Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart interview (Anvil totally spaced out)


Getting Noticed By Management
I just watched an interview with Bret Hart from the Florida Marlins stadium where he talks about things such as his suspected animosity towards Bill Goldberg, his thoughts on Vince not liking tag team wrestling, and who he'd likely face at wrestlemania. Meanwhile Jim Neidhart is to his side rolling his head and eyes, sweating profusely, shaking, and stumbling around trying to stand straight but more on that later.

Bret on Goldberg:”I’ve always had a lot of respect for Bill and I know that what happened with me and Bill, like when he hurt me with the kick in the head and all that, I know Bill doesn’t got a mean bone in his body and whatever happened with me and him was just, it’s part of the job. I do wish he’d be a little more careful. He’s a great guy. We’ve always been good friends all through the years. A lot of people think there’s a lot of bad blood between me and Bill, but there’s never been any bad blood. We’ve always been really good friends.”

Vince hating tag team wrestling:”My understanding is that Vince McMahon himself doesn’t like tag team wrestling. He’s grown bored with it, or tired, doesn’t like it anymore. I love tag team wrestling and it’s different than all the other matches. I think it’s a real shame that they don’t do more to build the tag team divisions in wrestling because when you think over the last 30 or 40 years of wrestling, there’s so many infamous tag teams, great tag team wrestlers that were different. There’s a whole different thought process that goes into developing the tag match. I hope that they bring it back the way it was. I think there’s still some great tag teams in wrestling, but they’re not getting the highlight that they should.”

Wrestlemania opponent:”Bret the Hitman Hart from circa, say 1997, the US bashing Bret Hart, would have to lay a beat down on John Cena I think. I think everyone would want to see that. To be honest, I really think John Cena’s character and Bret Hart’s, my character from wrestling, would have been a great [fit]. John’s a great wrestler. He doesn’t get enough credit for being a great wrestler. But he’s a really hard working, as hard a worker as there ever was in wrestling.”

He goes on to talk about guys like Punk and Bryan, new innovative wrestling moves etc.

Jim Neidhart was an absolute train wreck in this video looking like he was either doped up or having some sort of medical issue. Anyway, he chimed in ever so often during Bret's answering questions and Bret looked annoyed.
Like I said before, the interview was at the Florida Marlins game and Bret touched on the topic of how great the place looked with Anvil chiming in about rather seeing the Dolphins play. Then later joking about Bret having a girlfriend in Florida.
The interviewer obviously picked up on Anvil's condition so he began questioning Neidhart about Total Divas with Neidhart stammering and eventually getting cut off by Bret.

The interview has to be seen to believed! Here's the link:
He just looks plain drunk to me. Red face, trying to stay focused. I saw the Anvil in person maybe 5 or 6 months ago and he did not look like that...but he always is a bit of a loose cannon personality.
Whenever I read a BH quote, I always think of his accusatory tone he had when he cut promos. He was always accusin'. But I love his in ring work so much. I hear he gets ragged for being boring or redundant, but to me he does have that IT factor, and a place in wrestling lore. I will say that his attire, with the pink and black, was also very appealing.
Neidhart appeared to be tweaking, so he must've been on coke or meth if I had to guess. I can't believe the interviewer just ignored it and kept asking questions without ever addressing it. Bret does the same thing and just lets Jim stand there making an ass out of himself on camera the entire time. Not that Jim is the victim in this thing unless it's a medical issue, but eventually Bret or the interviewer should've said, "Hey Jim doesn't look like he's in the best shape. Let's go ahead and wrap this up."
I finally watched that Total Divas show last night and you see him in the background doing the EXACT same thing! So I'm not so sure its not a medical thing. Maybe he is permanently damaged from doing pills and such
He just looks plain drunk to me. Red face, trying to stay focused. I saw the Anvil in person maybe 5 or 6 months ago and he did not look like that...but he always is a bit of a loose cannon personality.

He looks drunk?! He's tripping balls! He can't keep still, he's totally out of it. The snappy reflexes and facial expressions aren't something a "drunk" person would do.

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