Bourne Or Swagger- First To Be World Champ.

Motor City Mayhem

The Canadian Rover.
Ok so this is a simple question, Both guys are on Raw, both come from ECW, one is a Face and one is Heel (Just to make sure Bourne-Face, Swagger-Heel)
So I ask the simple question, Which superstar will become WWE Champion/World Champion?

Why Bourne Will--- Very athletic, over with the crowd and can be the next Rey Mysterio type of guy that everyone loves and who will be a Upper-Mid Carder for most of his Career with a few World Title Runs to boost his Status.

Why Swagger Will--- Hes a Big, athletic wrestlers wrestler. He is force and is somewhat a Kurt Angle-esk type of person (Not Wrestling ability but size wise) Hes a good Heel and if booked right can work with any Face, Plus with Swagger he could win the Royal Rumble, I can see him winning it this year more then Bourne ( not saying he will).

My Pick--- Jack Swagger-- Why- Because hes had the ECW Title something Bourne didnt have (Not that the ECW Title meens anything may as well be the Cruiserweight belt) Plus because hes a bigger, more dominant force then Bourne I think that within the next 1-3 years we will see Swagger win a World Title.(Even thought I Like Bourne better)

Is this a serious question? Of course it's going to be Jack Swagger. Swagger is superior in the ring, on the mic, and he is just an overall better talent. Bourne is solid and the crowd is always fascinated by his flips and aerial moves, but I don't know if Bourne will ever become a world champion let alone before Swagger. Swagger will most likely win the title within this next year, 2 years at the most and Bourne will be lucky if he ever even makes it to the main event.
I disagree with the notion that Bourne can't be a World Champ, only because guys with a similar style/size won the belt (Rey Mysterio). That being said, I don't expect him to ever win the Title. I see him being an upper mid-card for his entire tenure; maybe getting a few title shots at some point. I think he will be similar to what RVD was in 2002-2003, where he may wrestle for the title every once in a while, but not win it.

On the other hand, Jack Swagger is DEFINITELY going to be a World Champ (unless he quits the business). He has an excellent background (collegiate wrestling), and he has the size that McMahon loves, without looking like a 'roided up freak. I think Swagger is similar to Brock Lesnar in 2002-2003, the only difference being he won't winn the title so soon because they don't want him to get too much too soon, like Lesnar did. I see Swagger winning the title at the latest Summerslam 2010, maybe even Wrestle Mania XXVI. If they give Swagger a manager right now, then I can see him being world champ before the end of 2009 (maybe as early as Summerslam), because the manager would compensate for Swaggers mic-work.
Evan Bourne has to do one of two things before he can even consider being a contender for the World Heavyweight Title:

1) Catch on and be white hot popular with the fans like Jeff Hardy did. Both men are high-spot heavy in ring workers who lack the typical physique or stature that Vince generally looks for in a World Champion. They also lack the premier mic skills that GENERALLY are requisite for title holders (albeit Jeff has made severe improvements in this area of his game).

2) Endure a long career in the WWE winning mid card titles and continually steal the show with the best match of the night ala Rey Mysterio and Rob Van Dam. Both Rey and Rob were perennial IC, Cruiserweight and Tag Team champions before they were even considered for World Title status and it felt like a "Thanks for busting your ass for so long" kind of reward. Rey's World Title reign was a colossal joke and Rob's was subsequently cut short due to his drug-related arrest and will likely never see another World Title opportunity again in his life (that is if he even decides to come back to the WWE).

Jack Swagger is already being groomed for a top spot. He was associated with Orton in a positive manner on his first night on RAW and he has the first win in his feud with MVP who also appeared to be breaking into the main event. He is big, he is athletic, he was a credible World Champion in ECW and, despite the lisp, is competent and well spoken on the mic. I see him being a multiple time World Champion if his career has any sort of longevity and he keeps his disciplinary and wellness record clean.
There's a difference between the styles Bourne and Mysterio work. Bourne seems to have no transition between his spots and Mysterio's move flow within his matches. Bourne hasn't figured that out and I don't think he can work with the right opponents and RAW is stacked anyway so it's going to be rough.

Swagger is farther up in the totem pole than Bourne is and he is constantly improving. He has the look, size, and strength to be a champion and his mic skills aren't that bad. I can see him being champion within a year's time and Bourne seems destined for midcard eternity.
Swagger without even thinking about it. I like Bourne better, but Swagger is better than Bourne in almost every way. With that said, Swagger just looks like a guy who could be a solid world champ after he becomes a little more polished.
Lets be honest - the only reason Rey won the World Title was because Eddie Guerrero died and the storyline pretty much demanded that Rey won the 'big one' in his honour. If Guerrero had not had died, Rey would never - NEVER - have become World Champion due to Vince's opinion of small workers. This brings me to reason that Bourne will also NEVER become a serious World Champion (he may take the ECW Championship if he is drafted back in the future, but like I said, not a SERIOUS Championship). Therefore, although I personally don't like Swagger a whole lot (poor man's Kurt Angle IMO), it seems he is destined for the Championship at some point over then next 2 years. I think he will grow on me and will be a good World Champion when he develops his ring and mic skills, maybe in 3 or 4 years, but please - PLEASE - someone stop him banging his chest like a damn Gorilla when he walks down the aisle!
I don’t think there’s any doubt that Jack Swagger will become a World Champion first.

If you contrast their wrestling style then you will notice that Jack Swagger is a better asset to the WWE. Swagger’s style of wrestling allows for him to be wrestling longer, meaning that he can stay with the company longer. Basically, his wrestling style doesn’t take as much toll on his body and it has a less risk of injury.

Then if you look at Evan Bourne’s style of wrestling, it’s one that isn’t too much of an asset to the company long term. He also has a higher chance of injury, meaning that he can be holding a world title and there’s a possibility that he will get injured because of one of his moves. Jack Swagger has a lower chance of getting injured, which makes him more of an asset too.

Lastly, Jack is just better overall. He has everything the WWE is looking for and more. He has ring psychology down, which is something Bourne seems to lack of. Jack has all of the tools to be successful, so as long as he doesn’t get into any trouble then I think he will become a World Champion before Bourne.
Lets be honest - the only reason Rey won the World Title was because Eddie Guerrero died and the storyline pretty much demanded that Rey won the 'big one' in his honour. If Guerrero had not had died, Rey would never - NEVER - have become World Champion due to Vince's opinion of small workers. This brings me to reason that Bourne will also NEVER become a serious World Champion (he may take the ECW Championship if he is drafted back in the future, but like I said, not a SERIOUS Championship). Therefore, although I personally don't like Swagger a whole lot (poor man's Kurt Angle IMO), it seems he is destined for the Championship at some point over then next 2 years. I think he will grow on me and will be a good World Champion when he develops his ring and mic skills, maybe in 3 or 4 years, but please - PLEASE - someone stop him banging his chest like a damn Gorilla when he walks down the aisle!

Do you know that Vince has a low opinion of small workers because if he did, he wouldn't hire any of them. I don't care if he won it because of Eddie's death so it's time to get over it. I believe Bourne will never become champion not because he is small; it's because he's not that good. He is just a sideshow attraction for now and when that wears off he has nothing to fall back on. When he learns how to tell a story better and make his moves flow like Mysterio does, then maybe he will have a puncher's chance. Right now, he is in the midcard and that is where he probably should stay for the rest of his career.
I have to agree with the majority here and say Swagger is definitely championship material. I see Swagger winning either the WWE or WHC within a year. He does have a lisp that sticks out like a sore thumb but he's getting better week after week on the mic. Evan Bourne is too plain and vanilla for most people. He does a few spots but that's it. I think he will be on the mid card shelf for a while. He isn't over and really needs to work on his persona because its too wholesome and one dimensional.
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Haha do you really think Evan is going to be a wwe or world champ?
I mean come on get real the only reason Rey won the world title was because of the tragic death of GREAT EDDIE GUERRRERO (MAY HE REST IN PEACE).I mean I'am a fan of Evan but we all know vince likes his champs to be big like Swagger yeah I could see Swagger getting atleast a shot at the title within the next year and a half and winning it in two years and a half.
Definitely Swagger. I honestly don't see Bourne winning a World Title any time soon. It would have to be years down the line, if he still happens to be with the company. He is similar to Jeff Hardy, and look at that, it took Jeff almost 10 years to win the title. Plus he is no where near as over as Jeff. Jeff is as over as possible with the fans, and then some. Bourne is no where near Jeff's popularity, so I don't see it happening soon.

Swagger on the other hand, is a beast. He is big, comes from an amateur background, and has pretty good mic skills. The lisp doesn't detract too much when I listen to him. He scored a win over MVP on Monday night, and is on the up and up. I see him winning within the next 2 years at the most, unless he completely screws up. The All American American will be the next new World Champion.
First of all little jerry lawler....what's true is can't say that Vince wouldnt hire little guys if he didnt like them, he hates randy savage, but made a dvd anyway, why? money....its obvious he used Rey Mysterio for more ratings (money) by putting the belt on him because Eddie died...Eddie would've had that belt

Anyway, Swagger or Bourne?......yep, too easy...Swagger, as much as I love both, Swagger just has the bigger body, which is what Vince loves as his champs. And the person that posted this says Swagger is like Kurt, not move wise but body wise??....Swagger is way bigger than Kurt, how are their bodies similar?, he's like Kurt wrestling wise, just because he's younger, that doesnt make him any less skilled as Kurt, infact, it may make him better at this POINT because he is younger, as far as moves go, obviously not mic skills, Kurt wins that battle by a LONG experience. But they both have similar backgrounds, I see Swagger going a LONG ways, hell, he made a Cena match look great, carried him a lot of the ways, I actually was able to watch a Cena match because of Swagger.
On the other hand, Jack Swagger is DEFINITELY going to be a World Champ

I seem to recall hearing this all the time about one Mr Kennedy... remember not to count your chickens before they hatch. Anywyas, I do think Swaggah will win the big one, because he's got a lot of in-ring skill and charisma, and he's got a good look and gimmick. Swaggah will win it first, Bourne has a fighting chance at the big belt because
a) He's a phenominal talent
b) He's over like crazy
We all know size is a factor in WWE, but select few truly small (Not average sized guys like HBK, Jeff or the like who are considered small in wrestling) people, like Rey, have managed to break the glass ceiling due to crowd reaction and talent. Hopefully Bourne can do that, but smart money is on Swaggah to get there first.
I have to go with Swagger on this one. I really like Bourne but I just don't see the WWE taking a chance with making him champ. At least not any time soon. The pro wrestling industry, unfortunately, is a big man's world and you won't see a lot of smaller guys go to the top. I know some people are gonna say, well there's jeff and there's rey. But the truth of the matter is that those are just a couple of exceptions to the rule. I think the WWE will eventually make a program for Bourne to get the title but it won't be any time soon. I can see Bourne maybe getting the intercontinental championship but not any of the two major world titles. I think we'll see Swagger as champ within the next year or two.
Come on, Evan Bourne?! The only promotion that man could be a world champion in would be a minor independent. His chances of winning any of the three World titles are pretty damn slim. The only title of the three I could see him even contending for would be the ECW Title, considering it's all but a midcard title at this point.

Don't get me wrong, Bourne is good. He's fun to watch in the ring, and the crowd loves the guy. I don't know how WWE was able to do it, but they somehow marketed this light heavyweight to the kids and made the guy one of the most popular young wrestlers on the roster. Once we start seeing him get some real mic time, we'll be able to get a read on his ability to sell the match/himself to the crowd.

Unfortunately for him though, at the end of the day, he's a light heavyweight. Light heavyweights just don't become World champions, with only a very, very few exceptions like Rey Mysterio. But hey, I guess if Bourne was somehow able to match Mysterio's popularity, perhaps we might see him get a shot at a world title in the future. As of right now though, I see his Heavyweight Champion dreams as slim at best.

Swagger on the other hand is quickly rising up the roster. While Bourne is stuck in the lower midcard, Swagger is already nearly a main event caliber character. I'm not sure how they're going to use him on RAW however. I'm not sure if sticking him into Legacy is a very good idea if that's the road they choose to take. He's already made a name for himself on ECW, he's worthy of a feud with a top contender. Not a feud with the champ himself yet, but a nice building block with a guy like a Jeff Hardy (maybe not Hardy specifically, but a wrestler being booked to similar heights as Hardy currently is).

To answer the question, Jack Swagger will be a World Champ first. He's being built to take that road, and it's pretty obvious.
people, like Rey, have managed to break the glass ceiling due to crowd reaction and talent. Hopefully Bourne can do that, but smart money is on Swaggah to get there first.

Crowd reaction why? because Eddie died....yeah Rey had a good fan reaction before Eddie's death, its not like the crowed was dead silent when Rey came out, but it wasn't at the same caliber as after Eddie died...even when Eddie was heel, Rey STILL couldnt be put over as much as Eddie was with the fans, the fans STILL loved Eddie more than Rey..which is why he was going to win the world championship and NOT Rey....

that's the ONLY reason why that "glass" was broken with wont happen with Evan Bourne unless he's best friends with one of the top faces, if he had the same relationship wiiitthhh...uhg, god forgive me for saying this, but Cena (sigh) Rey did with Eddie...and Cena happened to die, the championship would be put on Evan Bourne....plain and doesn't take logic to figure it out, its just common sense.
Reys success is a very debated topic among the IWC. I personally beleive he was over long before Eddie G. passed away and probally would of gotten to either the WWE Title or World Title had Eddie not passed away. The guy was over and had the wrestling skills to wrestle with any of the maineventers at the time and is currently one of WWE best worker since coming back from injury imo.

Evan Bourne has the credentials obviously... but I am still unsure whether he'll get over to the extent of becoming WWE's best. Time will tell, the kids young and I for beleive he should of stayed on ECW.

Jack Swagger, like Bourne, as credentials... he has the look. But his look definatly needs to be attended too if he's ever going to become a World Champion... he kind of reminds me of an old Mr. Perfect.

To answer your question, I beleive Jack Swagger would be champion first.
While I'm an Evan Bourne fan, is this even a valid question? Jack Swagger will be a world champion first, barring any unforeseen circumstances (Read: him screwing up or something)

Bourne is a great talent, but he's got a long way to go before he enters the world title picture. That is, unless someone gets hurt and he gets thrown into the hunt to fill a vacancy. Plus, as said earlier, Evan is a light heavyweight and they don't usually make good world champions because they're smaller and give an appearance of weakness. And we all know that Vince is usually high on big, muscular specimens holding world titles (Trips, Cena, Batista and so on) with a few exceptions (Rey Mysterio, et al).

I'm really not a fan of Jack Swagger, but I do admit that, professionally, the guy's got a lot of upside. They just need to give him a better finisher (a gutwrench powerbomb? C'mon! I guess it could be worse - He could have Cena's lame-ass "Attitude Adjustment.") and work on his presentation and mic skills a bit. I have a feeling that he'll make a run into the world title picture on either Raw or Smackdown well before Evan. IMO, they pulled Evan Bourne off ECW too early anyway, while Swagger was due for a move.

Any comparisons between Evan to Rey Mysterio in the sense of a WHC run aren't valid. Rey's been in the sport longer and paid his dues. It took him a while to get to that spot. Thrusting Bourne into that role just because he's popular would only hurt Bourne's career in the long run. Let him work his way up there. Maybe win a tag title with someone, a US/IC title run or two and then maybe a world title shot. That way, it will reflect more on him earning it as a worker than just as the flavor of the month.
Swagger probably will & should get the belt way before Bourne. I'm not sure if Bourne should ever get it, but thats another argument. However, Swagger should not get it for at least 1-3 more years. Pending on how fast & if at all he gets over. But with the WWE Swagger or Bourne could have the belt this Moday, considering CM Punk is now a 2 time champ. I can't believe I just typed that. The World Belts are like ****es, wait around long enough and one will end up on you.
This isn't even close. Swagger will be champion waaaay before Bourne. I'd be surprised if Bourne was ever champion at all. While he is exciting to watch, he's no more than a more talented, lighter, slightly more exciting version of Jeff Hardy. A glorified spot monkey. Bourne didn't even get a chance to capture the ECW Title which would have been perfect for him. This way, he could be featured on PPVs, on TV each week, and not get moved to Raw to solely be destroyed by Big Show on a weekly basis. Bourne will get a US Title run or IC Title run or two but no more. He doesn't have that "it" factor. Did you happen to hear the crowd (or not hear the crowd) when he was introduced in coming to Raw in that 3 on 1 match against Orton? Every person was in. their. seats. They reacted like "oh, it's that guy that flys around like a monkey. can't wait to see who's next." It was like the forgot who Bourne was all together.

Jack Swaggah. From the moment this kid stepped into the ring the very first time on ECW, I was hooked. He has the name, he has the gimmick, he has the body, he has the look, he has the attitude, he has the ring ability, and for a rookie, he is ok on the stick already. Most importantly and no pun intended (or totally intended... he has the swagger of a superstar.) Sure his lisp is annoying but so what? This kid is the definition of a champion. I know I'm not alone in saying that from the first time you saw a Jack Swaggah match, that you knew he was just destined to be a star. Between him and The Miz, Raw is slowly getting its spot back as the A-show. But we still need more Miz time but that's for another thread. Swagger will be built on Raw like this for probably another year. He'll get a US Title run at the end of the year or so, then likely head over to Smackdown in the draft after Mania to be built a little bit more and probably slowly become a face. Then he'll make his run for a major championship. Most guys get their first major title as a face and I see it happening with Swagger as well.

There's no denying both guys are good in the ring. But only one is great. One will be a champion. One will be around a loooonnnnng looonnnnng time. That man is none other than The All-American American... JACK SWAGGAH!!!
in my opinion neither ever, bourne is great yes but he is not and i dont think ever will be at that status maybe like an rvd type character where his whole career is based on the ic tittle now swagger i just hate the guy he looks goofy in the ring and out yes he is a good wrestker but thats it a WRESTLER not a wwe entertainer or whatever they are calling these guys now hes got a couple of moves and thats it throw him to the side id rather see koslav or masters or regal or henry as champ before he is.
Swagger and it's not even close. Both are very good workers, but Swagger is a better fit for the WWE. He has the size, the look, and the attitude. He's the kind of guy that Vince loves. Not only will he be the first to win a world title, but he'll surely have multiple world title reigns.

This is nothing against Bourne, I'm actually a fan of his. However, he just doesn't have the size to become a world champion. I know Mysterio won the title, but that was a special case. This doesn't mean Bourne can't be successful in the WWE, I bet he'll have multiple IC or US title reigns and be a solid mid carder for at least the next decade.
Jack Swagger was already a world champion... he won the ECW Title. Argue all you want about the ECW Championship but you can't change the fact that it is a world title. Using the PWI's recognitions or Chavo Guerrero, or even the fact that it wasn't defended on WM25 wouldn't help your case, since the WWE Title wasn't even defended on the very first WM...

There's no argument there... Swagger was already a world champion.
Swagger will, without a doubt, be world champion first. Swagger is just the kind of guy you want to push to be World Champion, while I personally may not care for him, the guy's solid in the ring, decent on the mic lisp or not.(How would someone get rid of a lisp anyway?)

Bourne on the other hand while incredibly athletic and talented, he's not the kind of guy WWE pushes; I would be surprised if he ever gets a world title run. He's not someone you could believe could defeat Heavyweights right now. Even Rey Mysterio, who put in years of hard work around the world and in WWE, only got a World Title b/c Eddie died, sad but true.

So yeah, Swagga.

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