Bound For Glory: Manik (C) v. Sabin v. Hardy v. Aries v. Samoa Joe [Ultimate X]

Who wins?

  • Manik

  • Chris Sabin

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Austin Aries

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
600ultx2.jpg TNA was going to leave Hardy or Aries off the biggest show of the year?

For the X Division championship too. Wouldn't be surprised to see Hardy come out on top here, but this has "show stealer" written all over it.
I don't know about this one.

My initial prediction was that Hardy would win because he is the only one in the match who hasn't held the title, and this will be his first Ultimate X match, but this all seems to revolve around Aries and Sabin in a way. They have had there run ins in the last couple weeks and a One-on-One feud seems imminent. Now TNA could showcase the division more by having Aries and Sabin feud while having Hardy hold the title, but who would Jeff go against?

Another thing that I am curious about is the dismissal of Kenny King and if he will get involved in the match at all. I could see him interfering and cost Aries the match, which could lead to Sabin or Jeff winning the title and feud with each other.

But, if I HAD to give a prediction I would give the title to AUSTIN ARIES !!!
Hardy is my choice. Not only would it give him some relevance, which is quite an odd sight for him, but if TNA's intentions are to put new talent over, then he's your man to give them a rub. Much like the feuds Hardy had with Umaga, Johnny Nitro, Carlito and others, he is a great way to establish a midcard. Kinda funny how the X Division title looks just like the Intercontinental title he had.
This is the hardest match to predict as I could see either guy winning. Aries or Hardy would be great to help put over new guys and whoever beats them for the belt is put over in a huge way. Sabin has got a new attitude so its interesting to see where he's heading and if Manik retains over 3 former world champions, there is no better win.

This has the potential to match of the night.
Surely Manik wins. In any other promotion, in a match against three other world champions & top class workers, you'd put over what could be considered the lesser talent as a way of endorsing him. It isn't like any of the others involved gain anything from winning the match or the title.
I am leaning towards Hardy in this one. He is one of TNA's biggest stars, and I think they are going to rebuild the X division around him for a while after this. After a good title run Hardy could really put over one of the X division's younger stars when it is time for him to drop the title, and all along the way. He hasn't been in this match before, and I think it would be the start of a great title run if he comes into it and wins.
This was pretty randomly thrown together, should be fun though. My guess is Hardy wins and gives a boost to the division, pretty much using him in the way they did RVD before he left only hopefully with a better influx of young talent to challenge him and get a leg up.
After Joe was added to the card tonight it makes me think that he might get the title.But either way it will be Joe/Hardy winning this match
With Joe in the mix with this, I'm liking it more. It's hard to say who will win, but I think I'm gonna go with Manik to retain. But I'm gonna be looking out for a lot of high spots here. My sleeper pick is Hardy.
I'm loving the addition of Samoa Joe into this match. Hopefully this isn't just a 1 night only x division match from the 4 challengers as I'd love to see a triple threat between joe, hardy & Aries for the belt in a few months.

This just gets harder to predict as Austin Aries seems to be strongest going into BFG and another strong run with the belt would be great. Especially if he's fighting Manik, Sabin, Hardy and Joe other the few months as they make up a very strong division.

Furthermore, I wouldn't be suprised if Jeff hardy wins as he's then conquered another "extreme" match and same as Aries, him as XD champ is very strong.

As much as I like Joe, I can't see him winning as he would've been added last week and then Sabin could've been added this week instead. Joe can do some amazing stuff in the ring and I've never seen him in an ultimate match.

Prediction: Jeff Hardy (but only just other Aries)
So it looks like Aries may be heading back heel and Joe has been added to the match, if this is the beginning of trying to reboot the X Division then it'll be worth it, otherwise it's just a case of shoving a bunch of guys in a spotfest because they couldn't be bothered to book singles feuds for them.

If Hardy, Aries or Joe win then it will lead surely to a long run through to the Destination X cash in opportunity, in which case I'm hoping for a Joe win.
This is the one match that I really want to see, Five men in the Ultimate X Match, I don’t see Manic retaining here against names like Jeff Hardy and Samoa Joe. I honestly see Jeff Hardy becoming the X Division Champion after this match.

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