Breaking News: WWE & USA Network "Close" To Reviving Tough Enough


It's been reported within the last few hours that the USA Network And the WWE are close to reviving the series Tough Enough.

As of right now, it's being said that Tough Enough would be run "in tandem" with WWE Raw. It's up in the air as to what that means exactly, though I think the most logical assumption at this point is that there'll be a 3 hour block of WWE progamming on Monday nights if they decide to go forward with this.

Unlike NXT, Tough Enough was a legitimate wrestling reality show that really did feature unknowns rookies that wanted to be WWE wrestlers. It was a fun show while it lasted and it was interesting. If I know Vince, he'll most likely want to combine certain aspects of Tough Enough and NXT into this show. If that were to happen, I'd hope that Vince would take talent on the FCW roster and basically tell them to just be themselves while going through the motions of learning to wrestle and all just as they did on the original Tough Enough.

Part of me would just rather see complete unknowns as with the show's original format. At any rate, this could be fun and interesting.
I hope this happens as i loved Tough Enough! I believe that it could also add something extra to the Raw show as it seems to be recieving bad press in the WC for being to predictable at times. Adding Tough Enough to the start or end of the show would work but I think having it intergarted throughout the show would work better. It would break up the format and could be used as a spot for the likes of Nexus to come out and interupt the competiotion. As i said,i hope this comes into effect.
I think it is a great idea,I liked Tough Enough.
It showed a whole new aspect to the biz.

It also gave Al Snow (and others) a second wind in the WWE,so to say.

Another thing that has to be carefully considered.....the trainer
If the trainer(s) comes off as a bore,the show is done before it starts
Snow was able to convey his passion to those kids in the seasons he helmed it.
I think they should still keep live eliminations like NXT..really get the crowd into it.
I really hope this happens! It would greatly fill the void between pro wrestling and Wednesday nights (or Saturday, but I would much prefer Wednesday). I agree with boozinjedi, they should have the show pre-taped and aired on Wednesday and hold live eliminations on Tuesday. It would give a fresh point of view of the business to the kids who may have started watching a few months ago.

Also, I hope Finlay is a trainer on the show. If I remember correctly, he's already a talent trainer or something like that, and he has the experience and the ability to be a great mentor. I havn't thought of who else could potentially be a good trainer for the new Tough Enough, but Finlay definately should be one of them.
I would really love this show if it took place within FCW or a school such as the Storm Wrestling Academy (SWA). I think it would be interesting if it were more "documentary style" giving us insight into not only what the competitors are physically going through, but also the mental aspects as well.

One of the things I really hope they highlight is the comraderie (sp?) and relationships developed among the talent. I LOVED when Al Snow and Bill DeMott would rib the kids and when they ribbed Al Snow by taking the tires off his car.

My question for the group though is who would you like to see serve as trainer for this? Al Snow and Taz are in TNA now. Personally, I would love to see Goldust or William Regal fill this Role as they are ring veterans who have a lot of knowledge. Dean Malenko would be my other choice.
I really enjoyed Tough Enough and hope that this revival is done in the simliar style as the past and like UFCs Ultimate Fighter. With that in mind though the biggest thing with Tough Enough was that it exposed the business quite a bit. How to take bumps, build a match and things like that were shown to audiences and it does take a bit away from the business to that degree. However, as a loyal wrestling fan it never took away form my watching WWE and really it could bring in new fans and also brings some legitamacy to how hard a grueling being a pro wrestler truly is. I hope it works out.

Another idea would just be an FCW documentary series that follows upcoming guys and chronicles the developmental company.
I wouldn't mind seeing this at all as long as it is like the MTV show and less like the version that was built in to the main shows. Modelling it after Ultimate Fighter is a great idea like TME said earlier.

As for trainers, I think it would be an interesting dynamic to see a old school guys like Regal, Finlay and Malenko (maybe even a few guest spots by Shawn Michaels?) along with some of the younger guys like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan showing up every once in a while. Both of those guys have experience training from ROH so I think it would be fun to see the difference in styles and approaches to teaching.
This is some great news. I used to love Tough Enough when it first started. It was fun watching these new guys learn the ropes, and how to wrestle.

I am in agreement with Jack-Hammer (Congrats man, you deserve it.) about it having to be unknowns though. WWE already has a "Minor League" already. Those guys are already Tough Enough, why would I want to see that? I want to see people cry, sweat, bleed, and claw to make it in the business from their very beginning. That was what Tough Enough was about, and if they DO bring it back I hope they stick with the same formula.
The reason for this revival is simple, 2 of WWE's top guys are graduates of Tough Enough... John Morrison and Miz it makes sense for WWE to revive the franchise when both are in seriously high positions...

Head Trainer is between 3 guys... One could be Regal as he has the right mix of in ring ability/respect, teaching experience (he trained Daniel Bryan amongst others) and enough to carry the drama side of the proceedings... if Regal fires you it'll sting...
The other guy I can see fronting the show is Jericho, who better to tell you if you're tough enough than "The Best In The World at What he Does?"...

But I really think this will be Bret Hart's baby as head coach...... Bret being the head of the show would give it some real gravitas and be a strong selling point for the show... Trips and JR would also be in big roles I am sure...

Coaches have to be Regal, Goldust, Christian and Ted DiBiase for me, as they have the experience and it will keep Christian visible while he is on the shelf...
For the most part, I really like the idea. But a big part of me is wondering how the new PG format would impact the show. Back when Tough Enough was on, WWE was a different machine. They were just coming down from the peak of the attitude era, and the show was on the drama-loving MTV. A PG company on the USA Network might water down the show that most of us loved to watch. If they keep the coaches rough and show the real struggles of the wrestlers learning the business, the show should be fine. Although I fear that they may take a step backwards with this one and we'll end up disappointed.
I can’t really decide if this is good news or not.

On the one hand, you have something that really broke down the walls that surrounded the WWE for so long. I watched Tough Enough as a youngster and I enjoyed it quite a lot. However, I will say that it broke kayfabe quite a lot and I never really cared for that. That being said, there is no doubting how successful it can be. You can take a normal person, like Maven was, and turn them into the next star of the WWE.

However, it is at this point that my brain starts to hurt, All of the people that the WWE made a name for in Tough Enough were ultimate failures. You think about Maven and Daniel Puder being the winners of the show and where are they now? Nowhere near the WWE. One could argue that the only good thing to come of Tough Enough was the emergence of Matt Morgan but even he ended up wrestling for the competition.

Really though, the main problem with reviving Tough Enough is that NXT is still around. They took a chance with NXT and it really fills the void that Tough Enough would. Without looking too much into this decision, I would imagine that NXT is next for the WWE axe and will be replaced by Tough Enough, which might not be an altogether bad move on the part of the WWE.

Really, we will need to see how it goes but I am very much on the fence with this one.
I can’t really decide if this is good news or not.

On the one hand, you have something that really broke down the walls that surrounded the WWE for so long. I watched Tough Enough as a youngster and I enjoyed it quite a lot. However, I will say that it broke kayfabe quite a lot and I never really cared for that. That being said, there is no doubting how successful it can be. You can take a normal person, like Maven was, and turn them into the next star of the WWE.

However, it is at this point that my brain starts to hurt, All of the people that the WWE made a name for in Tough Enough were ultimate failures. You think about Maven and Daniel Puder being the winners of the show and where are they now? Nowhere near the WWE. One could argue that the only good thing to come of Tough Enough was the emergence of Matt Morgan but even he ended up wrestling for the competition.

Really though, the main problem with reviving Tough Enough is that NXT is still around. They took a chance with NXT and it really fills the void that Tough Enough would. Without looking too much into this decision, I would imagine that NXT is next for the WWE axe and will be replaced by Tough Enough, which might not be an altogether bad move on the part of the WWE.

Really, we will need to see how it goes but I am very much on the fence with this one.

The star you're forgetting is that John Morrison came out of TE Season 3 (real name John Hennigan). I believe that the runner-up, Matt Cappotelli, would have been successful had he not gotten a brain tumor. And although he didn't win, The Miz did come out of season 4 of the show. So I don't think it's been a complete wash, but it has given us two people that are in very prominent roles today.
If they cut out the bullshit drills that involved moving tires and all that, it'd be interesting. I'd like a mixture of unknowns and FCW talent so that it'd have a wide variety talent.

I'd like to see a mixture of background/personal stories, matches and some couches that are out of character. Some realism. And I'd like nationwide FAN voting and have the fans vote on the last two guys, with the winner being hidden. Then have the last two guys wrestle, letting the person with the most votes get over. It'd add some decent drama to the finalist and give him something to work off of.
The drills and boring stuff are why Miz and Morrison are where they are today so of course they need to stay... they have bleep machines for the non PG words... The show worked last time, particularly Season 3... so don't mess with the format, just bring it back...
But I really think this will be Bret Hart's baby as head coach...... Bret being the head of the show would give it some real gravitas and be a strong selling point for the show...

Bret would be perfect as Head Trainer, who better to teach the kids how to wrestle than one of the best in-ring competitors of all time? The Excellence Of Execution would be brilliant in this role, and the rookies would all treat a bonafide legend with the respect he deserves and would listen to everything he had to say.

I think bringing back Tough Enough, in this time where reality shows are really popular (e.g The Ultimate Fighter), is a great idea and will only bring more success to the WWE, hopefully creating another Morrisson or Miz

This is why I love tough enough. It really gives you a respect for the business and how hard it is. I don't know who they would have teach the show like al snow did because he did a great job at it so my question who would take his spot? Tough enough has made a lot of super stars for the show today and im hoping they can do that again. I wish mavin would have stock around more because he seemed like a nice guy. Sure some people may not have. like the show because it showed backstage of the business but it gives you a new respect as well.
I haven't really read anything new about the situation other than a few time slots that are being discussed. What I've read, the front runners at this point at least seem to be airing the show on Mondays at 11 pm right after Raw or moving the show to Tuesday nights at the 10 pm time slot.

At this point, I think airing the show after Raw would be the better move just as TNA does with ReAction following iMPACT!. Tough Enough and ReAction have two very different formats, but the general marketing idea is the same. I think that Tough Enough, at least in the beginning, would draw more viewers coming on after Raw than it would as a stand alone show. I might be wrong on that, but that's just a feeling I get.
Tough enough was fun back in the day. However, I cannot help but think the stuff that killed it still exists. That being jealously etc. of no names with no experience jumping right to the main roster. While I am outspoken against some of these "antiquated" ways of wrestlerthink, I think this one has some merit. Not to mention with the WWE being such a political environment, I just have a hard time seeing that format being a worthwhile idea.

Now that does not mean they cannot bring the show back. It just means they have to do what was rumored when they talked about bringing it back a year or two ago: use people with some experience. Before someone says but what about NXT I have to point out two things. First, NXT failed. If it was worth a shit it would still be on tv. Second, this would (at least in theory) be about taking the stuff that makes NXT everything Cole says it is and changing it so it wouldn't be anymore. Let us see the real behind the scenes competition between these people instead of that fakereal shit that NXT is which makes the whole premise of NXT make no sense.

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