Bound for Glory Series: Coming Back Again Every Year?


SORRY! About you damn luck!
As you know as wrestling fans TNA created a huge tournament that will end this weekend at No Surrender to determine the new number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship at Bound for Glory.

This thread is not about the tournament itself which I think was very good and very well written and I get all they did with it. I can't complain about it.

So, my question is not about the quality of the Series/Tournament but about if TNA will repeat it every year from now on. As you know WWE has The Royal Rumble to determine one of the main-event spots at Wrestlemania, their biggest show, so TNA created BfG a three month competition to lead up to their biggest PPV: Bound for Glory. Do you believe that TNA should repeat the Series every year?

In my view, hell yes. As Royal Rumble there are many ways to book it, you can have different stories telled by this Tournaments: the underdog that wins it all after being too much time at the bottom, the cocky heel superstar that robs the win at No Surrender after only being #4 in the Series, the rookie that shows everybody he is ready to be in the main-event spot (as Crimson did, but they twisted because they tought he wasn't ready, and I get that), the veteran that proves to everybody he still gots it against the young guys.

So in my view I don't see a reason why they shouldn't do it. It will be always be fresh if they find a way to book it properly. I find this more interesting than Royal Rumble as it takes a lot of time to develop and it's a great build-up for the main-event of your biggest PPV.

What do you think?
I dont think it was bad, but it has nothing on the royal rumble....

It all seemed a bit chucked together for my liking. We had people like crimson demolish the comp only to then start a fued with angle. I think if they do plan to do it again next year it could use a bit of tweaking just to make more sense. I didnt like the idea of tag teams being entered as singles, Beer Money have been my favorite team for the last few years and it was disappointing seeing them tag less because of the tourney. However i think that with the right adjustments TNA could be onto a winner here. Hopefully we see it again next year with a bit more of an actual structure not simply throw whatever together to make matches.

Maybe even do a round robin tournament or something between 8 or so wrestlers. but all just speculation maybe it wont return but i think that would be a loss for tna
In a way, i would hope it comes back but they need to do a lot of change to make this series interesting. First they need to have the drawing of the name live on IMPACT, it would make the series seem more important.

Second, have a set number of matches for the tournaments. The fact is, nobody had the same numbers of matches during the series.

Third, unless some is seriously injured, stop taking wrestlers out of the tournament with fake injury, it make the series look weakers and become predictable who you want to push.

Finally, the finals should happen on PPV and should be a fatal four way match instead of 2 single matches that probably won't mean anything since if the leading guy in the tournament win his match nobody as a chance of winning the series after.
They should keep the serious going but change a lot of it as it seemed so rushed. As does most of TNA, it seems like they come up with the ideas while recording their 11 shows in 2 days. The series is interesting but it lost all its thunder. I didn't like the whole tag team matches where only the winner gets points and his partner gains nothing. Not fair as they should of split the points or tag matches shouldn't of happened. It just should be single competition matches without fatal four ways or anything like that. Work the serious a lot better and it could really have much better meaning to it and would stay interesting. An stop with saying your going to show house show footage that is only 34 seconds long and then were watching the match on IMPACT any way. That makes no sense.

They should Draw Viewers live or have a bunch of qualifing matches to determin the wrestlers in it. Have this go on for a few weeks and then start the series. They should have a set amount of matches for every wrestler and each wrestler should face eachother a limitied amount of time. We don't want to see AJ vs Gunner 3 times. Sure ads flavor but then it only makes guys facing certain guys in the end. The more you expose a werstler to another wrestler builds much better chemistry and can put on better matches. The should also not do this whole lets start taking everyone out sceneriao becuase wrestler X is to green and we realize this at the last moment. Just shows how it is very rushed. I also think that it makes knowing who might win all the easier to figure out. I have BULLY RAY as my pick.

So what should TNA do if they bring back the BFG serious is
Have pre qualifing matches for the whole roster to determin who enters the series.
Don't rush the idea and work it and make it seem believeable.
Only single matches, and if their is Tag matches both members gets points.
Keep the series on IMPACT for the most part unless a rivalry has started.
Try to give even number of matches and have every wrestler face every wrestler in the series.
Have the finals be a Fatal 4 way elimanation match at the PPV before BFG to determin the winner.

Thats what I see TNA needing to do to keep the series going an all the most interesting.
I would love to see the BFG series stick around every year, with a few tweaks for continuity.

As the series currently stands, the matches have been random at best. One week it'll be a four way ladder match, the next a tag match and finally when all the gimmicks are exhausted, a regular singles match. Also, some competitors have clearly been having more matches than others.

What I would propose is that they keep it strictly singles matches, with every competitor having to face each other throughout the course of the series ala a genuine league. Also, no fatal fourway or elimination tournament at the end, you have to straight up win the BFG series. Make it an achievement in itself. Finally, I'd prefer it if half the competitors weren't ruled out by injury at every turn. Having the final four determined by default seems like a major cop out.

But overall, the series has been a brilliant idea. One that they should keep at all costs.
I hope so, and think so. BFG needed something which would build excitement leading up to the event. The same way The Royal Rumble helps build towards Wrestlemania. It's part of the reason 'Mania has become so big. Does this mean TNA have a Battle Royal aswell? No. TNA had to be creative, and they were, they came up with an idea, and from that idea, no one can say TNA are copying WWE, because the concepts are so different.
Finally, the finals should happen on PPV and should be a fatal four way match instead of 2 single matches that probably won't mean anything since if the leading guy in the tournament win his match nobody as a chance of winning the series after.

I don't know, remember back in the WCW days with the US Championship tournament? I would love to see that format brought back. Saying the tournament won't matter if the leading man wins the tourney? That's a bit of a stretch, 3 months of buildup is a bit too much of an investment for something to not mean anything, what if two competitors were tied going into the top four? There would be no definitive favorite. There are definitely a lot of options they can go with.
You damn sure it's coming back. There is nothing wrong with the concept either, you gain points by wrestling in various styled matches. Why change something that adds value and entertainment?

It starts in July and ends in September is the perfect way to build towards the October show which is why I believe, Bound For Glory is nearly sold out with only 50 tickets remaining. This is the first time they put a large emphasis on the PPV and you could argue, they are building BFG way more than Wrestlemania simply because of the stretch from June to October while WWE builds from January to March which also I think adds to the hype.

TNA would be stupid not to do this on a yearly basis. It certainly drives the match interest on TV, house shows, PPVs, etc. It's also a great way to build new talent which is what they also used it for with Crimson, Roode and Gunner.
A lot depends on how Bound for Glory goes off. The build has been fine but the concept only works if the guy who wins ends up being the conquering hero. Any misstep and the concept will be deemed a failure.

The other problem that's quite evident is that the tournament lost WAY too much steam over its duration. It was a cool concept at the beginning, but injuries and weird booking have made it sort of null and void. Also, by having most people IN the tournament, you have to put your title in a holding pattern for a few months just to get by. Proof of that is that we're a week out of the PPV before BFG and Kurt Angle has no opponent (besides the law of course).

Now, I'd argue that if the thing ends with a Robert Roode winning the title (as a babyface), then it's a success. That only works if it's a 1 on 1 for the title at BFG though. Any intervention by booking to go triple threat or throw a swerve in and the whole tournament looks like a sham. Let's say Roode were to turn heel to win. People like Roode as a heel but after busting his ass for months without any semblance of help to win a tournament over 11 other guys, cheating to win the title would make no sense. This HAS to pay off with a babyface triumphing at BFG. Then MAYBE it would be something to try again.

The other problem of course is that the tournament itself gives reason for matches but the way it's been booked, it's all secondary to the Sting/Hogan stuff. For me, that's problematic, but can be partly forgiven if the winner is booked right.

I'll keep saying it but book the thing right and for once in your life TNA, have a good guy triumph to give your fans someone to root for!
I say tna should def bring back the series. for the most part i think it's ok as is...matt morgan's torn pec was legit and I had a feeling crimson wasnt going to make it to the top....I dont expect joe to either. I remember their 1st match ending in a dq so I expected a storyline to develop somewhere down the line...and that seems to be happening. Seems like tna decided to use angle as a bridge for that. good move imo. I expect joe vv crimson at bfg since joe vs morgan is set for no surrender. I'm okay w the 3ways. the 4way dances (not the same as tag) shouls be done away with for the series
i like the idea but i think they need to tweak it a little bit... i like how the submissions are more points as well/// i reember some people didnt understand why but i think it makes sence... it is more embarressing to submit then to get pinned
I don't think it'll be back, because it seems that the TNA creative staff doesn't have the attention span to keep it going long-term. It was doing fine until Joe started taking people out and Lynn kept screwing over Rob. It just seems to me they wasted a lot of time developing something that they weren't panning out.
It should definably be back. I was kinda mad they let the 8 Card Stud idea die, but in my eyes, this one worked far better. For one, it promotes house shows greatly as the matches weigh into what happens on TV. Secondly, it gives a great variety of stories to go by such as Samoa Joe's losing streak and subsequent rage, Crimson's streak, Pope putting Devon over the series. Though it may be too long, the concept is very unique, refreshing and it keeps you guessing until the end. Many people wanted TNA to have an answer to WWE's Royal Tumble and I feel this should be it.
id love to see the Bound For Glory series return again it was pretty good this year and while its not offical yet it does seem like its leading to the main event push of Bobby Roode or maybe even James Storm plus it got Bully Ray over as a top heel and showcased the talent of Gunner & Crimson while giving guys like RVD and Devon something to do...i do think if injuries didnt happen Matt Morgan would have won the whole thing from behind and taken the title at BFG though but out of the last 4 left im good with any of them winning it all
I'm not sure the series is interesting enough to do EVERY year. If done properly it could be, sure, although I don't think TNA has pulled this first series off that well. Not only is this first series not even going to end up finishing based off points, because Crimson has been written out due to storyline injury. Hasn't Matt Morgan, too? But also they've had some names in the series that really shouldn't have been involved and left other names out that should've been. Mr. Anderson, Christopher Daniels, Hernandez, Abyss, Magnus, Doug Williams.. they all should've been in the series and would've been much more interesting, not to mention have much more credibility in terms of DESERVING to be in a tournament like this then guys like Devon, Gunner, even boring, green Crimson.

The ending of the series and what happens will definitely prove whether its deserving of a second run next year. I'm not convinced it isn't going to be a disappointing failure. If Roode wins and becomes champion, and is given the ball to become a main event player, then I'll feel its a success.
Absolutely. I have been enjoying the Bound For Glory series and think it is a great idea that helps build up to the biggest show of the year for TNA. They will make the main event more meaningful after the challenger has had to go through this series in order to get there. I am all for TNA continuing this in future years because it can belp build up the potential challengers as well as generate anticipation for the big event. It would also give TNA something that is their thing, something they did not rip off WWE or WCW to do.
I hope it comes back next year, but like most of you are saying, it does need some changes. I think the tag matches, and such need to go, keep it to singles. I dont mind all the injuries, making Joe a monster again is the right thing to do, and I dont think that Crimson should have won. I dont really get how they chose who would be in the Series either. Devon and Steiner didnt really seem right for it.
Whatever happens in the finals TNA can consider the BFG Series a success and I'd assume they'll be looking to bring it back next year. It's semi established James Storm and Robert Roode as singles competitors, put Crimson and Gunner over as top tier talent, further established Bully Ray as the top heel, established Devon as a good singles talent and also breathed fresh life into Samoa Joe.

If TNA do bring the Series back next year, they will probably tweak a few things IMO. The most obvious being each competitor should have the same amount of matches and the same opportunities to gain points. But if they do what they did this year and not mention how many matches each guy has had then it's not an issue. I'd like to see more gimmick matches used with more points at stake if they do bring it back next year. Other than that I can't really think of anything I'd change.

If Bully Ray goes on to win this Series than it will be more than just a success, it will be a rousing success as he's the most deserving World Champion in pro wrestling.

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