Bound For Glory: Roode v. Angle?

the Albanian viper

ready to strike since 1986
ok so no surrender just ended and we saw Roode win the bfg series and Angle retain his TNA WHC. Although we saw Roode win clean in both matches we saw Angle win with help from Hogan. What do you guys think will this set up a good decent or mediocre rivalry. I honestly think having immortal vs 4tune @ BFG is great. Also their rivalry will be amazing. So getting back to the point of this thread 1. Do you think this will set up a great rivalry between the two? and 2. Who do you have winning at BFG Roode or Angle?
I just hope, for the sake of TNA's future, that they let Robert Roode win the TNA Championship. It'll be a great way to build up and get back to what TNA is all about, TNA. Not former WWE superstars, intoxicated wrestlers, or Hulk Hogan, but to build up the young guys for the future. Also, add to the fact that Kurt is not getting any younger, or smarter, and is not going to be in TNA forever.

If Kurt Angle retains, than somebody has to grow a fuckin' brain.

I think Roode wins at BFG, and TNA starts the healing process from the Hogan/Bischoff era, and becomes the alternative again.
I'm prety sure Roode will win this. And against Angle, it should be a stellar match. Both these men are great wrestlers and will put on a show.
Roode is certainly due for a serious push. He has the looks, the in-ring skills and the mic skills to be a credible champion. I look forward to an incredible match from these two.
Kurt Angle vs. Roode.. all I can say is I hope from now until BFG is that TNA put al their energy into building up this match and building up Roode.

The BFG Series has been a great concept, but actually quite dissapointing in it's execution. Because of all the house shows counting for points etc. and not really knowing if certain wrestlers had twice more matches than others it seemed, that Roode went from the bottom of the ladder to the top without anyone really noticing.

One day Roode was at the bottom and the next he is part fo the final four. I never really saw him win many matches on imapct and so his acsension from bottom to top was booked pretty poorly.

Roode's little promo against Ray on the latest Impact said to me he was going to win the series and move onto Angle, as if you were going to push someone to the next levekl you would put them over Kurt, which is smart.

but as I said, I hope they really build Roode up over the next month because the BFG series really didn't. Roode needs a whole lot more build to be the guy who main events and wins the top TNA ppv of the year.

I predict Roode to win to begin a new era in TNA but I really don't know where they go from there...
should be a great match between roode and angle hopefully roode walks out of BFG with the title and angle steps aside to let other people into the title picture like james storm and aj styles just to name 2 people really glad roode won based off angle getting arrested recently i thought maybe anderson would win the title and bully ray would beat roode but im glad that roode won he deserves the title
I just hope, for the sake of TNA's future, that they let Robert Roode win the TNA Championship. It'll be a great way to build up and get back to what TNA is all about, TNA. Not former WWE superstars, intoxicated wrestlers, or Hulk Hogan, but to build up the young guys for the future. Also, add to the fact that Kurt is not getting any younger, or smarter, and is not going to be in TNA forever.

If Kurt Angle retains, than somebody has to grow a fuckin' brain.

I think Roode wins at BFG, and TNA starts the healing process from the Hogan/Bischoff era, and becomes the alternative again.

I pretty much feel that way too. If TNA goes all the way through and have a homegrown beating a big star like Kurt Angle clean then wow that would be quite a change. A resfreshing change.
Kurt Angle vs. Roode.. all I can say is I hope from now until BFG is that TNA put al their energy into building up this match and building up Roode.

The BFG Series has been a great concept, but actually quite dissapointing in it's execution. Because of all the house shows counting for points etc. and not really knowing if certain wrestlers had twice more matches than others it seemed, that Roode went from the bottom of the ladder to the top without anyone really noticing.

One day Roode was at the bottom and the next he is part fo the final four. I never really saw him win many matches on imapct and so his acsension from bottom to top was booked pretty poorly.

Roode's little promo against Ray on the latest Impact said to me he was going to win the series and move onto Angle, as if you were going to push someone to the next levekl you would put them over Kurt, which is smart.

but as I said, I hope they really build Roode up over the next month because the BFG series really didn't. Roode needs a whole lot more build to be the guy who main events and wins the top TNA ppv of the year.

I predict Roode to win to begin a new era in TNA but I really don't know where they go from there...

Yea I hope they push the Hell out of this. Already the way they set up the final four it was like these guys were there by default. It was badly done. At least tonight Roode defeated all his opponants clean. Wich is great. Now I hope Immortal send all their goons after Roode to put him over as the guy to stop.
I wholeheartedly concur. Although I feel Roode needs to go over for a variety of reasons (Kurt's DUI and to make RBFG legit) I have not seen enough for him to get me to go he is a heavyweight champ. I still see him as half of Beer Money so the next month is crucial to make him look credible

And if he wins it I expect to see all the TNA orginals come down and lift him on their shoulders
Kurt Angle vs. Roode.. all I can say is I hope from now until BFG is that TNA put al their energy into building up this match and building up Roode.

The BFG Series has been a great concept, but actually quite dissapointing in it's execution. Because of all the house shows counting for points etc. and not really knowing if certain wrestlers had twice more matches than others it seemed, that Roode went from the bottom of the ladder to the top without anyone really noticing.

One day Roode was at the bottom and the next he is part fo the final four. I never really saw him win many matches on imapct and so his acsension from bottom to top was booked pretty poorly.

Roode's little promo against Ray on the latest Impact said to me he was going to win the series and move onto Angle, as if you were going to push someone to the next levekl you would put them over Kurt, which is smart.

but as I said, I hope they really build Roode up over the next month because the BFG series really didn't. Roode needs a whole lot more build to be the guy who main events and wins the top TNA ppv of the year.

I predict Roode to win to begin a new era in TNA but I really don't know where they go from there...
think robert roode will win. he has been ready for a push since last year so im happy he is getting it now. he has the look and skill and with the help from a vet like kurt it should be a 5 star match no doubt.I hope TNA dont fuck up the build up. coome on Roode.
Guaranteed Storm fucks him over with the dumbass sorry for your damn luck speech.

Place your bets.

No doubt in my mind this will some how some way get screwed up in less than two weeks
Why would Storm do that? He's injured which is why his match against Ray didn't last long. Secondly, they spent 4 months building a BFG series angle and dedicated a PPV towards it...Why would they ruin it in 2 weeks? They have never done it in the past, so why would they now?

Thirdly, Kurt Angle just admitted what will happen at BFG unfortunately in a interview. The complainers will need some new material because there isn't going to be a mistake made with this matchup unless something horribly goes wrong health wise between one of these guys which I highly doubt.
Why would Storm do that? He's injured which is why his match against Ray didn't last long. Secondly, they spent 4 months building a BFG series angle and dedicated a PPV towards it...Why would they ruin it in 2 weeks? They have never done it in the past, so why would they now?

There actually is precedent to taking months of buildup and taking a big, steamy dump on it. Last year at this time, Kurt Angle had run through most of the top 10 list. Don't delude yourself into thinking that list was created to give "fresh feuds" each month. It was created for Kurt's storyline and his valiant babyface quest to win matches the right way and earn back his top spot in TNA. For months, he did just that. Most of his PPV matches over a 5 month period made his opponents look great but he kept coming out on top. The logical conclusion to this story was the feel good moment of Angle recapturing the gold, but that's not what we got, is it?

As people are alluding to, we got a swervy swerve. Not only that, Angle had the added stipulation of having to retire had he lost before capturing the gold (not that this stipulation was even remotely followed afterwords but that's another story). So rather than give the fans what they want at the biggest show of the year, the swerve was pulled and Angle (seemingly) was forced to retire. Instead, there were plenty of disappointed fans who witnessed the birth or Immortal.

This is the only BFG that the current regime has ran and it ended in a swerve that pissed off plenty of fans. You say that TNA has never screwed up a fairly obvious feel good moment but clearly they have. We're also talking about the feel good moment culminating at BFG so the fear of this being screwed up is justified by the fact that the last BFG (and only one done by this regime) ended that way.

Also, why would James Storm screw over Bobby Roode? Jealousy? Disappointment in himself? The realization that he never uses his catchphrase properly and looks even more like an uneducated redneck as a result? There's plenty of reason to believe Storm might screw his partner over, but the reason that some fans believe it will happen is the booking. Again, rather than keeping it simple and giving the fans the feel-good moment, TNA has been known on MANY occasions to overbook things to the point where the results are almost meaningless. Skeptical fans see this as another opportunity to do that. And while defenders may say "well it's fine because Roode isn't ready" or whatever other excuse there is, the bottom line is that Roode has to win at BFG and it has to be a clean win. It's not even about Roode, really. It's about showing the fans that TNA is willing to get fully behind one of their own guys and give him a fair chance to shine.

I want to believe that the right thing will be done in this case. I really do. However, I can understand the skepticism some show in this regard. TNA has pulled the tablecloth out from under everything before, and have broken the plates on top in the process. This is their chance at redemption and I think I speak for everyone when I say that I hope they don't screw it up.

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