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Does Jericho deserve a MitB win / WWEWHC run?

  • Yes, it will be new and exciting and create so many storylines.

  • No, he is past his prime/doesn't deserve it/part timer argument.

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Getting Noticed By Management
Recently, there was speculation that Chris Jericho would return at the MitB PPV. Let's pretend this is actually gonna happen. Do you want him to win the MitB contract?

I know the returning part-timer argument is there and people know me for being against part-timers getting the spotlight, buy it's Chris Jericho. In my opinion, he is due winning a MitB match and/or a Royal Rumble. Given solid booking and actually some high tier wins so that he is taken seriously, he can create great tv again, especially with Punk gone and Bryan sidelined. After Jericho becomes the WWEWHC for 1-2 months, he can drop the title to Lesnar/Cesaro/Bryan or whoever they want to go with, turn heel and feud with Bray Wyatt (since they are talking about turning him to a babyface by the end of the year).

Jericho can still go in the ring and is excellent in promos and deserves at least one MitB or one Royal Rumble win. This could be a great time to at least to the MitB (or winning the WWEWHC in that ladder match, depending on Bryan's health). Whatever the case is, Jericho can feud with Cesaro building up to Summerslam, if they wanna go that route, then Lesnar comes back. Bryan is also involved in there. We can have a great 4 man battle for the titles, without any Authority involved. It will be different and exciting. Jericho can carry the titles for 2 months before dropping it to someone else.
I think it would be a good thing as it means they can build him back up in order to benefit more talent. The well was pretty much dry by the end of his last run and his value in this imaginary role everyone puts him in was diminished totally.

The proof in the pudding for me is the pop at last years Rumble... it showed a big appitite for Jericho as a face amongst the crowds and fans... but they "blew it" by putting him with Fandango... I am sure Chris is only gonna come back for something major this time, either MITB OR the 10th IC title run which would be equally good (we never really got a proper feud with he and Barrett) in rebuilding him and the IC title.

The Briefcase would work almost better in his part time context, the only person better would be Brock... if he's in and out then the champion REALLY never knows when he's gonna be cashed in on... Jericho could do a lot with that sort of "power" as a face and perhaps more as a heel. Of course if Brock used that angle the champ would almost be "dead man walking". But with Jericho the speculation of whether he's AT a show or in the city will go crazy, he can travel incognito easier than Brock... the World belt almost then is like the old Hardcore title in terms of anything can happen... they can even swerve a concert date or something so he's meant to be somewhere else for the cash-in when it happens (cash in at the start of RAW then use the jet an play the gig for example) but there is a lot of scope.

Now what if they went full hog and had him lift the title at MITB? Face Jericho is a good fill in for Bryan in Punk's absence and more importantly is someone who they can put Bray Wyatt against at Summerslam and produce a great feud that isn't gonna feel like a step down from Cena. Working with Jericho will help Wyatt in the ring AND on the mic and if Wyatt then wins the title at Summerslam from Y2J there is always the "chance" he can "invoke the briefcase" rule anyway... after all, they haven't said whoever wins the title wouldn't also get the usual contract as well... he can use the "I invented the match... you think I wouldn't have invented the loophole?"

It would also work for a Cesaro feud as a prelude to Brock, helping him "step up" that level, perhaps coming inches from the title when Heyman screws him and Jericho reveals he is a Heyman Guy... the "double turn" could also work for Barrett if they go the IC route.

The final option is if they are gonna pull the trigger on Rollins based on this week. Again Jericho is a great guy to help put Rollins over but is credible threat enough to beat him. There is history with Orton and Trips and he could be revealed as the guy "behind the Shield". With the briefcase or title he then adds some "oomph" and sure he might become the focal point from Reigns for a bit, but like Shawn and Diesel if Reigns is gonna be "the guy" going forward, he needs some time with someone like a Shawn or a Jericho first... Rollins can finally beat Jericho for the title only for Reigns to explode out of his shadow just as Diesel did but with 3-6 months or working and travelling with Jericho, who could teach him a lot more than Dwayne can about life on the road, tactics for the ring and getting over and being "the guy all the pressure is put on".

It's a long shot, but Batista clearly hasn't worked for them, Taker isn't coming back for the forseeable and unless Punk has swerved us all then Jericho is a "safe pair of hands" for the title or the title shot, it's "big" enough for him to focus back on wrestling for a while and once it's all done come Mania time his "credibility" tank is rebuilt up so he can start putting guys over again on his next run...or he can go out "on top" as he has definitely earned if Taker can't show up next year of course...
I don't think Jericho winning the MITB match really benefits anybody, But having him return on the night and take part in the match would be quite cool. If he is in fact returning then I imagine he will be sticking around until Summerslam Which would give him more then enough time to feud with both Cesaro and Bray Wyatt who would be the two superstars I would have the most intrest in seeing him face.
I don't think Jericho winning the MITB match really benefits anybody, But having him return on the night and take part in the match would be quite cool. If he is in fact returning then I imagine he will be sticking around until Summerslam Which would give him more then enough time to feud with both Cesaro and Bray Wyatt who would be the two superstars I would have the most intrest in seeing him face.

Excellent post.
Wouldn't mind Jericho being a solid bounce back feud for Bray to get him some Ws and regain some credibility to go along with being the hottest thing in the game now that D Bryan is on the shelf
Excellent post.
Wouldn't mind Jericho being a solid bounce back feud for Bray to get him some Ws and regain some credibility to go along with being the hottest thing in the game now that D Bryan is on the shelf

The thing is, you need to build Jericho back. He lost to Fandango and Ryback of all people before he left. At this moment, people respect the hell out of him, but don't buy into him 100%. He needs a program to prove that he is here to play, that he might actually be given some big wins so that we can have this suspense if he is gonna win or lose. In my opinion, he deserves to win the MitB and he also deserves to win the Royal Rumble and head to WM. I could buy a Jericho vs Bryan vs Lesnar type of feud for the WWEWHC at the main event of WM31.
The thing is, you need to build Jericho back. He lost to Fandango and Ryback of all people before he left. At this moment, people respect the hell out of him, but don't buy into him 100%. He needs a program to prove that he is here to play, that he might actually be given some big wins so that we can have this suspense if he is gonna win or lose. In my opinion, he deserves to win the MitB and he also deserves to win the Royal Rumble and head to WM. I could buy a Jericho vs Bryan vs Lesnar type of feud for the WWEWHC at the main event of WM31.

Till Mania no... but for the Summer without Bryan till Rumble at the latest he is IDEAL to do it... has some mainstream recognition that means something to wrestling fans, is still popular in a way Queen Dave (Wrestling Memes Rocks!) could only dream of and can raise the real terms value of the belt by defending it, winning a few big matches and simply being the first guy to hold BOTH undisputed titles... he won't need to be main event a Mania, his legacy would be secure but he could then off the back of it have one last run of putting selected guys over to put them "over the top" or they can offer the usual which he will refuse and NO talent benefits...

News from Camp Bryan (if it's not the Cena swerve) is NOT good at all... so Jericho works either with the case, the belt or both... hell imagine him winning the belt and cashing the case in for the IC... It'd be different, intersting and get some ratings.
I'm a huge Jericholic. But just put him in a good feud. It would be great to see to him a feud for the title around Mania though. Like the last time he was champion.
Jericho needs a title like he needs a frontman for Fozzy. Why does Jericho need MITB? He's a multi-time World Champion that has headlined Wrestlemania and has been semi-retired for several years. Giving him the case would be a waste of potential for guys that are currently pushed big like Cesaro, The Shield, Barrett and Sheamus.
Jericho shouldn't sniff the MitB or a Royal Rumble win.

We're at a point in the WWE where there are more than enough legitimate and MUCH more interesting contenders for the World Title than Chris Jericho: All three members of the Shield, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Brock Lesnar, and Wade Barrett. You also still have guys like Randy Orton, John Cena, and Triple H who can easily make the main event more interesting even if they don't hold the strap itself.

With this new cast, Jericho just seems like weak sauce. I don't mind him having another run, and maybe coming in at some point to the main event scene, but he's certainly not worth putting the strap on his shoulder.
I honestly think that Jericho isn't needed at all. I like him and he's a hall of famer, but really, why bother? Sure he'll get the usual HOF pop, but what then? How will it be any different than any of this most recent comebacks?
I think Jericho could use a World Title win to reinvigorate his character. He was damaged by his lame feud with CM Punk in 2012 and then losing to Fandango at WM 29... insane. Take nothing away from either Jericho or Fandango; it was just a waste because they did nothing with Fandango after; and his jobber position now makes Jericho look weak.

Jericho has a book out soon - a high profile return would help sell some books too. You have to remember Jericho has been in the WWE for 15 years on and off; it would make sense to bring him in full time until Survivor Series - have him drop the belt there; and have him out injured until RR in January - where he could return on a part time basis and engage in a feud with someone like Damien Sandow or Bray Wyatt and put them over..
The Jericho fan in me wants to see him win, if only to see him make the briefcase and/or the World Heavyweight Championship light up the way his jackets do.... and to get one more world title to add to his list of things to brag about. However.... the business major in me would rather see such a push go to one of the wrestlers in the upper midcard who need that extra bit of assistance in breaking into the main event tier. Those wrestlers need this type of push more than Jericho. He's not on the roster full time and has been primarily been putting over others when he has been around. His last world title run was 4 years ago.

It is going to come down to how the format is done for Money In the Bank this year. If they continue the two briefcase format with one established talent winning (such as John Cena and Randy Orton in the past two years) and one future star winning, then I am fine with Jericho being the established star that wins. If there is only one briefcase, then it really needs to go to one of the future stars. Rumors are speculating that Cesaro might win it, I am fine with this. He'd need it a lot more. It would be very cool to see Jericho as World Heavyweight Champion again whether it be through Money In the Bank or not, but let's face it, that might not be what's best for business anymore.

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