Bram's Future is Bright

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

He's wrestled in just one match now in his TNA career, in which he sold just fine, and in which his offense was just fine. Hell, you may even call both average, but most importantly, what you can't call average is his look and his presence, which were both top notch. This angle between he and Magnus has not only done a lot to mitigate the damage done to Magnus after he dropped the title to EY only to lose his rematch in unspectacular fashion, effectively abandoning his World Title hopes, at least for the time being, but additionally has really helped to sell Bram big in a really short amount of time.

I dunno if this is all going to amount to him being a suitor for the World Title picture or what, but what I do know is that amidst the swirls upon swirls of negativity surrounding the TNA product as a whole, he's a tremendous bright spot with a great future. I also know that what he's brought is exactly what TNA needs to fill out the angles and feuds going on outside of the title picture.

This is one of those cases where WWE's loss is TNA's gain.
Too soon for me to make a call on how successful I see this Bram character being in the future but at the very least, I'm way more intrigued by Magnus's storyline with Bram than I was by his world title reign. I'm not quite sure if this storyline is supposed to lead to these two forming a long term partnership or a feud but I do look forward to seeing where they go with this. I thought it was kinda dumb to see Bram on the losing side of his first match, a handicap match no less, but I can definitely appreciate the direction they're taking this storyline with Magnus needing to get more viscous and tooth and nail after months of his paper champion shtick. I just hope this will lead to more wins by these two.
He looks decent, that's all we can say for now. At least TNA is bringing in some new characters as they've lost quite a bit of talent over the last few months. Bram certaily looks the part, but for the love of all that's holy...who the fuck came up with that ring name?! Absolutely terrible!!

I hope he can end up like ECIII and become an important part of the roster, with a character/persona that TNA can develop as one of their own as they desperately need to make some new home-grown stars.
I do think Bram has potential and I am intrested to see what TNA does with him and Magnus going forward and If his work in NXT is anything to go by, then TNA might have just hit the jackpot. I do think having him loss his first match seemed a bit silly, but if it ends up adding to the storyline, then I don't see it being to much of a bad thing at the end off the day.
I'd be more concerned about his first match being a loss had it been a singles match, but it wasn't — it was a handicap match that he didn't seem overly concerned with winning, so based on how he's being booked, it's as a means to engage Magnus, which means how the angle piques is what people will remember, not that he technically didn't win in his debut.
If I was to try and second guess the TNA bookers, I'd imagine that this will develop into Magnus & Bram becoming a vicious win at all costs duo who'll go after the Wolves (who'd be just as capable of meeting like for like). As an asides, I can also see King & Lashley and possibly some two out of Aries, Roode & EY flesh out the division in the coming months.
If I was to try and second guess the TNA bookers, I'd imagine that this will develop into Magnus & Bram becoming a vicious win at all costs duo who'll go after the Wolves (who'd be just as capable of meeting like for like). As an asides, I can also see King & Lashley and possibly some two out of Aries, Roode & EY flesh out the division in the coming months.

American Wolves

... I could really go for that mix-up for a few months, yeah.
I'm not one for bumping old threads, as it's usually in poor taste and of no real practical value, but in honor of one of TNA's rising stars, it's worth it.

This guy is succeeding with flying colors no matter what TNA throws at him, and that includes a series of aimless hardcore matches and a mini-feud with the shell that used to be Abyss... that actually involved "Janice" — the most sought after, rarely utilized weapon in pro wrestling history. And he's still on the up-and-up.

This angle with Magnus will probably end with Magnus going over Bram, because that's how this kind of booking works, but even still, theres no reason to think it'll come at the cost of Bram's continued evolution.

This guy is money. Just money. And he's gonna smash yer 'ead in!

Come to the Darkside.
I wasn't sold on Bram initially, not saying that the guy was bad. It was similar to my feelings regarding CM Punk, except I was never a fan of his throughout my times of seeing him. But Bram has steadily grown on me, maybe more so than Magnus did. It's true I could've done without the hardcore matches, but I like wrestlers that have an edge to them, especially if they're talented enough in the ring. I can get behind Bram, and perhaps he should go over Magnus in this feud to build him further. Hell, I think he'd be a better fit to lead the Revolution instead of James Storm, idea-wise anyway. The sky's the limit with this guy.
I tweeted TNA as soon as Kenneth Cameron was released from WWE to hire him.

If WWE is willing to invest everything in a guy with a "look" but very poor in-ring skills and who stumbles over most of his words, TNA can feel very comfortable pushing Bram whose got the look, mic skills and wrestling ability that only entertains.

So far, Bram has been pushed as a hardcore, eats from the garbage type guy like an ECW original, but he's got Hollywood looks and excellent mic skills. His looks are reminscent of a young Gerard Butler and the lead dude from the show Vikings. He can be barbaric but as soon as he shaves that beard, he can be a much more appealing suit wearing heel then Magnus was. When The Ascension ultimately fails, it's because of the loss of Bram, because he'd be good in spite of WWE's writing and booking.

Seldom do talents in TNA seem to have it ALL, but Bram surely does. I just hope TNA realizes it. I know a lot of you praise EC3, but threw and threw Bram makes him look like The Brooklyn Brawler. All Bram's got to do is stop eating cause his tummy is starting to sag a bit.
Bram reminds me of a young Rip Morgan a tough but skilled individual all we need now is a modern day Jonathon Boyd or Sheepherders to team him up with and TNA could have a team that would make people forget the Ascension.
Bram impressed me during the match and angle with Magnus but he's always been a guy that was just there. Like I had no attachment or personal interest in the character at all until he made Magnus kiss his boot...then I thought maybe this is going somewhere.

I do need for him to be more than generic psycho heel too.
Bumping this thread for PopTV promotional purposes.

I said in the Impact Support thread that, in effect, I'm holding out hope that 2016 is the year of Bram.

This guy is arguably the most important young heel in the company not named EC3. With his legal issues now by the wayside, there's little reason I can see not to strap a rocket to his back right out of the gate. I know the Pop debut is going to be almost entirely centered around crowning the company's next World Champion, but if you ask me, crowning one isn't enough to attract a new audience (or a returning one). Especially not when the four competitors who can be crowned are all former champions. Three of whom held the title in 2015.

Not that any of them winning would be a bad thing (well, maybe Matt Hardy would be), but I'd be far more excited by the idea of Bram forcing himself into contention by destroying whoever does win (hopefully a face like Lashley), similar to how Desmond Wolfe made a name for himself when he debuted years ago, taking Kurt Angle apart to end the show.


If you can't land a free agent or two to make a splash, make something happen with what you do have. Especially when what you have is fucking Bram.


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