Bound For Glory 2003 Hogan vs Jarrett: WHat was the long term plan?


Championship Contender
Does anyone have any rumors or knowledge on what the long-term booking plan for Hogan in NWA-TNA was supposed to be in 2003-04? We know that JArrett and Hogan tentatively agreed on a Hogan-Jarrett match to kick off a 3-4 hour full-priced NWA-TNA Bound For Glory PPV.

Dredging up Bash at the Beach 2000 obviously seemed like a better idea in 2003-04 than it does now, but how exactly was it supposed to work? JArrett had the NWA title, and Hogan said at the press conference he wanted the IWGP world title, he wanted the NWA world title. Then of course JArrett brought TNA to Hogan.*

Let's say for a minute that Hogan doesn't get hurt, and/or wasn't just using TNA to leverage Vince. What was supposed to happen 6 months to a year down the line? What was the endgame for NWA-TNA in this?

Sure, you figure you make a lot of money getting Hogan for a PPV. But Hogan's going to get paid a lot. Let's fantasize 100,000 buys at $40 each, 50% to the cable/ppv company, 25% to Hulk Hogan, 25% to TNA Entertainment LLC. That's $1,000,000 for TNA. Figure a similar revenue split for the live gate in Tampa's NHL arena (assuming a good turnout).

OK, that's great. TNA pays some bills, but what's the plan? Where is the story and the company supposed to go?

Does Hogan go over Jarrett and take the NWA title? What then? He's not coming to the Asylum for the NWATNA $9.99 shows, or to do tapings for WGN if his boy Jimmy Hart can set up a deal for TNA to buy a hour a week to promote themselves.

Does Hogan defend the NWA title once a month on $40 PPV? Against who, exactly? WHo does Hogan even agree to step in the ring and squash? Jarrett obviously, Nash was in the mix, then what? Raven, Shane Douglas, Ron Killings? AJ Styles? Was there any way Hogan was going to step in the ring with anyone on TNA's roster for anything but a complete burial?

Was Hogan going to job to Jarrett at Bound For Glory 2003? Jarrett and his supporters run plenty of shenanigans, heel turns on Hogan by whoever was onscreen GM at the time and probably by Jimmy Hart; plan for a big-money rematch?

Or does Hogan do the job to NWA champion Jeff Jarrett, with or without heel shenanigans, setting up a rematch in six months or a year?

*launching an angle based on Attitude-Era worked-shoots from another company that got some attention and created some buzz, but never went anywhere storyline-wise and didn't make TNA any money. Hot damn, he did bring TNA to Hogan.
As far as I know it was just a one-off and there were no long term plans or storylines being discussed. TNA was still a relatively new company in 2003 and no way could afford Hogan's asking price. From what I understand it was play by Hogan to gain leverage in contract negotiations with WWE or at least put him back on the radar.

If I were to guess it go along the lines of the Shawn Michaels/Randy Orton deal where Hogan comes in agrees to a three match series, goes over in the first match and then makes up an excuse about why can't do the second match and leaves the company.
Thanks. I googled a little more and found a nugget that explains a bit. I knew that Jarrett had the NWA world title when BFG 2003 was supposed to happen, and this was in the days when Jarrett usually had the title anyway.

But when Jarrett went to Japan, AJ STyles was NWA world champion. So the plan was probably main event Hogan-Jarrett (no title necessary), co-main event AJ Styles defending the NWA World title against Chris Daniels or Jerry Lynn or Shane Douglas or whoever. Styles and whoever tear down the house for 30-40 minutes, showing everybody the "new NWA-TNA style".

Bring in Hogan to sell tickets, and use him to get exposure for the product isn't the worst plan. *IF* you don't give him your belt and let him take a dump all over your company.
You don't always have to have an endgame, Having arguably the biggest wrestler in history appear in your company even if it was just one match would have been great exposure for TNA, They had nothing to lose it didn't have to be for the NWA title and don't think one loss would have hurt Jarrett at that point, This match had been building for years stemming from what happened in WCW bash at the beach, You could even have had Vince Russo get involved to screw Hogan again, At the time I was looking forward to it but it unfortunately never happened.
You don't always have to have an endgame, Having arguably the biggest wrestler in history appear in your company even if it was just one match would have been great exposure for TNA, They had nothing to lose it didn't have to be for the NWA title

That is what makes most of the difference for me here. It's not a big loss for NWATNA 2003 to job JArrett to Hogan. Jeff who? Oh the guitar guy from WCW, the one from the Russo shoot anglle--yknow he was the one who used to fight Chyna. NWATNA jobbing that guy isn't a problem. Because did you see the new guy their champ, AJ Styles? He makes RVD look like Rick Flair, the old guy who goes wooo.

That's a different thing than having Hogan go over your world champion, (who is obviously the best guy in your company or why would he be the champ) and walking away with your world title belt.
The match between Jeff Jarrett v Hulk Hogan was all to put TNA on the map.

Any future appearances by Hulk Hogan would have depended on PPV buys and the match probably would have had some sort of controversial ending to keep the angle alive.

Even with the match not taking place, if give TNA some coverage and it brought Hogan back into the minds of WWE for his final run.

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