Breaking Point - Mark Henry & Montel Vontavious Porter vs. Unified Tag Team Champions


Dark Match Jobber

It’s going to be The World’s Strongest Man vs. The World’s Largest Athlete when Mark Henry & MVP go up against Unified Tag Team Champions Big Show & Chris Jericho at WWE Breaking Point.

It will be the biggest test yet for the tag team champions.

Have the champions finally met their match, or will they once again reign supreme?

Don't miss WWE Breaking Point to find out, live on pay-per-view Sunday, Sept. 13, at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.

What are your thoughts on this match?
I believe Jerishow will retain after a close match with Henry and MVP... :eek:
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I think this match has the making to be a very good match. Both teams have a big man and a very talented wrestler. Im actually really looking forward to this match it should be a good one. As for whos going to win, It'll be Jericho and Big Show i don't see mvp and mark henry being matched up than winning the titles so fast.
I'm intrigued. It's nice to see the tag titles getting the prestigue brought back to them. It seems to me like any title Jericho holds instantly gains credibility. You know if WWE keeps this Christina thing going ...

Ok that was a stretch. In all honesty though this match should be good. I always liked Big Show's tag team work in WCW and now it looks to continue. Show can be dominant in the time he's in, and Jericho can take part in most of the match so that the match isn't incredibly slow and boring. . Same can be said for Mark Henry and MVP. I expect that most of the match will be MVP and Jericho, and that should be really good. If you throw the tag team partners in here and you could easily see the best tag team title match in a very long time.

I also enjoyed MVP's mic work with Jericho tonight. It brought me back to his first night on Raw with Randy, but this was more intense. I like the start of this feud.
I just don't see a purpose in this match. Why in the world would Jericho/Big Show lose their titles to MVP and Mark Henry? What possible submissions can MVP/Henry come up with that the crowd would even care about? I don't understand the reason to book this match or what purpose it actually holds in the script. I, for one, will not be excited for this match at all.

I would have rather seen Jericho/Show face off against:

- DX: It would have been a great mic battle between the two leading up to the ppv. The promos would be incredible and DX/Jericho would be on both Raw and Smackdown.

- The Hart Foundation: These guys are up and coming talented stars that deserve this opportunity a lot more than MVP/Henry. I actually enjoy watching these guys wrestle and think they are more talented overall.

- Legacy: They were booked very strong at SummerSlam and it'd be the perfect time for Orton to hold the WWE title and Legacy to hold both Tag titles. Let them hold all the titles they possibly can and run the show for a bit longer til you can build up the faces to take over. They should take that strong showing at SS and ride the momentum through this ppv as well.
Yeah man, I'm looking foward to seeing Big Show get beat up by Mark Henry (Hey Cool-Aid), LOL...

Sorry, that joke has been in me for a while now, and I've been looking for an excuse to say it. I think the question is, while Henry and MVP be able to work together and have the same charisma as Jerishow. In my opinion... Na'h. Jerishow is dominating the tag team division with very little loses, I doubt that they will be thrown off by this random pairing.
Great move by WWE by doing this for two reasons... It keeps Jericho on Raw which they desp. Need and builds back the straps because JeriShow will increase the validity of their title reign...I love it and it will be a good match where MVP needs to wrestle his ass off so he gets a push in singles competition
Meh, not too excited about this match. Their match on Raw was average at best, and I don't think they are capable of much better. Any match with Jericho will automatically be at least decent, but with MVP and Big Show in there, the match is going to get real slow, realy quick.

The MarkVP team is kind of interesting, but I can't see them going far. What do they really have in common? They're faces and they're black? Regardless, Jerishow should keep the titles here as it really makes no sense for them to drop them to this random team, and like others said, Raw needs Jericho.
What's interesting for me is that on both teams, there is a man I like and man I couldn't give a shit about. MVP and Jericho are two of my favourite wrestlers in the WWE, whilst Mark Henry and Big Show are two of my least favourite wrestlers, with Big Show beating Henry to the punch.

This match should be pretty average, but I can see MVP and Jericho having good performances like always and making the match more than just a time-filler. Hopefully this feud will only go as far as Breaking Point and MVP can get back to being a singles wrestler which is the main reason why he is becoming a very good wrestler.

To be honest I would of rather seen Cryme Tyme get a rematch against Jericho and Big Show in some sort of gimmick match. But hey-ho, what can I do.
I think the problem is, unless they start bringing in the established teams like the Hart Dynasty, this is going to keep going, random teams being assigned to face them. I know that's being said given that Legacy & Cryme Tyme just faced them. But it is literally the case of after that, what next? DX isn't needed for the tag roster nor do they need to feud with JeriShow, it's a good place to bring up the younger teams up.

I find it interesting that MVP has just come off a mini feud with Swagger and is now going for the tag belts, you think he'd be pushing for the US Title at least...but I expect that to be The Miz vs. Kofi there. I think it will be an interesting match, providing they don't have the big men in the ring at the same time for too long, you know it spells trouble.
I just don't see a purpose in this match. Why in the world would Jericho/Big Show lose their titles to MVP and Mark Henry? What possible submissions can MVP/Henry come up with that the crowd would even care about?

McMahon said on Raw last night, only the main events will be contested in submission matches. I doubt this will be one of the main events of the pay per view so Im not worried at all about MVP and Henry trying submissions.

But on to the topic on hand. I look to Jericho and Big Show of course retain the belts, I believe someone else said that they would not put Henry and MVP together and right away give them the belts. I agree, and in my opinion, that would instantly drop the credibility of the belts. If the randomly paired team can beat them, why could the established ones not beat them?

Any way, this should be a half decent match with MVP and Jericho in the ring most of the time, of course, Jericho will have his moments with Henry and MVP and MVP will have his moments with Jericho and Big Show...and let us not forget Henry and Show in the ring together. Oh God , not the World's Strongest Man vs the World's Largest Athlete....who knows what will happen? ( can you sense my sarcasm?? ) Jericho will somehow get Henry in the Walls while Jericho incapacitates MVP or puts MVP in his submission too just for the hell of it.

Yes I know I said they don't need to use their submissions, but they're still going to win with them anyway I bet.
Well the team of Henry and MVP is certainly interesting, but I don't think it does anything in the long run. Why not push the Hart Dynasty? Or Cryme Tyme? And why are they ending the MVP and Swagger feud?

I hope Swagger comes out of this well, he is the one I worry about. As for the titles, I expect JeriShow to retain.
My attention is definitely piqued. I wanna see how they build this match up. I'm looking forward to it definitely. I'd love to see MVP and Henry go over, but wouldn't mind if they lost either. They could start a legitimate tag team if done right. Everyone badmouthed Goldust and Booker T when they started, they turned out to be a pretty hilarious team. It's gonna be pretty cool imo.
I'm not sure how effective the team of M.V.P. and Mark Henry will be, but I really do not look at them as much of a threat to the Unified Tag Team Championships. But what I like about this is that WWE is trying to add new tag teams, even if it's just short term. The plus in all this is that the titles are being defended for the 4th straight ppv... something that hasn't been done in, who knows how long?

I'm not a big fan of any of the four superstars, whoever I do respect what they do. However, I do get a few chuckles hearing what Chris Jericho has to say.

Their match on Raw wasn't exactly "Match of the Year" candidate, but it was what I would call a near solid tag team bout. M.V.P. and Mark Henry may make history, where Cryme Tyme failed in becoming only the 2nd African American Tag Team Champions. I think that Jericho and Big Show make great champs and should dominate the tag title scene for atleast 3 or 4 more months.

Prediction: Chris Jericho and The Big Show retain the Unified Tag Team Championships.
Well, this could certainly be interesting. Jerishow haven't entertained me very much thus far, but their match at Summerslam wasn't all bad. Infact this match actually matches up pretty well if they can keep MVP and Jericho fighting and Show and Henry fighting. There's definitely some serious potential if Jericho and MVP are given some time to go at each other.

As for who wins...I imagine Jerishow will retain. Sigh, Jericho could be doing such better things right now.
I think that Jericho and Big Show will retain in a close match up. Typical of the wwe to just throw singles wrestlers together and call them a tag team. MVP and Henry have done nothing to deserve a title shot when they haven't even tagged together before. Neither tag team knows how to correlate well together in the ring but it looks like a match worth watching.
I like this match and i think it helps everybody. It keeps the tag title belts on a ppv and now we finally get mark henry on a ppv since his raw push. There arent as many teams as people think that could have faced jerishow. Legacy and hart dynasty are heel. So that left a cryme time rematch and a DX showdown (I hope the DX match happens eventually). The two teams match up well and I hope they can put on an entertaining match.

Im expecting Jerishow to win here. Best case scenario would have this loss be what eventually makes MVP turn heel again and put him in a little rivalry with mark henry.
This gives MVP and Henry something to do, which is good and another "team" for Jericho and Big Show to beat as they build this division back up. Jericho can make anyone look good and Big Show will work well for Henry. In the end it'll be Jericho and Big Show retaining and continue to re build the tag division.
I don't see how MVP or Henry can win this. I've never seen either of them do anything remotely on Jericho or Show's level, and they've been a tag team for what, a week?

I'm sure they'll be smart about this and let MVP and Jericho do most of the work, with Henry and Show only having bits of action as the match goes on. It'll probably end the same way the match at Summerslam did, with Show using that "vintage right hand" to knock someone out, and keep the gold.
what if Mark Henry brought back his bear hug. maybe thats the point of them being in it but then again it would prob be a singles match. and also what is the point of Henry and MVP tagging together(although i hope they stay together)back to the topic, JeriShow should retain
I have no problems with a random team facing Jericho and Show at all. A year ago the tag titles was Cade and Murdoch against random tag teams on Raw, never really getting on a PPV. Now we have a tag division that people are interested in seeing. Yes this would have been more entertaining if it was still Edge and Jericho but credit to them they have got Big Show into something tht isn't boring me.

As for Mark Henry and MVP, well MVP is still struggling to get over with the crowd and Mark Henry is stuck with no opponents for the time being so teaming them up gets them on a PPV, will make them look strong and will give their characters growth.

There aren't enough tag teams for Jerishow to face one PPV after the other so using random ones gives the chance for Jerishow to look dominant before feuding with the proper tag teams in the future.

The tag division has not had this much interest in ages so Jerishow are a good thing. It is silly to end it this early by having them lose here so having them dominant but scoring a fluke victory is in the best interests of everyone.
I see the new team of Mark Henry and MVP as a team that was shifted together so that the raw brand has a credible team to go against Jerishow, I dont see it lasting and i dont see the tag titles switching just yet, I see Jerishow retaining the titles and moving on to bigger and better things as Markvp just just goes their seperate ways afterwards.

thats my two cents on the situation
Well, the only thing I can say about this match really is that this is going to be more of a resultant-positive match than actually watching the match, much like the previous Tag Title match at SummerSlam. You have a random pairing of main eventers holding the title that are becoming a great legitimate tag team against another random pairing of wrestlers, this time in the midcard/upper-midcard area, that seem to be a formidable pairing & somewhat of a threat to the champions.

Basically its a win-win situation. You have two guys in the midcard that have a name worth something & could quite possibly taken seriously as Main Event players or be a dominant force in at least the midcard area. All MVP & Henry needs is someone to give them the rub in being great singles stars. What other better way to accomplish this than by pairing the two up against the tag team champions who need some team to go against to make the titles look great as well as them as a team & great singles stars?

The outcome of the match is basically already set in stone before making it a submissions only match. I mean, the titles will be on Jerishow for a while to give it prestige & hand it off to a great tag team who can possibly defend the titles well enough as Jerishow. The location of the match is set in Canada where the whole crowd WILL be behind Jericho at least... this is one point where I wish Edge wasn't injured so the crowd could boo the crap out of the faces & MTFO when someone hits the sharpshooter (like Edge's variation). Now that its submissions, you have a team where they have two deadly submissions (Walls of Jericho & the Camel Clutch) against a team that doesn't know any other submissions that dont count as rest holds.

Let's hope that these four can create something good in that ring, as I am predicting that this match won't be as good as when Cryme Tyme went up against Jerishow. I mean, come on... JTG DEFEATED JERICHO? Great match builder for the crowd to actually believe the match COULD go both ways. They need to allow MVP & Henry to get clean wins here, or something like what happened to Henry on RAW when he won via DQ.
This match can do nothing but good things for the WWE, and especially the tag division. While i generally prefer tag teams that wrestle together on a regular basis such as the Hart Dynasty and Cryme Tyme, i feel that having these pairings of main event fringers/ upper mid card wrestlers at least for one PPV is good. In one corner you have JeriShow, who are become quite a good team, and it is giving them both something to do that is still in the spotlight, but gives them time away from the title without putting them into little nothing fueds.

What we now have is two former World Champions, who have banded together to hold on to the tag team titles and revamp and put on show a division that has not seen a lot of love lately, and with MVP and Mizzark teaming up, it is shown that these upper echelon wrestlers see it as a valuable title, and therefore gives credibility to a team like the Hart Dynasty or Legacy, when they eventually win it.

As for the match itself, i like and enjoy all aspects of both teams, MVP vs Jericho and Mark vs Show, however i would not enjoy seeing either of the smaller wrestlers spend a lot of time with the bigger wrestlers. This could turn into quite a good match, and if Jericho and MVP have their way, i'm sure they would want to put on a match that would steal the thunder of any main event match in this new gimmick themed PPV.

My prediction is for JeriShow to retain, but to get a boost to the tag titles from Mark and MVP, and for MVP and Mark to head past this fued into upper mid card or main event level fueds and to start being in contention for World Championships, as there is no point in them taking the tag titles.
Only DX/Legacy Orton/Cena I Quit (Submisson Form) and Punk/Taker are Submission Matches the Rest of the Card is regular rules so where you guys come off Saying that the Tag titles are a Submisson Match your Wrong Vince has Clearly Stated the Main Events are Submission Matches not the Whole Card. so get your Facts Stright Before you Post
I liked this match and I thought that it dsis quite a lot in getting me interested in the tag-team division again. I was a bit sceptical at the start of the match but it won me over. It was good old wrestling and a predictable finish but nevertheless, it did it's job and showed us that MVP and Mark Henry do have a place on the Raw roster and that they are not being buried by superior talent. I thought that MVP and Henry looked strong throughout the match and I liked how both teams matched up well together. A decent match that set up the rest of the PPV well.

The only problem I had with the match was the finish. I liked how Henry blocked the Codebreaker but one punch to knock out the World's Strongest Man? Come on! I thought that was a little silly but it really didn't make any difference in reality. The Big Show and Jericho continue on and I think that this feud is far from over.

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