatest of all time... there could be a number of people voted as greatest of all time including Harley Race, Hogan, HBK, Bret, Bruno Samortino... I can make a compelling arguement with any one of them... Its peoples opinion.. Thats a question that will never be a fact...
Very very close, but gotta go with Hart since he had alot more technical ability than Flair. Flair did have an up on mic skills.
Ric Flair, The Hitman is a legend and one of the best, but Flair is definately the better of the two. He is just amazing. He is still working his ass off today to entertain us. Thank you Flair.
PauLwaLL50 said:
Because someone thinks Bret Hart is better doesnt mean they dont know wrestling... And I dont understand how is Flair the greatest of all time... there could be a number of people voted as greatest of all time including Harley Race, Hogan, HBK, Bret, Bruno Samortino... I can make a compelling arguement with any one of them... Its peoples opinion.. Thats a question that will never be a fact...

ok...i'll take that back but flair is the greatest of all time. he broke his back and damn near lost his life in a plane crash b4 he even became a star. his career has spanded the 70's, 80's, 90's, and 00's. he's fought and beaten the best of all of those decades including harley race, dusty rhodes, magnum ta, natika kolof, sting, hogan, savage, bret hart(hart did win), triple h, undertaker and probably many more. he was the leader of one of the greatest(if not the greatest) stable in wrestling history...the four horseman and do i even need to mention the number of championships...honestly i think flair could have one more good run as champion if given the opportunity. he's the most respected guy in any lockerroom. he's seen soo many great wrestlers come and go and he's still around and having great matches. im only 17 so that means i was jus born in flair's prime but i've been around people that have watched flair from the early 80's up until now and i've seen enough to know what greatness is and ric flair is the greatest.
Ric Flair has more passion for wrestling in his finger than that idiot Hart. But I can't say in their prime who was the better wrestler, because i didnt watch wrestling back then. Probably Flair though.
Bad Ass said:
Yeah. I am not bashing Bret Hart. I like him, but he is not in Ric Flair's league when it comes to all around wrestling ability. All the great wrestlers now have borrowed from Flair. HHH, HBK, Y2J, Austin, Rock. Ric Flair is the man for a reason.

Co-sign. Even Hogan borrowed from Ric when he became heel and formed the nWo it was like a modern version of the Horesemen
`ive seen tuns of flair matches and have seen him do 1 wrestling move, one real genuine wrestling bret
Bret Hart

he is the exelance of exicution, antd the best there is, was and ever will be

Bret Hart is the best pro wrestler of all time IMO. And I personally think Ric Flair is extremely overrated, although he's certainly had his moments. Those are just my opinions.
Flair hands down. Better on the mike, Equally effective as a face or a heel and prepared to put the younger, up and coming stars over i.e Sting, Luger and the Hitman
It's very simple...

Bret Hart = Greater technicality in the ring
Ric Flair = Greater mic skills

How can some people say Flair dominated Hart's wrestling ability? That's insane... People who say that have either never seen Bret wrestle, or take into the fact that Flair is still wrestling today.

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