Bret Hart comments on Hulk Hogan 06/07/2002


Excellence of Execution
I apologize if this has been posted before, but I just came about it. This is from a column on Bret Hart's official website from 2002, after WCW was out of business and Hart was retired. I thought it was a great read, and something internet wrestling fans need to read about Hulk Hogan.

Tribute To Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan.

He hasn’t changed a whole heck of a lot from the way he was the first time I met him back in ‘79. The first time I met Terry Bollea we were both working for Georgia Championship Wrestling, which eventually evolved into the WCW.

Back then he was known as Sterling Golden. He was very green . And very impressive. On the day I left Atlanta to come home I knocked on his door to say good bye and told him if he ever wanted to learn to wrestle he was welcome to come up and work for my dad any time. He thanked me, and meant it, saying he’d keep it in mind.

The next time I saw him was in Japan. He’d just shot his cameo for the Rocky III movie and was on the verge of mega - stardom that nobody could have even begun to imagine. Still the same guy.

When I started with the WWF, in August of ‘84, he was on his way to being , without question, the biggest name in the history of wrestling.

I can remember, even during the glory days of Hulkamania, how Terry would come into the dressing room and say hi to every single wrestler. Every night he headlined there was a sell out and throughout the night all the wrestlers would come up to him and whoever his opponent was and thank them both for the house, for putting food on their tables and making wrestling something worth respecting.

I can say that Hulk Hogan was not only a hero to millions of Hulkamaniacs, but to all the wrestlers too.

If Vince McMahon was Julius Caesar, then Hulk Hogan was Alexander the Great. I remember one time at an airport, in about 1987, when Hulk signed one autograph after another to the point where it took him 45 minutes to get to the gate. They were closing the doors as he was boarding the plane and this one fan asked him for his autograph. He said apologetically, “I’m sorry, I can’t, I’m gonna miss my flight ...” and he got on the plane. I was right behind him and I heard a bystander flippantly remark, “Just like I figured. I always thought he was a jerk.” I thought to myself, that person has no idea how many autographs he just signed. Being a hero like Hulk Hogan it’s hard to make everybody happy but for a guy that’s been wrestling as long as he has he’s certainly done a heck of a job. Hulk was especially considerate of me when I joined him in the WCW.

I saw him a few days ago at Davey’s funeral and despite the sad backdrop it was nice to catch up on things.

So then I opened up my paper and saw a picture of Hulk, taken in Calgary, with a fifteen year old girl named Amanda Marqniq who dreams of being a pro wrestler but needed a heart transplant. It brought back what I remember most about Hulk Hogan, even more than his feats as a great wrestler. The countless times the office came to get him from the dressing room to make the wish of a sick or dying child come true. Despite the fact that he was pulled in too many different directions and had little time for himself or his family, Hulk always had all the time in the world for kids who needed him to be their hero. He somehow knew just the right things to say. It was never a burden to him. If anything, it gave him a sense of real purpose. I’ve always tried to follow his example.

In Friday’s paper I read how Amanda has now gotten her new heart. I thought I might just give Hulk a call and let him know. He’d be happy to hear that.

Some things in wrestling have always been real and Hulk Hogan is one of them.

Now, I do not know any back story to this colum, but there isn't much evidence of sarcasm that I can tell. And, while Hart has been less than complimentary of Hogan before, I thought this was a very good and very flattering column on Hogan, and one that people who always complain about Hogan "being a selfish asshole" need to read.

Feel free to discuss.
I've heard mixed stories about Hogan. Half bad, half good. But he's always great with fans. Maybe Bret used to be a fan once.
Sly, great post, and I do have a bit to say about it.

Since professional wrestling's "fourth wall" has been broken down in or around the mid 1990's, and fans were, for the first time, invited to see what made it "entertainment" as opposed to "sport," there has been this amazing feeling of fan entitlement to decide who are the good people and who are the bad.

Envy is a natural emotion. People on top will ALWAYS be envied by the people who are not on the top, and often those people will find ANY flaw, no matter how innocuous, to focus on and pound away at. In professional wrestling, it's the theory of "the man holding people down."

Especially in the United States of America. There are two personality traits that the US lays special claim to- the brazen revolutionary attitude (nobody can hold me down, I'll fight back) and a love for the Underdog (America was the underdog in the Revolutionary War, and American history is filled with "success stories" and has allowed the phrase "The American Dream" to be coined).

When mega-stars like Hulk Hogan and Triple H are on top, people attack them for politics rather than looking at what they went through to get where they are and how hard they work to maintain it. When Triple H was bowing at William Regal in WCW, or getting backdropped by Henry O. Godwinn in a Pig Pen Match, nobody said "I hate that HHH, he's holding people back." When he reached the top, however, everybody wanted to see the underdog topple him. It's natural.

John Cena and Randy Orton are going to be the next victims of that mentality in a few years. As their star grows, and as people incessantly compare them to (unfavorably) to Steve Austin and The Rock, they will start being accused of having massive egos, holding people down, etc. And it's unfortunate, because as fans we conveniently forget the traveling, the hours in the gym, the charity appearances, the meetings, etc that these men do while we grumble from our 9 to 5 jobs.

I'm glad Bret told this story. It points a finger at the fans and reminds them to take a moment, step back, and make sure they know the whole story BEFORE they point fingers.
Great post Slyfox. Reading about these sorta things makes me not only rethink about personalities in wrestling, but about people in everyday life as well.

One might be thinking "Does this change my view on Hogan?" No, but it just tells me that maybe deep down there is a good person in everyone. Now maybe people like Batista and others the IWF give so much shit to are just natural born assholes, but during sometime, maybe even a very long time ago, they were someone kind or at least they have done something really kind to someone before.

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