Breaking News!!! TNA Title Changes Hands at House Show!

It's Damn Real!

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According to reports on ImpactWrestling, the TNA live event in the UK saw Rob Terry of the British Invasion defeat Eric Young for the TNA GLobal Championship. Apparently the match wasn't taped for TV, and there's no word on what the reason for the title change was, but I'd imagine it was to give Terry a push away from screwing over the British Invasion week-after-week?

I know EY wasn't exactly the greatest champion in recent weeks – he was barely on TV, in fact – but I don't think he was so bad he needed to drop the title just yet.

I suppose this could set up a decent feud to either push Rob Terry out of the World Elite and into his singles career, or to push EY away from the British Invasion & World Elite entirely.

Your thoughts?
According to Dixie Carter's Twitter (, Rob Terry defeated Eric Young to win the TNA Global Championship. Here is what Carter posted…

OMG. Rob Terry just won the Global Championship. Crowd going crazy!!!


Kinda like what I am seeing. Grantit Rob Terry winning it is kinda meh, (rather see Joe winning it claiming he's from Samoa therefore not a american) it's great to see TNA doing stuff like this, showing that anything can happen at their shows and therefore are a not miss event.
Lord Sidious will love this. But its great for a bunch of reasons.

First, it was in the UK, giving the home crowd something great to cheer about, a thank you to the fans of TNA there.

Second, it makes house shows seem more important, because titles CAN switch hands. TNA has done it before, and it makes TNA House events must attend shows.

Third, they have a chance to switch the titles once again, meaning another group of people get to see a ttile switch.
I'm no Big Rob fan to say the least. I am glad they are actually doing something with that belt though. It is also cool to see a title change hands overseas. Maybe we will see a feud between The British Invasion. I think the guys is really inexperienced in the ring, but maybe he has improved some. I'll have to wait and see. I guess if I can sit through a Nasty Boys match, I could sit through a Rob Terry match.
I know in the past it was common to have title changes at houseshows in the US and on overseas tours and not recognize them on tv. They would then have the title switch back at the next tour stop.

Of course it's a lot harder to do now with the internet, so the fact that Dixie Tweeted should mean that TNA will acknowledge the title change . The only potential problem is that they have already taped all Impact shows until the next PPV. I don't know if EY appears with the Global Belt in any of the shows which causes a continuity issue, but I guess it hasn't stopped TNA before.

Then again EY could always re-gain the belt at the next tour stop.
Rob Terry isn't exactly the greatest wrestler in the world but I'm sure it was a great moment for him because he won it in his own country and as already said, it would have been great for the Cardiff fans to see a title change. I'm interested to see if he'll keep it or will drop it on another tour date.
They really publicised this. I didnt go to the show, but I live in Cardiff, and my brother told me the british invasion appeared on bbc news wales, with an interview with rob terry, which is a pretty massive deal. Imagine John Cena appearing on NBC New England for a local house show.
The problem is, im thinking the crowd reaction might not have been what it could have been.
Rob Terry is welsh, which ensures a pop no doubt, but if anyone in the crowd knew it was Swansea he was from... it would be boos.
Cardiff and Swansea are like Boston and New York. Their sporting feud extends into everyday life. So if people knew, theyd be screwed. Luckily its not common knowledge.
First person on these boards who comes to mind is Lord Sidius. He'll love this.

Yeah the WWE did with the tag titles, but they did it with no momentum. TNA has been producing anything can happen television, and now they are producing anything can happen house shows. Granted title changes won't happen at every one, but maybe once a year. The point being is, don't think that just because you're going to a house show that you won't see something unexpected.

This is why I love TNA. Can't wait to see them establish this title now.
Really? Really?

Im of the hope that this is a way to get the title on someone else with skill in the ring. But to not have EY lose the title on TV.

Im not sure whats goin on here really. Terry is big...thats it...nothing more. I get that it was in the UK- so that part makes sense. Thats why im hoping this was just something to get the UK fans talking & nothing more! Big Rob does not deserve a title in TNA that isnt somehow at least tag-team related. Horrible in the ring & I dont think i've ever even heard him talk before- so that tells me enuff about his mic skills, right there!

As long as Rob Terry doesnt keep the title for more then a week- I guess im fine with it. How far in advance are the Impact tapings as of now, anyway? I dont agree with the change here.

Anyone think this could be the way the Legends/Global Championship just: Disappears?
Especially since the title was just "made up" by Booker-T anyway?
Awesome. I'm a big fan of Terry. He has a great look. Don't you just want to spread lotion all over those big, juicy muscles of his? I know I would.

EY hasn't done shit as Global Champion, which is just a rather pointless belt. It hasn't been mentioned for about 5 years. Whye not give it to Terry and see if you can make something of it? He isn't great in the ring, but he has the size and the look. That has to account for something.
Haha. GD has a crush on Rob.

On topic. I'm not all that bothered really seeing as now he might have a bette reign that shitty Eric Youngs. He may get mentioned more than once a month and make us care about the belt. I know its a long shot but you never know. I'm kind of suprised its Terry though seeing as he had an X Division shot and not a Global championship shot but whatever. Pretty cool I guess.
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There are better names on the TNA roster then Terry who could have captured that title, guys like Desmond Wolf, imagine a midcard angle involving Wolf and Angle going at it for the gold, the fact is in order to establish the belt they need to give it to someone who can take the belt and run with it.

Terry In my Opinion was the wrong person to take the belt, it really brings the title down a step I just hope TNA can do some damage control and get the global championship off of Terry as soon as possible.
hi I'm new but i have to ask what was the point of even have a global title ? it's like saying yeah i have a title but i don't have to defend it on US soil. the title was for a BRIEF time a tna legends title but now it can't be defended 99% of the time.

if that's case then what's the point of even having the title no offence but big deal a non American title that doesn't have to be defended on us soil.

and even worse the title went from one guy in WE to another guy in WE, big deal sorry people but seriously big deal.
Chances are they will have someone else win it (EY maybe) or have someone like Wolfe or Joe win it before coming back to the US. Then again with Terry seemingly leaving WE soon, he may keep it and run with the bit that he refuses to give up the belt like he did his breifcase (you will see Thursday or next week) and he leaves WE because of it and throws the rule of no american/not on US soil out the window and goes face.
Chances are they will have someone else win it (EY maybe) or have someone like Wolfe or Joe win it before coming back to the US. Then again with Terry seemingly leaving WE soon, he may keep it and run with the bit that he refuses to give up the belt like he did his breifcase (you will see Thursday or next week) and he leaves WE because of it and throws the rule of no american/not on US soil out the window and goes face.

I just dont buy Terry as a legit contender for any title because he has done nothing in TNA, legitimatly nothing, the guy doesnt sell, attempts to look scary and is so green he could probably kill someone in the ring.

IMO they could have given that belt to anyone, literally anyone, even if it was doug williams or even Brutus Magnus, to have Terry have the belt and carry it is just ******ed.
ROB TERRY Worst Wrestler in the History of TNA. They could have put the belt on Cody Deaner and it would have more prestige.

He can't wrestle, has no skill set in the ring and has never talked on camera. And we are supposed to believe he is championship material because he has muscules...

TNA you are Fucking UP !
Rob Terry is terrible and has contributed nothing whatsoever to TNA in the time that he's been there. I don't particularly have a good feeling about this as I'd actually like to see someone with more than the most rudimentary of pro wrestling ability to hold a title.

However, that being said, TNA has done literally nothing with the Global title since Eric Young won it and it's way past time someone else got the title. Can't say that it's really Young's fault since he's hardly been booked for iMPACT! episodes or ppvs in forever. However, all that has happened is a mostly useless title has been transformed into a completely useless and meaningless prop. Now maybe, just maybe, Rob Terry could surprise us all and actually be the first decent mid-card champion that TNA has had in forever. Maybe he'll wind up being a true diamond in the rough. I know that I'm usually the cynical realist rather than the cock eyed optimist, but never say never in pro wrestling.
Jeez once again people jumping to conclussions. For God's sake people it's been one day! We don't know if someone will win it off of him, we don't know how things will go from here and people are freaking out claiming TNA is fucking up. No wonder people int he buisness don't like the internet and most of the people on it.
This board sucks on the TNA teet so hard that they don't realize how hypocritical they are. The same people who hate Rob Terry and have shit on him since he first appeared, are psyched about this move. I know I've said it before, but I'l say it again: just because something is a shock does not make it a positive. In this case, it is clearly not, and to be honest, it's not even really a shock.

First, Eric Young, who actually has a personality and was starting to get a push before Hogoff came in, wins the belt and renames it the Global Championship. That's all fine and good, but then he pulls out the stupidest Vince Russo-eque idea of not defending the belt on American soil. That would be fine if this was WWE who does TV outside the country all the time (specifically Canada but sometimes overseas) and PPVs in Canada and overseas sometimes as well. However, TNA is ALWAYS filmed at the Impact Zone. Every Impact is there and it seems like most PPVs will be there for the time being. Thus, there was no chance of us EVER seeing that belt defended on our television sets. That leaves us with the only possibility of that belt, which became incredibly irrelevant due to that stipulation, to be defended on these overseas tours and thus, why not have it change hands? It's the only time it can. Of course, the belt is now in the hands of Big Rob Terry, a bodybuilder who looks like he can barely move when he walks.

TNA are geniuses to do this though! Of course, if WWE puts any belt on a guy that looks like Terry, they are merely perpetuating the stereotype that only jacked up guys deserve pushes, but when TNA does it, it's groundbreaking! Do you see the hypocrisy yet? If not, I'll go on. If you do, I'm going to go on anyways so keep reading.

This belt started out as the Legends title, which kinda seemed like the Main Event Mafia's version of the Milliion Dollar belt. Then of course, before it gained any substantiability, A.J. Styles won it and thus, the Legend thing was kinda dead in the water. By the time it ended up in Eric Young's hands, it had no chance of succeeding with the current name. The name change was a smart move, but the "not defending it in America" was a horrible one. A better move would have been to say "Americans can't compete for it". Then, you could have matches between anyone from outside the country. You could even do crazy storylines where wrestlers are feuding, one gets that belt (let's take Eric Young for example as having the belt) and his adversary, let's make it Mr. Anderson since we know he's from Green Bay, wants to fight Young. Young declares he will only fight to defend the belt and since Anderson can't do that, the feud is over. Anderson, refusing to accept that, is shown in segments getting citizenship in another country to become eligible and thus, becomes a competitor for the belt. Something like that could make it seem like the belt is worth fighting for, so much so that guys would change their citizenship. However, this version has been placed on a green wrestler with big muscles. The same thing the TNA marks criticize WWE for, they support for TNA. It's kind of pathetic.

The best advice I can give you is to stop pretending like everything is groundbreaking. When you think of the stipulations that were created, it's not all that shocking that the belt changed hands. Also, this is a belt no one cares about. If AJ lost his belt or even Amazing Red, I might have cared and thought "wow, TNA is willing to change a major belt's hands at a house show", but they changed the Global title which isn't even on tv to push the fact that it can't be defended on TV. It's largely forgotten and thus, this is basically non news. Get over it, and accept that it's not that big of a deal. Or at least stand by your previous statements that Rob Terry should be fired. Anything but throwing praise at TNA for this is a better reaction.
it's one of the FEW things that's wrong with tna they took a decent title and made it undefendable literally 99% of the time. and they gave a title to a guy who has barley done anything in his career.

i think maybe the title should go back to being the legends title. but even then the title has LOST major credibility being giving to low to mid card guys from being held by former world champions
I just wanted to add something here that I find funny.

The INtercontinental Championship was created and was originally going to be defended outside of the US only. They were not going to have the belt defended in the US. People complained (im sure) and they changed the ruling to defending it anywhere.

The European Championship was created and was originally going to be defended in Europe only. No other defenses anywhere else. They realized they dont go there that often and changed it to being defended anywhere.

TNA makes the "Global" championship to be defended outside of the US only by a non US citizen. People complained. Perhaps this is a way to at least get those rules off the belt and then give it to someone else........yet people still complain!

Not saying Big Rob is the best guy to hold the belt but they are probably going to strip the rules off the belt (if they dont get rid of it first) and yet people still complain.
I just wanted to add something here that I find funny.

The INtercontinental Championship was created and was originally going to be defended outside of the US only. They were not going to have the belt defended in the US. People complained (im sure) and they changed the ruling to defending it anywhere.

The European Championship was created and was originally going to be defended in Europe only. No other defenses anywhere else. They realized they dont go there that often and changed it to being defended anywhere.

TNA makes the "Global" championship to be defended outside of the US only by a non US citizen. People complained. Perhaps this is a way to at least get those rules off the belt and then give it to someone else........yet people still complain!

Not saying Big Rob is the best guy to hold the belt but they are probably going to strip the rules off the belt (if they dont get rid of it first) and yet people still complain.

the problem with foreign titles is they always die like your examples, non use title always fail, WWE'S IC is only around because because of the history of the title.
I like it. Eric Young wasn't really doing anything anyway. He started out as a strong champion then just kinda faded away into the backrounds of TNA.

I really liked how he said he wasn't going to defend the title on U.S. Soil, but the problem with that is that he really never defended it on U.S. Soil. It wouldve worked if he was on TV every week talking about how he would never defend it only to have JJ or Hogan or whoever the hell the boss is these days force him to wrestle and defend his title at a PPV. It couldve really gotten over.

I think Young just got lost in the shuffle. Good for Big Rob though. Maybe he can do something with it and if he can't they'll have him lose to somebody else.

Is it me or does Big Rob still have an X division title shot?
Just came back from the show tonight, my first live TNA experience and it was awesome.

When I found out that Big Rob was wrestling for the title tonight I had a feeling he would win due to the home crowd. The only thing that suprrise me was that he actually looked like he could wrestle, not like Kurt Angle but not too bad either. On Impact he just looks shit, but once he heard the crowd rooting for him and not chanting "You can't wrestle", he finally showed us he can wrestle and now is your NEW Global Champion.
I don't mind the title change, but Rob fucking Terry? The man is garbage. He has a good look backed up by zero skill. With the X division title becoming more and more like a cruiserweight title, the Global Championship is supposed to be their mid card title. If Rob Terry is your mid card champion then that is sad.

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