Breaking News: Marcus Cor Von Fired


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Marcus Cor Von released
Written: September 19, 2007

As first reported by WWE Mobile Alerts, WWE has come to terms on the release of ECW Superstar Marcus Cor Von as of September 19. We wish him the best in all his future endeavors.

well I'm a bit shocked by this, I know he had family problems going on, maybe it was Cor Von asking for the release. I wish him well in teh future as Monty Brown is a great wrestler, shame about his family stuff.
Cor Von fired? I'm actually getting the idea he asked for his release. He was kept off TV for awhile after a family member of his passed away and he's dealing with hard times and must watch this family member's children full-time which he would not be able to do as an active WWE performer.
I understand Cor Von's decision, such a shame to see a rising talent star like Cor Von leave, without a single title reign. I hope Cor Von comes back to WWE and not TNA if he ever decides to rejoin the business.
yeah this was IMO to be expected I knew that Monty wouldn't be back for a while and I figured he couldn't be on the WWE roster going through all the family issues hes got going on it was only a matter of time until he asked for his release which is really a shame because I like Monty Brown, however I dont think this is the end for him in WWE im sure when he gets alll thos issues figured out that he will make a return.
Its unfortunate that he's been released, but like others have stated, I don't see this being too much of a problem. He's been on leave for so long that it isn't an abrupt switch-up for them, plus he's obviously dealing with some major problems if he hasn't come back yet. This will give him the necessary amount of time to straighten things out and then, hopefully - and I don't see any reason why it wouldn't happen - he'll be resigned and given a push. It doesn't seem to me that his release is an issue of bad standing but rather just an issue of payroll. If he's on a temporary leave of absence and still getting paid in some way, eventually they have to cut him just for budget concerns.
The state of the WWE. Marcus Cor Von is now gone. Look at the major superstars now. Balls; Khali; Hornwaggle; Miz;Cade; Murdoch; Big Daddy V; Come on!!!!! What about Booker; RVD; The Big Show; Ric Flair. Its pretty watered down now. During the Hogan, Warrior, Bret, HBK, Austin, Rock era; it was never this bad.
The only reason that I can think of that he could get released is because he needed it so that he could spend more time with his family. Hopefully when his family issues are taken care of he can return to the WWE since he didn't spend enough time in the company to get a title run or push. The Pounce will be missed.
I wasn't expecting him back after I read about the family and having to deal with children. I am very disappointed in seeing him gone though, I loved the guy. Wish the WWE had put him somewhere good to start, though I can understand the reasons not to.

Wish him well, I know family matters like these are rough. If he had asked for his release, then I don't see anyone that couldn't support it.
Hopefully, no one was surprised by this. First of all, Monty Brown sucked hardcore. Second of all, he has made it known several times that wrestling is not his first priority, but rather various other things were. He wouldn't take indy dates from TNA to improve his abilities, he was more concerned about his nutrition store. And now, he's been on a leave of absence for months. I'm surprised the WWE didn't fire him sooner.

Good riddance I say.
No surprise to me. I was actually expecting him to be released earlier. I thought Cor Von was alright, and someday wanted to see him feud with Punk, but that's not going to happen. If he's really been having this much trouble with family that it's been this long, he probably should have told WWE he had to go himself. Oh well best of luck in the future I guess
No surprise, hadn't seen him in months. don't really care if he gets resigned or not, V is apparently gonna be the new monster heel on ecw anyway, not like monty was even needed
The only reason that I can think of that he could get released is because he needed it so that he could spend more time with his family. Hopefully when his family issues are taken care of he can return to the WWE since he didn't spend enough time in the company to get a title run or push. The Pounce will be missed.

And this is the main reason why I see him landing back in TNA, IF they will accept him. With TNA going to two hours, they need big men with names and not nly is Monty Brown home grown, but he now has WWE exposure. That, combined with the lighter TNA schedule should make for a match made in heaven. He's a big man, a bruiser, has a killer finisher, and has a good steriod free physique. TNA would be stupid not to put feelers out to see if he would be interested in a return. I can see he, Pacman, and Killings in a three man team for a big, with Pacman using him by proxy as a football connection to tag with killings. And then Brown can move back into singles competition and be a top heel or super tweener.
And this is the main reason why I see him landing back in TNA, IF they will accept him. With TNA going to two hours, they need big men with names and not nly is Monty Brown home grown, but he now has WWE exposure. That, combined with the lighter TNA schedule should make for a match made in heaven. He's a big man, a bruiser, has a killer finisher, and has a good steriod free physique. TNA would be stupid not to put feelers out to see if he would be interested in a return. I can see he, Pacman, and Killings in a three man team for a big, with Pacman using him by proxy as a football connection to tag with killings. And then Brown can move back into singles competition and be a top heel or super tweener.

I had the same thought, it seems like a logical step for him...they need more wrestlers, he needs a lighter schedule, it works. Except for the "IF they will accept him" nonsense lol...more like if they can get far enough down on their knees to beg him to come back part time. It's up to him I guess but I wouldn't be surprised if he opts to go to TNA. He could come in and have a midcard fued or two before stepping up to challenge Angle for the title after he dispatches of Sting.
Whatever really makes him happy is what matters though, right? Like, yea, TNA is pretty good, and dont think im bashing it here, but who as a kid would watch wrestling and say "I wanna be a TNA wrestler, mommy." Not to change topics here, but isnt TNA really just turning into a new WWE? Think about it, it doesnt focus on the "little guys" as much as guys that are more "ripped" (with the exception of CM Punk). AJ Styles as fodder? Come on, he used to be one of the companies biggest draws, but, now that they have more money, they can afford to pay guys like sting and kurt angle, which, in turn, will give them even more payola, for them to push farther and farther away anyone 215 lbs and under. Sad, really, but, for Cor Von this isnt a problem. He is bigger, and he is more "ripped." He can really go one of two ways in TNA, get the Jeff Hardy/Christian Cage, be pushed heavily for the first year or two, then, slowly get pushed OUT of the limelight. OR he can get...the alternate route? which would be get pushed somewhat, make his way up, stay there for a while, and keep fading in and out of the title picture. Comments on what you guys think will happen?

btw have mercy on me, im only 14 and im just speaking my thoughts.
I think it's unfortunate that he's been released. I've always been a fan of Monty Brown, and I was happy when he made the move to WWE/ECW.

I think you are probably right that it was more for payroll reasons then anything else since he has been out for so long.

I was really hoping for a return feud with Cor Von vs. CM Punk for the ECW title. I think that feud would have real potential and would produce some great matches.

I hope he gets his family issues under control and finds his way back to a WWE ring. I think going to TNA would be a mistake, because even with them going 2 hours - the limelight is on guys like Sting and Angle. Monty would just get lost in the shuffle.
IMO. Monty Brown wanted to leave WWE. Sure, more money but that's not what drives someone like Brown. First, he is a truly credible athlete and has name recognition from his NFL days. And Vince, as usual, takes that away from him, just as they did with Ron Simmons and calling him Farooq. Then, they take a guy who could be a marquee player, and turn him into an under-carder on their "C" brand.

When you acquire a top talent from another promotion, he needs to be pushed as such, not as a kid fresh out of a wrestling school. Look at the pattern...Vince has mis-used every talent he has acquired from TNA and they leave or get fired because they (the talent) want to leave or be fired so they can go back to what they are best at.
I wish Monty the best and hope he can get his family situation in order. Hopefully, we'll see him in WWE again.

Regardless of this news, I still have hope for this brand.

If ECW is going to be more of a breeding ground for younger talent, I'd like to see an influx of that talent in ECW sooner, rather than later.

It has to be better and more interesting than Boogeyman/Big Daddy V or Balls Mahoney/whomever.

It's never going to be ECW circa 1999, and that's fine.

It can still be an exciting one hour show, and an alternative form of WWE programming.

I'd keep these guys:

CM Punk, John Morrison (lose the Doors gimmick), Elijah Burke, Stevie Richards, and Kevin Thorn.

Add in other WWE talent:

Shelton Benjamin
Chavo Guerrero
Gregory Helms (after injury return)

Add in under contract WWE developmental talent:

Colt Cabana, Sheamus O'Shaunessy, and Original Sinn.

Maybe sign some key indie talent:Chris Hero & Claudio Categnoli and Bryan Danielson?

I think this brand still has a ton of potential for WWE.

As bad as its been at various points during the first year, it can only get better.
I agree with the majority here already. I think Cor Von probably asked for this release due to his inability to actually wrestle because of his family issues. I hopes he gets the problem sorted out and hopefully we will see him back inside a WWE ring someday! Good luck in life, Monty Brown. We shall keep praying for you.
All good ideas but Paul Burchil so should be there as well. I dont want to see him in a dead end tag team with Taylor and as much as some people hated Burchill's Pirate gimmick it was funny and it left the opputunity to grwo out of it.
I'd keep these guys:

CM Punk, John Morrison (lose the Doors gimmick), Elijah Burke, Stevie Richards, and Kevin Thorn.

Add in other WWE talent:

Shelton Benjamin
Chavo Guerrero
Gregory Helms (after injury return)

Add in under contract WWE developmental talent:

Colt Cabana, Sheamus O'Shaunessy, and Original Sinn.

Maybe sign some key indie talent:Chris Hero & Claudio Categnoli and Bryan Danielson?

I think this brand still has a ton of potential for WWE.

As bad as its been at various points during the first year, it can only get better.
IMO. Monty Brown wanted to leave WWE. Sure, more money but that's not what drives someone like Brown. First, he is a truly credible athlete and has name recognition from his NFL days. And Vince, as usual, takes that away from him, just as they did with Ron Simmons and calling him Farooq. Then, they take a guy who could be a marquee player, and turn him into an under-carder on their "C" brand.

When you acquire a top talent from another promotion, he needs to be pushed as such, not as a kid fresh out of a wrestling school. Look at the pattern...Vince has mis-used every talent he has acquired from TNA and they leave or get fired because they (the talent) want to leave or be fired so they can go back to what they are best at.
I disagree 100%.

It would be ironic to immediately push someone due to their former employer. That is a terrible reason IMHO to push someone. That is something that is making TNA worse than I have ever seen it; people are only getting pushed due to their former employer/s. If not, you will get held back, sad but true. At least it's fair to others that had to start from the lowest point and spent years EARNING their current position in the promotion they stayed devoted to as well as helped out bringing in money throughout the years that actually earns the money, fame, push and exposure.

It's not like with the casual WWE fans actually knew Marcus was in the NFL. Hell, it took me along time to know Marcus was actually a football player. It's not like I watch football or does every person in the world which I find it pointless and boring to no end nor was it as if Marcus signing with the WWE gave them [WWE] media exposure for signing him. Also, it's not as if TNA is really that big where Marcus got more than enough exposure in TNA to become a household name or anything like that.
I understand where you're coming from, MadMetal, but it's not a bad marketing ploy.

Think back to when they (TNA) were hyping a "huge jump" a couple of years back. No one knew who it was and that went on for weeks until Christian made his TNA debut. Sure, he was a midcarder in the WWE, but no one knew it was coming, and it made a huge buzz.

If Monty had that same build up, leading into his debut, I think it could've done the exact same thing for him. It would've been huge internet news, and it would've gotten people to take a little more notice of WWECW.
I don't want to get into a pissing contest over this one. Please let me clearify my point. Monty deserved better from WWE. At the least he should have used his real name and not some silly name that was made up. True, not everyone watches football, but the wrestling fans knew who he was thanks to TNA letting us all know it and fans who watch TNA and WWE knew who Monty Brown is.

I'm not saying he should have been pushed into the main event on any WWE brand, but he could have easily fit into Smackdown or possibly RAW as a undercarder or mid-carder and been used as a singles talent instead of burying him in some stable and have him playing second fiddle to Elijah Burke.

And I do stand by my appraisal of WWE mis-using talent that they acquire from other promotions. Thanks Mad Metal. I do find your posts in the forum insightful, so this is not a "counter-assault or anything of the such. Just a clearification of my original statement.
This wasn't much of a shocker for me as with him taking so much time for personal/family reason it was only a matter of time with him being gone so long. Though you have to say his stay with WWE was nothing impressive as he was just a lackey in the New Breed. He was misused as he could have been built up well...i know he wasn't great in the ring but he had charisma something the WWE could have used better.

Though you have to think that he might try TNA again with the lighter schedule but if he doesn't oh well I wish him he best of luck. Though coming back to TNA be good as he was big there but could be used to put people over as he did have name status in TNA.
I understand where you're coming from, MadMetal, but it's not a bad marketing ploy.

Think back to when they (TNA) were hyping a "huge jump" a couple of years back. No one knew who it was and that went on for weeks until Christian made his TNA debut. Sure, he was a midcarder in the WWE, but no one knew it was coming, and it made a huge buzz.

If Monty had that same build up, leading into his debut, I think it could've done the exact same thing for him. It would've been huge internet news, and it would've gotten people to take a little more notice of WWECW.

About the internet build up, over on they made the announcement of signing former NFL player Monty Brown. Getting the treatment as any ordinary new comers to the business giving fair treatment as anyone else trying to make it int he big leagues, he got a name change and started from the bottom, but I wouldn't claim it was from the far bottom which that would be jobbing on SmackDown!.

I agree Monty Brown is a better name to carry for him, but he just got the treatment as any new comer would have gotten. I'm sure if he were to sign with the WWE in the early 00's and made his debut as Marcus Cor Von, I'm sure the name change wouldn't matter if he never wrestled in TNA, or at least that's what I'm assuming.

But of course he would have become "somebody" eventually in the WWE. He had great potential but I really do hope we didn't see the last of him.
Hope leaving TNA was worth it. Honestly, I thought he made a mistake leaving it. Its a shame about his family problems. But the other priorities he had that he put above wrestling such as his store or being a trainer. That is what kept him from being big. If you're wrestler and it's your job, and it's not your main priority, then you're wasting your breath with the business. He's a good athelete, not saying he's not. But his heart is not in pro wrestling, then he should look elsewhere. That's all I'm saying

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