Bottom 5

Barbedwire Ropes

Everyone always complains about the WWE rehashing gimmicks well now this is something fresh! And have you EVER seen someone pull of an irish whip like this guy can?? WOW.

This guy reminds me of Goldberg when at his peak. This guy is a machine no doubt about it. His fued working as Fake Kane was just magical and his upcoming fued with Eve Torres will be the same as well.

No none gets the crowd more hyped than this gaint monster. I really wish the WWE went ahead with their original plan of Hornswoggle VS The Great Khali for the Undisputed WWE Championship for WM25 but oh well, we can still dream right?

Lets face it, when the WWE turns Smackdown's #1 "announcer" into a karate mastermind you just know this is the real deal. I see this guy having at least 7 WWE title reigns before hes done.

Now this is a tough one! Who's the best in the WWE right now? Both posess some of the best charisma ever seen in professional wrestling. Both have amazing ring work as well.

*note the sarcasm*
HHH:hes got great mic skills.can cut a great promo with ease.he might not be that great in the ring.but theres a reason hes been on top for so long

Edge:i never used to like the guy.but every time i watch him he just improves week in week out.hes mic skills are almost believable when you listen to him.could put on a little more muscle mass,always thought he was to skinny.but hes on top of his game right now.and it dosent look like hes going to slow down anytime soon

Cena:i never really like him.but it brings everything to the table,besides a decent move set.he knows how to get a crowd riled up.even if it is a bit chessy him or not.hes going to be around for a long time

Chris Jericho:him and his big words lol.he can probailly cut a better promo than anybody in the business right now.he just knows how to push the right buttons to make us hate him.hes great in the ring.always entertaining to watch a jericho match.i personally think hes the top heel right hes great as a face and a heel.hes mastered them both

Randy Orton:it is truly the age of orton.hes shinning brighter than any superstar on the roster.hes got great intensity his mic skills have improved greatly.hes got the look.the look in his eyes are just cold,but thats great.he can put on a watchable match.every week i wonder.just what is the legend killer going to do next

so there you have it.
HBK and Taker are also honorable mentions as well
after seeing the top 5 forum below and seeing some guy make a total joke out of it, and it got me thinking, who are the 5 worst wrestlers on WWE's active rosters. Take into account wrestling, charisma, mic work, marketability everything

5.Dolph Ziggler- Nothing against him personally and I do think he has a bright future but his gimmick is an exact copy of Mr. Kennedy's except worse, much, much worse

4. 3Mark Henry- this guy is just a complete failure. The WWE has given him more chances than Jesus gave the jews. They gave him new theme music, the ECW title, and now a MITB shot. THe only thing extreme about him is how extremely boring he is. THis guys better than nyquil

3.Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder-Ill put these two together cause after over a year of then getting seperate names, no one can differentiate between the two and nobody cares. Their wrestling skills are ok but they have less charisma then a moldy carrot and and haven't even been on TV in like 3 months

2.Ricky Ortiz- When this guy came in people where saying he was one of the most charsimatic wrestlers in a long time, now most people just think hes annoying. his moveset has no defying characteristics and his whole gimmic is some over exited guy who thinks people like him. In conclusion, he sucks.

1The Great Khali- say what you must the guy has gotten a pretty good face reaction recently, but that can't deny that he is THE WORST WRESTLER EVER. Wrestlers are suppose to inspire you and do things that you would never dream of doing. When I watch Khali I know on my first time wrestling I could do better.
5 The Brian Kendrick- HE JUST PLAIN SUCKS no charisma, no mic talent, can't wrestle and he Can't dance lol. But in all seriousness why did he get the push and not Paul London GRRRRRRRRRR

4 Mark Henry- They (the WWE) still cling on to the Worlds Strongest Man gimmick even though its rediculous. He doesn't get boos when hes heel, he doesn't get cheers when he's a face No-one likes him yet the WWE still decide to push him to the moon!!!

3 Evan Bourne- Man he is OK in the ring but thats where it stops he can't run the mic i don't think his shirts are running off the stand and he just doesn't appeal to me.

2 The Great Khali- Most people will put him first but i think he stinks just not as bad as number 1. This guy CANT run a promo he doesn't work as a face or a heel. He is just crap. Maybe if he had been portrayed right he could have been ok but the WWE have just stuffed this up.

1 Hornswoggle-Do I need to say anymore....lets just say when it was Khali vs Hornswoggle I cheered for Khali 200%
5 The Brian Kendrick- HE JUST PLAIN SUCKS no charisma, no mic talent, can't wrestle and he Can't dance lol. But in all seriousness why did he get the push and not Paul London GRRRRRRRRRR

4 Mark Henry- They (the WWE) still cling on to the Worlds Strongest Man gimmick even though its rediculous. He doesn't get boos when hes heel, he doesn't get cheers when he's a face No-one likes him yet the WWE still decide to push him to the moon!!!

3 Evan Bourne- Man he is OK in the ring but thats where it stops he can't run the mic i don't think his shirts are running off the stand and he just doesn't appeal to me.

2 The Great Khali- Most people will put him first but i think he stinks just not as bad as number 1. This guy CANT run a promo he doesn't work as a face or a heel. He is just crap. Maybe if he had been portrayed right he could have been ok but the WWE have just stuffed this up.

1 Hornswoggle-Do I need to say anymore....lets just say when it was Khali vs Hornswoggle I cheered for Khali 200%

His sorry ass got the push because he's a HBK lanky so he's not going anywhere anytime soon.
5- JBL- I know people will argue 'you dont like him cos hes a heel, it means hes doing his job'. but seriously, hes in terrible shape adn his finisher is a clothesline! both hbk and kurt angle struggled to get good matches out of him.
4- Ricky Ortiz- Ricky O Rally towels, the big O, tiffany, wtf?
3- Vladimir Kozlov- Good squashing jobbers, cant really do anything else.
2- Mark Henry- hes the Worlds strongest jobber maybe, doesnt mean hes a good wrestler, why they keep pushing him i dont know.
1- Khali Its been said before and it'll be said again, he useless. he cant even walk to the ring properly. his chop and khali vice grip look pathetic. monster heels are good if they have talent and are used properly. khali doesnt and isnt.
1. Koslov - Arrg big scary Russia dude! No its been done and its damm boring! What's with the big white pants too, get rid!
2. Kane - BORED!!!! Whats the point of Kane anymore?! No longer the scary brother of the Undertaker and is now the big red losing machine. Either freshen him up give him a decent storyline or flog him to TNA.
3. Hornswoggle - It was funny at first and gave Finlay a point but now its over and time to move on. Sorry little man.
4. Mark Henry - How is this man still in the WWE and still getting top draw matches like MITB. As said previously, he draws nothing from the crowd and is just god damm boirng. He's not the worlds strongest man, he's not sexual chocolate, he's pointless.
5. Jillian - There's too many Diva's as it is and she's the worst one by far.
5-Kozlov-WWE let him speak English!! Took him 4 attempts to get Snake Eyes right. Maybe if they let him have a go at the US title he would become better
4-Tommy Dreamer The last link between the old and new ECW, he just looks a pathetic shell of what ECW once was
3-Maria She's been in the WWE for 4 years and she's just awful. Her only 'career highlight' is posing for playboy! She wasn't even trusted for a one on one match for wrestlemania.Consider the skill of the other diva search contestants that have been in the WWE for 4 years, Michelle Mccool and Candice have both won titles and are both decent wrestlers. Even Eve looks better and she's only been wrestling for 3 months. maria should be kept on the mic', hell she's not even good at that, better seen than heard
2-Cody Rhodes what do the WWE see in him? just because he's the son of Dusty doesn't make him any good? If the WWE wanted to build him up then they wouldn't have Shane 'o' Mac beat the crap out of him. Santino Marella could even beat him
1-Khali, JBL, Henry Take your pick
I'm going to look at this posting from a literal sense - you asked who are the five worst "wrestlers", not superstars, so that means I'm going to raise some eyebrows and probably get ridiculed.

5. Khali - Can't really say too much that hasn't already been clearly stated. BUT... you can't really expect much from a guy that huge. Lets face it, Andre wasn't exactly Dean Malenko in the ring either. Big men look intimidating, but most can't wrestle worth a shit - i.e. Big Show, Mark Henry, Big John Studd, Earthquake, King Kong Bundy, etc...

4. Batista - Incredible physique, decent on the mic. In the ring however, he should have paid closer attention to Ric Flair and HHH when he was riding their coatails. If it wasn't for a clothsline or a powerslam, this guy would be useless in the ring. He doesn't sell his bumps at all and when he delivers a shot, like a clothsline, it should be delivered more like JBL when he hits the Clothsline from Hell.

3. Tommy Dreamer - It's hard to single out only one guy from ECW, but I'm not going to bad mouth a guy who's only been in the business for a few years (Ricky Ortiz - I'll at least give him a shot). Dreamer has been wrestling for nearly 20 years and his signature move is either an elbow drop of the Tree of Woe. This dude only had one gimmick that was even relatively good and that's when he was eating urinal cakes. In the ring, he's a complete waste.

2. Matt Hardy - Let the bashing begin :) In my opinion, he's a complete carbon copy of his brother, but does the same moves 90% worse than Jeff. He moves around the ring in a crazy way (watch how he moves his legs - especially when he gets in and out of the ring). His mic work is a complete shamble, unless you enjoy listening to a guy with marbles in his gullet. But sticking to the "wrestling" aspect - unless he's involved in a gimmick match, i.e. ladder, tables or chairs - he's tough to watch.

1. John Cena - Oh boy! I just upset the wrestling world with that one. From a charisma standpoint and business standpoint, he's one of the best ever - plain and simple! But in the ring, he has five moves. But... and this is a huge BUT... the fans love him... at least the fans the WWE is catering to these days (kids).

When I watch wrestling, I want to see actual wrestling. Think of guys like Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, HHH - true ringmasters. They took what was given to them over the years and turned it into a type of wrestling that's enjoyable today.

A great thread to say the least and dozens of responses should leave the topic up for debate for several days.
Koslov/Henry/Khali - Suck in every way possible. They're not 'unstoppable monster' stereotypes, they're non-promo cutting, non-wrestling big guy sterotypes. Unfortunately, Kane is rapidly slipping here.

The Brian Kendrick - Anything involving him is a piss break for me. He acts like an aneroxic albino Koko B. Ware with that wiggling arm waving crap. Of course, it got Koko in the HOF.

Matt Hardy - Boring Promos, starting to get to JBL levels of beer gut and just seems to be here because he's the brother of one of the most over superstars. I hope Jeff kicks his butt all the way to an indy promotion in Speedbump, ND.

Hornswoggle - Lose him and let Finlay be the man who loves to fight, not the man who babysits an annoying sidekick.

This is the one that is going to get me banned -

Undertaker - I have NEVER been able to stand him. Yes, this puts me in a VERY small minority. Now, his matches are Hogan levels of predictable. Get beat on, do that sitting up thing, tombstone piledriver, win. Lather, rinse repeat monthly. The casket match with Big Show (Summerslam? Can't remember) was the most boring match I've ever seen.
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5. Batista... so bory in the ring and he messes up and misses spots to frequently
4. Khali... too many people already said the reasons so in summation he sucks
3. Henry... I actually see what else is on when he comes out oh and by the way having Tony Atlis with him just makes him even worse
2. Kane... he has gone nowhere in how many years and he has not changed his inring work one bit... at least some people add moves, stop doing moves,
1. HHH... he is one of the greatest of all time but he is not a cerebral assassin anymore and until the end of raw when he kissed stephanie mcmahan he was just pointless. Hopefully I can regain my enjoyment in him if he changes a bit now that everyone knows the relationship with the mcmahons and that can go somewhere.
5. Batista Just boring as all hell. He is Vince's answer to Ultimate Warrior for the new millennia. A huge muscular guy that gives the appearance of being damn near invincible. THe only difference was Warrior is bat shit insane so his promos were entertaining at least. Batista is just friggin dull on the sick. Also, Batista seems to always lose where it counts. He comes in strong and then fails when it comes to the title, or he is a transitional champion.

4. Tommy Dreamer It pains me to write that name. Sadly, Tommy is well past his time. We have good memories of Tommy in ECW but it's time to hang the boots up and either do announcing or just work totally backstage as an agent or whatever.

3. Matt Hardy It sucks that his mic work suffers as much as his in-ring skills. I mean he had somewhat of a decent personality on that episode of Fear Factor, right? He just seems like he is trying too hard or something. Also, I never saw anything "X-Treme" with his leg drop from the second rope. I just hope this feud with Jeff gives him a kick in the ass to be more than what he is doing on tv now.

2. Kozlov Headbutts? Really?

1. Kane What happened to you Kane? You were one of the most interesting characters to watch when you didn't speak, wore a mask and burned "over 90% of his body." Now you just look like one of those guys you see with a weekend pass that people feel sorry for but do not want to get too close for fear they might catch some kind of funk from you. Your downfall began when you lost the mask. And the world hasn't cared since.
This is the one that is going to get me banned -

Undertaker - I have NEVER been able to stand him. Yes, this puts me in a VERY small minority. Now, his matches are Hogan levels of predictable. Get beat on, do that sitting up thing, tombstone piledriver, win. Lather, rinse repeat monthly. The casket match with Big Show (Summerslam? Can't remember) was the most boring match I've ever seen.[/QUOTE]

The undertakers matches are a bit predictable... You know he is going to win most of them... But he is an entertainer... that what he does... i think his gimmick has gotten stale as of lately, but he is getting older... He prob is not in the shape to do another hell in the cell like he did with Foley back in the day... although that would be cool... I see the WWE changing his gimmick soon and he being more entertaining... I know this does not have much to do with your post... but o well...

By reading your post, i am thinking you probably havent been watching WWE for long... if you have been, you might have some respect for the Undertaker... you are probably a Cena fan, or Punk... haha
Take into account wrestling, charisma, mic work, marketabilityeverything

The Great Khali

Well done, you have made your own introduction void. If you are choosing on marketability, then Khali is more likely in your top five than bottom five. Do you know how much money he makes the company in India?

Anyone else who has written Cena, Taker, HHH, Batista etc hasn't answered the question either. These are in the top 10 for charisma, mic work and marketability.

So what if you stupidly think Cena has "five moves and he sux", he is the most charismatic, some of the best mic work and is the most marketable guy in the business. Learn what the business is about and realise what a true great Cena is.

To answer your question, the least marketable, worst charismatic wrestlers are Hawkins, Ryder, Ricky Ortiz, Jesse and Jimmy Wang Yang.

None of the would be in the business if there wasn't a brand split, and even with the brand split none can get on television.
Fun topic. I think if we have to take marketing, charisma, mic skills, along with actual wrestling leaves this open for a great amount of interpretation. It makes it hard for me, because I can't be prejudiced against f*cks I just can't stand (Jeff Hardy, Cena)

Alright from 5 to 1 with 1 being the worst and not including divas and midgets (cuz then I'd just have four divas and hornswoggle, and what's the fun in that), here's my list.

5. Tommy Dreamer- I hate myself for even saying it, but Tommy Dreamer just isn't WWE. He's ECW. RVD and Tajiri are probably the only guys from that same generation (late 90's) that really could work the WWE style (Sandman, Raven, Sabu, Super Crazy, Little Guido, Justin Credible, Mike Awesome all kind of failed out), and Tommy Dreamer is being kept around for backstage work and for ECW name exploitation purposes.

4. Sim Snuka, Hawkins, Ryder- I can't really decide between these three which one deserves to be on this list. They all suffer from McMahon Carbon Copy-itis. Hawkins and Ryder are both just Edge Jr.'s which is a few degrees shy of being as respectable as a mini in lucha libre (Mascarita Sangrada, Mini Charley Manson, Mini Abismo Negro, etc.) and they took Sim Snuka's greaser gimmick away and went with Good Ol' Boys ins Shorts gimmick (I guess it's an Orton rip, and Dibiase and Rhodes would both share a spot on this list if they didn't get second-hand marketing from the Orton affiliation)

3. Mike Knox- I am officially f*in' done with this "out-of-shape wrestlers still deserve a shake" non-sense. I hate Trevor Murdoch, Samoa Joe, JBL, all of those beer-gut warriors, this isn't the 70's, take a Stacker 2 or something. I keep hearing that Knox is underrated, and I'm thinking, how is that possible, he sucks, has no mic skills (aside from that one time they asked him why he attacked Rey all the time and he said "I don't know"...That was pretty awesome), and nobody gives a crap about him. He's as adequately rated as you can possibly get.

2. Mark Henry- Like everybody and their mother has said so far. Guy hasn't sold a dime despite a thousand and one pushes. Nothing left to say. It makes me wonder when the next time we'll see Kevin Mordecai Thorn Fertig get his umpteenth shot.

1. Great Khali- Somebody said this doesn't count because he draws in India to which I say, "Ok, I guess that kinda counts for something." But, unfortunately, the only thing I can think of that counting for is that Indian's are nationalists who don't care if their one guy in a company is a shit-brick who couldn't wrestle his way out of a paperbag. I don't watch AAA to watch X-pac, I watch it for El Nicho and El Zorro. I want to look at it from a global perspective, sure. Regal draws great in the UK, Jericho could tell Canada to lick his banus and they'd still cheer the shit out of him. But Regal and Jericho are both great wrestlers. Khali sucks at everything from wrestling to mic skils to charisma and his only drawing point is that marketability in India, so when you add it all up, he's still, by leaps and bounds the worst wrestler in the WWE. I mean this is the guy who's so bad at wrestling he actually killed somebody in the ring. He's so bad in the ring that if you were given the option of taking your piss break either during Hogan versus Khali or a diva match, you'd pick the first one on the off chance that the latter might include so much as an arm drag.

That's my list.

I do have to point out that I'm surprised at the amount of people who don't like Matt Hardy. He's probably in my top 5, if I could even have a top 5 as I, generally speaking, don't like a lot of wrestlers in the WWE nowadays (Jericho, Kennedy, M. Hardy, Regal, ...hmm, have to think about my fifth)
In no particular order

The great khali, a 7 ft giant who cant speak a word of english, cant wrestle for beans, and was a cause to one of the worse matches in history: The Punjabi Prison Match..and giving this guy the world title is like giving a man the womens championship..just shouldnt happen! The only skill he has is the ability to reach things at a high height..hes just a sky scraper and nothing else.

Santino Marella Honestly, if you're not gonna use this guy properly, just release him! I question if this guy is the biggest jobber in wrestling world..Did anyone watch Raw? Take this unibrowed italian trash out of wwe and create a new gimmick!

HornswoggleI thought Zach Gowen was bad but this was stupid...the only thing I enjoyed out of this guy was the story line with Vince, more importantly Vince/HHH segments..other waste of talent, and the last cruiserweight champion..

Eugene It was funny for a while, then it just sucked..again I believe that this guy did have talent, but gimmicks go stale, this is one of them..and him fighting HHH..kinda dope
5. matt hardy - man this guy is plain and boring. hes chubby and not particularly big, hes ok in the ring but boring on the mic. he is only where he is now due to the hardyz.

4. kane - this guy has soo much potential, but is just used as a main event jobber. back in summer of 08 leading up to his mysterio fued, i actually thought creative might have him somehow put back on his mask and become monstrous again, but it didnt happen.

3. khali - first time i saw him i was like OMG HES HUGEE, and it impressed me for the entier match. after that match, the reality sunk in. he is shite. big and cumbersome, cant wrestle, need i say more?

2. Jillian - as already said, there are too many divas and shes the worst one. her singing gimmick is just annoying and shes not even fit.

1. JBL - bordering on the main event, he is boring, and fat and out of shape and seriously needs to cover up those man boobs. how he ever had a wwe title run i will never know. he needs to retire.
  1. Hornswoggle - The little guy single handedly turned Finlay from badass heel to soft hearted father figure, he ruined something which had potential to be an incredibly interesting storyline, into one that ended up with Vince having no illegitimate child, no mention of why he admitted it, JBL in WM cage match as opposed to VKM, Kennedy on the shelf.
  2. Jim Duggan - Too old, didn't do enough in the past to merit the Legend status. Technically the guy hasn't been seen on WWE in a while, but thankfully. I'm more worried that he'll be back in a black gimmick
  3. Sim Snuka - Awful as Deuce, worse as a Snuka.
  4. DH Smith - Brought in to be suspended mid-push, and the little bulldog just has got lost his way and ended up nowhere.
  5. Brian Kendrick - He was a little guy who was poor with Londrick, he's a midget and it's just not credible to have the guy even close to a title.

Now, as for Khali, I shall defend him later
This is the one that is going to get me banned -

Undertaker - I have NEVER been able to stand him. Yes, this puts me in a VERY small minority. Now, his matches are Hogan levels of predictable. Get beat on, do that sitting up thing, tombstone piledriver, win. Lather, rinse repeat monthly. The casket match with Big Show (Summerslam? Can't remember) was the most boring match I've ever seen.

The undertakers matches are a bit predictable... You know he is going to win most of them... But he is an entertainer... that what he does... i think his gimmick has gotten stale as of lately, but he is getting older... He prob is not in the shape to do another hell in the cell like he did with Foley back in the day... although that would be cool... I see the WWE changing his gimmick soon and he being more entertaining... I know this does not have much to do with your post... but o well...

By reading your post, i am thinking you probably havent been watching WWE for long... if you have been, you might have some respect for the Undertaker... you are probably a Cena fan, or Punk... haha[/QUOTE]

I started watching Wrestling in 1986. I was never a fan of the Undertaker. As a young kid, I didn't accept him as a heel because I was never in aw or in fear of him.

I never accepted him as a face either.

Whether he was the deadman, the ministry, or the American badass I just wasn't entertained.

I respect what the guy has been able to accomplish and I respect his body of work. His run has now spanned nearly 20 years so obviously people like him. But he isn't for me, and that is in no way indicative to my other tastes and preferences.
I haven't seen much of Smackdown or ECW over the last couple of months due to work, but from what I've seen overall, these are the five I would pick (in descending order of crapiness...1 being the very bottom).

5. Funaki - The WWE's resident jobber, Funaki is a guy that has been around for a very long long that he is still used as a jobber to put others over because he sucks so bad.

4. CM Punk - CM Punk falls ahead of Funaki because unlike Funaki, Punk has been given EVERY chance to excel and he's failed every time. Terrible on the stick, terrible in the ring, just terrible.

3. R-Truth - What's up? No one gives a fuck. Shut up and stay off my TV.

2. Sim Snuka - Quick! Name one thing Sim Snuka has ever done that's memorable.... That's what I thought. I rest my case.

1. Kane - Let's see...he who has zero personality, his matches are a bore, he's the only guy who has the unique ability of getting the WORST out of his opponents, he's useless as a draw, has a gimmick that quit being respectable about a decade, and he isn't even good as a "monster" anymore. Sorry Kane, but you suck and it's time for you to go.
I'd like to begin by defending the Great Khali. The thread begins with asking about "wrestling ability, charisma, mic skills and marketability". Khali has probably one of the least convincing offensive repetoires ever. He isn't that over. His mic work can be vaguley funny, such as with the million dollar mania segment, but is largely poor.

Marketability wise, I doubt the WWE have a much bigger commodity. Sure, he doesn't sell merchandise the way Cena and Rey Mysterio do, but what he does do is get Indian people interested in the product and the value of that can't be ignored. Hornswoggle also attracts a key demographic, kids. I can't stand the character, but he is certainly useful to the company.

So my hall of shame, with 1 being the worst is...

5 Ryder and Hawkins - When the brand's tag division consists ofabout 3 teams, you have to be really shit not to get on TV ever. These two couldn't even get over as being the henchmen of the top heel on the brand, and their title reign was meet with huge indifference.

4 Goldust - What used to be a good wrestler with a weird an interesting gimmick has now become a parody of his former self that is underused. I think he's wrestled once since returning, waste of space.

3 Dolph Ziggler - He's annoying, but the real kind of annoying, not the kayfabe kindHe is still trying to use the same introduction thing to get over, but it isn't working. He had an excellent chance to make a name for himself by pushing Batista in his first match, but he has lost steam.

2. Ricky Ortiz - It took Evan Bourne about a week for someone to give a fuck about him. It took Swagger and TJ Wilson about two. Even DJ Gabriel is a bit over. However, the first man to be part of the new talent initiative is still the WWE superstarthat garners the least reaction from the crowd. He is technically sloppy and I couldn't care less about his storyline romance with Tiffany, mostly because he can't cut a promo at all. Somewhere in America there is a warehouse full of unsold rally towels.

1. Sim Snuka - he does nothing. Literally nothing. He might have been the one who shouted "Deuce and Domino", but I really don't know. He was probably better than Domino, but I can't say he stood out very clearly. He almost joined Legacy then he disappeared. He gives nothing to the product, and even beating him would be a waste of time.
5. John Morrison- He has tons of athletic ability but he doesn't seem to get the heel aspect down pat. He's lucky the Miz is with him to draw all the heat or I don't know where he will be right now. If Morrison isn't going to turn face soon, it may take him longer to get into the main event.

4. Kane- I've been a Kane fan since he debuted, but I think it's time for him to go. His gimmick is gone past him and I believe Mike Knox is going to take over his monster heel personna. It's been fun Kane and I'll remember the good times.

3. CM Punk- He has been given every chance to excel in the WWE but has failed every single time whether you want to believe it's the WWE booking or himself personally. He's had the best two years to start a career since Kurt Angle and really has nothing to show for it or back it up.

2. Shawn Michaels- I know I'm going to get a lot of HBK fans ripping my head off but I don't care. He's uninterested in the ring and doesn't put as many people over as you think. The last person he tried to put over was Kennedy and we've seen how that worked out. He's good for a decent match every now and then but not for the long haul. If he left WWE tomorrow, I wouldn't think anything of it.

1. Shelton Benjamin- He has all the potential in the world to be one of the best and he hasn't lived up to it. People talk about his great matches with HHH and HBK. His matches with HHH weren't that great and that HBK match happened four years ago. You can't even name two memorable Benjamin matches since then. I hope he wins Money In The Bank so he can work on what he needs to work on and not job to everybody before he cashes in and has a meaningless title reign like #3.
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How in the world could you have a bottom 5 list and put people like Taker and Cena on it? Taker's a legend. If he's on any 5 list, it's the top 5 wrestlers of all time. And Cena is probably the top guy post-Monday Night War.

Actually, if this is a subjective list, then you can put whoever you want. My list would personally have some popular guys on there that are over-hyped.

In no particular order:

Shelton Benjamin - He might be "the best athlete in the WWE" but he can't talk, and has never really done anything worth noting.

TNA guys who steal former WWE gimmicks - I'll admit I don't watch TNA enough to judge, but it seems that when I do, all I see is people blatanlty stealing from Austin, Flair, etc. They might do this to parody, that's true (but really, does that work when you have a guy in a shark suit making fun of Austin?).

Gobbledy Gooker - The worst gimmick of all time (if someone asks you, "why did the WWF go through a rough period in the early 90s?" you can redirect them here). I know he's an older guy, but I had to add it.

WWE Divas - Okay, we have to choose: pretty/able to wrestle. I love Maria and the rest, and I could watch them for hours, but don't try to pass them as legitimate fighters. Well, ok, take this one back, I don't mind watching them at all (but maybe I'm sick!).

CM Punk - I have to agree, there's just something about him that holds him back. He has had perfect opportunities, but he just doesn't have the dynamic factor, you know?

There's more, and I'll probably regret these choices. Some others are Marella, The Miz, Khali and Henry (they're both just so slow!!!!)
my bottom 5 have 2 b

number5: DH Smith omg just fire him or do something comeon i keep hearing rumors of how he's going to Legacy do it or get rid of him

number4:all the Divas omg there super fine to look at but they cant wrestle worth sh*t i mean once they lost Lita andTrish it was over

number3:Charlie H. (forgot how 2 spell hes last name) I pissed my pants with some of hes impressions but some where just stupid

number2:Mark Henry omg they have enough big guys just get rid of him they probally have to reinforce the ladders because he cant get on them theyd break

number1: ok here it goes ill probally gry yelled at but its John Cena i dont have to say anything you know he sucks and they shove him down our throats (ill probally gey yelled at by a bunch of 4 year olds)
5-Jeff Hardy. Don't get me wrong, I used to like Jeff. But Ever since he was let go, and brought back, he's been sloppy. Now he's all spots and he even messes those up at times.

4-Batista. NEVER liked him. I believe he was going to be the enforcer of Evolution. But to me, only 1 enforcer. AA. And Batista has three moves. His mic skills suck. His "raaaar I'm angry" face is a joke and I'm glad he's hurt.

3-Even Bourne- Ok I give him some credit. I haven't watched enough of this guy. But he's no Billy Kidmen. If I want to watch a high flyer, I'll go watch old Nitros with Blitzkrieg/Jay Ross.(Damn that guy was bad ass!)

2-HBK. Hell I know I'll get heat for this. But the guy sucks. The last time I liked this guy was when Sherri was with him. His version of "the wrestler" was sad and pathetic. I couldn't see where those two things were related. They might as well have just said the truth. He sure is the "show stopper". Cause I sure as hell know who "the whole f*ckin' show" is! (PS RVD420 Sure would SMOKE YOUR ASS!!)

1-John"Monkey tied my boots"Cena. He's the same problem as the Rock(yes he sucked too!). Three moves and one of which, he has no right to be doing. (Rock doing the Sharpshooter was a f*cking joke!). I believe the 5 knuckle shuffle should be dropped. When he does the STF it's soo damn sloppy it makes me hurt. How this man will ever be compared to a: Bret Hart, Owen Hart, RVD, Curt Henning, British Bulldog, Macho Man or even "the man of all spots himself" Ric Flair(Yes I'm calling him out too!) is a joke.

PS "I'd rather be in Triple Threat, than be a Horseman any day"

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