Brad Maddox face turn?


Occasional Pre-Show
As I'm sure you saw on RAW last night, Brad Maddox called out the Shield, called himself the 'hero' and in the end, got beat down by the Shield. Anyway, I was wondering if you think WWE is turning Maddox face and/or do you think they should?

Personally, I like Maddox and think he does have great potential and I, for one, hope he stays heel.

It would make no sense having him remain a heel after getting beat down from the Shield last night. Not that I care, because I really don't. I see nothing in him that I don't see in any other generic wrestler on the roster. He's just another superstar taking time away from my precious Dolph Ziggler. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if he somehow vanished from my television screen after getting beat down on Raw. He’s served his purpose. Either show your abilities inside the ring or get the hell out.
Either show your abilities inside the ring or get the hell out.

How is he supposed to do that without ever having a match on TV that isn't some Ryback squash? Maddox proves his worth on the mic every time he's given an opportunity, and that's all they've really given him so far. He has a confidence and a timing on the mic that people who have been here for years haven't found yet. Bane impressions aside, his promo last night was great.

And watching his FCW stuff he's plenty good in the ring. They need to do more with him.
How is he supposed to do that without ever having a match on TV that isn't some Ryback squash?

Exactly. The dude has been there long enough. If there was anything special about him we would've already seen it. If he's such an excellent performer, the WWE higher ups would be so anxious to get him in the ring. From the looks of it, they're not. He's floating around doing nothing. He had a purpose with the whole Shield/Punk/Heyman thing, now that that's over, he'll do nothing because there's nothing special about him.
Being that he was billed as a referee, I see no reason they couldn't run a storyline where he goes down to NXT to learn his craft, a la Joseph Parks in a way, but less comedy.

As far as heel or face, who cares? He doesn't do enough to help anyone out anyways. It's not like he stuck around to help Cena/Ryback/Sheamus. As if he'd be effective if he did. Besides, the promo he cut before getting his ass kicked was completely heel. He called himself a "hero" because he ratted someone out. Not exactly "say your prayers and eat your vitamins" if you know what I mean.
I think Maddox has potential to become the type of talker that Chris Jericho is. Mind you, I'm not saying the type of wrestler that Y2J is, but he seems to be able to get the crowd to hate him very easily.

His potential seems to be there and I'm looking forward to seeing where this kid's career goes. So far he's a far more interesting character then the Shield. They have potential too, but there has been zero character development for those 3 so far.
I like Maddox. I like Maddox's heel promos. They have a unique feel about them. But, all I could think last night was that this kid can work as a face. He can get over. Just think of the push he could receive simply by working with Cena, Ryback, or Sheamus. It would work, and I don't mind seeing it all play out if thats the path they decide to take.
It did strike me as odd that The Shield beat Maddox down--would it serve any other purpose THAN to turn Maddox? We already know The Shield are badasses, and they have beaten up much bigger superstars than Brad to prove it.

I didn't really think much of Maddox other than he was an above-average talker, but maybe this could lead to something. I could see him having a gimmick similar to the Hurricane, minus pretending to actually be a superhero. He could be a guy who takes on anyone and truly believes he is better than any of them. He'll have to do it in a face-like way, though--maybe by trying to save a face in distress, whether it be a main eventer, a mid-carder, lower guy or a diva. It could be someone different each time; he's like the anti-Shield, almost.

Just a thought. Maddox has mostly annoyed me, but I don't know what type of wrestler he truly is. If he can go a little bit in the ring and his personality continues to grow, I don't see anything wrong with giving him something to do.
I say keep Maddox and utilize this guy...

I had a post up just last week about Maddox that was removed because a certain moderator said it was boring and didnt interest him...

But I think Maddox is excellant on the Mic and even if he is never truly utilized as a wrestler with all the talk of them bringing managers back Maddox could easily be a great mouth piece to get his own "stable" of wrestlers over...

Remember back in the good ole days we had Hennan, Hart, Slick, Mr. Fuji all running stables at the same time... Why couldnt we do it again with Heyman, Vickie, and even Maddox...

Also 1 last question, is it just me or does Maddox look exactly like a young Eric Bischoff?
I see nothing in him that I don't see in any other generic wrestler on the roster. He's just another superstar taking time away from my precious Dolph Ziggler.

Exactly. The dude has been there long enough. If there was anything special about him we would've already seen it. If he's such an excellent performer, the WWE higher ups would be so anxious to get him in the ring.

I had this whole write-up where I was going to blast you for being an idiot. Then I thought, "This guy has to be sarcastic ... his response is just too ignorant to be serious." So please, tell me you're being sarcastic.

Tell me you remember that when Dolph Ziggler debuted with the Spirit Squad in 2006, he wrestled just three matches (all four-on-one or five-on-one matches) during his first four months on WWE TV - and that you're trolling Ziggler fans when you say that Maddox isn't special because the WWE isn't "anxious to get him in the ring."

Tell me you're trolling when you say that Maddox is taking time away from your "precious Dolph Ziggler" and then follow that with "Maddox is just like every other generic wrestler." Because after just a few months on TV, Maddox has managed to do something that Ziggler hasn't been able to do in four years ---- get heat without having someone talk for him.

I won't say anything outlandish or claim that Maddox is a better wrestler than Ziggler - that he's more over than Ziggler - or that his future is brighter than Ziggler's - but I will say that Maddox is further along at this point in his WWE career than where Ziggler was after a few months on TV. So give him some time.

As for where I see his character going - I'd like to expand on what Aberle4Life said. Right now, I think Maddox has subtly developed a borderline psychotic character whose grandiose visions for himself are so out of line with reality that he's at risk of becoming a danger to himself. I'd like to see this used in such a manner that Maddox continually runs in to save a face that is outnumbered - only to put himself in the situation of being outnumbered himself .. a character who tries to save the day but continually gets beaten up for his effort.
Eh.... who is Maddox? All joking aside, I just don't care enough about the guy to care either way. The only thing I felt he did was screw Ryback over. After that, I'm just feeling that there's no incentive to care either way about the guy. It's not his fault, as he's too early in his main roster run to be able to only have bullet points (not to mention he doesn't sound too comfortable on the mic to me.) So he's definitely stuck with what creative gives him, and that hasn't helped, though he hasn't done well with the hand he has been dealt regardless.
It would make no sense having him remain a heel after getting beat down from the Shield last night. Not that I care, because I really don't. I see nothing in him that I don't see in any other generic wrestler on the roster. He's just another superstar taking time away from my precious Dolph Ziggler. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if he somehow vanished from my television screen after getting beat down on Raw. He’s served his purpose. Either show your abilities inside the ring or get the hell out.

I'm sorry but, even I find Brad Maddox to be more entertaining than that glorified mid-carder Dolph Ziggler despite the fact that he's always given short TV time.

Back to topic: Face or Heel, I think he should keep playing the annoying idiot persona like he always does.
noooo ddont turn him face wwe.this kid got the talent to be a top heel in the future hes good on the mic...damn good actually better than most guys on the roster now.but a face turn its too early for that he hasnt even had a real match yet i dont count him jobbing to random guys a match.if i was in wwe id keep the guy heel he just seems like a natural cocky heel
I though the whole "Brad Maddox Experience" thing was a good idea, and could be utilized more. Having a heel that is so narcissistic and camera-loving that he documents his life 24/7 would be interesting. You could have him ALWAYS being followed around by his "personal cameraman" and the cameraman could sometimes get involved and help him in matches like Ricardo does with Del Rio. His entrance and all of his promos and interviews would be shown through the perspective of his documentary camera. His basic character would be that he is fame and attention-seeking, which is pretty relevant given America's celebrity obsessed society. The documentary style filming/reality TV aspect is also particularly relevant today. So ya, I'd keep him heel and bring back the "Brad Maddox Experience" as his main gimmick.
I had this whole write-up where I was going to blast you for being an idiot. Then I thought, "This guy has to be sarcastic ... his response is just too ignorant to be serious." So please, tell me you're being sarcastic.
Given that there are numerous of other characters on the WWE roster currently, there are tons of other guys I'd much rather see. Dolph Ziggler was simply an example. Don't get butthurt because someone said something you didn't like.
Tell me you remember that when Dolph Ziggler debuted with the Spirit Squad in 2006, he wrestled just three matches (all four-on-one or five-on-one matches) during his first four months on WWE TV - and that you're trolling Ziggler fans when you say that Maddox isn't special because the WWE isn't "anxious to get him in the ring."
And you remember how incredibly green Nicky was back then right? He was a cheerleader on a male dominated show, why would you be so anxious to get him on TV to display his (green) talents?
Tell me you're trolling when you say that Maddox is taking time away from your "precious Dolph Ziggler" and then follow that with "Maddox is just like every other generic wrestler." Because after just a few months on TV, Maddox has managed to do something that Ziggler hasn't been able to do in four years ---- get heat without having someone talk for him.
I want proof Brad Maddox is as over as you claim he is. He may have had a decent amount of heat at one time, but it's faded away. No one cared for his promo last night on Raw.
I won't say anything outlandish or claim that Maddox is a better wrestler than Ziggler - that he's more over than Ziggler - or that his future is brighter than Ziggler's - but I will say that Maddox is further along at this point in his WWE career than where Ziggler was after a few months on TV. So give him some time.
Tensai beat WWE Champion CM Punk and pinned John Cena clean within his first two months of his re-debut. Do you know how many times someone has debuted strong only to fall short of expectations? Doesn’t mean shit buddy. Maddox started out with a strong storyline which involved a WWE Champion and a huge up and comer in Ryback. There isn't a single person on this planet that couldn't have filled the role that Brad played. Anyone. He didn't show us what sets him apart from everyother wrestler on the roster. Seriously, I'm not about pushing guys away from the main roster but Maddox is certainly nothing special; he's incredibly generic. I just recently watched some of his NXT matches; not awful, but nothing special. Here’s a guy with basic wrestling knowledge that landed a spot on the roster because they needed someone to feed to Ryback. So yeah, sorry if I don't give two shits about Brad Maddox. I'll gladly take anyone, including Dolph Ziggler over Maddox any day of the week.
It's like Mack Militant's sig says:


"How could you hate that face?"

He pretty much has to turn after the successive beatdowns by The Shield, and I could see him garnering some sympathy and becoming a 1-2-3 Kid-like lovable small guy. I think he's a more natural heel, but a face turn could be his foot in the door to bigger things.
Regardless of if you like him or not if you don't think the WWE either has big plans for him or has him in a pivotal position in a storyline then you are delusional. Almost every segment he does is near or at the end of the show. He's in a storyline with Punk and Heyman, the two most over heels, and also taking pary in the Shield/Cena, Sheamus, Ryback storyline which is the new faction and the 3 most over babyfaces (at least in the WWE's eyes). They are already putting him in main event segments so they at least think he is a possible main eventer. He may not be able to have any staying power there like Ryder, Tensai, Swagger, etc, but he will be there at least for a little while.
Given that there are numerous of other characters on the WWE roster currently, there are tons of other guys I'd much rather see. Dolph Ziggler was simply an example. Don't get butthurt because someone said something you didn't like.

You didn't say anything I didn't like. I like Ziggler - I think he's great. I just found it ridiculous that every negative comment you made about Maddox could've been said about Ziggler when he debuted. Your age shows when you criticize new guys - you clearly don't remember how you felt about Ziggler in January 2006.

And you remember how incredibly green Nicky was back then right? He was a cheerleader on a male dominated show, why would you be so anxious to get him on TV to display his (green) talents?

He was on TV a lot, though - similar to how Maddox is now. When the Spirit Squad debuted, their initial feud was with DX ... they were teamed with Vince and Shane McMahon. That's as high profile a debut program as Maddox has had. Still, it wasn't Ziggler that got the majority of the ring time. It was Kenny and Mikey. Ziggler only got into the 5-on-1s and 4-on-1s.

Can you honestly tell me that you saw something in Ziggler during those 5-on-1s that screamed "future world champ"? Doubtful. My guess is that you felt the same about Ziggler then as you do Maddox now -- Actually, I'd bet that you felt less about Ziggler because he was completely lost in the shuffle of the Spirit Squad.

...and just curious. How come Ziggler gets the benefit of the doubt. With Ziggler you say, "Oh he was green ... why would they want to display him?" ... but with Maddox, it's "They clearly don't want to display him because he'll never be any good."

I want proof Brad Maddox is as over as you claim he is. He may have had a decent amount of heat at one time, but it's faded away. No one cared for his promo last night on Raw.

As "over" as I claim he is? I want proof that I said he's over. All I said is that he gets heat. Go back and watch some of his promos prior to last night.

Tensai beat WWE Champion CM Punk and pinned John Cena clean within his first two months of his re-debut. Do you know how many times someone has debuted strong only to fall short of expectations? Doesn’t mean shit buddy. Maddox started out with a strong storyline which involved a WWE Champion and a huge up and comer in Ryback. There isn't a single person on this planet that couldn't have filled the role that Brad played. Anyone. He didn't show us what sets him apart from everyother wrestler on the roster. Seriously, I'm not about pushing guys away from the main roster but Maddox is certainly nothing special; he's incredibly generic. I just recently watched some of his NXT matches; not awful, but nothing special. Here’s a guy with basic wrestling knowledge that landed a spot on the roster because they needed someone to feed to Ryback. So yeah, sorry if I don't give two shits about Brad Maddox. I'll gladly take anyone, including Dolph Ziggler over Maddox any day of the week.

Ziggler started out with a strong story line that included the owner of the company, his son, his son-in-law, and Shawn Michaels. He didn't show us what sets him a part from every other wrestler on the roster --- or even in his own faction. No one thought he was anything special. He was basically a guy that landed on the main roster because he agreed to be a cheerleader. you see how you can say pretty much the same things about Ziggler as you can about Maddox?

And that's really the point that you're missing. You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. When you dismiss Maddox as having no future for not impressing you in three months - and then claim to be a big Ziggler fan - it comes off like you either have no memory, or you're so new to the product you just forgot about that time when Ziggler did less with the same opportunity.
Honestly, I don't see anything special about Mannox, useless in the ring, overrated on the mic, he seems to be out of his depth in WWE. There are far better guys in NXT who should be taking Mannox's TV time in WWE. I also think he's served his purpose. He was only elevated so WWE can not make Ryback look weak in his first loss. Its all done now, he needs to be future endevoured rather quickly.
Couldn't be any worse than a Miz face turn. But seriously, I see Maddox as more of Eric Bischoff's son than Eric's actual son. He has the same smarmy look and attitude about him, and I think it really works with him being heel. That being said, I think he could possibly be a decent face, but he needs to get over as a heel before we even consider that. The kid has potential, IMO.
You didn't say anything I didn't like. I like Ziggler - I think he's great. I just found it ridiculous that every negative comment you made about Maddox could've been said about Ziggler when he debuted. Your age shows when you criticize new guys - you clearly don't remember how you felt about Ziggler in January 2006.
I said it before, Ziggler was trash in 2006. Anyone could see that. Watch some of his OVW shit, he wasn't anything special. I don't criticize new guys. I love me some Big E. Langston. I love the Shield. I don't like Maddox because he is nothing special.
He was on TV a lot, though - similar to how Maddox is now. When the Spirit Squad debuted, their initial feud was with DX ... they were teamed with Vince and Shane McMahon. That's as high profile a debut program as Maddox has had. Still, it wasn't Ziggler that got the majority of the ring time. It was Kenny and Mikey. Ziggler only got into the 5-on-1s and 4-on-1s.
It wasn't until he came back when he showed what set him apart. That's the same I'm asking from Brad Maddox. If you would've asked me this in 2006, I would've said the same. Brad Maddox has been given a huge storyline and has shown nothing from it. It's time to go back to NXT and developed more personality.
Can you honestly tell me that you saw something in Ziggler during those 5-on-1s that screamed "future world champ"? Doubtful.
Already said no.
My guess is that you felt the same about Ziggler then as you do Maddox now -- Actually, I'd bet that you felt less about Ziggler because he was completely lost in the shuffle of the Spirit Squad.
Exactly. I said I didn't care for Ziggler back in 2006.
...and just curious. How come Ziggler gets the benefit of the doubt. With Ziggler you say, "Oh he was green ... why would they want to display him?" ... but with Maddox, it's "They clearly don't want to display him because he'll never be any good."
You're putting words in my mouth. I never said he'll never be good. I said he's generic and has nothing that sets him apart from other wrestlers on the roster. If you're handed a huge storyline like that at the start of your career and you hardly do shit with it, it's time to move back to developmental – which Ziggler did by the way.
As "over" as I claim he is? I want proof that I said he's over. All I said is that he gets heat. Go back and watch some of his promos prior to last night.
Because after just a few months on TV, Maddox has managed to do something that Ziggler hasn't been able to do in four years ---- get heat without having someone talk for him.
Sure seems like you claim he's over. Like I said, the heat faded away (not that it was anything significant anyways).
Ziggler started out with a strong story line that included the owner of the company, his son, his son-in-law, and Shawn Michaels. He didn't show us what sets him a part from every other wrestler on the roster --- or even in his own faction. No one thought he was anything special. He was basically a guy that landed on the main roster because he agreed to be a cheerleader. you see how you can say pretty much the same things about Ziggler as you can about Maddox?
This is exactly why I said I didn’t care for Dolph Ziggler in 2006. Why do you think I have to care about Maddox because I love Dolph now? I hated Dolph in 2006. I cared little for CM Punk when he debuted on ECW. Now they’re two of my favorites. Both obviously needed to break out of his shell. As does Maddox. Both were generic and same as any other average joe on the roster.
And that's really the point that you're missing. You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. When you dismiss Maddox as having no future for not impressing you in three months -
I didn't say he had no future. Cause you can never say never, I said I didn't care for him. I stated why I didn't care for him because he didn't make himself seem different in the three months he was featured in a prominent storyline.
Me said:
I'm not about pushing guys away from the main roster but Maddox is certainly nothing special; he's incredibly generic.
I said this for a reason. NXT is where you go to develope a character. That's where Maddox belongs for now. He belongs nowhere near the main roster. As did Ziggler in 2006. You're acting as if I said fire the fucker.
and then claim to be a big Ziggler fan - it comes off like you either have no memory, or you're so new to the product you just forgot about that time when Ziggler did less with the same opportunity.
You're glued to this aren't you? When exactly do you think I jumped on the Ziggler bandwagon?
Really, people are talking about his promos like there something special. They suck. I remember when he was first be berated by punk and he started to talk, and he seemed like any rent a actor that wwe has got for security, cops, or any other dumb segment. He was really terrible. Hes still doing the same thing. He was trying to do a bane impersonation on raw this week and no one even noticed because he doesn't even do good impressions. He doesn't have a good look(as he looks like the kid from sixth sense), he cant go in the ring, and he cant talk at all. The only thing he has is that he got a rub from breaking up a main event on a ppv.
I'm still on the fence about Brad Maddox. Based on what I've heard from him on the mic, he's got potential. I'm not saying he's cut super amazing promos or anything, but I do believe he handles himself well in promos. He's come off like something of a bottom feeding opportunist seeking fame. He reminds me of about half the contestants who try out for American Idol quite frankly. Before I ultimately make up my mind on him, I need to see him actually do something in the ring besides get fed to Ryback and Randy Orton.

As for Maddox staying heel or turning face, I don't see him turning face. Even though he did call out The Shield, he was still coming off like a smarmy, bottom feeding little turd. He did refer to himself as the "hero" of this story since he's the one who went to Vince with the footage of Heyman & The Shield.
I think they should make him as the special guest referee at Elimination Chmaber. And at the end he screws John Cena like he screwed Ryback at Hell in a Cell. And they make Maddox a member of The Shield.
I personally find Brad Maddox hilarious. His delivery in his promos are over the top, but it shows his confidence and potential. He could work as a good manager if he doesn't get over as a wrestler (if he's ever going to wrestle via offence). It's difficult to judge him at this stage since he hasn't been able to demonstrate any kind of offence in his few matches, but I'm sure booking him against someone like Heath Slater could give him some mid-range quality airtime. However, seeing how his character seems rather too cocky might not work too well for his face turn. It's more conditioned for a heel. I'm not sure if the crowd will get behind him. They might just be irritated and end up booing him instead. Upon thinking it through, perhaps they should give him the old Matt Striker gimmick in his indie days when he was a heel that didn't know that he was a heel. Haha.

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