Breaking All or Nothing News

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
As announced on Meltdown, the main event for the world title at All or Nothing is confirmed - a six man, pinfall or submission elimination match, with the last man standing gaining the world title. It'll be world champion Everest defending again Steamboat Ricky, Carmen Bratchny, Titus, Vengeance, and a mystery man that Chuck Myles has in his pocket.

More breaking news is coming out as well - after the actions of David Cougar on Meltdown, he's to defend his title against Milenko next week, on Ascension! In addition, Cougar is staking his EurAsian title #1 contendership in the Mayhem title match! The winner of that match will be joining Drake Callahan and Ty Burna in a never before seen in WZCW two fall triple threat match - with the first fall being for the EurAsian Championship, and the second fall for the Mayhem Title!

Number one contenders to the tag team championship Second Coming have issued their request to the WZCW Board of Directors, and it's been accepted - this time, their title match will be contested in a ladder match!

Stay tuned for more updates to the PPV event, All or Nothing.
To add to the theme of AON being just matches with a gimmick, it has been announced by Vance Bateman that Frankie Smith will take on Zander Young in a no DQ match!
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